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Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600–1900

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by Shirane, Haruo, ed.

  Hagiwara Sakutarō

  haibun (haikai prose); early form of; famous example of; and haikai; of Ihara Saikaku; of Kobayashi Issa; as new commoner genre

  haiga (haikai painting)

  haigon (haikai words)

  haii (haikai spirit)

  haikai (popular linked verse); and classical tradition; and commoners; composition of; and courtesans; Danrin style of; of eighteenth century; as form of popular literature; as greetings; handbooks of; intermediaries in; and kanshi; masters of; overtones in; poetics of; as popular art; and popular literature; as serious genre; of seventeenth century; single-object; of sixteenth century; standard length for; Teimon style of; in Tokugawa period; and tradition; and tragicomedy; urban; women writers of; writers of; yakazu style of

  Haikai Dialogue (Haikai mondō; Kyoriku)

  Haikai mōgyū. See Haikai Primer

  Haikai mondō. See Haikai Dialogue

  Haikai Primer (Haikai mōgyū; Okanishi Ichū)

  Haikai Single-Day Thousand Verses (Haikai dokugin ichinichi senku; Ihara Saikaku)

  haiku (hokku; seventeen-syllable poetry); composition of; and Danrin poets; of early nineteenth century; and haikai; as single-object poem; in travel literature. See also Kobayashi Issa; senryū



  hakama (trouser-like divided skirts)

  Hakkyōsha Chō

  Hakuin Ekaku

  Hakusen shū (collection of hokku; Matsuo Bashō)

  hamaguri (clam)

  han (domains). See also bakufu-domain system

  Han period (China)

  Han Xin (general)

  Han Yu

  hana (cherry blossom verse; cherry blossoms)

  Hanabusa Itchō (painter)

  hanamichi (runway)

  Hanaōgi (famous courtesan in Yoshiwara)

  hanashibon (humorous books)

  Hand Puppets (Otogi bōko; Asai Ryōi)

  hanetsuki (type of badminton)

  hanka-tsū (half-sophisticate; pretender)

  Hanshan (Cold Mountain)

  hanshibon (half-book) size

  han’ya (half-night; courtesan rank)

  Hara Anteki

  haru no tetsuke (free time in spring)

  harugoma (spring horse)

  hasamibako (pole-bound lacquered box)

  Hasegawa Settan

  hatamoto (higher-ranking vassals); in Tokugawa period

  Hattori Nankaku; and Ancient Rhetoric school; as Chinese-style poet; and Kuroyanagi Shōha; and literatus movement; warrior family background of

  hayagawari (quick change)

  hayariuta (popular songs)

  hayashi (swift)

  Hayashi Hōkō

  Hayashi Razan

  Head Start on an Eastern Seaboard Journey: Ghost Stories at Yotsuya (Tōkaidōchū kadode no sakigake Yotsuya kaidan; Hanagasa Bunkyō)

  heaven (ten; Ch. tian); mandate of

  Heian period; literature of. See also Kokinshū; Tale of Genji, The; Tales of Ise, The

  Heike and the Island of Women, The (Heike nyogo no shima; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  Heike (Taira) clan

  henge buyō (transformation dance)



  heyamochi (room holder; courtesan rank)

  Hezutsu Tōsaku

  hi (fire)

  hi no hikari (light of the sun)

  hibiki (reverberation)



  hiden (secret transmissions)

  hierarchy, social

  Higuchi Jirō

  hikite-jaya (guiding teahouse in licensed pleasure quarter)

  hina (dolls; seasonal word for late spring)

  hiniku (skin and flesh)

  hinin (nonpersons; outcasts)

  Hino Tatsuo

  Hiraga Gennai (Fūrai Sanjin); as bunjin poet; dangibon by; and Dutch studies; and fusion of styles; puppet plays by; as samurai; students of; and Yomono Akara

  Hiraga style (Hiragaburi)

  Hiragana Tales of Glory and Decline (puppet play)

  Hirata Atsutane

  Hishikawa Moronobu

  Hishikawa Ryūkoku


  hiyahiya (cool)

  hohobare (mumps; swollen cheeks)

  Hōjō clan

  Hōjō Takatoki

  hōkan (male geisha; jesters)

  Hokkaidō people

  hokku. See haiku

  hōkō (service)

  Hon’ami Kōetsu

  Honda hairstyle

  hon’i (poetic essence)

  honka (foundation poem)

  honkadori (allusive variation)

  honke (main family)

  hono (faintly or barely)

  honshin (original mind)

  honshin o shiru (knowing the original mind)


  Hon’ya Yasune

  Hōreki era

  Hōreki-Tenmei era

  Hori Keizan

  Horikawa nami no tsutsumi. See Drum of the Waves of Horikawa, The

  Hōseidō Kisanji

  hoshina (dried vegetables)

  hosomichi (narrow roads)

  hototogisu (cuckoo)

  Hotta Masatoshi

  Household-Precept Epistles (Teikinōrai)

  Hozumi Ikan

  humor; and books of the floating world; in drama; of haikai; of kyōka; periods of; in poetry; of popular culture; two types of. See also specific genres

  Hundred Tales (Hyaku monogatari)

  Hut of the Phantom Dwelling, The (Genjūan no ki; Matsuo Bashō)

  hyakuin (hundred-verse sequence)

  Hyakunin isshu. See One Hundred Poets, One Hundred Poems

  hyakushō ikki (agrarian riots)

  hyōtan (floating gourd)

  ibara (wild rose; seasonal word for early summer)

  ichi nichi tonsha (one-day hasty copying)

  Ichijō Ekan

  Ichikawa Danjurō

  Ichikawa Danjurō II

  Ichikawa Danjurō VII

  Ichikawa Kansai

  Ichikawa Kodanji IV

  Ichikawa Monnosuke II

  Ichimura Uzaemon XIII

  Ichinotani futaba gunki. See Chronicle of the Battle of Ichinotani

  ie (house)

  Ihara Saikaku; audience of; and books of the floating world; chōnin narratives by; and Ejima Kiseki; and Genroku era; haikai by; illustrations by; influence of; as jōruri playwright; merchant background of; and merchant values; popular fiction by; and rise of publishing; short stories by. See also ukiyo-zōshi

  Ike Taiga

  ikebana (flower arranging)

  ikedaikon (large white radishes)

  iki (having spirit)

  ikio (momentum)


  Ikushima Shingorō

  ikutsu (how many?)

  Illustrated Encyclopedia of China and Japan (Wakan sansai zue; Terajima Ryōan)

  ima wa mukashi (now is the past)

  Imai Tadashi

  imayō (style of the present)

  Imayō heta dangi. See Modern-Style Lousy Sermons inabune

  inabune (rice-grain boats)

  inaka (local or country) language

  Inaka Rōjin Tada no Jijii (Justa Geezer the Old Hayseed)

  Indian Tokubei, a Story of a Foreign Country (Tenjiku Tokubei Ikokubanashi; Tsuruya Nanboku IV)

  ingo (Buddhist names)

  inishie no kokoro (ancient heart)

  Inu makura. See Dog Pillow Book, The

  Inu Tsukuba shū. See Mongrel Tsukuba Collection

  Ippitsuan Eisen (Keisai Eisen)

  iro (color)

  iroaku (erotic evil character)

  Ishida Baigan

  Ishida Mitsunari

  Ishihara Masaakira

  Ishikawa Jōzan

  Ishikawa Toyonobu

  Ishizuka Tatsumaro

  Isoho monogatari (Aesop’s Fables)

  Isonokami no sasamegoto. See My Personal View of Poetry
r />   Itchō

  Itō Jinsai

  Itō Sukechika

  Itō Sukeyasu

  Itō Tōgai; Kogidō school of

  Iwai Hanshirō V

  Iwai Hanshirō VI

  Jakuren (priest)

  Japanese and Chinese Poems to Sing (Wakan rōeishu)

  Japanese language; ancient; classical; vernacular

  Japanese Lesser Learning (Yamato shōgaku; Yamazaki Ansai)

  Japanese Water Margin (Honchō suikoden; Takebe Ayatari)

  Japan’s Eternal Storehouse (Nippon eitaigura; Ihara Saikaku)

  Jeweled Basket, A (Tamakatsuma; Motoori Norinaga)

  ji (compassion)

  ji (words)

  jiamari (syllables)

  jidaimono (history plays); as central genre; five-act structure of; focus of; and samurai values

  jige (commoner poets)

  jigei (speech and mime; drama)

  jiko no shinjō (one’s own true feelings)

  jin (Ch. ren; humaneness; benevolence)

  jindō (Human Way)

  jing (J. kei; respect; reverence)

  Jinmu (emperor)

  Jippensha Ikku; in Bunka-Bunsei era; disciples of; gōkan by; influence of; influence of Santo Kyōden on; as jōruri playwright; kokkeibon by; samurai background of

  Jitō (emperor)

  jitsu (true; real)

  jitsuji (realism)

  jitsujō (real emotions)

  Jizō (bodhisattva)

  jō (passion; human emotion)

  Jōkanbō Kōa


  jorō (women)

  jōruri (chanting)

  jōruri (puppet plays): chanters of; conflict of duty and love in; devotees of; early; of eighteenth century; as katarimono; Katō-bushi school of; and music; as popular literature; of seventeenth century; and women; writing of

  jōruribon (jōruri texts)

  Jottings of Master Nankaku Under the Lamplight (Nankaku sensei tōka no sho; Hattori Nankaku)

  Journal of My Father’s Last Days (Chichi no shūen nikki; Kobayashi Issa)

  Journey to Sarashina (Sarashina kikō; Matsuo Bashō)


  jun (obedience)

  jushi (punk)

  kabayaki (basted eel)

  kabuki; actors in; adult male (yarō); and dance; of eighteenth century; focus on evil in; in Genroku era; and gōkan; heroes in; history of; and history plays; influence of; interior of theater; of nineteenth century; okkake (chase) pose in; as popular entertainment; inpopular literature; protagonists in; samurai plays in; of seventeenth century; and Soga brothers; songs of; wagoto style of; wakashu (boys’); women’s (onna); writers of

  kabuku (to lean over; to violate the rules of behavior or dress)

  “Kachikachi Mountain” (Kachichiyama)

  kachitaru (judged superior)

  kachō (house head)

  Kada no Arimaro

  Kada no Azumamaro

  kadō (art of incense)

  Kaga Domain

  kagaku (study of poetry)

  Kaganojō (noted chanter)

  Kagawa Kageki

  Kagetsu sōshi. See Blossoms and the Moon

  kagonuke (basket trick)

  kagyō (house occupation)

  Ka’i kō. See Thoughts on Poetry

  Kaibara Ekiken

  kaichō (display of Buddhist images in temples)

  Kaidan botan dōrō. See Peony Lantern Ghost Story

  kaidan mono (ghost-story genre)

  kaidanbanashi (ghost stories)


  kakekomidera (place of asylum for women)

  kakekotoba (homophonic word play): of Danrin poets; in kibyōshi; in kyōka; in sharebon; in waka,; in yomihon

  kakeru (to defraud)

  Kakezukuri Kannon Temple (Wakayama)

  kakoi (kept; courtesan rank)

  kakuchō (poetic form and rhythm)

  kamado (oven)

  Kamakura Heikurō

  Kamakura period

  Kamakura shōgunate

  Kamigata financial cartels

  Kamigata (Kyoto-Osaka) region

  kamo (wild duck)

  Kamo no Chōmei

  Kamo no Mabuchi: and ancient Way; on Chinese history; debate of, with Tayasu Munetake; and kokugaku; Man’yōshū style of; and serial composition

  kamuritsuke (line capping)

  kamuro (preteenage attendants)

  kan (cold season)

  Kan Chazan (Kan Sazan)

  kana (Japanese syllabic writing)

  Kanadehon Chūshingura. See Chūshingura: The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers

  Kanagaki Robun

  kana-zōshi (kana booklets); classics as; and humor; as love literature; and popular literature; writers of. See also parodies

  kanban (advertisement)

  kanban musume (woman employee)

  kanbun (Chinese prose)

  Kanbun era

  Kanei era

  kangaku. See Chinese studies

  kangiku (winter chrysanthemums)

  kango (Chinese words)

  kanji (Chinese characters)

  Kansei era

  Kansei Reforms: and censorship; and hairstyles; and kibyōshi; and Kyōhō Reforms; and Matsudaira Sadanobu; and popular literature; and Santō Kyōden; and sharebon

  kanshi (Chinese poetry): and bunjin movement; of eighteenth century; as elite literature; emotions in; and Fresh Spirit school; and Gozan (Five Mountains) Zen; and haikai; “Japanese,”; and kyōshi; and literatus ideal; Nankaku school of; nativizing; recluse poet tradition of; Sorai school of; writers of. See also kyōshi

  Kantan (nō play)

  kanzen chōaku (encouraging good and chastising evil)

  kappa (water spirit)

  karagokoro (Chinese spirit)

  Karai Senryū

  Karakoromo Kishū

  karan koron (sound of wooden clogs)

  karō (house elder)


  karumi (lightness)

  kasen (thirty-six-verse sequence)

  kasumi (spring mist)

  katagi mono (character pieces)

  katakiuchi (vendettas)

  Kataoka Nizaemon VIII

  katarimono (orally presented; narrated or chanted texts)

  katauta (5–7–7 syllable poem)

  Katō Umaki

  Katsukawa Shunshō

  Katsura Garden, a Branch (Keien isshi; Kagawa Kageki)

  Katsushika Hokusai

  Katsushika school

  Kawabata Yasunari

  Kawamura Zuiken

  Kawanakajima, battle of

  kawaraban (broadsheets)

  kawara-kojiki (riverbed beggars; outcasts)

  Kawatake Mokuami

  Kayano Sanpei

  keburi (smoke)

  kegoromo (feathered robe)

  kei (Ch. jing; respect; reverence)

  kei (external landscape)

  Keichō period

  Keichū (priest)

  Keien school

  keisei (castle toppler; term for powerful woman)

  keiseigoto (prostitute scene)

  keiseikai (prostitute buying)

  Keiseikai shijū hatte. See Forty-Eight Techniques for Success with Courtesans

  Kenmu Restoration

  Kenyūsha (Society of Friends of the Inkpot)

  ki (Ch. qi; material force)

  Ki no Sadamaru

  Ki no Tsurayuki

  kibyōshi (satiric picture books): as comic literature; flowering of; humor of; illustrators of; of late eighteenth century; as popular books; satire in; and urban culture; and visual detail; women readers of; writers of

  kichō (patterned curtain stand)

  kigo (seasonal words): for autumn; for early spring; for early summer; and hokku; for late spring; for midspring; and senryū; for spring; for summer; for summer mountains; for winter

  Kikaigashima. See “Devil’s Island”


  kinkin (gold gold; glitz)

inkin sensei eiga no yume. See Mr Glitter ’n’ Gold’s Dream of Splendor

  Kinkō Sennin (Sage of the Koto)

  Kinō wa kyō no monogatari. See Today’s Tales of Yesterday

  Kinoshita Jun’an

  kinsei period. See Tokugawa period

  kintama (balls)

  Kira Yoshinaka

  kireji (cutting word)

  Kiso Yoshinaka

  Kitagawa Utamaro

  Kitamura Kigin

  Kitao Masanobu. See Santō Kyōden

  Kitao Masayoshi (Kuwagata Keisai)

  Kitao Shigemasa


  Kiyohara Nobukata Kiyomoto Nobutsuga

  kiyose (saijiki; poetic seasonal almanacs)

  kiyoshi (purity)

  kizewa (raw contemporary-life plays)

  kō (Ch. xiao; filial piety)

  ko no shita yami (darkness beneath the trees)

  Kobayashi Issa; hokku by

  Kobayashi Yatarō. See Kobayashi Issa

  kobunjigaku (study of ancient rhetoric). See also Ancient Rhetoric school

  Kōda Rohan

  kodō (ancient Way)

  Kōetsu texts

  kōga kizoku (awakening to the high, returning to the low)

  kogaku (Ancient Studies) school

  Kogarashi. See Withering Gusts

  Kogidō Academy (Kyoto)

  kogigaku (study of ancient meanings)

  kogiku (tissue paper)

  kohi (love)

  koi (love)

  Koikawa Harumachi (Sakeno-ue Furachi)

  Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters)

  Kojikiden. See Commentary on the Record of Ancient Matters

  kōka yūkon (elegant and grand) style

  Kokin denju (secret transmissions of the Kokinshū)

  Kokinshū (Kokinwakashū; Anthology of Old and New Japanese Poems): anonymous poems in; commentaries on; and Danrin poets; imitation of; and medieval court poetry; poems in; and poetic places; preface to; respect for; style of; Three-Bird Secrets of; waka from; for women. See also Kokin denju

  Kokinshū style

  Kokinwaka rokujō (Heian anthology of waka)

  Kokka hachiron. See Eight Points of Japanese Poetry

  Kokka hachiron yogen. See My Views on the Eight Points of Japanese Poetry

  kokkeibon (comic fiction); and dangibon; early versus late; and kyōka; as popular genre; satire in; and senryū; two types of humor in; writers of

  koko (filial conduct)

  kokoro (heart; mind; spirit)

  kokoro sumiyuku (heart grow pure)

  kokubunji (government temple)

  kokugaku (Japanese nativist studies); of eighteenth century; scholars of. See also Kada no Arimaro; Kamo no Mabuchi; Motoori Norinaga


  Kokusenya kassen. See Battles of Coxinga, The

  Komachi on the Stupa (Sotoba Komachi; nō play)

  Kōmyō (emperor)

  Kong Ming (general)

  Kōnoike family business

  konoshiro (shad)

  konponka (twenty-four-syllable poem)

  koromogae (change of clothes at the beginning of summer)


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