Love So True

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Love So True Page 6

by Marquita Valentine

  “Is there something super interesting about my ceiling?” she asked, keeping one eye on Lucas.

  His cheeks flushed and he stepped away from the door, until all she could see were the tips of his boots. “I’m not sure where to look or what the rules are.”

  Her heart melted even more than it already had. And it was in a virtual puddle over him saving Leo. Never in her life would she forget the sight of his big body covering her son, taking him down and rolling him to safety.

  She was pretty sure her heart fell right out of her open mouth and expired on the spot.

  “You can go sit in the living room.”

  The tips of Lucas’ shoes disappeared, and she grinned. “I’ll finish giving Leo a bath and then it’s bedtime.”

  “I’ll be in here,” he called out. “Night, Leo.”

  “Night, Superman.”

  Bailey blinked. “Superman, huh?”

  Leo put his hand in the air and made whooshing sounds. “He flew thwough the air an’ saved me.”

  “He sure did,” she said softly and rinsed Leo off. “Ready for bed?”

  Surprisingly, he agreed, standing up and holding out his arms for a towel. She picked him up, dried him off, helped him into his favorite dinosaur pajamas, and she hugged him tight, breathing in that not-quite-a-baby-anymore scent of his.

  Tears gathered in her throat, and she struggled to say his prayers without breaking down.

  “Wove you, Mommy.”

  “Love you too, buddy.” She kissed his sleepy face and tucked the covers around him. A sob almost broke free and she rushed out of his room, closing the door halfway.

  Taking about a million deep breaths, she attempted to compose herself before joining Lucas. She wiped at her eyes with the tips of her fingers and sniffed.

  It would have to do. She couldn’t leave the man waiting any longer.

  Padding to the living room, she found Lucas on her couch, simply sitting there and staring off in the distance. He hadn’t noticed her yet.

  “You could have turned on the TV,” she said, trying not to stare at him. But it was hard not to for many reason. One of which being that he was sexy with his dark hair and blue eyes. His mouth was full, soft looking when he relaxed. He filled out his clothes in a way that bespoke of a man who took care of his body. Though she knew that had probably been one of the ways he passed the time while in prison.

  Lucas Lawson was the sexiest, most handsome man she’d ever seen. But he was a criminal. It didn’t matter that the crime was a white-collar one. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t violent—at least that she was aware of anyway. She shouldn’t think about him in that way at all.

  But because he’d saved her son, which not only made him sexier than any man she’d ever been with, it also made him a good guy.

  “I didn’t want to interrupt your routine. Baseball might have distracted him.”

  Bailey crossed the distance between them and sat down beside him. He glanced at her in obvious surprise, but he didn’t move.

  “Still want that drink?” she asked, her voice shakier than she intended. “I need to reward you for,” her body seized up, then began to shake uncontrollably as fat tears slid down her cheeks, “s-saving Leo,” she managed to get out at last.

  He cupped her face with one large hand. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

  “I’m trying not to,” she said, staring into his dark eyes. “I’m trying to be strong and brave. I have to be for Leo.”

  Lucas muttered something under his breath and pulled her to him, wrapping her up in his arms. She clung to his chest, her legs going over his until she was in his lap.

  He stroked her hair as she drank in every bit of his comforting body heat as he soothed her. “How about this? You let me be brave for you right now. I’ll make sure Leo doesn’t see.”

  That made her cry harder. “I thought men hated to see women cry.”

  “We do.”

  She tipped up her chin. Their lips were so close that she sucked in a breath. “Men don’t stick around when women cry.”

  “Nonsense.” His head dipped to hers, and she licked her lips. “A man who don’t stick around when a woman cries is the reason she’s crying in the first place. He needs to go.”

  She needed him to stay. Heart pounding, she tentatively brushed her mouth against his.

  “Bailey,” he said, her name a whisper and a warning.

  She kissed him harder. His lips were warm and pliant beneath hers. Certainly not in the frantic hurry she was trying to create. He took her face between both his hands and pulled back a little, his eyes were nearly black.

  “I’m out of practice,” he said roughly.

  “Makes two of us.” She nipped at his bottom lip. “We should do something about it.”

  He searched her face…then kissed her this time. A little whimper left her and that seemed to spur him on because before she knew what was happening, she was underneath him. His large body pressed fully, deliciously into hers.

  Taking control from her further, he deepened their kiss and she sank her hands into his hair.

  She sighed into his mouth. He tasted better than any dessert she’d ever made. He rocked against her, and she moaned. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to rub against his hard length.

  Oh God. He was hard, long, and perfect.

  He cupped her breast, rubbing a lazy thumb over her nipple. Her body arched up to meet him, craving more. Demanding more.

  Their clothes were in the way. She tugged and pulled at his shirt, trying in vain to get it off of him, but his arms kept getting in the way.

  With a frustrated growl, she wrenched her mouth away. “Why won’t you get naked?”

  He froze, and she almost died. The old Bailey had come out. The one that loved bad boys just like him. The one that would have no problem sexing up Lucas in her living room. But she wasn’t that Bailey anymore.

  She had a son. Responsibilities. Lucas worked for her, for goodness sake.

  Lucas nuzzled her ear, making her forget all about those responsibilities and employees. “Naked sounds really good, baby, but I’m not prepared for naked.”

  Her insecurities melted away. “I’m prepared. I have condoms.” Her face turned red as he leaned back to look at her. “Pretty sure they’re not expired.”

  His eyes closed. “I need to go.” He sat up, adjusting his shirt and fixing hers. She hadn’t realized it was partially unbuttoned.

  “Are you going because of what I said about the condoms?” After having Leo, she swore she’d never do so something as stupid as to have unprotected sex again. Pill or no pill.

  He nodded tightly.


  “I want you, Bailey but I can’t…I refuse to take advantage of you when you’re vulnerable.”

  She released a shaky breath. “Shouldn’t I be the judge?”

  “Not when your judgment is mixed up with what you think you owe me,” he said evenly. “You don’t owe me.”

  Usually, someone telling her how she should think or feel would set her off, but Lucas wasn’t telling her what to do. He was telling her what he wouldn’t do.

  “I know we don’t know each other beyond the past couple of days and our high school memories, but I think you’ve been taken advantage of a lot. Just for being you.” He caressed her cheek. “No way in hell I want to be in the same category.”

  He rose to his feet while she just sat there, her heart practically bursting in her chest.

  “I’m going to go now.” He rubbed his hand across the bridge of his nose. “I have chores to do.”

  “Party cows have to be fed, huh?” she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

  He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Then again, most of his smiles didn’t. “See you tomorrow at work. I’ll let myself out the front.”

  “Night, Lucas.” Bailey wrapped her arms around her knees and laid her head on them.

  Strangely enough, she felt better, despite Lucas being a
gentleman and not giving her what she wanted. Or maybe, that was why she felt better. He’d been the exact opposite of all the guys before him. They’d taken and taken, and she’d given and given until she had nothing left for herself.

  The phone rang, making her jump. She glanced at the caller ID that was lit up. With a groan, she made herself answer the phone. Before she could say a word, her parents started speaking all at once. They were worried about her. About Leo. And why hadn’t she called them?

  But they didn’t pause long enough for her to answer. With a thick sigh, she held the phone out from her ear and just listened. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Seven


  Lucas stood in the hot Carolina sun, sanding the front porch steps of his brother Mason’s house. Sweat ran down his neck, and he was covered in grime from the dust that flew back in his face.

  At least Mason had provided him with safety glasses. He had to ask for water though.

  Lucas hit the power button, turning off the sander.

  “You missed a spot,” his brother said from his spot in the shade. A golden retriever sat at his feet, his head on his paws.

  Lucas smoothed his hand over the last step and held it up. “Don’t think so. I’m done.”

  Mason grunted. “I’d like a second opinion.”

  Lucas gave Mason’s leg a pointed look. “Haven’t you had enough of those?”

  “Nope. Favorite thing in the world to have a catheter shoved up my di—”

  Tuning out his brother, Lucas pushed the safety glasses to the top of his head. He unplugged the electric sander and began to clean up. “I have to go to work soon.”

  “Oh goody. Maybe Bailey will get something out of you. Maybe if I had boobs and flung my hair around, you would have gotten to the back porch steps?”

  Lucas worked his jaw. He had to be nice to his brother. Mason had lots of issues and injuries to work out. But that didn’t mean he had to take Mason’s abuse. “You’ve done nothing but bark out orders all morning while I’ve been free labor.”

  Mason took a drink. Though Lucas wasn’t exactly sure what his brother was drinking, he was pretty damn positive it wasn’t water or iced tea.

  “You like her.”

  “What’s not to like—she gave me a job.” And he liked her. He liked kissing her. He liked holding her. He sure as hell liked having her beneath him, her curvy little body writhing and tugging, wanting him naked.

  He smiled a little at the memory.

  He got miserably hard.

  Neither were acceptable. Thank God he was bent over. No use in sharing that bit of humiliation. Oh look, I get a hard-on just thinking about a kiss.

  A damn kiss. To be fair, it was more than just a kiss, and to be honest, he hadn’t been with a woman in a long damn time. So, it stood to reason Bailey’s kiss would knock him for a loop.

  “Please tell me you’re not brooding.”

  Lucas flipped Mason off. “Please tell me you’re getting a shower.”

  Mason took another drink. “This is what a real man smells like.”

  “No, that’s what your rank ass smells like.”

  Lucas finished putting away the rest of the equipment in Mason’s garage before heading to his new-to-him truck. Understandably, his parents had been upset when he’d shared the news about what had happened to the loaner they’d given him. Only they were upset over him.

  His mother had burst into tears while his dad had patted him on the back, saying he was proud of him for saving the Yates’ boy.

  He’d shaken his head and wondered who’d told them the unnecessary details.

  Putting the truck into drive, he headed back to town, stopping four times to slide a check under the door of each house. There had been thirty families he’d taken money from, under the guise of investing it.

  Well, he had invested it. He’d believed that he was doing something right at the time, but once he crunched the numbers, he quickly realized that the return promised wasn’t sustainable. But by then, he was in too deep.

  But he could have done something. He could have done more to protect the people who trusted him.

  The checks he’d placed at each house today were all made in the amount they’d given him plus five years interest. He didn’t care if it made him look better in their eyes.

  The act itself was making him feel worthy again. Not his goal when he’d decided to do this. Rather an unexpected bonus.

  Now that Lucas had squared away that part of his plan, he needed to figure out what to do with Bailey. Someone he never expected to become any part of his plan, much less his life.

  But that kiss…that moment of vulnerability between them. He couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen, and he didn’t want to.

  He only wanted to work it out. Maybe see if he did have something more to offer her. A woman like Bailey didn’t deserve to be played around with. Her past relationships had done enough of that for her.

  I thought men hated to see women cry.

  Men don’t stick around when women cry.

  Those two statements hit him right in the gut. In the past, those statements would have been true about him. He’d always figured tears were for manipulation, not a genuine hurt.

  Time had cured him of that misconception, though.

  Time…and prison.


  Bailey walked along Main Street, enjoying the bright, sunny day before she had to go into work. Or she would have enjoyed it more if her phone call with her parents hadn’t ended with them lecturing her about being more responsible.

  As if she was powdering her nose and eating bonbons while Leo sneaked out. They also, once again, brought up the subject of moving back in with them. In a safer neighborhood.

  But Bailey liked her independence. She liked having her own place. A place just for her and Leo.

  This time though, their invitation to move in with them sounded more like a demand.

  And they’d started a new sort of pressure for her…or as her mother so nicely put—it was time Bailey find a man they liked to take care of Leo and her.

  A man who wasn’t Lucas.

  Her parents would flip if they knew what had happened in her living room. And on the couch of all places.

  Not that she was going to tell them. Ever.

  That had been a real slap in the face. She’d put in years at the diner, even while growing up. Yeah, she’d always had a penchant for bad boys, but that had never stopped her from showing up at work on time. She’d only missed a shift if she was running a fever or deathly ill.

  It was as if once she’d had Leo, her parents had forgotten all that, or what had transpired since.

  An arm slipped though hers, and she started. “Hi there,” Apple said, her face wreathed in a smile. “Let’s go have some girl time.”

  Bailey tried to protest but Apple didn’t listen, just dragged her along until they came to Hammered&Polished, the nail salon owned by the youngest McCoy sister, Lemon.

  “I don’t have time to get my nails done.”

  Apple narrowed her blue eyes. “Aren’t you the one who makes the schedules at work?”


  “Then schedule yourself some time off. I’ll wait.”

  “It doesn’t work like that,” Bailey said slowly.

  “Of course it does. You’re the boss and sometimes the boss needs off to get her very unfortunate-looking nails done,” Apple replied cheerfully. “I meant your nails, not mine. My nails are perfection. The ladies who work here do an amazing job.”

  She held out her nails for Bailey’s inspection. “See,” she added.

  Bailey had to admit that Apple’s nails were amazing. But only on the inside. “There’s no point in having my nails done. They’ll only get messed up at work.”

  “There’s a polish for that.” Apple opened the door. “Trust me. Would I ever lead anyone wrong when it comes to fashion?”

  Well, when she put it like that… “Fine, but I don’t hav
e all day to spend here,” Bailey said as she stepped inside. “And oh my good Lord, they sell margaritas.”

  She loved margaritas.

  Apple gave her a knowing grin. “Maybe you have at least half a day to spend in here?”

  “Two hours tops,” Bailey said.

  An hour later, Bailey’s toes were done and she’d been very good about ordering a nonalcoholic margarita.

  “You still have time to do those dishpan hands,” Apple reminded her.

  “I’m getting everything done but the polish.”

  Apple sat back in the massage chair and closed her eyes. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Spending an hour with you wasn’t enough?” Bailey asked.

  Apple opened one eye and managed to glare with it. “Your surprise has nothing to do with spending time with me.”

  Bailey made a face. “Sorry. I was only joking.”

  The blonde’s open eye closed again. “I wasn’t. I set you up on a date.”

  Bailey almost spit out her drink. “You what?” She wiped her mouth with a towel. That was ladylike. She’d totally be asked back. Not that she was coming back.

  Unless she wanted to.

  There wasn’t a wait list for this place, was there?

  “No, there’s no waiting list.” Apple let out a long-suffering sigh.

  Even better, she just had what she thought to be a conversation with herself with the entire shop. “Great. That will make my next visit easier.”

  “Anyway, I found the most perfect date for you. His name is Nate Clarkson. He’s a dentist from two towns over in Holland Springs. His wife died a few years back, and he has one child.”

  “He’s a widower?” She couldn’t imagine having to raise a child after one of their parents died. That poor man.

  “Beggars can’t be choosers. Really, Bailey, I’m shocked you’d be so rude as to dismiss a man without meeting him.”

  “I’m not.”

  “So you’ll go out with him?”


  “Rude.” Apple pursed her lips. “I expected better from you.”

  “My answer has nothing to do with his marital status. It has to do with the fact that I don’t know him from Adam.”


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