Aeon Fugitive

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by Amelia Wilson

  Aeon Fugitive

  Sensual Abduction Series Book 2


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:

  Invitation From The Author

  Also By Amelia Wilson

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About The First Book: Aeon Captive

  About The Author

  Note From The Author

  Preview of Baston

  Preview of Rival Love

  Copyright © 2018 by Amelia Wilson

  All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Invitation From The Author

  I am currently recruiting BETA readers for my review team.

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  ∞ Amelia ∞

  Also By Amelia Wilson


  Love Beyond the wall

  Sight of Love

  Claimed by Love

  In Love with the Enemy

  Love for you Alone

  A Rizer Wolfpack Series BOX SET


  Rune Sword

  Rune Master

  Rune Hunter

  Rune King's Daughter

  Rune Romance Complete Series BOX SET


  Aeon Captive

  Aeon Fugitive

  Aeon War

  Aeon Ending

  Sensual Abduction Series Box Set


  Bearly Deniable

  Hunting for Love

  The Soul of a Bear

  UnBearable Romance Series





  The Adna Planet Series Box Set


  Rival Love

  Strong Love

  Magic Love



  Ignition (July 18)


  A Chosen Fate

  A Dark Truth


  A Friend in Love

  A Witchy Girl

  A Final Game

  A Vampire in Disguise Box Set


  To Catch A Killer

  The Alien Surrogate

  Alien Message

  Wild Winter



  Twitter: @AmeliaWilsonB


  Chapter One

  Sarah Ellison tried to make sense of the last couple of weeks of her life as she was led from a spaceship, yes, a real spaceship! And into a waiting hovercraft, which looked as though it had come straight from the latest Tom Cruise Sci-Fi film.

  She was an Earthling, of course, a young woman of college-age with long blonde hair and pouty lips, her hips and bust curvy, her waist slim. Her father was a geologist, and it was because of this that she had been abducted by aliens one afternoon; a large ship sweeping overhead as she drove, and pulling her up through the air when she had stepped out of her vehicle to investigate.

  On board the ship she had come face-to-face with an alien. It had soft blue skin and antenna on its head, and spoke to her not with its mouth, but with its mind. It did not have a name, and Sarah came to call it Henry. She and Henry had bonded, for he was the alien who had been tasked with taking care of her, and she didn’t see any others on the ship.

  Henry told her why they needed her help. Sarah wore a necklace of crystal around her neck, a gift from her father. The crystal had come to earth many years before, Henry explained, and it was the key to Henry’s species the Aeon’s surviving in a war another species, the Zaytarian’s, were waging against them.

  And then something crazy happened; Sarah found herself falling for the alien, for as different as their species were, he had an antennae and spoke through his mind for Pete’s sake, there were some things Henry shared with Earth men, namely a throbbing cock in his space pants, and a desire to mate with Sarah.

  Their physical relationship had come suddenly and without warning, and it was full of passion but short-lived. Then the Zaytarian’s had come, and abducted Sarah from her original abductors. And there, on their ship, she met Gar, who set her straight.

  It turned out that the Aeon’s were the aggressors, a war-like species who traveled the galaxy looking for worlds to conquer. They had set their sights on the Zaytarian home world. The crystal necklace Sarah wore around her neck was the key to defeating the Aeon’s, and why they had wanted to keep her close.

  The Aeon’s attacked in return, and Gar and Sarah were forced to abandon the spacecraft, escaping in a pod and crash landing on an unfamiliar planet. Gar was gravely injured, and Sarah vowed to take care of him.

  Gar was tall, broad and muscular, his skin a light gray color, but otherwise he looked like a man, and for the second time in less than a week Sarah found herself attracted to an alien. They had slept together.

  The Earth woman couldn’t help but feel like a space slut, but Gar explained more about the Aeon’s. They were used to influencing thoughts to get what they wanted. Henry had no doubt forced himself on her through his thoughts. It made Sarah feel violated.

  When the Aeon’s attacked them on the mysterious planet Gar and Sarah were separated and Sarah was taken by a small alien race to their village, where she got her biggest shock yet. She met a fellow Earthling, so many light years from Earth. He said he would help her, and when an alien friend came looking for her he was happy to point him in the right direction. The problem was it wasn’t Gar Sarah came face-to-face with, it was Henry. He had taken her on his ship once more, and they had flown for a few days until landing on a rocky planet with strange vegetation; giant trees with purple leaves.

  Henry sat next to Sarah on the hovercraft. It buzzed beneath their butts, shaking slightly as it swooped over the rocky landscape. Henry had come to her right after taking her back to his ship, and Sarah replayed the conversation in her head as she rode without speaking.

  The alien had come in through the sliding door and sat across from her. Sarah crossed her legs and folded her arms over her chest.

  “I hope you are okay,” Henry said in her mind.

  “I don’t want to talk to you,” Sarah had answered.

  Henry leaned back. “The Zaytarian’s are full of lies,” he said, nodding his head for her sake.

  “And yet they aren’t the ones who can force you to think certain things. Force you to feel a certain way.”

  Henry sat quietly for a moment, thou
gh he always sat quietly, since Sarah had never actually heard him make a sound. The young woman began to wonder what if she leapt up and went to him, wrapped her hands around his slim neck and choked the life out of him, would he make a sound? She thought she might like to find out. Sitting so close to Henry made her feel nauseous.

  “You think I did that to you?” the alien asked finally.

  “I know you did. I slept with you! I wouldn’t have slept with a fucking alien if you weren’t forcing me to do it!”

  Henry shook his head. “You slept with the Zaytarian. I can see it in your thoughts. Was he forcing you, too?”

  “Stay out of my head!” Sarah yelled, and she put her hands to her temples, as though that would do any good.

  “I came here because I care for you,” Henry said as he rose. “I can see you do not feel the same.”

  “No, I do not,” Sarah said, and the alien had left, and she hadn’t seen him again. At least, she didn’t see him again until they landed, and then he was there to usher her out to the hovercraft.

  “You may need this,” Henry said, holding out a small silver tube with a clear rubber-like piece which could slide easily over her nose and mouth. “We’ve kept the oxygen in your room comfortable for you, but our planet atmospheric makeup is less oxygen-rich. You can breathe it and survive, but you may feel light-headed. If you do, set this to your mouth and nose and inhale. It dispenses automatically.”

  “Fine,” Sarah said, and the alien’s antenna twitched unhappily. Perhaps he had been hoping that some time would have softened Sarah’s opinion of him, but it had not.

  They had stepped out of the ship and two things struck Sarah immediately. The purple trees and the intense heat. The ground was hard and rocky, and besides the trees, she saw no other plants.

  Sarah busied herself with looking out of a small circular window as they rode along in the hovercraft, Henry to her right, and four other Aeon alien’s. She noticed some of them kept glancing at her nervously, looking at her chest, and she, at first, wondered if Henry had told them all about sleeping with her, but then she realized they were trying to see her necklace.

  The hovercraft slowed as they neared a shining city, the buildings silver and tall. The massive yellow sun gleaming off of them impressively. The door opened when they were stopped and Henry took her by the arm and led her out.

  The streets were paved with deep yellow bricks, giving Sarah a decidedly Wizard of Oz type feel. Henry kept his hand on her arm as he led her to the nearest building. Inside it was dark and a group of aliens watched as he took her up to a desk where a burly member of the Aeon’s was sitting. They stood in silence for some minutes, but she knew Henry and the fatter alien were conversing; their antennae twitched and turned this way and that, while their eyes remained on each other.

  And then the conversation was done, apparently, for Henry moved on, pulling Sarah along with him. They entered a doorway and Sarah found herself in a long hallway with a number of doors on either side.

  “I got you one with a window,” Henry said, and he motioned to the left and the door slid open. Inside was a cell of sorts, plain gray walls with a cot attached to the wall and small basin with a tap. There was indeed a window, circular and small, covered with grimy glass. “In please,” Henry said.

  Sarah did as she was told, and when she turned around the alien was standing in the doorway. “We need your help with the necklace,” he said in her mind, and then he paused, as if considering whether or not he should say the next part. He ended up going on. “And then you will be put to death. I’m sorry,” he added, and then stepped back and the door slid shut.

  Chapter Two

  Shortly after, Sarah was taken back into Henry’s custody, Gar found himself at the edge of the same village she had departed from. He crouched among a bush, watching the small aliens with four arms go about their business. And then something which made his eyes go wide; he saw Adam, the same human Sarah had met. Gar didn’t know the woman he had come to love had indeed come across Adam, but he hoped that was the case. Gar knew the humans had a number of languages on their small blue ball, but Adam had the same lily white skin Sarah had, and he hoped their language was a shared one. But then she could possibly have her earpiece with her, which should translate nearly any language spoken in the galaxy.

  Gar threw caution to the wind and rose from his hiding spot. As soon as he did he was spotted, and a cry of alarm went up in the town, with some of the small beings rushing forward holding spears and notching arrows onto the strings of their bows.

  “No, I come in peace!” Gar said, holding his hands up above his head; the universal sign for being unarmed and unwilling to fight. The small four-armed creatures halted some ten feet away from him, some slipping into the jungle to surround him completely.

  Adam came running over, waving his hands. “Do not attack!” he called in a clicky and guttural language, which Gar’s own translator worked out perfectly.

  “Can you understand me?” Gar asked in his own language, but Adam stared at him blankly. Gar sighed and then tried a few of the words he had picked up from Sarah. “Me, friend,” he said in English.

  “You speak English?” Adam asked instantly.

  “Small,” Gar said, meaning a little amount. He held his hand up and showed him two fingers, close together.

  Adam pointed to his own ear and spoke in English, which was translated for Gar. “Do you have another one of those?”

  Gar shook his head.

  “Okay, can you speak with me?”

  “Me try,” Gar said in English.

  “A girl was here and she had a translator. Do you know her?”

  “Sarah,” Gar said.

  “Yes, Sarah. She went with another alien. I thought it was her friend, but now I think you are her friend.

  Gar nodded. “Me friend.”

  “That’s not good,” Adam said. “Will she be hurt?”

  Gar nodded.

  “So we have to save her.”

  Gar nodded again. He wanted to make sure that it was indeed an Aeon who had taken her, though he couldn’t even begin to guess who else it could have been, he couldn’t think of the English words, and Adam spoke.

  “You need to get off the world,” the human said.

  “Yes,” Gar said in English.

  “I want to go with you. I feel responsible.”

  “Yes,” Gar said again. Having an extra pair of hands could only help him, the gray-skinned alien was sure.

  “There’s no ship here, but I know where we may find one,” Adam said. Gar nodded to show he understood, and the human male went on. “We can leave now if you’d like.” With one more nod, Adam went about getting ready.

  Gar watched as the man worked, he seemed to have an impressive hold over the small, four-armed aliens, for they did everything they were asked to do, and soon both Adam and Gar were outfitted with packs on their shoulders.

  The packs were loaded with food and water. Gar had his rifle. Adam had a bow hanging off his pack, and a small quiver filled with six arrows on his belt.

  “It’s a day's walk,” Adam told the gray-skinned alien, and Gar nodded once more, resigning himself to the fact that their conversations were going to be mostly one-sided. As they left the village behind, a line of the four-armed aliens watched them go, then stepped back into the steamy jungle.

  As they walked Gar couldn’t help but think of why Adam was coming. He had met Sarah, and he was from Earth, like her. Had Sarah felt something for the man? It would only be natural, would it not? Having been abducted from her own planet and taken into the farthest reaches of space, crash-landing with an alien on a planet she didn’t even know existed, and then to find another human being? Perhaps it had woken her up, made her realize that she had fallen for an alien and that it wasn’t natural.

  Gar was troubled. Is that what he saw their relationship as? Unnatural? He didn’t think so. Sarah was just Sarah, he was just Gar, and they had fallen in love. Sure, maybe rather
quickly, but they had fallen for each other nonetheless.

  They walked tirelessly for some hours, sweat dripping off each man’s body, and when they finally stopped to sit among a grove of dead and fallen trees and drink some water, Adam spoke.

  “We’re going to a city called Ashwet,” he said. “There are two dominant lifeforms on this planet. The ones you saw back at the village and the ones who live in Ashwet. They’re tall, very tall, double our size, and while they’re more civilized than my friends back there, they have a mean streak. I stay away from them. I don’t know how they would take to you.”

  He was watching Gar, wanting to have a conversation, but it was hard for Gar to form any words in English, so once again he simply nodded to show he understood.

  “We’re going to have to steal a ship is what I’m saying. They won’t sell us one, and I don’t have the money to buy one anyway, and I doubt you do.”

  Gar thought of his crashed ship, but that had been a short-range escape pod, and even if they could fix it and get back into space they didn’t have the fuel to get very far. So stealing one from these tall aliens sounded as though that was the best bet they had.

  “Fine,” Gar said in English, after taking some time to find the right word. “We take.”

  Chapter Three

  Somewhere in Sarah’s mind, she knew she was dreaming, but it didn’t make her dream any less pleasurable. She was in the cell Henry had left her in, the night sky outside her window was pitch black, though lying on the cot she could just discern some twinkling stars through the grime on the circular glass.

  The door to the room slid open and Sarah looked over, expecting Henry in her dream but seeing Gar instead. He was shirtless and covered in sweat, his chest rising and falling as he breathed in and out. He had fought to get to her, he was holding some sort of club, slick with blood. He tossed the club aside and smiled.


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