A Texas Christmas Wish

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A Texas Christmas Wish Page 18

by Jolene Navarro

  “Okay.” He dipped his short arm in the paint and pressed the end of his arm onto the paper, the five tiny undeveloped fingers leaving their own unique mark. He looked up at Karly. “What do you think, Momma?”

  She smoothed down some of his curls. “I think it is the most beautiful wing I have ever seen.”

  Five-year-old eyes rolled. “Momma, you’re just saying that because you’re my mom.”

  Everyone laughed. “No, really—”

  “Oh, no!” Lorrie Ann was digging in a bag. “I forgot the glitter at the house. Y’all need to start on the faces and cut out the gowns. I’ll go get the silver glitter. I’ll be right back.”

  “Lorrie Ann, it’s fine. We don’t need the glitter.” Tyler had always kind of hated the glitter anyway. “I don’t see what difference it makes.”

  “Tyler Childress, I can’t believe you. This was your idea, and every year the wings are covered in silver glitter. I’m going to go get it.”

  He had to laugh. This was so something his mother would have done, and it had to be perfect, even if no one else even noticed the difference.

  After she left, everyone worked in silence for a few wonderful minutes. The kids, focused on drawing the faces and cutting out the gowns, had stopped talking.

  “Uncle Ty,” Rachel started, then paused.

  “What is it, Rachel?” Tyler asked.

  With a heavy sigh, she sat her scissors down before looking up at him. “Do you think Mom would have liked Lorrie Ann?”

  “Your mom actually knew Lorrie Ann. We kind of grew up together being neighbors. She liked her. Your mother liked everyone.”

  Seth finished cutting his white paper. “It’s weird thinking of your mom and Lorrie Ann knowing each other before y’all were even born. Now she’s marrying your dad. I would guess she didn’t see that one coming.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the ribs. “I’m serious. Do you think she would want Daddy to marry Lorrie Ann? I mean...” She studied her handprints for a few heartbeats. “I mean, is it okay that Daddy loves Lorrie Ann?”

  Tyler walked over to Rachel and put his arm around her shoulder. His gut told him she was really asking if it was okay that she loved her dad’s future bride, but he didn’t know how to reassure her, because he had his own resentment against Lorrie Ann. Carol would be disappointed in him.

  Bryce spoke up. “Moms always want the people they love to be happy. Right, Momma?” He looked up at his mom with total love and trust. No matter what she claimed, despite their rough beginning, she had found a way to protect him from the worst of life. She had no clue how remarkable he found her.

  She smiled at her son before giving her attention to Rachel. “He’s right. Your mom would want you all to be happy. You, your dad, Celeste, even your old uncle Tyler.”

  Seth coughed. “It’s okay to love more than one parent.” His voice was so low they all leaned in to hear him. “Doesn’t mean you love your dad or mom less.”

  The boy might get to stay around after all. Tyler squeezed Rachel’s shoulders.

  “I think God brings people into your life when you need them.” The room dropped into a thick silence. Seth focused on the face he was drawing, not making eye contact with anyone. “Sometimes your own parents can’t be what you need and you get other people to love you. Doesn’t mean you don’t love them. They just can’t be there for you.”

  Oh, man, he had forgotten the kid’s father, Tommy Miller, was in jail for beating up Vickie. Seth had been the one to call the police. He would hug the kid, but suspected he wouldn’t appreciate the show of affection.

  Tyler moved to help Celeste cut her wings. “You know your mom was the kind of person who wanted everyone to feel welcome. She rescued horses and made sure they had homes. She would have wanted your father to love again, too, to have a full house. Moms will do anything for their children’s well-being. Rachel, don’t overthink this or feel guilty. I know it’s what my sister would have wanted.”

  His mom had always said her joy came from her children being happy. Was he happy?

  Chapter Sixteen

  The past month was like a dream, from a Thanksgiving family dinner to the Christmas pageant. She took a million pictures of Bryce leading the kindergarteners with his light held high, singing one beautiful Christmas song after another. When the pageant was over, Derek, the drummer boy, told Bryce about a famous drummer with the same type of arm as his and showed him some moves on the drum. Now her son had gone from wanting to be a pilot to being a drummer. She smiled and looked at the pictures on her phone. Next week he would probably want to be something else.

  Now the dream continued. Karly settled into the copilot seat and watched Tyler checking things on the outside of the small aircraft. He had said the weather was perfect for flying. Texas weather was crazy, from freezing cold to the sixties in less than twenty-four hours.

  Her phone went off. Thinking it might be Bryce, she checked it.

  Nope. It was Anthony. With one swipe she dismissed it. Her excitement now sat in her belly as dread. Why had he called?

  Tyler climbed in next to her. “What’s wrong?”


  “Danger...danger.” Tyler clicked his seat belt, then put on headphones. “Really, when a woman says ‘nothing,’ I was taught to take cover.” He checked a few things before looking back at her. Brow raised, he waited.

  “Anthony called. I didn’t answer.”

  “Good. Maybe he was telling you goodbye. Whatever it was, you didn’t need to hear it.” He turned back to the plane. “Remember, he is not allowed to ruin your days. Speaking of family, have you emailed your grandmother?”

  She gave her head a strong shake. “I’m ignoring anything that has to do with extended family. I’m focusing on flying over the most beautiful country.”

  Good energy bounced off him. Excitement in his eyes indicated how happy he was to be in the cockpit of his father’s airplane. Of all the traveling she had done with Anthony, this was the smallest plane she had ever boarded.

  He flipped a few switches and wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Ready to soar?”

  Her stomach dropped. “I’m not sure.”

  “No worries. I was trained by the best. I promise, you couldn’t be any safer.”

  The engine started, and he turned the Mustang to the single runway. A few small bounces didn’t seem to bother him, so Karly relaxed the grip she had on the door handle. There was no getting out now while they picked up speed. She leaned back as the plane lifted from the ground.

  All of Tyler’s focus was on the plane, his hands steady as he pulled it higher into the sky. She could already see the town of Clear Water nestled in the center of the hills.

  The landscape rolled out over the endless horizon, the hills becoming smaller as they climbed. The sky was a clear blue. Not a single cloud muddled the view.

  No ties to the ground; nothing to weigh her down. She understood why he loved it so much. Above the earth, everything looked perfect and small, as if she could cup the whole county in her hand.

  “Want to see the ranch?” He winked at her and banked left, away from any evidence of humanity. Endless green with shades of golden brown showcased the Texas Hill Country. This was home.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” His head was turned to the window. He pointed out a few landmarks.

  A small sputtering of the engine surprised her. She glanced at Tyler. He was frowning at the instrument panel. He tapped on one of the dials.

  The plane made a weird lurching motion.

  “Karly.” His voice was calm. The kind of calm people used to keep everyone else from panicking.

  “Tyler.” She matched his tone and reminded herself to breathe.

  “We’re going to make an emergency landing on the ranch. I know the fi
eld, but it’s going to be rough. We’ll be fine. Trust me, okay? The best you can do is stay calm and exit the plane as soon as we land.”

  She made herself breathe. “Okay, I trust you, but I’m going to be praying, also.”

  “Good plan.” He focus was intense. His whole body seemed to be flying the plane. The engine cut in and out, then went silent. Her body became empty of all blood. Spots danced in her sight, so she closed her eyes. A weightlessness took over her body, making her feel as if she had lost all control of her muscles.

  “Breathe, Karly. If you pass out, I’m in trouble. Breathe.”

  She sucked in as much oxygen as she could get through her nose. She did it again. It helped.

  “That’s it.” His voice sounded so calm. “Keep breathing and be ready to get out of the plane. We’re going to land on the ranch.”

  She always imagined a plane would nose-dive if the engines stopped working. Instead, they were floating, gliding in the eerie silence. Her phone beeped. She had a message. Maybe she should call the house and leave her own message for Bryce.

  Please, God, guide Tyler and the plane so I can hold my baby again.

  “Karly, take this.” He pulled a paper in a page protector out of the door pocket without taking his eyes off the skyline. “It’s a checklist. Read the items on the back to me.” His voice was a scary monotone. No trace of his usual charm or carefree easy attitude existed.

  “Engine fire? We’re on fire?” She looked out the window.

  “No, the one under that. Engine out. Read each line slowly so I can make sure I got everything.” He talked as if it was a grocery list.

  She started reading. Pronouncing each word carefully. Most of it didn’t make sense. She finished the last line and looked at him, afraid to look out.

  “Perfect. We’re in good shape. I need you to open your door.” He opened his and it started bouncing against the frame.

  “What?” Did he want them to jump?

  “It’s so we don’t get trapped inside the cockpit when we land. I promise it’s safe. Breathe, Karly, and open your door. Then put your head down and cover it with your arms. It’s going to be rough, but we’re good, okay?” His breathing sounded hard and controlled.

  She did what he asked but kept her eyes closed the whole time. She didn’t want to see how close they were to the ground. She braced herself for the unknown.

  The first hit was a shock. They went from weightless peace to being slammed against the seat belt. Tossed to the side, her head hit something hard, and she saw spots. She made herself as small as possible and pressed her eyes and lips closed. Bryce was all she could think about. She wanted to cry and scream. She tasted blood. Tyler didn’t need her distracting him, so she clamped her jaw harder.

  Her body snapped in the opposite direction as they hit the ground again. She lost count of the bounces that almost pitched her out of her seat. She dug her fingers into her scalp and curled tighter into herself.

  Chaos reigned, and she lost track of up and down. Just as suddenly, the world stopped and everything went silent. Her body was pressed forward into the strap of the seat belt, making breathing difficult. But she was breathing. That was good. She clasped her arms tighter over her head. She could move her feet.

  “Karly?” Tyler’s voice sounded as if he had swallowed gravel. “Karly?” An urgency he didn’t have before edged his voice. He reached over and pushed her hair back.

  Raising her head, she blinked to clear her vision. She saw mud and grass instead of hills and sky.

  “Karly, are you okay?” His hands went from her hair to her face to her arms, then returned to her hair. He cupped her face.

  She was alive, and so was Tyler. “Yeah. I’m good. It’s hard to breathe, but I’m good.” She braced her arms on the dashboard in front of her. “We’re hanging in midair.”

  “It’s okay. We ended up nose in the dirt. Brace your feet on the front of the floor panel and push back. I’ll get your seat belt.”

  He reached across her, his body creating a warm cocoon. She wanted to hug him close and stop her body from shaking. When had she gotten so cold?

  “Plant your feet and push up.” He pushed open her door. “Can you stand?”

  “I think s-s-so.” Her teeth chattered. They were safe on the ground, and she was falling apart. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “Adrenaline rush. Now that you’re safe, your body’s reacting.” He stroked her hair, his voice low and soft. “Do you want me to go around to your door and lift you out?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “No, I’m fine.” She planted her feet and pushed back into the seat.

  As his arm reached across her waist, his face was a whisper away from her ear. His breath reassured her as it went in and out, touching the skin over her cheekbone. “That’s my girl. I couldn’t have asked for a better copilot.”

  With a click, the pressure against her middle and chest was relieved. Grabbing the control panel, she kept her balance.

  He disappeared, his warmth gone. The shaking started again. How was she going to climb out of the cockpit? He reappeared at her other side. “Hang on. I’m going to level the tail so it’s easier for you to get out.”

  Twisting around, she watched Tyler check some items on the plane. Then he disappeared again. Her head started hurting. With a slight recoil she found herself sitting in the correct position again. The world had righted itself. Well, Tyler had righted the plane anyway.

  Less than ten feet away a thick line of trees edged the pasture. On the other side was a drop-off. They had survived. Tyler had safely landed the plane without an engine in the middle of the ranch. Tears hit her arm.

  Now she was going to cry?

  His arms were around her. He lifted her out of the plane and carried her to the tree line. A duffel bag over one shoulder, he sat her on the ground. He knelt next to her and pulled out a blanket and a bottle of water.

  Wrapping her in the thick flannel material, he looked at her with the saddest look she had ever seen on his face.

  “Tyler, what’s wrong?”

  “Other than I almost killed you? Nothing.” With one twist he opened the bottle and handed it to her.

  “You saved us. You landed a plane without an engine.”

  “You handled dropping out of the sky like a pro, Karly. I don’t know many people who would have stayed that calm. Drink.”

  After following his command, she pulled out her phone. She needed to hear Bryce’s voice. Her son reminded her of the reasons she needed to stay strong and rely on God. Not Tyler Childress, no matter that he truly had saved the day. “I want to talk to Bryce. Just to say hi. I need to hear his voice.” She looked at her phone in confusion. “I have eleven voice messages? I’m not sure that many people know this number.”

  Looking at her phone, Tyler put his hand on the small of her back. “Are they from different people?”

  She called her voice mail. The first recording was Anthony sobbing so badly it was hard to understand him. “Please don’t...don’t get on the plane. I’m so, so sorry. Too much to drink. I promise to never drink again. Don’t get on the plane.” All the blood rushed from her body. She wasn’t sure where it went, but she was empty. The next two were Anthony crying and apologizing. Then the sheriff. The last one was from Pastor John, who wanted them to return his call as soon as possible. Her eyesight blurred. Tyler took the phone from her and pulled her into his arms.

  His voice calm, he rubbed her back while he called Pastor John. They must have been so worried. She wanted to curl up in his shirt and absorb warmth. Anthony had tried to kill them. It was all her fault. She should have left when he first showed up.

  Tyler went quiet, and his other arm came around her. They just sat there, her fingers clinging to his jacket. His cheek pressed against the top of her head.
  “We survived, Karly. The sheriff has Anthony in custody. He turned himself in. John is on his way to pick us up.”

  She nodded. This was all her fault.

  * * *

  Tyler took a deep breath and reminded himself to stay calm. He rubbed his hands over her back. “This is not your fault.” All he wanted to do was hold her. The idea of her hurting tore at his gut. He couldn’t even think of what else might have happened today. Somewhere in the past month, she had crept into his heart in a way that made him fear she would always own it. He’d thought love would come at him with trumpets blaring. Somehow she had quietly made him aware of the empty holes in his life. Now what did he do?

  He didn’t need to burden her with his emotional mess. She had a clear plan for her life, and it didn’t include a guy like him. It seemed the more you loved someone, the harder it was to actually say the words out loud. Or maybe he was just a coward.

  For the first time, he truly understood what it meant to put someone else’s happiness before your own. Yeah, he had totally and absolutely given her his heart. He might as well rip it out and hand it to her. Now he was being all stupid and...in love. He pressed his lips to her forehead. He had promised not to kiss her again, but surely that didn’t count. At least she had stopped crying.

  A heavy diesel engine broke the silence. The ranch truck came to a sliding halt, throwing dirt from under the tires. John rushed out from the driver’s side and wrapped them both in a tight hug. “Tyler. Karly. We were frantic. Are you okay?”

  “She’s fine. We’re fine.”

  John stepped back, and Tyler saw Dub standing by the truck. The look of devastation on his father’s face nearly brought Tyler to his knees.

  “You’re both unharmed?” Dub spoke through clenched teeth.

  He looked at his dad, but this time he didn’t see the hardheaded man who criticized everything his son did. He saw a man who had lost most of his family, a man who wanted the best for those he loved but couldn’t protect them no matter how hard he tried.


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