An Imperfect Heart

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An Imperfect Heart Page 14

by Amie Knight

  Anthony pushed the sweaty hair off my forehead and smiled down at me. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” And fuck if he didn’t mean it. Love shone out of his eyes like the sun poured down on the Carolina beaches in the summer.

  I wanted to tell him he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen, too. I wanted to confess my love for him. I wanted to lay it all out there. That I’d never forgotten about him and our night. That it had meant something to me. That he meant something to me, but I was still stupidly and selfishly scared, so I burrowed further into his chest, still trying to catch my breath.

  He hugged me to him and I let him. The best place in the world was inside one of Doc’s hugs. For those few minutes when his arms were wrapped around me everything seemed perfect.

  Ya know, until he spoke.

  “I think I held up my end of the bargain, Peanut. What do you think?”

  I smiled into his shirt. “What bargain?” I mumbled.

  “The one where I kiss the shit out of you and you let me take you on a date.”

  I couldn’t tell him no. I already couldn’t tell him I loved him. He deserved a date. He deserved whatever he wanted. He was too good to his core, this one. I’d give him anything.


  He laughed. “What was that?”

  Rolling my eyes, I answered, “I said, okay, Doc. Calm the fuck down.”

  He kissed my forehead. “I love how agreeable orgasms make you. I’ll have to remember that in the future.”

  I hid my flaming face in his chest and wrapped my arms around his middle. I couldn’t even argue that point because he definitely wasn’t wrong.

  “Move in with me.”

  My body flew back and I almost fell off the couch, if not for Doc catching me just in time.


  “How many orgasms is it gonna cost me?”

  The loon was completely serious.

  My face burned hotter. “Oh my God, stop talking about orgasms, please!”

  I laid my head back to his chest and listened to his laugher there vibrating around his heart. It was the sweetest sound I’d heard in a long time, even if it was at my expense.

  “Pick up, pick up, pick up.” I held my cell phone to my ear, praying Ainsley answered. I needed her. After spending most of the day with Anthony, I’d come up to my apartment to get ready for our “date.” Shit. I’d let him make me come against his refrigerator and then talk me into going out with him on a real date. Doc was right; clearly orgasms made me stupid agreeable. He wanted a real date. Like a fancy date with dinner and dancing or something. And I didn’t think I’d ever been on a date like that. I was the girl who had quick hookups in the back of clubs I’d performed at. Or I used to be. I’d never had a serious boyfriend or a real date. I was terrified.

  It seemed like I was scared of everything lately. Anthony had arranged for a doctor friend that he assured me was the best to fly in and get ready for my delivery. Between the date and the impending delivery of my baby girl, I was a mess.

  The phone continued to ring and I was sick to my stomach, like I was going to puke. “Come on. Pick up, Ains.”

  She finally answered, sounding like she was out of breath. “Hey, Kells!”

  “Oh my God, I’m so glad you answered. I’m freaking out. Freaking out, Ainsley. You have to help me. I don’t know—”

  She cut me off. “Calm down, crazy lady, and explain to me slowly what’s happening. And of course I answered. I’ll always answer when you call. You know that. I was just chasing the kids around the yard.”

  “God, I’m sorry to interrupt your family time. Do you want to call me back?”

  She laughed. “Hell no, I want to know what the heck is going on!”

  “I have a date,” I whispered like anyone but she could hear me.

  “What? With who?”

  “Geez Louise, don’t make me say it, Ains.”

  “Holy shit, you have a date with Anthony don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I murmured.

  “You need to give me all the details now. When did this start? Why didn’t I get a call? Have y’all kissed? I’m so mad right now. I know nothing!”

  I sighed. “And you called me crazy lady.”

  “Spill it, Potter!”

  “He says he loves me. He’s kissed me.” I skipped the dry humping part. I could only divulge so much in one day. I’d save that tasty morsel for another day. “He wants to take me on a date. He’s crazy. He wants me to move in.”

  She whistled long and low. “Wow.”

  “I know.”

  “You must have put in on that man.”

  I gasped. “Hell no, I didn’t. I’m almost nine months pregnant!”

  “Pregnant chicks have sex, Kelly, and they also go on dates.”

  Rolling my eyes, I answered, “I guess.”

  “I can’t believe that little shit grew up to be a hot doctor who kisses my best friend.”

  I giggled. I already felt better just talking to her. “But what am I going to wear tonight? What do I do? I’ve never even been on a real date, Ains. I’m faaareaking out!”

  “It’s going to be fine, honey. You’ve been hanging with Anthony for weeks now. You’re just going to be hanging with him in public, dressed up, and maybe being a little romantic.”

  Ainsley was my best friend. I could tell her anything, even my greatest fears. I had to tell someone. I couldn’t keep it bottled up any longer. I lay back on my bed, feeling a twinge in my back that made me gasp a bit. “What if we go out on a date and he realizes this is all a big mistake?”


  “What if he realizes I’m a big mistake? That he doesn’t love me. That I’m nine months pregnant with another man’s baby and I don’t have a job or a future. That I’m not good enough.”

  “Oh, Kelly.” I hated the pity in her voice. “That is never going to happen. Because you aren’t just some chick who’s pregnant with another man’s baby. You’re smart and funny and beautiful, and right now you don’t know what you’re going to do with your future, but I have no doubt it’s going to be epic because you’re amazing and Anthony knows that just as well as I do. You’re more than good enough.”

  I tried to tell myself she was right, but I didn’t think I’d ever felt so insecure in my life as I did in that moment. What did he see in me? I wished I could see myself in Doc’s eyes for just a moment, and then maybe I’d understand.

  “Thanks, Ains.”

  “Anytime, baby. So what are you going to wear? Oh, wear your hair down. It’s so beautiful down and around your face.”

  I groaned. “I have no idea what in the hell I’m wearing. I don’t have anything that fits.”

  “What about a little black dress? Surely you have a stretchy black dress. Every girl does.”

  I looked down at my giant baby bump. Nope, scratch that. I was firmly out of the bump category and into the hump one. I was huge.

  “I don’t think there’s enough stretch in the world, Ains. I’m pretty sure my little black dress would double as a tank top right now.”

  She laughed. “Girl, he doesn’t care what you’re wearing. He just wants to be with you.”

  The doorbell rang, and I sat up as quickly as I could. “I gotta go. The doorbell’s ringing.”

  “Okay. Have fun tonight and don’t stress. You’re perfect.”

  “Thanks! Bye.”

  I looked through the peephole to find Lucy on the other side. Opening the door, I said, “Hey!” We hugged. “What are you doing here?” Not that I wasn’t happy to see her, but I had a date to get ready for, and I needed a lot of time to come up with a clean pair of sweatpants that didn’t look like I forced myself into them.

  She held up a white shopping bag. “I brought you something to wear tonight.”

  “What?” How did she know about tonight and what did she bring me?

  “Anthony said he was taking you out tonight and that you were worried about what to wear. He gave me hi
s credit card and I went shopping for you.”

  I wanted to be annoyed that he’d once again taken care of me, but I couldn’t. I was so lucky. I couldn’t complain about a man who not only told me he was in love with me, but showed it, too. And I wasn’t talking material things. Anthony was thoughtful, and it showed in every one of his actions.

  “What did you get me?” I smiled and tried to peek in the bag.

  “Uh uh uh, no peeking.” She dashed toward my bedroom. “Come on, let’s get you all dolled up. He will be here before you know it.”

  And for some reason, I wasn’t so scared anymore. I didn’t know if it was my conversation with Ainsley or Lucy to the rescue, but butterflies swarmed my belly. I was excited.

  I stood outside Kelly’s door and knocked. It was a date, otherwise I would have just used my key and busted on in. But I wanted to do this right. I had a feeling Kelly had never been wined and dined, and I wanted to do that. Well, minus the wine.

  She was taking forever to answer, so I tugged at the bow tie she’d given me. I knew she picked on my ties, but I also knew she loved them. Why else would she have given me one? I paired the music tie with a white dress shirt and dark gray slacks. I’d thrown a little gel in my hair and put on my best cologne. I hadn’t been on very many dates myself. Weren’t we a pair tonight?

  The door opened and there she stood in a pale pink off the shoulder flowing dress that hit her just below the knees, her gorgeous legs on display. Her hair was down and curled around her face, and I could tell she’d added a little makeup. She looked beautiful. I wanted to push her back into the apartment and do an instant replay of yesterday when she’d ridden my cock against the refrigerator. Fuck, I’d been so hot, so ready for her, and she’d been so beautiful, lost in her pleasure. I wanted her. I didn’t want to rush her, though. Everything would happen in time. The first being our date. She was dealing with a lot. I was trying to ease my way into her heart. The bed would have to wait, even if it killed me. And it might with her looking like that.

  I pushed a hand through my hair. “Fuck, you look good.” And clearly I wasn’t going for dashing or debonair. I’d just used the word fuck. My face got hot. “Sorry.”

  Her face softened in the hallway light.

  “It’s just you look really beautiful.” I wrung my hands.

  She stepped out, closed the door, and put her arm through mine. “You nervous, too?” She steered us toward the elevator.


  She laughed. “Well, we can be nervous together.”

  She didn’t have a reason to be nervous. She looked gorgeous. We shot each other quiet smiles in the elevator, and I opened the door when we reached my car.

  She fidgeted in the seat next to me. “So where are we going, Doc?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  She reached over and touched my tie, and I remembered that day in the parking lot, how she’d thumped my tie. I smiled.

  “You wore the tie.” It was just a statement, but it was loaded with sentiment and feeling.

  I nodded. “I did.”

  “It looks good.” Her face flushed and even though it was dark, I could see the red in her cheeks. I wanted to caress them with my fingers.

  I remembered her words. A little of me and a little of you.

  It wasn’t a long ride to our destination and as I parked the car Kelly studied the building in front of us. “Louisa’s?”

  “Yep.” I walked around the car and opened the door, giving her a hand out of the low car. I could tell she was finding it more and more difficult to do the simplest of tasks. Baby girl would be here any day now. I was excited. I was frightened. I’d made all the necessary arrangements and had a doctor friend who flew in yesterday to be on standby. We couldn’t take any chances. He was a damn good doctor, and I’d put every bit of my faith in him and his ability to do his job. He’d done me a huge favor being away from his family for the upcoming days until the baby arrived. I’d owe him one. But I’d owe anybody anything as long as the baby was okay.

  Kelly took in the old white building that had definitely seen better days as we walked the path to the front door. My eyes adjusted to the darkness as I looked around the crowded jazz club to find an available table. Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to one of the only tables not taken.

  “What is the place?” she asked, hanging her purse on the back of her chair.

  I looked at the stage. “I thought you’d like to hear some music.”

  She grinned and looked around. I had to admit, it was pretty damn cool. I’d only ever been to Louisa’s one time myself. The outside of the building sure didn’t match the inside, which was the very definition of cool. Low lighting, exposed brick walls, and furniture and decor in sexy reds and blacks filled the space.

  A waiter approached our table. “What can I get you?” He looked at me.

  I ordered a few tapas they had on the menu for us to share and a soda water with lime.

  The waiter looked at Kelly and back at me. “And what can I get your wife?”

  “Oh—” Kelly started, but I cut her off. I didn’t know why she felt the need to clarify or why she thought it was awkward people thought she was my wife. After all, we were together.

  “She’ll just have water.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll be back with your drinks in just a moment.”

  The waiter left and Kelly gave me a look. “See, that was weird.”

  I scowled at her. “It wasn’t weird. There’s not a goddamn thing about you being my wife that’s weird.”

  And there wasn’t. It was my dream, to be her husband, to have that baby call me daddy. But I knew dreams could easily be crushed, so I dared not let myself voice them.

  She smiled at me. “Calm down, Doc.”

  She loved to tell me to calm down. It almost always made her smile, and when she smiled I lost my fucking mind. That smile made me act like a lovesick idiot, so I dropped my scowl and smiled back at her.

  The club darkened further and the stage lit as the performer for the night walked across the stage. I watched Kelly’s face.

  Her lips curved and her eyes brightened, and I wondered how I was going to take my eyes off her for one second. Her head snapped to mine.

  “Mo!” she whispered with excitement as he made his way to a piano and sat down.

  Her excited face turned back to the stage, and Mo started into a slow jazz piece and that had Kelly rocking in her seat slowly. That piece fed into another and another, my girl completely absorbed in the music. He pounded the keys and rocked back and forth on the bench. Some slow, some fast, but my girl’s eyes never left the stage. Not even when the food and drinks arrived. I could tell she loved seeing Mo play. Her face said it all. That old man enraptured my girl. Every note he played she fell for him more and more, and every second she spent falling for him, I fell more for her. I tried to watch Mo, but instead spent much of the evening watching her. Fuck, I loved her. And I know it sounded stupid, but I wanted her to love me, too. More than anything. I wanted to hold that baby and know it was safe, and I wanted her momma to tell me she loved me. It seemed like I was asking for so little and yet so much at the same time. It felt like it was right there in front of me and miles away, the dream I dreamed.

  Mo’s set closed, and Kelly turned to me, giving me the biggest smile I’d ever seen. “That was amazing. That man is amazing! Did you know he could play like that?”

  I grabbed her hand across the table. I wanted her next to me. “I did.”

  “I mean, holy shit, he’s so talented. God, I loved it.”

  “I’m glad.” And I was. I wanted her to love tonight and remember it and think of me. I wanted her to think of me always.

  A warm hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder to see Mo standing there, black suit on, his black fedora with a red strip of silk around it perched on his head.

  “Dr. Jackson.” He smiled down at me. “Ms. Kelly.”

  Kelly flew up o
ut of her seat and around me. “Oh my God, Mo. That was amazing. I loved it so much. Can I hug you? Is that okay?” She didn’t wait for him to answer as she threw her arms around him.

  He chuckled low as he hugged her back. Pulling out of her embrace he said, “You never came back and played the drums for me.”

  She laughed and patted her round belly. “Well, I’ve been kinda busy.”

  He gave me a look. “Well, I’m glad the good doctor could bring you to see me play.”

  “Oh, me, too, you’re amazing!”

  “Are you enjoying your drum kit?”

  Now Kelly gave me a pointed look before answering, “Yeah, I’m enjoying it when the neighbors let me even if it was too much of a gift.”

  “Mmm,” he hummed and looked at my tie. “Looking pretty smooth, brother.”

  I grinned. “Thanks, man.”

  He raised an eyebrow at Kelly almost teasingly. “Looks like you gave your man the tie?”

  Her man. I waited for her to deny it. To tell Mo I was just a friend. It seemed she was always trying to deny what we were growing more and more into every day. But she surprised me tonight in the most special way when her eyes got soft on me.

  “I did,” she said, and my chest all of a sudden felt too small for my heart. Like it might just burst wide-open.

  Fuck if I didn’t wanna puff my chest out and bang it like a damn caveman. That’s right, I’m her man. Everybody pay fucking attention. I somehow just barely managed to rein my crazy in.

  “How’s Noah?” I asked Mo.

  “He’s good. I think he’s coming into the office for a checkup, so I imagine you’ll be seeing him soon. Says Lucille is gonna have a candy for him.”

  I laughed. “I’m sure she will.” My mother spoiled rotten the kids who came in.

  “Well, I don’t wanna keep y’all from your date.” He raised his eyebrows at me. “That is what this is, right?”

  I nodded.

  He laughed a little. “Well, y’all are both lookin’ real good. I’d say you suit each other nicely.” He kissed Kelly’s hand and looked back at me. “Bring her in to see me sometime. I gotta hear this pixie play the drums.”


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