Secret Cinderella (The House of Morgan Book 16)

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Secret Cinderella (The House of Morgan Book 16) Page 4

by Victoria Pinder

  Jack brought her to the aisle where Linda and Nancy were talking near the front of the store. He then guided her backward. “If you don’t go, I guarantee Linda is going to tell Antonio the worst about you like she did in high school when you had a crush on Dillon.”

  Charlotte remembered walking the halls and every other student pointing and laughing at her. Jack had showed her the blog post where Linda had photo-shopped Charlotte trying to kiss Dillon while Dillon had stared at Linda. That was the day her stepsister had gone on her “never-confide in her again” list. She heard footsteps and jumped in her sneakers to get back to work. “I hated my junior year because of that.”

  Jack slipped his hands in his pockets. “So don’t let her do it again.”

  Then and now Jack had ensured no one bullied her. She relaxed like he had her back again and motioned toward the next aisle that wasn’t such a mess; puzzles. They worked fast as she said, “You’re right. I’m going.”

  Linda passed them by without a word since they were busy. He said, “Good, because it’s an upscale ball and you need more than one of your cheap Halloween masks from the sale bin at the back of the store.”

  Her father had once donated the seasonal items to charity to make room for new but her stepmother kept them to try and sell again the next year. When she was in charge, she’d return to her father’s ways and ensure she ordered whatever the ‘it’ item of the year turned out to be. She pressed her lips together. “I don’t know what to wear.”

  He took out his old phone and showed her a website. “Look, my mom uses this website called rent glamour. Rent something and have it delivered so you have an amazing gown without digging into your savings.”

  After work, she could scroll through Antonio's phone and use a prepaid card to buy. She finished with the puzzles and hugged Jack. “This is why you’re my best friend.”

  He hugged her, enveloping her in his safety net while he laughed. “I’m not going anywhere in your life, Charlotte.”

  They left the toy section and headed toward the back to unpack more boxes that never seemed to end.

  They passed Linda and Mickey talking about some text Linda had on her phone.

  She’d had to go to school and face kids laughing at her, and the comments made on Linda’s blog about Charlotte’s crush on Dillon, for weeks.

  Her stepsisters had huddled just like that.

  She and Jack made it to the back room. “You know, I probably shouldn’t go, even if Linda trash-talks me. I can just deliver Antonio’s phone.”

  Jack’s gaze narrowed. “I thought we just decided you’re going.”

  Her face was hot. She wiped her watering eyes. “We did… But…”

  He stopped in front of the next box. “What?”

  She sucked in her bottom lip. Jack was her closest friend and wanted what was best for her. “A Morgan and I… I mean that’s just silly.”

  She bounced on her feet and stared at the floor when he asked, “Because why?”

  Life was about reaching her goals, yeah? Her dream was right here in this store, about making it successful, not dancing at a party. And fancy dreams never came true. She kissed Jack’s cheek. “Because I want to run a store, not marry a rich guy and stop working. I don’t know what I’d do if suddenly I had no responsibility.”

  Jack’s arms on her sides calmed her down and he said, “Well, we’re not marrying you off. It’s just a party and a date.”

  Marry a Morgan? Maybe in another universe. She swallowed and said, “Right. One more question…you don’t like me, do you? Nancy made some weird comment earlier.”

  He pressed his hand to his heart like she’d just shot him. “Charlotte, you’re the closest thing I have to a… best friend. Now let’s get back to work.”

  Right. She wasn’t into her best friend. The only guy who ever saw the real her. Even if he’d developed into the hottest guy in Pittsburgh but had no idea why girls were suddenly interested in him. His muscles were useful to her, not for holding her. That was silly. She relaxed. “Good, because I don’t think I’ve ever been interested in a guy like this. I’m slightly terrified.”

  He touched his forehead to hers and said, “He’ll be the lucky one if he wins your heart.”

  Jack smelled a little like Antonio if she was honest. Actually, in some ways Jack was better because he was so familiar and she knew his heart was pure and good. She ended the hug and said, “Thanks, Jack.”

  They both opened boxes, then he stopped and asked, “One question though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If at the party you meet some billionaire who’s a guy you’d want to be with forever, don’t let Linda or any of them stop you.”

  “Of course.” She checked the list against the contents of the box. Today she would restock the laundry detergent. In a way this was perfect as bulky took up room so she didn’t have to constantly go back for small things to line up. And she’d do this with Jack, who guaranteed fun and laughter every day.

  Chapter 5

  Jack checked his tie that his mother had helped him with to ensure it was straight. Tonight everything would change. Hopefully for the best. Charlotte had to attend the announcement that the O’Conners were in fact Morgans.

  Jack needed her there like he needed air.

  And not on the arms of the Italian brother he’d spent the past night researching online. Antonio was already a father. The mother was Jennifer Gonzales, one of the world’s most beautiful women on the planet, whose backside made men drool.

  Charlotte was in over her head with Antonio, and he needed to show her that she had other options. She had… him.

  So, Jack knocked on the hotel door where his brother was staying.

  No one had questioned him when he’d ridden the elevator, but his shoulders were tight from being out of place in the pristine white hallway with red carpet.

  The door opened and behind his Italian half-brother was a crystal chandelier like what he’d seen on the White House tour he’d taken in high school.

  This wasn’t anything like the O’Conner house. Jack stepped inside to a suite of hand-carved wooden furniture with white satin upholstery. “Antonio.”

  Antonio placed his hand on his shoulder like they were friends and said, “Jack, it’s good to see you again.”

  On the cherry wood dining table Jack saw a new phone next to its box and his heart thudded in his chest.

  Maybe Charlotte wanted fancy furniture? He’d only told her they were friends because he needed her to be there for the big unveiling. She’d not believe him without proof as she’d never been told about his parentage.

  He was becoming a Morgan because he wanted her and if she let him, he’d get her out of that store where her life was stagnant and together they’d find joy. Right now he needed to clear the field. “I need to talk to you about Charlotte Masters.”

  Antonio pointed to a bottle of wine. “Who?”

  So he hadn’t texted her yet. Jack widened his stance and said, “The girl at the superstore you gave your phone to.”

  Antonio snapped his fingers and then poured two glasses. “Yes, the young brunette. I was going to personally invite her to the gathering this Friday.”

  Charlotte had the face of an angel and was much more innocent than any movie star. Adrenaline coursed through him as he met Antonio’s gaze and didn’t blink. “I want you to leave her alone.”

  Antonio handed him a glass of red wine. “Excuse me?”

  His half-brother wasn’t from the Steel City. Jack lifted his chin. “Charlotte’s been my… friend since we were little and you’re only here for a few more days. Don’t mess with her head.”

  Antonio sipped his wine and cocked his eyebrow. “Are you her boyfriend?”

  Friend was all he’d ever admitted to her, for now. But that was about to change. His muscles were all rigid, ready for a fight when he said, “No.”

  Antonio pointed to the chairs and plopped himself into a cushioned seat. “Why not? You c
learly like her.”

  Maybe his half-brother wasn’t into Charlotte at all. His arms had goosebumps when he took the seat across from him. “Because I never told her.”

  Antonio’s expression was one of astonishment. Jack held his head up and clasped the wine glass.

  "Hmm." Antonio put his glass down and then held his hands between his knees while he stared at Jack. Finally he said, “Our father always said that family never fights with family…that’s the one lesson all of us siblings agree on. Since we are brothers, I’ll leave Charlotte alone.”

  The hair on his arms still stood, but he said, “Good. Thank you.”

  Jack sipped the wine and decided it was best to go, but Antonio held up one finger. “One thing though.”

  Tell Charlotte? That was his next plan. “Yes?”

  Antonio crossed his arms. “If Charlotte is only your friend, you have no rights to the girl. Poverty and hope to hold you in your place still cloud your thinking.”

  Now that made little sense. Jack took another sip of wine while he tried to reason it out but shrugged, “I don’t understand.”

  Antonio pressed back in the chair and waved his arm in front of him. “You’re missing the Morgan sense of entitlement that is yours by birth.”

  Jack placed the wine glass on the table and shook his head. “I’m not like you.”

  Antonio’s blink signaled his agreement. “I could take your girl’s virginity tonight. She’s waiting on my call. And all I did was give her a phone. You need to understand that as a Morgan you get whatever you want, whenever you want.”

  Charlotte was better than that. He’d have to think fast if Antonio even tried, then Jack would stop him. “Virginity isn’t a prize. It’s the girl herself that is worth more than all the money in the world.”

  “Which we as Morgans have.” Antonio laughed like he’d just heard a joke. “You’re clearly inexperienced with getting the girl you desire. If you want, I’ll help you. By the end of the day, tomorrow, you should have Charlotte as your own.”

  If he said no, thanks, would Jack get the lesson the hard way? Or was that similar to how William had operated when trying to stop Jack from falling off the ladder…Jack hadn’t secured it as William had taught him, so his brother had watched and let him fall a few steps just to say ‘told you so.’

  And the idea of Charlotte loving him back had appeal. He narrowed his gaze. “How?”

  Antonio looked at Jack’s jeans and flannel shirt and said, “You’ll have to be a Morgan.”

  The kind who wore expensive everything wasn’t the guy Charlotte wanted, not really. His muscles had a slight tremor when he said, “I won’t be like our father.”

  Antonio shrugged. “Most of our half-brothers are happily married men now. What you do with the power is up to you.”

  Even if this was all on the up and up, surely Antonio had to have an ulterior motive. Pittsburgh was the opposite of Hollywood, where he usually chased around a movie star. Jack raised his eyebrow, almost like he mocked Antonio, and asked, “What do you get for helping me?”

  Antonio scooted closer and lowered his voice. “A brother who’s capable of being a Morgan.”

  Still his stomach twisted as he asked, “That’s it?”

  Antonio continued drinking his wine and met his gaze directly, “Well, I expect you, your brothers, and sister to all show up at the family events. We’re a close-knit group and in being part of the American family, it’s almost like my own mother returned from the grave. She’d have enjoyed the family closeness.”

  Jack’s brief search had led him to find out that Antonio’s mother in Italy had died. Jack bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”

  Antonio stood and wiggled his finger for him to follow. Jack jumped out of his chair but decided to quickly text his siblings in the group family chat his whereabouts. “Don’t be. Let’s get you the clothes and car to be a Morgan. What is it you study?”

  His half-brother directed them to leave the hotel room. Jack answered, “Mechanical Engineering. My brother William studied to be an aeronautical engineer and Finn’s in law school.”

  Antonio motioned for Jack to hold the door while he grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet. “My brother Bartholomew and a few others are into inventions. The family does own a few banks that need lawyers. We’ll start the transformation with you.”

  His group chat lit up and he responded with the developments. His older brothers wanted to meet up with them. “Actually, Will and Finn said they can join us.”

  Antonio showed him an address near the river front and said, “Excellent. We’ll begin with the House of Morgan shipping center and use the clothing brand my brother Giovanni helped launch. We can have whatever we want there.”

  Jack texted the address to the others while he asked, “Free?”

  Antonio glanced at him like he was some benevolent older brother and explained, “It’s the family brand of clothing. You, your family, or even a girl you want to impress can get whatever you want.”

  Good idea. Charlotte had been worried about what to wear and he’d taken too long to ensure she’d be at his ‘I’m a Morgan party’ tomorrow. He hadn’t figured out the perfect time to tell her the truth first.

  If he hadn’t needed to bust up her dreams of Antonio, he’d have been at her house already.

  His heart lifted that he could use his newfound wealth and status to help her without actually making her feel guilty for accepting. Charlotte had never enjoyed taking anything he’d ever bought for her as her pride always interfered. “So I can send some clothes for Charlotte too?”

  Antonio led them to the elevator while he said, “All the courier needs is an address.”

  They rode down to the lobby together and he put his hands in his jean pockets. If name brand packages arrived for Charlotte, her stepmother or stepsisters would attack her and wear whatever he sent. Or they’d figure out his change of status fast. His jaw tightened and he chose not to put Charlotte through that. “My mother’s. Charlotte can’t get anything nice where she lives.”

  Antonio patted his back and directed them to the valet, not showing regret over losing Charlotte. “Sounds like you can be her knight in shining armor then. With you she gets to have it all. So let’s get started.”

  The Aston Martin was brought around for them to the front of the hotel and he slid into the passenger seat, Antonio at the wheel.

  The entire ride was surreal. The smell of fresh leather was nice and calming.

  They drove to a warehouse where workers opened the double doors for them before they’d even parked.

  The Aston Martin glided to a stop. He hopped out like he’d seen in the movies and laughed.

  For the first time in a long time, his two older brothers wore expressions of sheer joy with no worries as they waited by the doors. He schooled his face and said, “Will, Finn. I’m glad you’re here.”

  William hugged him and stared at Antonio like Will was still the man in charge, though since he and Finn were over eighteen, that wasn’t true. Will said, “Max, Lucy, and Mom are coming as they all need clothes for this party too.”

  Antonio snapped and the workers bowed like he was a king as he led the way to the men’s section. The three of them fell back a few paces. Jack asked quietly, “What do you guys think of Antonio?”

  Finn said, “I don’t know if we should trust him.”

  If Antonio got to Charlotte then he’d lose the one person he’d ever loved. Jack needed to act fast but he asked his brothers, “Why?”

  Will murmured, “Antonio said he idolizes our father. That’s not good.”

  Will remembered their father the best as he was the oldest. Antonio led them to suits and tuxedos first but Jack quickly whispered to his other brothers, “So why are you here?”

  Finn answered, “Because for better or worse we are all Morgans, so we might as well know the world. We need to learn. Have you seen your account this evening?”

  Finding out where Antonio had been staying an
d talking in person had been paramount in his mind—not his bank balance. “No.”

  Finn had a twinkle in his gaze. “The money is astronomical. After this I’m getting a car.”

  Antonio joined them, directing Jack and his brothers to tailors to get their measurements. "What kind do you want, Finn?"

  Jack tried to formulate a plan. If he was all dressed to the nines and showed up at Charlotte’s house, how would she react?

  He’d now be the kind of guy she wished for her stepsisters. Would she realize that with him, they could both be happy?

  The idea of giving Charlotte whatever she wanted didn’t leave his thoughts as Finn answered Antonio. “Ferrari. What about you, Jack? You have to retire your junker.”

  All eyes went to him. His brothers were the gearheads, not him. He’d be rational about it. “I guess I’ll get a Mercedes.”

  Finn chuckled while the workers handed Jack a pair of trousers to put on and asked, “What class?”

  “I don’t know.” Jack dropped his jeans and plaid shirt in a heap and pulled on the softest pair of pants he’d ever worn.

  William asked, “What’s Charlotte’s favorite?”

  “I don’t know. She likes a convertible,” he answered without thinking, remembering their prom when they’d rented a nice car for a few hours.

  Will said, “So the SLC Roadster for Jack.”

  Good. That sounded like the perfect way for Charlotte to finally see that she didn’t want Antonio, not when she had Jack, right here with her, forever.

  Chapter 6

  Friday at the store had passed unusually slow. Jack hadn't come in to work, and hadn't dropped in. The infamous magazine cover guy, Antonio Morgan, hadn’t called, but that was as it should be. Dreams didn't exactly come true for a girl like Charlotte Masters. She had walked home from work in her holey sneakers to wait for a rented dress to feel pretty in, but the mail was late.


  Nancy, Linda, and Mickey pulled up in their black Buick Escalade and filed out right at the moment the mailman came.


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