Mail Order Bride - Westward Bound: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 3)

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Mail Order Bride - Westward Bound: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 3) Page 15

by Linda Bridey

  “Hello, brother,” he said.

  Seth said, “Hello, brother. Can you get these guys the hell off me?”

  “What is in it for me?” He Who Runs asked.

  “How about I don’t kick your ass when I get up?” Seth said with a grin.

  “Big words from a man lying on the ground who looks like a pig about to get stuck,” He Who Runs replied.

  Seth sighed. “I didn’t want to have to do this.”

  Swiftly he reached out and grabbed the ankle of the nearest brave and gave it a mighty yank. The brave went down. Seth rolled and got ahold of a spear, which he rammed into the stomach of the brave who held it. He used his advantage to get on his feet and then pulled his revolver and aimed it at a brave who was about to come at Seth with a knife. The brave stopped in midstride.

  He Who Runs laughed and said something to the braves in Lakota. He must have told them to stand down because they relaxed. He walked up to Seth and said, “Not bad for a cowboy. You are in no danger, Stone Face.”

  Seth lowered the gun and holstered it. “Stone Face?”

  He Who Runs held out his hand in greeting. “Yes. That is your Lakota name. If you could have seen the look on your face as you fought just now, you would understand.”

  Seth took He Who Runs’ hand and shook it. “Stone Face, huh? I kind of like that.” Then Seth moved closer to He Who Runs, hooked a foot around the brave’s ankle, and pushed him over backwards. He Who Runs landed on his rear with a surprised look on his face.

  “You shoulda had your fellas just let me up. If you had, that wouldn’t have happened,” Seth said with a smile.

  Black Fox came up to Seth and looked at He Who Runs. “I keep trying to tell him that white men are tricky,” he said, and laughed.

  He Who Runs got up and dusted himself off. Smiling he said, “You win this time, but we will fight again.”

  “Looking forward to it,” Seth said. “Now, where’s our brother?”


  Marcus stood on the rock ledge where he’d proposed to Claire looking down into the river current. Aiyana was with He Who Runs’ wife, Eagle Woman, at the moment. He heard footsteps come up behind him and Seth appeared at his elbow.

  “Hey, little brother,” he said.

  “Hey, Seth. I see you found the camp,” Marcus said as he looked at his brother. He noticed that Seth’s clothes were dusty. “What happened?”

  Seth shrugged. “Just a little horseplay.”

  Marcus gave him a small smile. “I told you that would start at some point.”

  “So you did. When are you comin’ to the ranch again?” Seth said. His gaze roamed over Marcus and he barely recognized his brother. Marcus wore a loincloth that exposed more of his body than Seth could ever remember seeing. Marcus’ hair was a little longer and tousled. Normally Marcus kept his hair reasonably neat. Seth was further worried by the haunted look in Marcus’ eyes and his lack of curiosity about the impromptu wrestling match. Normally Marcus would’ve wanted to know all of the details.

  “What’s the point? There’s nothing there for me anymore.”

  “How about your family? Your wife?” Seth said.

  Marcus made a sarcastic sound. “A wife who won’t talk to me? Who doesn’t believe in me? And a brother who doesn’t want anything to do with me even though I helped his children come into this world and saved his wife’s life? Maddie doesn’t believe me and I’ll bet Tessa doesn’t either. I’ll bet you really don’t.”

  Seth said, “I never said I don’t believe you. How can I believe or not believe you when you won’t even tell me your story? I need more facts, as you always used to say.”

  “I’ve already told you why I won’t tell you.”

  “Okay. So you’re going to be stubborn and so is she. Well, things will never work out that way. Do you love her?” Seth said.

  Marcus focused intently on Seth. “Of course I do. I’ve been doing nothing but showing her how much I love her since I married her. But none of that seems to matter now. She told me she hated me, Seth. Do you know what it’s like to have your wife tell you she hates you?”

  Seth said, “No. I don’t. We all say stupid stuff when we’re mad. She was just upset. At least keep bringing Aiyana to see her.”

  “Why? What kind of life is that for Aiyana to be carted back and forth between her parents all the time? No, she needs a stable home,” Marcus said.

  Seth was trying to keep his cool. “Then do me a favor and come check on Tessa and the twins. Dean Jr. had a fever the other day. Will you do that much? For me? For Tessa? I know she’d feel better if you checked them out.”

  Marcus weighed that in his mind. He loved Tessa and wouldn’t want her in distress over his nephew. Besides if D.J. was coming down with something, it was better to head it off before it became worse. “All right, but I’m not bothering to change.”

  Seth grinned. “Come as you are. You’ll give everyone something to talk about.”

  The ghost of a smile stole over Marcus’ face and then was gone. “Let’s go get it over with, but I’m not taking Aiyana. She can stay here.”

  “Marcus,” Seth said.

  “It’s not open for discussion, Seth. Zip it,” Marcus said and walked ahead of Seth through the trees.


  As they left the camp, Marcus whistled for Roscoe and the dog followed the two men as they started on the trail.

  Marcus said, “Roscoe is half wolf.”

  “I know,” Seth replied.

  “You knew?” Marcus said.

  “All you gotta do is look at him close to see it,” Seth said. “You act like you’re the only one who’s ever seen a wolf.”

  “Okay. I’m glad it doesn’t bother you,” Marcus said.

  Seth sighed and stayed silent the whole way back to ranch.

  Chapter Twenty

  Marcus rode up the drive and didn’t even look at Seth’s house. There was no point. He dismounted and went straight to Dean’s house. He entered and stopped in the kitchen of his childhood home. Marcus inhaled the familiar scents and had to steel himself against the flood of emotions that washed over him. Scenes of cooking for the family entered his mind and he had to close his eyes a moment to get control.

  “Tessa?” he called out. “Are you in here?”

  “Marcus? In the bedroom,” she answered.

  Tessa saw Marcus come into the room and her eyes widened with surprise at the sight of him in a loincloth and nothing else. She wasn’t sure what to think.

  Her apprehension amused him and he smiled a little. “Do you like my new outfit?”

  “Um, it certainly is unique,” she said.

  He saw that she held one of the twins. “Is that D.J.?”


  Marcus came to stand before her and held out his arms. “Seth said he had a fever the other day and wanted me to check him out.”

  Tessa handed D.J. over, but gave Marcus an odd look. “He’s been completely fine. Neither of the twins has had a fever.”

  Marcus smiled at D.J. and Tessa saw some of the Marcus she knew. “Yeah, he seems fine. I think your Uncle Seth pulled a fast one on me to get me here,” he said to the baby. “Seth is tricky. He knows that I can’t resist helping people and he used it on me.”

  “Did you see Claire?” Tessa said.

  “No, and I don’t expect to. She’s obviously made up her mind about me,” Marcus said.

  Tessa’s sympathy showed on her face. “Marcus, have you told her you love her?”

  Marcus gave her a hard stare. “I’ve shown her every day how much I love her.”

  “But have you said the words, Marcus? Women need to hear the words,” Tessa said.

  Marcus thought about it for a few moments and then gave D.J. back to his mother.

  “If she ever decides to talk to me, I’ll tell her,” he said, and left the house.

  Tessa sighed and sat back in her chair to rock D.J.

  Marcus encountered Seth as he was leaving. “Don�
��t try to trick me like that again, Seth.”

  Seth tried to stop him, but Marcus pushed past him and mounted his horse. Marcus looked over at Seth’s house for a few moments and then galloped away.


  Seth came out of the barn a couple of days later and was surprised to see Black Fox and Wind Spirit in the drive.

  “Hey there,” he said with a smile. “What brings you?”

  The Indians came forward to greet him. Black Fox said, “Wind Spirit wishes to speak with Fawn.”

  “Okay. Come on with me,” Seth said.

  Black Fox didn’t mind houses, but Wind Spirit was a little hesitant until Black Fox reassured her. Seth entered their parlor and shouted, “Honey, we have company!”

  Maddie came from upstairs and stopped for a moment when she saw the Lakota couple in the house. She recognized Black Fox, but hadn’t met Wind Spirit before.

  “Welcome, brother, sister,” she said. “Please sit. I’ll make some tea.”

  Wind Spirit said, “Thank you, but I need to speak with Fawn, with Claire. It is very important.”

  “She’s upstairs. I’ll get her,” Seth said. He went to the bottom of the stairs and hollered up for her.

  Claire appeared at the top of the stairs. “Yes?”

  “You have company and no, it’s not Marcus,” Seth said. He was a little cross with Claire.

  Claire came down the stairs and saw Black Fox and Wind Spirit. Tears filled her eyes because she was so happy to see them. She came and embraced each of them.

  Wind Spirit said, “Fawn, you need to know what happened the night you saw Silver Ghost and that maiden.”

  Claire’s expression became mutinous. “I already know what happened. I saw it with my own eyes.”

  In Lakota, Black Fox said, “Sometimes we do not truly understand what we are seeing, Fawn. The maiden herself told others what happened. Marcus will not tell anyone but you because he believes that as his wife, you should be the one he discusses this with. He would not change his mind about that, as you know.”

  Wind Spirit nodded. “The girl you saw him with, Little River, is known to be a little wild. She has had a crush on Silver Ghost for a while and thought she would go after what she wanted. She said that she made advances towards him, but he said that he was married and only wanted you. Little River would not take no for an answer and kissed him. She said that he was gentle in pushing her away, but he did push her away.”

  Black Fox nodded. “That is the whole story. You must do what you think is right. We will leave you to think about things, but I will tell you this, he is not the same man without you. The only joy we ever see on his face any more is because of your daughter. I am sure you feel much the same. Goodbye, Fawn.”

  “Goodbye and thank you,” Claire said vaguely, and went to the kitchen.

  Seth followed her. “Claire, what did they say?”

  She turned and leaned against him. Seth held her as she cried and haltingly told Maddie and him what Black Fox and Wind Spirit told her.


  The wind picked up and Marcus’ hair blew around his face. Thunder rumbled close by, but he didn’t flinch. He stood out on his rock ledge with his hands held up to the sky as the rain began pouring down upon him. Lowering his hands, Marcus swept his hair back from his face as it became soaked. The cool water felt refreshing and he remembered how he had bathed in the stream at the back of their house, knowing that Claire would be watching.

  Memories of how he’d hurried into the house and taken her in his arms crashed down on him along with the next boom of thunder, and his tears mingled with the rain that ran in rivulets down his face. Marcus stepped back and sat on the ground as his anguish became too much and he gave in to it. He’d never guessed that he would marry the snooty, rich girl from Pittsburgh and fall in love with her.

  As Marcus had gotten to know her, he’d found the sweet, loving young woman that Seth had told him about. She was still obstinate and opinionated, but he’d come to understand that it was a defense mechanism she sometimes used when she was feeling insecure. In Claire he’d found a lover who incited a passion in him that he’d never known before. He lived to make her smile and laugh.

  He’d lost one of his brothers, but having Claire in his life had helped to ease some of that pain and had given him the strength to go on and not be bitter. His daughter was now the only light in his life. None of his other brothers, his sister, nor anyone could reach his heart at the moment. Marcus knew he’d changed, and it wasn’t for the better; he couldn’t find those easy smiles or the will to pull pranks.

  When people needed medical attention, he still treated them, but everyone noticed his grief-dulled eyes and lack of humor as he went about his work. Gone were the comforting smiles or smart remarks designed to draw a laugh or put one at ease. Most of the time he exhibited a cool detachment, but his hot anger could be triggered by the smallest thing at a moment’s notice.

  Marcus’ tears slowed and he lifted his head again. He rose from the ground and turned to go back to camp and get his daughter. Claire stood at the entrance to the trail. A sledgehammer of conflicting emotions hit him and he felt his breathing stop for several moments. He didn’t move from where he stood. Marcus eyed her with suspicion and anger.

  Claire had seen Marcus stand and turn. The way he looked at her was scary. She almost didn’t recognize him. There was no smile on his attractive features. His eyes were cold silver orbs instead of the warm gray gaze she knew and loved. He was a little more muscular than she remembered and the loincloth he wore emphasized his lean hips and powerful legs.

  She had no idea what to say as she walked towards him with slow steps. It was hard, but she held his gaze. When Claire got within four feet of him, he neatly side-stepped her and started towards the trail. She couldn’t believe it. It was as if she weren’t there. He’d just ignored her, dismissed her as if she didn’t matter.

  “Marcus! Marcus! Stop!” she said, and started walking after him.

  His longer strides ate up the ground and she had to trot to catch up to him. She grasped his arm and tried to make him stop. Suddenly he whirled around and caught her arm in a painful grip. “What?” he shouted. “What do you want, Claire?”

  In all of the arguments they’d ever had, Marcus had never used such a harsh tone with her. His rage-filled expression actually frightened her, and she shrank from him.

  He shook her slightly. “What do you want?”

  “I came to talk to you,” she said finally.


  “Us,” she said.

  He laughed cruelly in her face. “Us? There is no ‘us’, Claire. You made that perfectly clear to me.”

  She winced as his grip on her arm tightened even more. Marcus registered the expression and he released her. He let her go, not only because he had no desire to hurt her physically, but because touching her was torture.

  Claire pressed on. “I know, and I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you, and I’m so sorry that I wouldn’t talk to you. I was so hurt, and I was so sure of what I saw.”

  Marcus’ eyes narrowed. “So if you were so sure of what you saw, what made you change your mind?”

  “Wind Spirit and Black Fox told me. Little River told them what happened,” Claire said.

  His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched so hard that Claire thought his teeth would crack. Marcus turned and slammed his fist into a tree and Claire stepped back from him a little. He looked at her again. “So you took the word of someone who wasn’t your husband instead of talking to me about it?”

  Claire didn’t say anything.

  He came closer again but Claire held her ground. “I begged you to listen to me, Claire. Pleaded and appealed to you in every way I could, and you never even had the guts to talk to me face to face and get the facts from me. You’re no better than Dean! Neither of you could see the truth about me. I’m just some stupid Indian who can’t be trusted, is that it?”

  “No! I neve
r thought that!” Claire shouted. “I’ve never cared about your Lakota heritage and you know that! I love that part of you. It’s part of what makes you, you.”

  His mouth twisted in a snarl. “No, you just told me you hated me and then I never saw you again until now. Not only that, but you turned everyone else but Seth against me. Through all of this, he’s the only one who believed in me and stuck by me. I thought you believed in me. I thought you loved me enough to listen to me. I was wrong about that with Dean and I sure as hell was wrong about it with you!”

  Claire’s eyes began to blaze with her own anger. “I was so angry and upset. I didn’t mean it. I did love you. I’ve never stopped loving you. Please listen to me, Marcus. I’m trying to apologize.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest in a gesture that told her that he was going to be especially difficult. “What is it you’re apologizing for, Claire? There are quite a few things it could be. Let’s see; lack of trust in me, telling me you hated me, abandoning our daughter, taking someone else’s word over mine? Which is it?”

  “All of the above, except that I did not abandon Aiyana. You stopped bringing her,” Claire said.

  “I was not about to keep carting her back and forth between us when you wouldn’t even take her from my arms and place her back in them. You were a coward, Claire! You hid behind your sister or anyone else who happened to be around just so you didn’t have to see me! There was no way that I was going to continue to subject myself or Aiyana to that kind of situation. Every time I took her back, she cried for you, Claire,” Marcus said.

  Claire’s tears flowed as guilt filled her heart. “I never meant to hurt either of you and I certainly didn’t want to cause Aiyana any grief.”

  Marcus’ voice cracked as he said, “Well, guess what? You did. You broke my heart, Claire. I fell in love with you. I’ve never fallen in love with anyone before, and I thought you were the one person in this world who would never break my heart.”


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