Mango Digger

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Mango Digger Page 21

by Bill H Myers

  The two women and the box of wine made for a boisterous night, lots of laughs as they talked about old times.

  I locked the motorhome, and we took the golf cart up to the casino. I drove and Abby sat close to me, a big smile on her face.

  When we arrived at the main entrance, the valet took the cart and gave Abby a package from casino management. Inside were coupons for free meals, a hundred dollars in casino money and two card keys to the honeymoon suite.

  I'd already decided I wasn't going up to the suite with her. She could sleep there if she wanted to, but I was going to sleep in the motorhome. I figured I would be safer there.

  She sensed my reluctance and suggested we eat, spend a little time at the roulette wheels, and then decide where we'd spend the night. For me, my mind was already made up. I was going to sleep in my motorhome.

  It wasn't that I didn't enjoy her company, because I did. It was just that I was getting the feeling that she was taking the 'pretend we're married' bit way too far. I didn't want to see her get hurt when we went our separate ways once we got back to Florida.

  I tried to explain this to her over dinner, but she shrugged it off and said, “Don't worry about it. We're just having fun.”

  After that, I relaxed. We had a bottle of wine with our meal, spent an hour on the casino floor, and after Abby had won almost ten thousand dollars, we went to the honeymoon suite to 'catch a nap'.

  The next morning, when I woke up in the suite's giant, heart-shaped bed, Abby was gone.

  She'd left a note taped to the bathroom mirror that said, “It's been fun. GG.”

  I wasn't sure if the note meant she was gone, as in “Goodbye,” or if she'd just gone down to get breakfast and would be back soon. I figured she was coming back, so I took a leisurely shower and cleaned up. I wanted to look my best when she returned.

  When I got out of the shower, she still hadn't come back.

  Thinking that maybe she had gone down to the casino and had lost track of time, I decided to go check. I pulled on my clothes and took the elevator down to the main floor and started looking for her. First stop, the roulette tables.

  I checked the four different wheels, but there was no Abby. After that, I checked the other gaming areas and didn’t find her at any of the tables or machines. Having struck out in the casino, I thought maybe she went back to the motorhome.

  I crossed the casino floor and headed out the front door. When I saw the valet, I remembered the ticket we'd gotten the night before, pulled it out and asked, “Is the cart still available?”

  He checked his board and came back with a key. “Yes sir, it is. I'm having it brought around for you.”

  A driver soon showed up with it and I tipped the valet and took it down the hill to where we'd parked the motorhome.

  When I reached our site, I was happy to see it was still right where we'd parked it. I had given Abby a set of keys so she could come and go as needed and she could have used them to drive off in it, but she hadn't.

  Before going in, I went around to the back to check on the Jeep.

  It was gone. The tow bar had been unhooked from the motorhome and the Jeep had been driven away.

  I was thinking it was probably Abby that took it, so I unlocked the motorhome and went in to see if she had left me a note. Bob met me at the door, sleepy eyed and grouchy. He looked behind me as I came in, wondering where my traveling companion was. I wondered the same thing.

  Not seeing anyone following me in, Bob jumped up on the couch and huffed a groan of disappointment. He missed her. And so did I.

  I checked the bedroom and saw that her clothes and suitcase were gone. The curtains she'd put up were still over the windows, but everything else of hers was missing.

  I looked for a note but didn't find one. All I had were the few words she'd scribbled in the honeymoon suite. Apparently, she felt those were enough. “It's been fun. GG.”

  Not knowing whether she was coming back or not, I stayed in the casino campground another night. During the day, I tried to reach her on her phone but got no answer. After sending several texts, she finally texted back.

  Her message said, “I'm safe. Had fun. We should do it again.”

  She signed it with, “Goat Girl.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  The morning after she'd gone, as I was getting ready to head back to Florida, I found the extra set of keys I had given her. She'd put them on the driver's seat where she knew I couldn't miss them.

  She'd left her fake wedding ring there as well. Something to remember her by.

  I didn't take my ring off until I got back home. By then I'd spoken to Devin who had called to see how I was doing.

  The first thing she said was, “I gave you three rules to follow. Don't let her drink. Don't let her gamble. And don't have sex with her.

  “And what do you do? You go and break all three of them. You let her drink, you let her gamble, and you get her in bed. What exactly were you thinking, Walker?”

  She continued, “I told you she was different. I told you to be careful around her. But no, you had to go and break the rules. Now you have to live with the consequences.”

  When she paused, I said, “Devin, what are you talking about? What did Abby tell you? What consequences?”

  She laughed. “Walker, I'm just pulling your chain. I talked with her last night, and she said she had a great time. She said you had been a perfect gentleman and had treated her well.

  “She said you even went along with her pretend marriage gag. But she was worried you might have taken it too seriously. She wanted me to call and let you down gently.

  “She wants you to know she liked being with you, but she's not ready for a serious relationship with you or anyone else.

  “She did say, if you could handle being around her without getting too attached, she would consider working with you again. In fact, she said Boris had a project in mind that would be perfect for the two of you.

  “Something about lost treasure.

  “Anyway, Abby wanted me to tell you she had a great time and if you want to work with her again, let her know.”

  Devin ended the call, giving me lots to think about.

  Did I want to work with Abby again? And was I up for a treasure hunt?

  The answer to both questions was yes. As soon as I got the invite, Bob and I would be ready to hit the road again in our motorhome.

  Because life is too short to sit still.

  Author’s Notes

  Most of the locations in this book are real, including the Coleman Crystal Mine in Jessieville, Arkansas and the RV park there. The Sweet Surrender mine and the Highway 27 Fish Village are also real places.

  Even Crystal Mountain is real. In fact, the US Forest Service mentions Crystal Mountain in an old tour guide and provides a map to it in a publication titled, Winona Auto Tour. You can find it at

  In that guide, they write:

  “Not only does Crystal Mountain provide a scenic view of the surrounding National Forest, but it also offers the chance to collect what is considered to be the best quality quartz crystals in the world.”

  There is no mention of the Crystal Cave in the Forest Service guide, but it does exist. It's not easy to find, but it's there. I've been to it myself.

  If you're tempted to go to Crystal Mountain, be careful. Don't go alone, don't go when the roads are wet, don't go at night and don't go during deer hunting season. Be aware of the presence of ticks, chiggers and snakes and take a four-wheel drive vehicle along with a Forest Service map of the area.

  If you want to dig crystals without needing four-wheel drive, check out Coleman's Crystal Mine in Jessieville, Arkansas, and the Sweet Surrender Mine in nearby Mt. Ida. Both are open to the public and are “keep all you find” mines.

  While in the area, be sure to visit Hot Springs National Park, the historic bathhouses, and the local attractions.

  Finally, if you like this book, ple
ase post a positive review on Amazon. Good reviews keep me motivated to create new volumes of the adventures of Mango Bob and Walker.

  As always, thanks for your support.

  Bill Myers

  The adventure continues . . .

  If you liked Mango Digger, please post a review at Amazon, and let your friends know about the Mango Bob series.

  Other books in the Mango Bob series include:

  Mango Bob

  Mango Lucky

  Mango Bay

  Mango Glades

  Mango Key

  Mango Blues

  You can find photos, maps, and more from the Mango Bob adventures at

  Stay in touch with Mango Bob and Walker on Facebook at:




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