Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 6

by Francheska Fifield

  “Yes, niece it is. I wish your uncle had let us give you the official ceremony making you our Princess and future heir already. This will make us look weak like we cannot make a decision we can both agree upon.”

  “I know. I have been trying to think of how to work around that.”

  She nods in understanding. She too has likely been thinking up one excuse after another to try and give as a reason why she and my uncle aren’t unified in the decision to make me the nation’s Princess.

  “Come she shall arrive at any moment. Madeline will, of course, be with you at all times. I figured you would prefer her over a lady’s maid. Although having only one lady in waiting with you will not look good for you niece. Come your guards are waiting for you downstairs.”

  My aunt can always criticize without making it seem like she is purposely doing it, though she most definitely means it as criticism. She finds it more effective if people are unsure, then they change the mannerism before she flat out mentions it so they can keep her favor. “Where did Madeline go?”

  “She is also downstairs.”

  I nod and we both rise to go downstairs. The outfit is difficult to move in. The hoop skirt is a sky blue, a flattering color to be sure, but it is almost too big to be able to move in. My dress is a high cut. I am only sixteen and my aunt may be a pureblood Elvin lady who favor more skin than the human courts, but I am half-human and inside the human territory; plus having a human mother makes me favor their fashions more. Except for the hoop skirt, I have never understood why humans like these things.

  My aunt has only recently started wearing them and as a result, I have to as well. I promise myself I will never make my court suffer through such things. I will dress modestly, elegantly, and in a manner that allows the female sex to breathe.

  These whalebones, that is what Madeline and I call them, their real names are corsets, are man’s stupidest invention. In Elvin territory, no one wears them, it was the best thing about living there I assure you. My aunt is only trying to make the people more comfortable with her being Elvin by giving in to their vicious demands of evil dress. I guess you can only fight the system for so many years before growing tired and giving in.

  I walk downstairs nervous and unable to swallow my fear that I will make a vital mistake. Madeline meets me at the bottom of the stairs and curtsies before rising and placing a circlet atop my head. An actual crown would have announced that I am the heir to the Kingdom; a circlet says I am a Princess of the Kingdom but not next in line to the throne. That has not been decided yet so I cannot rightly wear the tiara. That weighs on me as much as everything else.

  I nod to Madeline who curtsies again and steps behind me. She will stay three steps behind me at all times while in public. My aunt doesn't mind us not keeping to protocol while in the palace and alone, but now we have to put on a professional face. I have already apologized to Madeline for how I will act. She’d not been bothered by this fact, despite the fact that I feel it wrong. But then she was raised for this and always follows social etiquette more than I do.

  My guard stands in a line straight and tall, and all looking very proud. I hope they are worthy of that pride. Not that I expect to get attacked by a mermaid while they visit, but if the general feels they deserve this honor and they are too young to make it into my aunt’s or uncle’s honor guard, I am glad to give them a reason to make it. My aunt nods me in their direction. Great, speech time.

  I stand in front of them and look them all over. They all wear the garb of the honor guard. They all look me over as well; likely wondering what the heck they have gotten themselves into.

  “You were all chosen for this assignment based on your performance in training and real-life experience. I hope you all know how proud I am of you all for making it so far so fast. Congratulations and I hope to be worthy of your protection and commitment. Now, if you would all state your names starting from the left and working your way down the lines so I may know your names I would greatly appreciate it.”

  Madeline is managing a straight face, but my aunt can barely contain herself. She looks shocked beyond all belief, much as my guards do. All but Viktor and Mason who have already had the pleasure of wearing the fish out of water look when with me.

  They do as I ask though and I nod and try to commit each to memory. I don't want to forget anyone’s name; I want them to be people to me, not another enhancement to my status. They are my guards and if I am willing to trust them with my life, the least I can know is their names. I look at Madeline and she nods. She will get their dossiers for me later so I can study them and know more than just their names. Happy employees are good employees.

  “Thank you. Now I suspect you all know what you are doing, let us hope because I have never had an honor guard before so I have no clue how you all should be arranged around Madeline and I.”

  Madeline steps up next to me but stays one step behind still. The men look slightly unsure, which makes me nervous I will admit. Viktor steps up to my right side and stands there staring straight ahead. Mason follows suit less than a second later and stands on my left side. The side Madeline is standing on.

  The others fill in the gaps around them, meaning my front and back, and everyone shifts until they are all in a place around me. The ones in front will have to practice opening so I can greet others. I bet that after they are dismissed they will be practicing all evening instead of taking in dinner. Which reminds me I need to work out a sleeping and eating schedule for them all…this is all so much work no wonder I didn't get a guard before.

  “All right please line up again.”

  They look confused but do so anyway. I count the first three off.

  “You will have days off and be on duty at night guarding my room and such while I sleep. When it is time for you to eat you can circulate which of you guards the hallway outside my room and who eats so you can all still do your job. I suggest you get some rest now as tonight you are on duty. The rest of you are on day duty and will sleep at night.

  “Your lunchtime will be split into three groups; after I make a schedule up I will give you each a copy. Likely you will receive this tomorrow morning. If you prefer to work the nights or days and I gave you the opposite assignment you may go about switching until each of you is happy with the said assignment. However, this will happen only after the Daughter of the Ocean is gone. I do not want any discord while she is here so, for now, please stick with the orders I gave you. Those of you working tonight you are dismissed.”

  Those three leave to get some rest and the other nine stay. “The rest of you prepare, the Daughter of the Ocean will be here soon.”

  They all salute, they are not to bow so they will never miss a potential attack. The salute is meant as a sign of respect while showing diligence to our protection. I will never be out alone now. I sigh on the inside but keep my confident manner showing on the outside, I can fake confidence very well. They say after a while it becomes real, but whoever said that is lying because I have been doing it for years and though it has become a habit it is in no way real.

  Madeline steps closer and squeezes my hands quickly giving her show of support. She is used to this type of thing. I, however, am not. My aunt picked her as one of my companions because she is high nobility. She generally has guards following her everywhere, but since being in the castle and being with me she doesn’t need guards from her home as guards follow me everywhere all the time.

  Guards for noble families are there because they are loyal to that family in particular and because they live on the land the nobles own. People join the army because they want to be soldiers involved in battles over more than stolen cattle and to attempt to make honor guard. There is nowhere to go in the ranks really if you join the noble guardsmen. There is in the military.

  I wish I at least knew my guards better. Other than Viktor I don't know any of them really, and even him I don't know very well. Half of my own guards could be Elf haters and I wouldn't know because I don't know
anything about them. I have to trust in the general and my aunt though. They chose these men surely they would pick only those that can be trusted.

  Finally, the Daughter of the Ocean arrives. I am a bundle of nerves but I greet her with a smile and hug. My guards look enchanted and I do not blame them. She is beautiful. Her skin is pale like a perfect pearl with a slight light shining from it when the sun hits and her hair a pale green. It looks almost like the waves of the oceans themselves moving in a breeze not hair. Her confidence and self-assurance are obvious in the calm collected way she greets us and holds herself. She does not seem nervous at all and I envy her. She believes she can do this job and there are no doubts in her mind.

  Her entourage is a mass of pale greens, blues, and grays. Mermen and women sent with her to serve and protect. They make for an inspiring sight. I cannot help but catch my breath. People often remark on the superior beauty and grace of the Elvin people, but obviously, they have never met the people of the ocean.

  They remind me much of full-blooded Elves. Except they have skin the color of the ocean and their grace is different than that of the Elvin people. They seem to float as if standing on water instead of walking. The colors blend making one see the ocean swells in every movement they make, movements they make as one. To say it is coordinated is an understatement. I only hope that my guard and I can live up to such elegance and grace.

  “Your majesty’s it is an honor to be welcomed into your beautiful Kingdom. I do so hope we can come to some sort of arrangement so I have an excuse to visit more often.”

  My uncle smiles and nods as my aunt inclines her head. I decide to respond before either of them can. I have an impression to make and Marina's friendship will only help to ensure I get the crown once my aunt and uncle have passed or step down.

  “We are honored to have you here. My mother used to read to me stories of the mermaids and men. I have wished to see one since I was a little girl.”

  She smiles and inclines her head regally.

  “I too have heard of Elvin people for my whole life. It is an honor to finally meet one. And a half Elvin Princess. What a novelty to see such a product.”

  “I am no product, but flesh and blood as any other.”

  She smiles and nods.

  “But of course I did not mean any insult. I only meant that I have read that the Elves are very prideful people; no disrespect intended your majesty, and that they would lower themselves for no one, especially a human. Then again the prince of this Kingdom was half as well I hear so the legends of Elvin pride seem to be much exaggerated.”

  My aunt’s fingers curl into fists and her smile thins. She barely blinks though. You can’t see a difference unless you know what to look for; having to live with my father for so long I know what to look for. I keep my smile in place and my lips don’t even thin. My aunt will be impressed….later when this Princess from the sea is not insulting our heritage.

  “You must be tired after your long journey. It is said the mermaid suffers when out of the ocean. That you tire more easily and require extra rest and baths to regain your lost strength.”

  If my aunt is not careful this will turn into a showdown….not something we want with someone we are trying to make a treaty with.

  “Perhaps we could speak more in the afternoon after you have had a chance to rest after your long journey. Being on land so much must be very different and overwhelming. I know it was hard for me to adjust at first when I moved here and I had even fewer differences to adjust to.”

  The Princess turns towards me smiling so I hope I have done something to smooth over the situation developing between her and my aunt. She nods as some servants lead her to her chambers. My aunt and uncle go off arguing in angry hushed tones. This is not going to be easy.

  It is still morning so I decide not to go back to my room. I go into the public sitting room, one of them anyway, and find all of my ladies in waiting with my ladies maids there seeing to their needs. Madeline and I sit with them and join in the embroidering, sewing, and gossiping that women often do when they have nothing else to occupy their time. I would have liked to go riding but there is no chance of that happening.

  Viktor and Mason join us in the room stationing themselves near Madeline and myself. The other guards are either by the windows, near the exits, or standing against the walls. I find it amusing that only the two would brave the pit of vipers, for court women can be called nothing else.

  I don’t participate in the talk much. I listen, it is my job to know what is going on with my subjects and such, but I don’t add any input. Madeline is likewise silent. No one seems to find it unusual or they don’t see fit to comment on it.

  We spend much of the day this way, except for lunch which is worse for my guards all shift uncomfortably while my aunt and uncle ignore each other. They do, however, glare daggers at each other the entire time. Thus the tense uncomfortable feeling everyone has.

  After luncheon, we return to the sitting room where the Daughter of the Ocean joins us to talk about sewing and the differences in the material from the three Kingdoms that graces the land. The dwarves keep to themselves and do not share much of anything with anyone so we have little to say on their cloth. The differences in the human and Elvin cloth are obvious and she spends much time comparing both to the light breezy fabric her own people make under the sea.

  My ladies are taken with her and even some of my guards seem to be more than slightly smitten. I cannot blame them but hope they can keep their thoughts from showing in their manner. As the day progresses it is obvious they cannot.

  Viktor and Mason do not seem overly distracted by her. They don’t stare and their eyes do not follow her around the room when she rises to get some air or sit closer to the fire, unlike the others. I am starting to wonder who they are really guarding. By the scowl, Viktor wears when he looks at one of them I think perhaps he is thinking the same.

  Dinner is slightly different. The Daughter of the Ocean joins us and the other honor guards are there with my aunt and uncle. With their courtiers, my ladies, and all our guards it is a wonder to me someone doesn’t run for the hills, I seriously contemplate it. Especially given the nature of the conversation.

  “Wife I think that perhaps while Princess Marina is here she should have an honor guard.”

  “She has her own guards, husband. If you wish to assign one or two men to her so she doesn’t get lost while here then I shall.”

  “I'm thinking we just assign some of your niece's guards to Marina. Your niece does not need so many as only royalty of the country may have an honor guard. Your niece is only visiting for now.”

  I think my aunt might explode. Some of the officers are dining here as well and they look even more shocked than I do because I know I fail to keep the shock from my face this time. My uncle is not acknowledging our relation or my place in the line of succession.


  He puts his hand up and I cut off my speech. He glares at me for a second before turning his charming smile to the Daughter of the Ocean.

  “Elainne doesn’t need so many. One or two will do her just fine and we wouldn’t want anything to happen to you while you are here.”

  “Your majesty I don’t think that’s entirely necessary…”

  “Nonsense darling. We need to take good care of you.”

  Marina stops protesting and smiles sweetly. She nods and returns to eating. There will be hell to pay tonight. My aunt will be yelling the rafters down around us this evening. I hope that against all odds Viktor and Mason will be the guards I keep. Considering they are the best I doubt they will be.

  “Should there not be more than nine guards’ wife?”

  My aunt turns to look at my uncle. The way he says wife implied it is not a term of affection.

  “Three of them are night guards so they are in the barracks sleeping.”

  My uncle barely registers what my aunt says before turning to the nearest officer which happens to be the gene
ral in charge of training the men.

  “Well, General send for them at once.”

  They are sent for and told at once they will be given to Princess Marina while here. They look confused and worried. The rest of my guards look envious. That’s right those three haven’t met her yet. It goes closer to proving my theory that the mermaid has some kind of hold over the men.

  “General which others here would you recommend? How about those ones.”

  He points to most of the others including Mason and Viktor.

  “Those two are actually still in training your majesty.”

  I am not sure why the general says that I am not sure why he doesn’t mention that they are the best young soldiers he has in his garrison. No matter the reason I am glad he hasn’t. My uncle dismisses them and turns to the others, the smitten men. He demands they guard Princess Marina and they abandon me without a second thought. Mason and Viktor look shocked, horrified, and insulted. I am as well, but I am too busy being glad I get to keep the guards I feel I can trust.

  “May I be excused?”

  My uncle waves me off. Madeline looks at me and I get the impression that she is about to say something I won’t agree with.

  “If it is all right with you I think I shall remain with the other ladies for the remainder of dinner.”

  I try to keep the hurt off my face. My uncle smiles at Madeline and seems pleased. My aunt just gets up and leaves without saying anything. Her guards follow but they seem hesitant to do so.

  “Very well I will leave Mason with you for your protection.”

  She inclines her head and turns back to the conversation around her. I leave the dining hall stunned into silence. What the hell is going on around here?

  Chapter Six

  When we get to my room no one is there guarding the halls. Viktor takes up his post by the door but I don’t let him stay there. I put my hand on his elbow and hold onto his sleeve so he is pulled into my room with me. He tries locking his knees but something in my face must have convinced him to give in because he follows me in after a single glance my way as he prepares to protest.


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