Her Surprise Protector

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Her Surprise Protector Page 12

by J. P. Comeau

  Our relationship was just like the one I had always fantasized about but never managed to find. The physical side of a relationship always seemed to infringe on the mental, making changes so subtly I hardly noticed them until I was over my head involved. But not with Riker. With Riker, everything was different in the best way possible - and it was real, not a fantasy.

  So, when he decided I didn’t need my yoga pants, I agreed with him wholeheartedly because I was getting warm in a certain place that responded to Riker’s experienced touch. A little cool air would be nice, and that meant that the loss of my panties didn’t really bother me either.

  However, that cool air lasted for about two seconds before something hot and wet replaced it, setting pleasurable fire to the most sensitive spot on my body. All I could do was squeak in surprise because Riker’s strong fingers held my thighs in place. The veins on his arms were standing out as he denied my efforts to wiggle away…or wiggle closer? I couldn’t tell what I was doing because this sudden rush of pleasure was driving me crazy.

  Now I was a pool of heat that begged for another form of attention, something to lessen the emptiness and speed along the process Riker had begun. That wasn’t to be, though, not yet. Riker raised his head, kissing his way up my stomach and chest as he fluidly lifted my comfy T-shirt at the same time.

  Overcome with the desire to see his shoulders ripple every time he moved his arms, I closed my arms over my shirt and pulled at his instead. He resisted for a moment but gave in when I refused to budge. A joke about ladies first would have been appropriate here, but a hand slipped under my T-shirt, finding me braless and using two fingers and one nipple to stop the words in their tracks. The pulse between my legs became a mind of its own, and I finished what Riker had started, tossing away my own shirt.

  Nothing kept our bodies apart. Riker knelt between my knees where I sat, pressing his chest against mine and going in for a sweet kiss. My excited brown nubs caught on the grooves of Riker’s muscles, adding to the pleasure of our deep, undulating kisses. Somehow, my ass had scooted to the edge of the lounge chair, and I might have even fallen off if Riker’s immovable, brawny chest hadn’t been there to stop me.

  Fingers took a handful of my hair, gently but firmly tugging my head back so soft lips could play with the sensitive skin on my neck. Glancing down, I couldn’t see what Riker was doing because he was kneeling with his head level at my chest. I could only feel the kiss creeping down my neck to my shoulder, then across my chest to-

  I couldn’t hold back a gasp when his teeth scraped across my nipple, shockingly sharp but so gentle that it was only the surprise that wrung the sound from me. Teeth vanished to be replaced by apologetic lips. I relaxed again, melting into Riker’s embrace and watching the top of his head intently, waiting for him to break away so I could feel his lips on mine again.

  Instead, Riker wrapped his arms around me, cradling me. I wanted to wriggle and argue that I could walk, he should put me down and let me get to the bedroom on my own legs, shaky as they were. But then, Riker opened the door to the house, and I remembered that Bree was inside, asleep. Better to save my breath…I was going to need it.

  That realization added a new element to our rapidly evolving passion. We couldn’t make a sound – at least, not too much of one. I had to hold in the soft little cries I wanted to make when Riker slipped a finger into the wetness that was begging for him.

  He kept his voice to a low grunt of pleasure when I unbuckled his belt and grabbed his thick cock, tightening and relaxing my hand in time with his. I had to bite my lip when Riker added another finger…then he bit my lip too in the middle of a kiss when I began moving my hand in long, quick strokes up and down. Finally breaking free, he finished removing his shirt and pants.

  My lip had taken enough. So, instead of letting Riker kiss me again, I followed the pattern he had created, making my way down his neck. But it was too clumsy because I was on the bottom, so I flipped us and continued, leaving little red marks. They would quickly fade but stay long enough for me to admire my handiwork and touch the spots, remembering what I had done.

  I drew up my knees, straddling Riker. His arms wrapped around me, refusing to allow any space between our bodies. This new position was too awkward for the hand that had been stroking him, but that was okay. I replaced it with the longing between my legs. Every time Riker came close to the right spot, I shifted my body to deny him entry, teasing him with the gentle back and forth of my hips against his own.

  “Elena,” Riker pleaded into my lips. I merely smiled, hiding how much I wanted him for the sake of another few seconds of teasing.

  My strapping, billionaire security guard wanted none of it. The size of his muscles tripled my own, and he showed me that when he tightened his fingers on my ass, holding me in place until he found what I had been hiding and put a sudden stop to my naughty game.

  I lost all thoughts of playfulness to a wave of pleasure. My knees and hands dug into the sheets, bracing for impact remembering the first night of wild pleasure on the beach.

  Today, things were different. There was no wild, thirsty need. We could take our time, relax, and enjoy the simple act of being close and comfortable with each other. We were letting the excitement build within us slowly, urging us into faster, breathless ecstasy.

  The heat from between my legs spread to my thighs as they began to burn, protesting the position and movement I was putting them through. Riker felt me slow down and flipped us back to the way we had started – him on top. Fully repentant for making him wait earlier, I guided him through my swollen folds, wondering how many times I could tighten my fingers on his shoulders before I left scratches.

  Riker clearly didn’t mind because he went back to where we had left off – fast. I forgot everything but the sensation of him inside me and moaned, biting the sound off in the middle when I remembered the need for silence. Quick, gasping breaths were fine, though, and I used them to show Riker how much he affected me both inside and out.

  His hands cupped my breasts, stopping their bounce as his breath hitched in his chest. A thin layer of sweat coated his muscles, turning them into glistening, writhing beasts. He was so close, I could feel it, and I was close too, I just needed that one little touch to push me over the top…

  My eyes fastened on the delectable image of Riker putting everything he had into me, stimulating me from the inside. The little bit of me that was outside screamed for attention too. So, I donated one of my hands to the cause, rubbing furiously to match his tempo.

  Together, we became statues as our shared moment turned our bodies into frozen, shining works of art, locked together with the force of our lovemaking. Seconds ticked by before the statues collapsed, transforming a climax of passion into a tender embrace.

  Short whiskers tickled my nose, but it took me a full minute to push myself up. Another few seconds passed before I could convince Riker to go clean up with me instead of passing out right here on the bed. Soon enough, we were back, showered, satisfied, and filled with comfortable laziness.

  “Hey, Riker,” I murmured sleepily.


  “Will you stay here in the city with Bree and me now?”


  Worth a try. I drifted off to sleep, entangled in Riker’s arms.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I pulled up to a familiar sight – the mansion gates swinging open to let me in. Were they moving slower than I remembered? Or perhaps a bit faster? Something was different. Everything was different.

  Coming back to the Hamptons while knowing Elena was still in Manhattan felt so strange. I had always been the one to come back to her so we could enjoy weekends together. It had been my escape from work and something we had both looked forward to. This evening, I had to leave her behind instead to return to where it had all begun for us.

  Depending on tonight, this might be the last time I had to leave Elena and Bree behind. Everything would go back to the way it wa
s before if Oscar would just show his smug, punchable face tonight.

  Elena hadn’t talked about Oscar much, but seeing him lay his hands on a woman had told me everything I needed to know. Whether he showed up this evening, tomorrow, next weekend, or next month, well… I cracked my knuckles against the steering wheel. I intended to enjoy our meeting.

  I left my unsettled feeling behind at the gate. I would only be home for a couple of minutes anyway - long enough to drop off my car and grab Elena’s so I could go to her house and begin setting up to surprise Oscar.

  I got in the car, turned the key Elena had given me and started toward her house. When I got to the main road, I put the pedal to the metal, expecting the car to respond to my command like the ones I was accustomed to driving.

  Elena’s vehicle lurched forward then stalled. I shook my head and barely got it started before a truck appeared around the curve behind me. Guess I know what to get her for her birthday. Wait, when is her birthday? Apparently, in all our hours of conversation, I’d never gotten around to asking that important question.

  Oh well. There would be time for that after I dealt with Oscar and flew Elena back here.

  On my way, I called up Jack. “Seen anything tonight?” I asked, glancing down at the dashboard to check the gas gauge. Smart gal… Elena’s not one of those women who always drives on fumes.

  “No, it’s been quiet,” Jack told me. “Haven’t seen hide nor hair of the perp. You’re clear. Need help with anything?”

  “Roger that. Nope, I can handle my stuff… no problem.”

  I hung up, drove for a few more minutes, and pulled up to the house. I had been here so many times with Elena that I remembered exactly how she liked to park her car and parked it the same way. Any missed detail could throw off Oscar, and I couldn’t let that happen. I might only have one shot at this. If something felt off to him or if I messed this up, he might not come back, and Elena would have to live with constant worry in the knowledge that he was out there somewhere. In an even worst-case scenario, Oscar might decide to start haunting her at work or show up at Bree’s daycare.

  I would absolutely not allow either of those things to happen. That was why it had to be me out here tonight, not one of my employees. Elena’s safety was my responsibility now, and Oscar was about to find out how seriously I took that challenge.

  With the car parked perfectly, I let myself inside the house and flipped the switches on the living room and kitchen lights. After propping open the wooden front door, the salty scent of the ocean breeze flowed into the house. This place is really unique. No wonder Elena loves it so much…

  As the sun was setting into the ocean behind the house, I headed back outside. A few of Bree’s toys were lying on the back porch, so I placed them in the front yard under a tree, piling up a few small stones and arranging a sort of nature tea set for believability. When I went back inside, I closed the screen door but left it unlocked. The interior door was still wide open, allowing a stream of light to escape.

  This was my reasoning. If Oscar decided to come tonight and just spotted an open door, he might suspect something was up. But if he saw the toys out front, he might assume Elena and Bree had been enjoying the cool evening breeze for a while before it got dark.

  If Oscar didn’t show within a reasonable amount of time, I would pick up the toys, turn out the lights, and leave the front door ajar a bit like Elena had accidentally not closed it all the way because she was busy with Bree. That would be believable too.

  What would I be doing during this time? I would be sitting in the guest bedroom in a chair in a dark corner, watching my phone’s Sunset Security app, and keeping an eye on the feeds from the cameras. If Oscar showed his face anywhere on the property, I would know about it and be able to prepare accordingly.

  Everything was ready. So, I sat down and settled in to keep my vigil. This wasn’t my first rodeo. I had come prepared with all the necessities – energy drinks, granola bars, and headphones to listen to music while I watched the cameras and waited. The only thing missing now was Oscar.

  After an hour and a half, I judged that it was too late to leave the toys out any longer. I headed back outside to collect them, switched off all the lights, and sat in the guest room in total darkness except for the camera feed on my phone. If Oscar didn’t show within about two more hours, he almost certainly wouldn’t come here tonight.

  Two hours passed. Nothing. Oh well, I told myself, downplaying my disappointment. I couldn’t reasonably expect the trap to work on the very first night.

  I locked the front door and headed back to the guest room, this time to sleep. I was already here, so I might as well stay on the off-chance that Oscar would watch for Elena’s car to come and go somewhere down the road.

  Jack promptly answered when I gave him a call. “Nothing down here. Did you see anything?”

  “No. No one except you, boss.”

  “Keep it up,” I told him, knowing his shift would be over in a few hours, and he could go home to sleep. “We’ll try again tomorrow.” I wasn’t sure if Jack knew how personal this particular job was to me, but his reply was instant and his mood, positive.

  “We’ll get him. He can’t stay away. He’s obsessed with your friend.”

  A bit thrown off by Jack’s supportiveness, I made a sound of agreement and hung up. At first, I was taken aback. His remarks bordered on being unprofessional. Then, I reconsidered. Sitting in his van and watching Elena and I arrive here together every weekend had probably caused Jack to root for us. So, I smiled to myself and was grateful for his attitude, especially after I had been so hard on him a few weeks before.

  I figured Elena was asleep by now – it was three AM – so I just sent her a quick text. Hey, nothing to report here. Going to bed now. I put a heart after the message, sent it, and lay down to get some rest before tomorrow’s second take.

  Light flooded my eyelids. I sat up and hit the green button to answer Elena’s call. “Hey,” I said, surprised. “Thought you would be asleep.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she admitted. “I was worried about you. How’d it go?” Elena’s voice sounded small and distant over the phone. I would give anything to have her here with me right now.

  “It didn’t. Oscar didn’t show. That’s okay, though. We couldn’t really expect the plan to work on the very first night,” I reminded her and me both when she made a sound that encompassed both of our disappointment.

  “I know, that would be too easy and Oscar doesn’t like to make things easy. Promise me you’ll get lots of sleep, okay? There’s still some food in the house, mostly canned food. Stuff that wouldn’t go bad while I’m in the city, you know. But I think there is some meat in the freezer-”

  “Elena. I’ll be fine.” All I need is a beautiful woman whose name is Elena to hold, right now. “Really. It’s not like I can’t leave the house and get food.”

  “I know, just…be careful. Please?”

  Since I would do anything to make Elena feel better, I promised again that I would watch my back. When we ended the call, I put the phone on the nightstand and turned over, laying on my shoulder and relishing the feel of Elena’s warm blankets against my bare chest.

  I needed that call from Elena, although I hadn’t realized it. Even after a few hours, I already missed her, and being in this house made it so much worse. This place smelled like her, screamed of her style, and memories of us together occupied every nook and cranny.

  Tomorrow night. Maybe it’ll be tomorrow night.

  But the next night was the same. Again, I placed the toys outside and sat awake in the guest room, watching the minutes tick by as the cameras looked down upon a peaceful, Oscar-less scene. Seasoned as I was, I knew it was ridiculous to assume that Oscar was onto the plan or aware a security detail had been watching the house for weeks. But that didn’t stop me from thinking about it. Ordinarily, I would have had a lot more patience. Since Elena was the one inconvenienced, any delay felt intolerable.

p; Not that it mattered. I could chafe with annoyance in my seat in the guest room all I wanted, but it wouldn’t change the fact that if Oscar didn’t come, he just didn’t come. This wasn’t something I could speed up. I would have to adjust to the issues as they presented themselves.

  Those developments remained elusive the next evening, too. Surely if Oscar was going to show up it was likely he would on a weekend like he had before. Or at least, that was the logic that buoyed me as I began my waiting and watching game for the third time.

  Still nothing. Three nights in a row, and Oscar hadn’t so much as driven by the place yet.

  I spent most of Sunday at home, listlessly preparing to fly back to Manhattan. Failure weighted my mind, even though I knew I could do nothing about it, and Elena definitely didn’t blame me at all. I hated things I couldn’t change by practicing or through simple persistence. Sailing, I could learn to do better. Running, I could train to run farther. But security work…that required me to wait, wait, and then wait some more. And patience was not one of my virtues.

  Should I go back to Manhattan? That was the thought that dragged at my ankles, weighting them with indecision until I could hardly move. Returning now felt like admitting defeat, even though there was always next weekend. And I had work and a woman to return to.

  I could have it both ways, actually. I could go to Elena’s and set the trap for a while, then fly home late. Come to think of it, that would probably be best. So, I doubled my resolve. Who knows, this might be the evening Oscar shows up.

  I didn’t really believe that, but dusk still found me sitting in the guest room, eyes on the feeds from the cameras. The third time was supposed to be the charm, and the third time had already passed, but I intended to take every chance and opportunity.


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