The World Set Free

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The World Set Free Page 24

by H. G. Wells

  shall go on to mould our bodies and our bodily feelings and

  personal reactions as boldly as we begin now to carve mountains

  and set the seas in their places and change the currents of the


  'It is the next wave,' said Fowler, who had come out upon the

  terrace and seated himself silently behind Karenin's chair.

  'Of course, in the old days,' said Edwards, 'men were tied to

  their city or their country, tied to the homes they owned or the

  work they did…'

  'I do not see,' said Karenin, 'that there is any final limit to

  man's power of self-modification.

  'There is none,' said Fowler, walking forward and sitting down

  upon the parapet in front of Karenin so that he could see his

  face. 'There is no absolutelimit to either knowledge or

  power… I hope you do not tire yourself talking.'

  'I am interested,' said Karenin. 'I suppose in a little while

  men will cease to be tired. I suppose in a little time you will

  give us something that will hurry away the fatigue products and

  restore our jaded tissues almost at once. This old machine may

  be made to run without slacking or cessation.'

  'That is possible, Karenin. But there is much to learn.'

  'And all the hours we give to digestion and half living; don't

  you think there will be some way of saving these?'

  Fowler nodded assent.

  'And then sleep again. When man with his blazing lights made an

  end to night in his towns and houses-it is only a hundred years

  or so ago that that was done-then it followed he would presently

  resent his eight hours of uselessness. Shan't we presently take

  a tabloid or lie in some field of force that will enable us to do

  with an hour or so of slumber and rise refreshed again?'

  'Frobisher and Ameer Ali have done work in that direction.'

  'And then the inconveniences of age and those diseases of the

  system that come with years; steadily you drive them back and you

  lengthen and lengthen the years that stretch between the

  passionate tumults of youth and the contractions of senility. Man

  who used to weaken and die as his teeth decayed now looks forward

  to a continually lengthening, continually fuller term of years.

  And all those parts of him that once gathered evil against him,

  the vestigial structures and odd, treacherous corners of his

  body, you know better and better how to deal with. You carve his

  body about and leave it re-modelled and unscarred. The

  psychologists are learning how to mould minds, to reduce and

  remove bad complexes of thought and motive, to relieve pressures

  and broaden ideas. So that we are becoming more and more capable

  of transmitting what we have learnt and preserving it for the

  race. The race, the racial wisdom, science, gather power

  continually to subdue the individual man to its own end. Is that

  not so?'

  Fowler said that it was, and for a time he was telling Karenin of

  new work that was in progress in India and Russia. 'And how is

  it with heredity?' asked Karenin.

  Fowler told them of the mass of inquiry accumulated and arranged

  by the genius of Tchen, who was beginning to define clearly the

  laws of inheritance and how the sex of children and the

  complexions and many of the parental qualities could be


  'He can actually DO--?'

  'It is still, so to speak, a mere laboratory triumph,' said

  Fowler, 'but to-morrow it will be practicable.'

  'You see,' cried Karenin, turning a laughing face to Rachel and

  Edith, 'while we have been theorising about men and women, here

  is science getting the power for us to end that old dispute for

  ever. If woman is too much for us, we'll reduce her to a

  minority, and if we do not like any type of men and women, we'll

  have no more of it. These old bodies, these old animal

  limitations, all this earthly inheritance of gross

  inevitabilities falls from the spirit of man like the shrivelled

  cocoon from an imago. And for my own part, when I hear of these

  things I feel like that-like a wet, crawling new moth that still

  fears to spread its wings. Because where do these things take


  'Beyond humanity,' said Kahn.

  'No,' said Karenin. 'We can still keep our feet upon the earth

  that made us. But the air no longer imprisons us, this round

  planet is no longer chained to us like the ball of a galley


  'In a little while men who will know how to bear the strange

  gravitations, the altered pressures, the attenuated, unfamiliar

  gases and all the fearful strangenesses of space will be

  venturing out from this earth. This ball will be no longer enough

  for us; our spirit will reach out… Cannot you see how that

  little argosy will go glittering up into the sky, twinkling and

  glittering smaller and smaller until the blue swallows it up.

  They may succeed out there; they may perish, but other men will

  follow them…

  'It is as if a great window opened,' said Karenin.

  Section 9

  As the evening drew on Karenin and those who were about him went

  up upon the roof of the buildings, so that they might the better

  watch the sunset and the flushing of the mountains and the coming

  of the afterglow. They were joined by two of the surgeons from

  the laboratories below, and presently by a nurse who brought

  Karenin refreshment in a thin glass cup. It was a cloudless,

  windless evening under the deep blue sky, and far away to the

  north glittered two biplanes on the way to the observatories on

  Everest, two hundred miles distant over the precipices to the

  east. The little group of people watched them pass over the

  mountains and vanish into the blue, and then for a time they

  talked of the work that the observatory was doing. From that they

  passed to the whole process of research about the world, and so

  Karenin's thoughts returned again to the mind of the world and

  the great future that was opening upon man's imagination. He

  asked the surgeons many questions upon the detailed possibilities

  of their science, and he was keenly interested and excited by the

  things they told him. And as they talked the sun touched the

  mountains, and became very swiftly a blazing and indented

  hemisphere of liquid flame and sank.

  Karenin looked blinking at the last quivering rim of

  incandescence, and shaded his eyes and became silent.

  Presently he gave a little start.

  'What?' asked Rachel Borken.

  'I had forgotten,' he said.

  'What had you forgotten?'

  'I had forgotten about the operation to-morrow. I have been so

  interested as Man to-day that I have nearly forgotten Marcus

  Karenin. Marcus Karenin must go under your knife to-morrow,

  Fowler, and very probably Marcus Karenin will die.' He raised

  his slightly shrivelled hand. 'It does not matter, Fowler. It

  scarcely matters even to me. For indeed is it Karenin who has

  been sitting here and talking; is it not rather a common mind,

  Fowler, that has played about between us? You and
I and all of

  us have added thought to thought, but the thread is neither you

  nor me. What is true we all have; when the individual has

  altogether brought himself to the test and winnowing of

  expression, then the individual is done. I feel as though I had

  already been emptied out of that little vessel, that Marcus

  Karenin, which in my youth held me so tightly and completely.

  Your beauty, dear Edith, and your broad brow, dear Rachel, and

  you, Fowler, with your firm and skilful hands, are now almost as

  much to me as this hand that beats the arm of my chair. And as

  little me. And the spirit that desires to know, the spirit that

  resolves to do, that spirit that lives and has talked in us

  to-day, lived in Athens, lived in Florence, lives on, I know, for


  'And you, old Sun, with your sword of flame searing these poor

  eyes of Marcus for the last time of all, beware of me! You think

  I die-and indeed Iam only taking off one more coat to get at

  you. I have threatened you for ten thousand years, and soon I

  warn you I shall be coming. When Iam altogether stripped and my

  disguises thrown away. Very soon now, old Sun, I shall launch

  myself at you, and I shall reach you and I shall put my foot on

  your spotted face and tug you about by your fiery locks. One step

  I shall take to the moon, and then I shall leap at you. I've

  talked to you before, old Sun, I've talked to you a million

  times, and now Iam beginning to remember. Yes-long ago, long

  ago, before I had stripped off a few thousand generations, dust

  now and forgotten, I was a hairy savage and I pointed my hand at

  you and-clearly I remember it!-I saw you in a net. Have you

  forgotten that, old Sun?…

  'Old Sun, I gather myself together out of the pools of the

  individual that have held me dispersed so long. I gather my

  billion thoughts into science and my million wills into a common

  purpose. Well may you slink down behind the mountains from me,

  well may you cower…'

  Section 10

  Karenin desired that he might dreamalone for a little while

  before he returned to the cell in which he was to sleep. He was

  given relief for a pain that began to trouble him and wrapped

  warmly about with furs, for a great coldness was creeping over

  all things, and so they left him, and he sat for a long time

  watching the afterglow give place to the darkness of night.

  It seemed to those who had to watch over him unobtrusively lest

  he should be in want of any attention, that he mused very deeply.

  The white and purple peaks against the golden sky sank down into

  cold, blue remoteness, glowed out again and faded again, and the

  burning cressets of the Indian stars, that even the moonrise

  cannot altogether quench, began their vigil. The moon rose

  behind the towering screen of dark precipices to the east, and

  long before it emerged above these, its slanting beams had filled

  the deep gorges below with luminous mist and turned the towers

  and pinnacles of Lio Porgyul to a magic dreamcastle of radiance

  and wonder…

  Came a great uprush of ghostly light above the black rim of

  rocks, and then like a bubble that is blown and detaches itself

  the moon floated off clear into the unfathomable dark sky…

  And then Karenin stood up. He walked a few paces along the

  terrace and remained for a time gazing up at that great silver

  disc, that silvery shield that must needs be man's first conquest

  in outer space…

  Presently he turned about and stood with his hands folded behind

  him, looking at the northward stars…

  At length he went to his own cell. He lay down there and slept

  peacefully till the morning. And early in the morning they came

  to him and the anaesthetic was given him and the operation


  It was altogether successful, but Karenin was weak and he had to

  lie very still; and about seven days later a blood clot detached

  itself from the healing scar and travelled to his heart, and he

  died in an instant in the night.

  The End

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