Mail Order Bride - Westward Bound: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 3)

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Mail Order Bride - Westward Bound: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 3) Page 13

by Linda Bridey

  Maddie and Tessa, who were already at the altar, couldn’t hide their smiles. Tessa thought that it made sense that Marcus would act up even at his own wedding. Claire didn’t mind and was grateful to him for helping relieve the immense tension she felt.

  Geoff placed Claire’s hand in Marcus’ and gave him the same look he’d given Seth as he’d relinquished Maddie’s hand to him. Marcus’ smile faded, and he became completely serious as he silently assured Geoff that he got the message.

  Satisfied, Geoff kissed Claire and went to sit with Maureen and their newest granddaughter. Claire felt like she was dreaming as they recited their vows. The congregation was surprised when Marcus said, “I take you, Claire, I-still-don’t-know-your-middle-name, Fawn, O’Conner, to be my lawfully wedded wife.”

  Claire had wanted him to say it like that and Marcus happily obliged. As he said it, her shoulders shook with laughter and both of them had trouble getting through the rest of the vows. By the time it was over, the congregation was laughing with them. Marcus had begged Claire to not pull his hair when they kissed, but she couldn’t resist tugging the slightest bit and he kissed her until Seth broke them up.

  The reception was a hilarious affair. Marcus and Claire danced the first dance. Seth had given Marcus a few dancing lessons and his little brother had caught on fairly quick. Claire wasn’t the best dancer, but she and Marcus made it through the dance with little trouble. Then Seth had gone over and asked Geoff to dance.

  Geoff and Seth had planned the prank as soon as Geoff had arrived in Dawson. Geoff took Seth’s hand and they began to whirl around the floor together, much to the delight of their audience. Marcus laughed so hard he almost fell over. When they were done, Seth and Geoff took turns bowing and curtsying to each other.

  Seth gave a very ineloquent speech. He would outline a good quality of Claire’s and contrast it with something negative about Marcus. This went on until Marcus put a stop to it. When the dinner was served, Claire cut up Marcus’ food, much to his chagrin and everyone else’s amusement. They had little arguments about things and when Marcus had enough he would kiss her instead of walking away.

  As Dean and Tessa ate and danced, they watched and remembered how three years ago they had decided to work on getting Marcus and Claire together. It was a bittersweet memory for Dean because of everything that had transpired over the last several weeks. He was happy for Marcus and Claire, but he was still so angry and really didn’t even know why.

  Marcus was feeling the effects of the moonshine Black Fox had given him and went outside to get some fresh air. He didn’t want to be drunk on his wedding night. He Who Runs followed him. “You are a lucky man, Silver Ghost.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Marcus said. “Thanks for coming today and staying for the reception. It means a lot to me.”

  He Who Runs put a hand on his shoulder and said, “It is an honor to attend your wedding to Fawn and I wish you many years of happiness.”

  “Thanks,” Marcus said. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yes. It is time. We will see you soon?” He Who Runs asked.

  “You bet,” Marcus replied, and watched as his brother walked away. He sensed another presence beside him and said, “Hi, Dean.”

  “How’d you know it was me?” Dean asked.

  “Your cologne. You’re the only one who wears it,” Marcus said.

  “Oh. Congratulations, Marcus. I’m very happy for you,” Dean said.

  “That’s nice of you to say,” Marcus said. There was an edge to his words.

  Dean looked at him. “I mean it.”

  Marcus nodded. “I know.” He turned to face Dean. “I appreciate it, but I’m going to tell you something. If the situation had been in reverse, I would have still stood up with you, Dean. I put my heart on the line when I asked you to just stand up with me and you stomped on it. I won’t be making that mistake again. Have a good night, Dean.”

  Dean blew out a breath as Marcus left. An Indian came to stand by Dean then. “You are lucky to have a brother like Silver Ghost, Dean. Why not cherish him instead of hurting him?”

  “Which one are you?” Dean asked.

  “Black Fox. You have known him longer than we have and yet we do not hold it against you. We are not your enemy and neither is he. There is no reason for jealousy or anger. Do not waste time with such feelings.”

  Then Dean was left alone with his thoughts.


  Claire was looking for her new husband when she saw him come in from outside. She could tell that he was agitated about something. His gray eyes were troubled and his shoulders were tense. She excused herself from Lydia and Charlie and went to him.

  “Hello, dummy,” she said. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” he said with a smile. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

  “Only about a hundred times, but I’m not complaining,” Claire said. She wanted to help him with whatever was bothering him. “What’s wrong?”

  Marcus shrugged. “Dean. What else?”

  Claire’s heart went out to him and she silently cursed Dean. She crooked a finger at him and he bent down so she could whisper in his ear. “If we get out of here, I’ll make you forget all about Dean.”

  He straightened and he grinned at her as she arched a brow at him. He took her hand and they began saying their goodbyes. Marcus had asked her if she wanted to stay at the hotel in town, but she said she wanted to go to their house. Aiyana was being watched by Seth and Maddie. They kissed their daughter goodbye and then Marcus helped her into the two-wheeled buggy that they’d bought. Marcus whistled to Arrow to start out.

  As they drove home, Marcus said, “Today was incredible.”

  Claire smiled at him. “Yes, it was. Can you believe Papa and Seth?”

  Marcus laughed. “That was hysterical. I never expected that out of either of them. I wonder whose idea it was.”

  “We’ll have to see if we can get them to tell us.”

  They spent the remainder of the ride reminiscing about the wedding and reception. As they pulled in the lane to their home, Marcus saw that Owl had carried out his request to follow them home and then cut through the woods to reach their house first and light the candles that Marcus had set around.

  Warm light shone out of the windows. Marcus smiled as he heard Owl’s familiar call and returned it with his own, saying goodnight and thanks to his brother.

  Claire recognized the call and shot Marcus a glance. “What was that about?”

  “Just a little last well-wishing,” he told her as they stopped in front of the house.

  Marcus got out of the buggy and helped Claire down. He watched her go into the house thinking how beautiful she was and that he was a lucky man. He put Arrow away and returned to the house. He came in the kitchen and stepped into the parlor to be greeted by the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Claire stood without a stitch of clothing on.

  She smiled shyly at him and watched as his eyes lit with that wild silver fire that she knew well. Emboldened by his lopsided smile and the appreciative way his eyes roamed over her, she said, “Come on, Silver Ghost. I think it’s time you show me those baby-making things now,” and walked to their bedroom.

  Marcus had never hated wearing clothes more than he did at that moment. Carefully, he took off his necklace and shoes and then attacked the rest of the suit. The buttons on his shirt went flying when he ripped it open because he couldn’t get them undone fast enough. He followed Claire and wrapped his arms around her.

  He smiled down into her eyes as the candlelight flickered in them. “Claire, tonight you can pull my hair as much as you want.”

  And so she did.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Claire had thought being engaged to Marcus was fun, but being married to him was a hundredfold more so. He made her breakfast almost every day and whistled the whole time he cooked. He talked a blue streak to Aiyana in both English and Lakota. She got to see him bathe naked in the stream tha
t ran in back of the house. He kept trying to get her to do it, but she was too bashful. She couldn’t help peeking out the window at him, though. He’d see her and run into the house to make love to her.

  She fell deeper in love with him every day. They argued and Aiyana just laughed at them. More times than not their arguing ended with them going to bed. Claire discovered that Marcus didn’t require much sleep, but that when he did sleep, nothing could really wake him. He regularly brought her flowers of all different varieties. There were times when he was bossy and declared that it was speaking-Lakota-only day.

  Claire felt like she was on a delicious whirlwind ride of love, romance, and passion. Aiyana grew more every day and Claire loved the little girl deeply. Some nights when she would wake up and their bed was empty, she would find Marcus asleep on the sofa with Aiyana on his chest. The sight warmed her heart.

  Marcus had found the perfect mate in Claire. She was sweet, exciting and a great debater. Marcus was impressed with her business knowledge. She had taken a look at their finances and figured out some ways to improve them that he hadn’t seen before. Claire was a fantastic mother to Aiyana and their bond deepened every day. Marcus loved watching Claire play with the baby.

  Claire had caught on to lovemaking very quickly and made him burn with desire all the time. She could be alluring, fun, or fierce. Marcus craved her like no other woman before her and he hoped that they would make a baby before long.

  One day in early August, Seth came down to their house and pounded on the door. When Claire opened it he said, “I need your husband. Now. Tessa’s in labor and it’s not going so well.”

  Claire instantly became alarmed. “What about Dr. Turner?”

  “Too far away,” Seth said.

  Marcus came out of their bedroom and said, “Hey, Seth. Did you come for supper?”

  “No. We need you. Tessa needs you. She started labor a few hours ago and there’s some kind of problem. Doc is too far away. Lydia’s doing all she can, but something’s not right.”

  Marcus said to Claire, “Please put Aiyana in her cradleboard. I’ll get a few things that should help.”

  Seth watched him begin putting jars from his medicine rack in a sack and wondered what they were for. When Claire had the baby ready, they went outside. Marcus whistled loudly. Arrow circled around in the pasture and jumped the fence. He came to stand by Marcus. Claire had put the cradleboard on her back. Marcus mounted Arrow and Seth helped Claire mount.

  “How are you gonna steer him?” Seth said.

  “Knee and hand pressure. All Indian horses are taught that. Let’s go.”


  When they arrived, they heard Tessa’s cries of agony. Marcus laid his sack on the table and told them not to touch it. He went in Dean and Tessa’s bedroom. Tessa’s hair was wet with sweat and she cried with fear and pain. Dean sat close to her holding her hand. He scowled at Marcus.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  Marcus said, “I’m here to help Tessa and my niece. If you stay in this room, you better keep your mouth shut. I need to concentrate. You start in on me and I’ll have Seth throw you out.” Then he turned and smiled at Tessa. “You just gotta be the center of attention, huh?”

  Tessa laughed even through her tears and she grabbed Marcus’ hand. “Can you help?”

  “Damn straight I can. I need to see what’s going on here, okay?” Marcus said.

  “Do whatever you need to do,” Tessa said.

  Lydia said, “I think the baby might be breech, but I can’t seem to get it turned. It’s stuck.”

  Marcus did a careful assessment of Tessa and the baby. “You’re right. Tessa, don’t push. No matter how much you want to, don’t push.” He ran out to the kitchen and started brewing several different things. He cooled them as quickly as he could and had Claire help him bring them back in to the bedroom.

  He sat down by Tessa and said, “Dean, help her sit up a little more. Tessa, you have to drink this. It’ll help with the pain.”

  Dean supported Tessa as she drank. She sank back against the headboard and rested a little. Marcus waited a few minutes before giving her the next potion. “Next one. This is going to make you feel loopy and you may even sleep for a little, and that’s a good thing.”

  Tessa drank again. It wasn’t long before she became very relaxed and seemed to go to sleep.

  Marcus jumped into action at that point. “If anyone’s squeamish, look away now,” he said. He’d wanted Tessa out of it somewhat so he could manually reach in and turn the baby. It was going to be very painful and it was better that Tessa be semi-conscious so she didn’t feel any more pain than necessary. Marcus manipulated the baby and got it into position. He was sweating and breathing heavy by the time he’d succeeded.

  “Claire, bring that last potion here, please,” he said.

  Claire gave it to him and Marcus had Dean help Tessa drink it. “That’s going to help wake her up and bring on the contractions again.”

  Marcus patted Tessa’s hand and kept talking to her about anything and everything just to get her more awake. When her eyes were a little clearer, Marcus smiled at her and said, “Are you ready to get this little girl born?”

  She nodded and gave him a weak smile.

  Marcus said, “Dean, I want you to move into the bed with Tessa and get behind her. Let her push off you when the contractions come. When they do, you’re also going to push down on her stomach. Get into position.”

  Dean only hesitated for a moment and then did as directed. Marcus grabbed his hands and showed him exactly where to place them on Tessa’s stomach. “Get ready, folks. It won’t be long now.”

  Soon Tessa’s contractions started up again and Dean pushed when Marcus told him to. Tessa’s cries filled the room. Maddie, Seth, Jack, and Sadie paced nervously in the parlor. Lydia assisted Marcus and Claire stayed close in case they needed something else. Then the baby came sliding out and Marcus caught it.

  He shouted with laughter. “Folks, you’ve got a beautiful little girl, just like I said.” He snipped the umbilical cord and gave the baby to Lydia to be cleaned up. “Tessa, I know you’re tired, but we have to do this one more time.”

  Dean gave Marcus a startled look. “What are you talking about?”

  “Twins, Dean. There’s another baby in there. That was part of the problem. I could tell when I turned the baby. That’s what took so long to get it turned. The second one should be in position, so it’ll be easier.” He kissed Tessa’s cheek and said, “You can do it. You’re a strong woman and you can do this.”

  Dean gathered Tessa back against him and kissed her hair. “Darlin’, we gotta get this other baby born. It sure is a surprise, but a wonderful one. I love you so much. I’m right here. I’m gonna help you, okay?”

  Tessa nodded as more contractions started and she grabbed Dean’s arm even as he bore gently down on her stomach as Marcus had shown him to do. Soon Marcus held a baby boy in his arms. He handed him off to Lydia and sat down heavily on the bed. Exhaustion showed in his face. Lydia handed the little girl to Dean and the boy to Tessa and sheer joy lit their faces.

  “Congratulations,” Marcus said.

  Tessa reached out a hand to him. “Thank you, Marcus. We’ll never be able to repay you.”

  Marcus smiled. “Just keep making those peach cobblers and we’ll be even.”

  Tessa laughed and then turned her attention back to their new son. Lydia said, “Dean, why don’t you take the babies out into the parlor while I get Tessa more presentable?”

  Dean nodded and Claire came forward to take their new little boy from Tessa while Dean carried their little girl. As they came out into the parlor, everyone gathered around and congratulated Dean. Sadie took her new little sister from Dean and held her close for a little while. Then she handed her off to Seth and left the house quickly.

  Noticing her sudden exit, Dean gave his new son to Maddie and went after his daughter. He found her in the barn. She sat crying on
a hay bale. Dean knelt before her and gathered her to him. “Sadie, honey, what’s wrong? Mama’s okay and so are the babies. Everything is all right.”

  “That’s not it. I know they’re all fine and I’m so happy about it,” she said, and raised her eyes to Dean’s. They were filled with misery. “Pa, I have to tell you something, but please don’t throw me out.”

  Dean’s face showed his alarm. “Sadie, I would never do that. What’s all this about?”

  “I’m pregnant, Pa,” she whispered. “I’m going to have a baby.”

  Dean couldn’t grasp what she was telling him. He held Sadie as she cried and struggled to comprehend what she’d said. “You’re pregnant?” Anger started building in his chest, but he held it back. “Is it Tucker’s?”

  Sadie nodded and looked at him again. “Please don’t kick me out like you did Uncle Marcus. I know we’re young, but we love each other and he’s got a good job at the feed mill in town. I’m good at sewing and can make money doing that for people.” She took a ring from a dress pocket and showed it to Dean. “He asked me to marry him and I said yes. He’s really happy about the baby. We both are. Please don’t be angry, Pa. Please? I need you. We need you.”

  Dean thought back to when he’d married Sarah. They hadn’t been much older than Tucker and Sadie. Sadie was seventeen now and Tucker was a year older. Dean knew the Fosters well and they were a good family. Tucker was a good boy, and a responsible one at that. Her remark about Marcus stung and after what Marcus had just done for them, Dean felt a chink in the armor he’d put around his heart regarding his brother.

  “Shh. It’s okay, honey. I’m not mad. It’ll be okay.” He held his daughter and couldn’t believe that she was all grown up and going to make Tessa and him grandparents when they’d just had twins. The irony of it struck Dean and he started to laugh.

  Sadie raised her head and looked at him with a smile. “Why are you laughing?”

  Dean composed himself a little and said, “Well, I guess our kids will grow up together.”


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