Looking After Lindy

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Looking After Lindy Page 4

by Pepper North

  She shook her head vigorously. Josiah rubbed a tender hand down her arm before stilling with his thumb across the inside of her wrist. “I can tell that age play arouses you. Your pulse is rapid; your nipples are pointed, and your inner thighs are quivering. Are you wet, Little girl?”

  She nodded before realizing how much she was giving away. She tried to move her arms to cover her breasts, but he held her easily in place.

  “You never get to hide from Daddy. I will know everything about you and care for every inch of your body–inside and out.” He paused as she swallowed hard.

  “Here are your choices. Do you wish to return to town and trust the sheriff to help you deal with the men you believe are still after you? He is a good police officer who will do his best to help. Or, do you wish to come to SANCTUM with me? SANCTUM is a community that my friends and I are building together. It is designed for people who wish to live openly in a new age play community. I’ve been working on my house for myself and my Little girl so it would be ready whenever I found her. It’s finished now and ready for you to move into a new life. I can guarantee your safety there,” Josiah promised, holding her light blue eyes with his deep brown ones. “No one in the community would ever let something happen to a Little girl.”

  “Which one do you choose?” he asked in a tense, low voice. He didn’t know if he could just let her walk away.

  “I choose you,” she whispered.

  “Push your panties to your ankles and lie across my lap,” he instructed without blinking or changing his serious expression.

  “Why?” she wailed.

  “You ran from Daddy. You didn’t ask questions and allow me to explain to make you feel better.” He lifted her from his lap to sit on the bench seat beside him. Scooting over slightly to allow her to lie over his lap, he repeated himself, “Panties off.”

  Lindy bit her lip as she battled herself inside. Do I take a risk and see how great it can be? I’ve dreamed of having a Daddy to care for me for a very long time. Josiah had taken care of her when she had needed help. He had made love to her so tenderly. She knew he cared for her already. I love him. It shouldn’t be possible, but I do.

  Looking up at the roof of the car to avoid his eyes, Lindy pulled up her t-shirt and shimmied her pink underwear down to her ankles.

  “Good girl. Now, over my lap,” he instructed, waiting for her to make the next move.

  Holding the t-shirt over her hips, Lindy stood slightly and leaned over his thighs. She was grateful for his strong hands that helped shift her into position. That is, she was grateful until his hands raised the bottom of her t-shirt to completely expose her white bottom. Her hands immediately flew to cover her flesh, but he encircled both of her thin wrists in one hand, holding them above the small of her back. His other hand rubbed lightly over her tender bottom. His callused skin was rough against her sensitive skin. She shivered with excitement blended with fear. The spanking wouldn’t hurt, right?

  Without delay, his hand lifted and descended quickly to light her skin on fire. Before she could react, he had landed three spanks on the vulnerable skin across her bottom and upper thighs. She arched up in reaction to the sharp pain. His hand holding her hands pressed her back into position, and his leg under her thighs quickly trapped her calves under his leg to prevent her from kicking her feet up. His punishing hand continued to pepper her bottom as the white flesh turned pink.

  Soon, tears began to roll down her face to land on the floor mats at his feet. Finally, her fingers wrapped around his hand restraining her, and she cried, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have run. I’ll talk to you next time. I promise.”

  Immediately, his hand stopped spanking and began to soothe her now red flesh. He lifted her gently to sit on his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, he rocked slowly from side to side, holding her tight to his hard chest. “Shhh, princess. Everything is forgiven now.” The fingers of one hand caressed over her tummy. He threaded his fingers through her sparse pubic hair, smiling against her hair as her thighs parted automatically to invite his touch.

  He traced her labia, sliding into the slick arousal fluid that had gathered between her legs. Josiah treasured her small mewing sounds that began spilling from her throat as his fingers explored her delicate folds. Knowing she would probably be sore after her flesh was stretched to allow him to enter her tight channel, he concentrated on the area around that raised bud of nerves.

  Lindy leaned back against his cradling arm. She lifted her lips, asking silently for a kiss. The thought that she was so brazenly exposed as they were parked on the side of the road never entered her mind. She wanted him. She wanted his guidance.

  As his lips lowered to seduce hers gently, she leaned into his kiss. There was no rush, no urgency. He was focused entirely on her–on her pleasure. She shivered against him as her body responded to his caresses. When two of his fingers began to press firmly as they slid across her most sensitive areas, her breath caught in her throat. Freezing in place for two more strokes, her body lifted as she cried out in pleasure. His fingers continued to move softly to extend her climax.

  Finally, he pulled her in tightly against his warmth, holding her as her orgasm began to abate. “Little girl, you please me. Tonight, we’ll soak your soreness away in my big tub in your new home. Your Daddy will always take care of his princess.”

  She nodded slowly against him. After several more minutes of closeness, Lindy allowed her new Daddy to pull her panties back into place and attach her seatbelt securely. He would take care of her in all ways.

  Chapter 11

  They still had a long drive ahead of them. Lindy often shifted on her bottom until Josiah suggested that she might be more comfortable lying down on the front seat. She eagerly moved to stretch out and nestle her head on his lap.

  “What am I supposed to call you?” she asked nervously. It was easier to talk lying down. Lindy felt a little braver.

  “I hope that you’ll call me Daddy whenever you feel comfortable. You’ll know when you wish to call me by that name. Until then, why don’t you just call me Josiah?”

  “Could I call you D? That’s kind of in between?”

  “I think that’s a very smart idea, princess,” Josiah smiled. He was pleased that she was acclimating so quickly.

  “Can I talk to you about the men?” she nervously whispered.

  “I didn’t want to push you, but I would love to know what happened. May I ask questions as you talk?” Josiah’s skills as an interviewer had been renowned at the department. He would soften his technique, of course, but he would be more confident in getting the whole story if he could ask questions.

  “Sure… But can I tell you about Sam first, and then we can talk about the men?”

  “You tell me what you think I need to know, princess. We have lots of time to talk,” he assured her.

  “My brother was always a great person. He was fun, and he had lots of friends. Everyone knew him in school. He had a big personality. Sam was always looking for an easy way to do everything. He had very low grades because he wouldn’t pay attention in class, or sometimes, he wouldn’t even go to class. He’d show up for tests confident he would get As but was destined to get Fs because he hadn’t studied or tried to learn the material. He barely made it through high school,” Lindy explained.

  “Were you a good student?” Josiah asked, suspecting he already knew the answer.

  “I got As and Bs. I studied a lot and didn’t get to as many parties as Sam. That’s where he met the men. He’d been at a big party. For once, he’d won big at the poker game that had been held. Everyone knew he’d won a lot of money. I was there with a couple of friends. Sam was flashing around the wad of bills he had won and bragging.”

  “That doesn’t sound wise,” Josiah observed.

  “No. I saw him on the porch with a group of men I hadn’t met before. They kept giving him beer. Sam wasn’t a big drinker. Well, he drank but not that much. Anyway, I saw them again several days
later when I dropped off some meatloaf that Mom had asked me to take to Sam’s apartment. They left when I showed up. When I asked what was going on, Sam told me he was investing the money he had won in their business. He was sure he would double or triple his money,” Lindy shared, shifting uncomfortably on the seat.

  “Do you need to sit up or stop to potty?” Josiah asked softly. He smiled as he saw her face blush in embarrassment. His princess was shy about personal needs.

  “No, I’m okay. I just wish I had been able to convince him that this was a terrible idea. Once Sam had something in his mind, you couldn’t convince him to change it. I’ll fast forward several weeks to the last time I talked to Sam on the phone. He said they had swindled him, and he was going to get his money back, one way or another. I tried to convince him to go to the police, but he refused. He was going to handle it.”

  Josiah picked up her hand that rested on his thigh and linked his fingers with hers. He could hear from her voice that she was becoming distraught. He began slowing down to pull over onto the shoulder. Parking the SUV, he slid the seat back again. He picked up Lindy by her slender waist and set her on his lap. “What happened next, Lindy?”

  Tears began coursing down her cheeks. “I didn’t ever see him again. The police called two days later and told us he had been murdered. My father identified the body. He wouldn’t tell Mom or me what happened, but it was bad. He looked like he’d aged ten years in one day.” Lindy curled her body against Josiah’s chest to lay her head on his shoulder. “During the funeral, Sam’s apartment was ransacked. We called the police and learned that awful people sometimes read the obituaries and rob people during memorial services. We couldn’t tell them what was missing. We didn’t know.”

  She rested against his chest for a minute. She knew he wouldn’t like what came next. “The men kidnapped me the next day.” She nodded to Josiah when he pressed her away to be able to watch her face.

  “Son of a bitch,” he swore, lashing out with a fist to strike the door.

  “They wanted a package. They said they had found a receipt in Sam’s apartment that proved he had sent me a package. When I said I didn’t know what they were talking about, they gave me a little time to think before they started breaking my bones.”

  The look on Josiah’s face scared her and thrilled her. He looked like he was ready to go into battle—so fierce and angry. “I put my hand over my mouth like I was going to get sick, and they practically pushed me into the bathroom, alone. I’m pretty small. I fit through a window they never considered someone could escape from.”

  “Good girl!” Josiah pulled her face to his to kiss her triumphantly. His Little girl was a fast thinker and so brave. “Did you go to the police?”

  “No. I snuck back through the neighborhood where I live to reach the guy’s duplex next to mine. The morning before I was taken, he’d called to tell me he had a package of mine. He was going out of town, but he said he’d leave it on his back porch. I got it just as I heard them start banging on my door. I stuffed it in a backpack I found on another neighbor’s patio and ran. I haven’t opened the backpack since.” She leaned her forehead back down to his chest and whispered, “I was so busy running, and then I was scared to see what Sam had sent me.”

  Josiah wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. “It’s okay, princess. You’re not alone now. Do you want to see what’s in the package now, or should we wait to look until we’re at home?” he gently asked. Several days had already passed. The men had lost track of her at the abandoned car, for all they knew. They could wait a little longer.

  Silence filled the SUV as she thought. Finally, she said, “I’d like to be at my new home, D.”

  “Let’s get on our way, princess. Your new home is waiting to meet you.”

  Chapter 12

  It was late afternoon when they neared their destination. “There are the first boundaries of SANCTUM,” Josiah told Lindy, pointing to the tall fencing that blended in with the landscape. “That was the first thing that we built. The fence surrounds our land and is equipped with the most up-to-date sensors and cameras available. One of the men who will settle in SANCTUM is an expert in electronic security. Combining his knowledge with my police experience, we have been able to come up with a system that will protect and warn of any possible problems,” Josiah shared specifically to put her mind to rest.

  “Like if those men come after me?” Lindy asked nervously.

  “Exactly. The gate is a few miles in front of us. Do you have any questions about SANCTUM?” he asked, hearing the tremor in her voice.

  “Who lives there?”

  “Currently, there are two permanent homes completed. Jeremy and Beau live there now with their Little girl, Shelby. My house is the other home that is completed. Besides the five of us who will be there full-time, the other members of the community will be there as often as possible. Other homes are under construction currently. We are all motivated to move in as soon as possible. This has been our dream for a long time.”

  “Shelby lives with two men?”

  “Shelby lives with her two Daddies. Little girls have different needs. Shelby needed both of her Daddies to be happy. It’s been an adjustment for all of them. Now that the dust has settled, they are very happy together. They’re a strong family. Shelby is an adorable Little girl, and she has been very disappointed that I was moving in without a Little girl of my own. I have a feeling the two of you will be great friends.” He squeezed her hand in his.

  “How about if I introduce you to Shelby tomorrow? She’ll understand that you’re tired after traveling so long,” he said, quickly sensing she was nervous about meeting the other family.

  “I’d like that, D.” Lindy breathed a sigh of relief. She had lots of questions she’d love to ask another Little girl, but she really wanted to open the package and find out what was inside. Somehow, I know I’ll be safe at SANCTUM.

  Josiah slowed and turned into an entrance that Lindy would have never seen if she had been driving. They pulled up to a large stone arched gateway. “We’ve gone high tech since Shelby and her Daddies moved in a few months ago. Now all the men have their own code to access the property.” He punched in several numbers rapidly, and the gates slid apart slowly. Josiah drove through and stopped.

  Lindy turned around to watch the gates close automatically behind them. The gates met with a solid clang of secure metal. Lindy’s shoulders dropped a bit more as she relaxed. She felt safer already. Turning back to face the front, she looked around in amazement. There was a lot of land sprawling in front of them. “This is all SANCTUM?”

  “Welcome to SANCTUM, princess. You can see as we drive that everyone’s home is secluded but not isolated. It’s easy to walk to visit your neighbors. Here at the gate is a big communal area. There’s the barn. Several people have horses here. They come in handy when we need to move the cattle to a different pasture. Do you like to ride?” he asked. He was enjoying watching his princess look around. SANCTUM was not what she was expecting.

  Shaking her head sadly, Lindy said, “I’ve never gotten to ride. I love animals.”

  “There are a lot of creatures here. I’ll teach you to ride.”

  “Promise?” she asked eagerly.

  “I promise.” Josiah unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her close. His arms wrapped around his Little girl as she threw herself into them with a happy sound. He held her close, savoring her sweet scent. He leaned back to kiss her softly. “I’m glad I found you, Little girl. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Lindy leaned forward to kiss him sweetly. “I’m really glad you found me, too.” She sat back and pointed to a house with a big garden. “Is that where Shelby lives?”

  Just then, a slender young woman with long, dark hair rushed to the railing on the porch. She was followed by two well-built men who came to stand on either side of her. Shelby shaded her eyes and then began jumping up and down clapping her hands. Both men waved at their SUV and wrapped an arm around their L
ittle girl.

  “I think they noticed I have a special person with me.” He rolled down his window and waved before pointing to the right. The men nodded and waved while Shelby continued to dance with delight between them. Josiah rolled up his window and buckled Lindy back into her seatbelt. Setting the car into gear, he drove down a path to the right.

  An enormous house came into view. It was a cheerful blue with gray shutters and trim. It seemed to smile at Lindy as they drove up to the front entrance. Josiah parked and turned off the SUV then slid from the seat, rounding the hood to open Lindy’s door and help her jump down to the ground. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and they walked up the steps to a big front porch.

  Josiah swept her into his arms and strode toward the door with big steps. He opened the door and paused. “Welcome to your new home.” Stepping over the threshold, Josiah carried his Little girl into the house. He set her feet gently on the ground and smiled widely as Lindy backed up to press her body against the front of his. Josiah wrapped his arms around her, hugging her lightly.

  Looking around the beautiful home, tears gathered in Lindy’s eyes. It was precisely what she’d always dreamed of – a house designed to be happily lived in. The inside was painted a light blue color that brightened the open floor plan. The furniture was soft and inviting. It looked like you were supposed to sit on it. The family room had a giant fireplace and a bookshelf full of books. Lindy could imagine lazing away a cold day in front of the fire.

  That room opened into a large, open kitchen with a big wooden island and a table to the side. It was equipped with all the latest fancy appliances. She looked back at Josiah and admitted, “Ummm, D… I don’t cook very well.”

  “Little girls don’t cook. That’s Daddy’s job. Your job is to eat your vegetables and stay healthy and strong,” Josiah laughed.

  “I like everything except carrots. They’re yucky. Especially cooked carrots.”


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