Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 30

by Francheska Fifield

  The wind blows leaves and the remnants of flowers through the air. I love the crisp air of fall. The smell of fallen leaves, plus the bite of cold that comes off and on with the wind. I can close my eyes and remember picking apples with my mother. I have not had time to grieve for her recently. It has been rather hectic since I have come to the human world. I still miss her and I miss everything that we have ever done together, but I am learning to live without her. It sounds so cruel but I know she wouldn’t want me mired in sorrow forever. She loved me too much for that.

  "Usually I have Viktor to talk to. Being alone is going to cause me to become full of melancholy. He will never let me live it down if I prove him right! This trip is not a mistake. I have to find out about my aunt and uncle. And I need to get supplies. Most importantly, I need to make it back to the mage village and see if Viktor's grandfather still lives. His grandmother will want to know… even if Viktor himself does not. This is practical. I need to know where the mages stand. If they are angered and if they plan to attack. Yes, very practical."

  Just who am I trying to convince…?


  'You need to focus!'

  I shoot him a glare and a growl. "I am trying! You keep pissing me off and I cannot stop worrying about Elainne, how will we know if she needs help if I cannot use my Kemp bond?"

  'I will know.'

  "How? You aren't bonded to her!"

  "I will know. She should be the one to tell you the why of it. Later. When she returns. Right now, you need to concentrate!'

  "I cannot! You do not exactly have the patience your age would suggest!"

  He looks at me as if I am something he wants to eat. Or maybe something annoying… like a flea.

  "She was right, your patience does not allow for a free teaching method. Fine, this will be training. Every time you succeed with what I ask of you I will let you take a step in the direction she went. How many things can you master to be with her? How long before your legs fail, causing you to collapse? What will fail first, your will or body?"

  Elainne may call him ‘Wise One’, but I have a better name for him… I know it will be my body that will fail. I can likely master everything and, in the process, destroy my legs trying to get just one step closer to Elainne… this jackass dragon. He knows exactly what buttons he is pushing.

  "Fine, I will focus! But when I can master this you are in for the fight of your life!"

  He breathes a throaty chuckle at me and nods in satisfaction.

  "Now, let us start for real. Look at the animals. The birds. The snakes. Everything. What do their auras look like? Are they magically inclined animals? Work with me, boy. Push yourself. You need to master this."

  I hate him. Sitting outside on the slightly damp ground is making me pout. Not pout… something manlier. Either way, if Elainne were caught in the rain that happened earlier, she will be wet, and alone. Then I really will turn this giant bird into a turkey dinner.

  I use my dragon eye to find scurrying animals with my new heat sensor ability. Then my cloudy one to test their aura. Dragon eyes. I have dragon eyes.

  It is clear as day that this is a normal animal with no special magic. So instead, I look at the dragon once again. His aura is golden in the center, which fans out into red, purple, blue. and then green. Almost as if a rainbow, but the colors are so deep and rich, they cannot be duplicated anywhere else in the world. Outside of the aura, a silver ring shimmers and ripples, seeming to reach out into the world like a lover’s welcoming embrace.

  "You look so different from everything else. And why can I not see my own aura?"

  "That is not how this works. You need to understand this is another tool for you. On the battlefield, you can tell if a warrior is faking death or actually dying. It makes you a more efficient killer and protector. You need to harness this power."

  "Last time I looked at your aura, you didn’t have the silver. What changed? Was it because so much of your magic was in me or…”?

  "We will not talk on this. You do not look at the auras of those around you without permission and certainly, never turn it upon Elainne. She will be very put out."

  I snort. Understatement. She will be too afraid of what she will find. Maybe she will find that she is more Elvin than she thought, or maybe less. Either way, it cannot be a good thing. I will never use this on her. The heat sensor, if she is injured; but never the other new skill that I have obtained.

  I am beginning to realize that no matter what I do my life will never be the same. I have to keep my dragon eye under control or the human population will kill me. I can't have the eye of the beast. Most in the military had already been uneasy around me because my eyes were almost pure black like the mages.

  Though, as far as killing me, the dragon is not sure what will happen if I die. The theories so far are that it will backlash onto him - I will explode the mishmash of magic that I have outward and destroy the town that I am in when I die - or maybe even just fade away and cease to exist, releasing my magic back into the world. That would be the best option, but so far, my life has frequently not taken the best option, and with Elainne always by my side, I have to make sure she is safe and prepare for the worst.

  "Fine. Let's keep going."

  It is a long, long day.


  I settle down and build a fire. Luckily, my woodland training helps me to be prepared to survive without my magic. I have to live without it as much as possible. I am wearing nothing that could qualify as royal and that is for the best. I have some treasure that the dragon has hoarded, but people will likely assume that I am a thief, the way I am dressed. My travel clothing is torn and bloody, it looks like death. Rinsing it in the river has done nothing but get some of the fresher dirt off. While with the dragon I used some clothing in a chest that he had lying around, but dressing like a noblewoman will do me no good now.

  Worst of all, I had to chop off my hair. What is left of it is shoved under a cap. It had been through fire and had chunks ripped out during my torture anyway, but it still hurt. An Elvin noblewoman never cuts her hair. It grows until death, and then it is burned so that the spirit and power of its owner return to the woods to be born again in another. The dragon did the removal and burned it so it could not be used against me in spells, but forgoing the ritual that would strip me of my power, returning it to the woods.

  I actually miss the enchanted woods. I hadn't thought that I ever would. It is Elvin and I was never much of an elf, but something in my soul calls to it, wishing for its safe embrace and deep-rooted peace. I will climb a tree, melt into its embrace and finally be at peace for a few moments. It will be nice. Peace has eluded me for far too long. Even my recovery here has had no peace so far. It has been all spells and hard work. I doubt I will ever feel peace again. I accept it as a possibility, but I am not happy about it.

  "Why can’t I be selfish and leave the world to its toppling fate? Viktor would not judge me were I to tell him that I wished to find a corner of the world to disappear to. He would encourage me to do so. Sometimes I wish I were not me."

  Talking to myself has been a thing for a couple of days now. Every time I stop to start a fire, I find myself at a lack. I have never traveled alone much. So far, most of my travels have been burdens. I am not sure how I should feel about what is going to be happening soon. I need to send my aunt a message. Will she notice that the tinge of my magic is different? Will she see the imprint of its user and not believe it is I? Will she fear me? Will the mages, after I enter their territory and am still able to use magic? Any magic I wish. Can they read auras? I had not asked Wise One. Will anyone notice the silverish tint that is reaching out into the world, searching for the piece that is not with me? Will they notice that I have access to dragon magic, now that one is my familiar?

  I am certain I will never wear delicate slippers again. My feet are covered with tough, hardened skin from all this travel. Also, they are swollen. I know it is a bit too early to be out traveling t
his much, but Wise One is right, Viktor needs to deal with this alone… no matter how much it rankles. So instead I am sitting in the corner of a bar, pretending to be far more intimidating than I am. More like intimidated.

  There is all manner of people in this dirt hole. I won’t even leave my torn cloak on my chair alone. It will be stolen and likely used to wring my neck with after. I am not sure how to project 'I will kill you and not blink', but when thinking about it, I feel the dragon and manage. My size does not help. Elves are never intimidating to look at. It is only after their magic has turned you inside out that you realize having no fear was a mistake.

  "I am telling you, the mountain pass is not traversable right now! Strong, dark magic possesses it! All of the thieves and mercenaries I knew up there were sent back in pieces."

  The man listening smacks the loud one and they huddle closer but don’t get much quieter. Drunken thieves.

  Still, that doesn’t bode well. Some of the mages must have survived the dragon saving us. By the sounds of it, they are pissed and on the offensive. No longer caring about hiding, they are cleaning the house and setting up barriers. I am not sure that I can get through alone. With my familiar here, we could do the spell to break the one erected by the mages, but I am not sure if I can on my own. I am not used to a familiar; I have no idea how to filter magic through one. Especially one so far away.

  "So, we go through the kingdom. Something odd is happening there."

  "No way. The queen is Elvin. What if it is her magic that is clearing out the mountains so that she can claim them? Those Elves are shifty."

  I resent that… but, well, I know my father and the thief is not wrong.

  "So, how do we get the goods delivered?"

  "The manhunts for the princess are still going on. If we could find her, we wouldn’t need to smuggle goods. We could get everything we need from rescuing and bringing her home. For a reward, of course."

  I almost laugh and shout, 'Here I am', but I am trying to stay hidden so I can’t enjoy the look on their faces should I do so. But bloody hell that is bad news. My aunt is looking for me. Once father gets the word that I am missing, he will threaten war. So much for making things easier. I can send her a message, but it will be bad for the royal seal to be seen here. I will have to do it magically. She will have no proof if my father asks for proof of my safety, but it is not safe to send one any other way.

  I sneak out of the bar, pulling a 'don’t see me' spell over myself. It doesn’t make you invisible, but it makes people overlook you and forget about you once you are no longer in sight, if they do spot you. I will scout a perfect spot, and when I find it, I will wait until the following dusk to perform my spell. The changing of the sun will hide its after-effects from other spell users a bit more. Hopefully, they won’t feel it. Strong spells have aftershocks. I don’t want to announce my presence to the mages before I am even on their land. I have never looked into random human magic users living in my aunt's country, but I am thinking it might be a good idea. After everyone and everything that has tried to kill me, I really can’t be too prepared… or too paranoid.

  Well, off I go.


  We are practicing the magic that I can do with the world's ether when the pain in the ass dragon stops paying attention to me and looks up.

  "What are you looking at?"

  "Elainne's magic. I can feel it from here."

  "Doesn’t that mean she is in trouble?"

  "It means she is sending a message. One powerful enough to cross the lands without being stopped or decoded before reaching its destination. One to her aunt and one to her father, I believe."

  "You can feel and see it?"

  He nods and closes his eyes, a rumbling coming out of him. He had once been part of a world where magic was an everyday occurrence from all races. How it must feel to have such powerful magic streaming over him once again. Is it emotional? If so, does he find it a relief? Or, does it bring back memories of a better time and make him sad? I want to know, but reading his aura now will be an invasion of privacy. I can actually see the surface emotions without any effort now.

  "Look, boy. You can see it too, with work. At least feel it. Open the dragon eye. Let the blood embrace you and feel it wash over you. It doesn’t just sense heat signatures. Go deeper. It's warm. Full of kindness and worry."

  I do as he says and can’t see a thing, but I can feel it. In my bones. It is warm and it feels like Elainne. He is right. Her worry for the parties involved is in the message, and her essence, her kindness. I cannot believe how settling it is. It is like having her right next to me. It relaxes me so much; I am shocked that I am not purring like the dragon.

  "It is beautiful. Just like Elainne."

  The rumbling stops and the supposed ‘Wise One’ looks at me. He holds an almost smile, or as close to a smile as I imagined a dragon can have.

  "Yes, she is. Now back to work."


  I slump down after finishing the spell. I have completely failed at making it not sensible to others. It takes so much time and effort to make it invisible as well as effective. I don’t have the time to be subtle. I figure that speed is of the essence right now. I just have to hope that the change in the tint of my magic won’t scare my relatives.

  "I am off to see the mages. Hopefully, they will not try to kill me the second that I walk over the border."

  I don’t exactly skip along, but I do hurry. If someone powerful does sense my magic, I do NOT want to be here when they arrive.

  It is a few more days before I arrive at the border of the mages lands… damn, that is one hell of a border spell. No wonder those mercs had been sent back in pieces. That’s exactly what the spell does. Read the new victim, purge the mind of memories, chop it into pieces, and magically spawn them back to where they will leave the greatest impact. Nice 'do not come here' message they have. This is straight-up murder. I cannot let it pass.

  I shield myself and gather my strength. Well, I sit down and connect to the ground, the trees, the water underground, and the sky. Basically, everything within reach. I reach back to my familiar and pull upon his strength as well. I feel him balk at first, this is new to him, then settle, handing over what magic and knowledge for the type of spell I will need. I sit for over an hour, then open my eyes, focus, and make a swiping motion. The spell meets with mine and breaks. It slices in half and then falls apart like broken glass. My shield keeps me from getting any of the backlashes, but the area around me looks like someone has fire-balled the place.

  I slump for a second; that is more power than I have ever used. I am not exhausted, but it is a bit breathtaking. So many heavy spells in so short a time. I will need to watch my back for a few days. I will be a target. Here, especially. I am here to find Viktor's grandfather and ask the mages to be a part of my court, not my aunt’s or uncle’s, but mine. They are the ace that I need to stay safe - to make sure that Viktor is taught - and the allies I need to keep my father at bay. I have given this a lot of thought and it is the best solution. They can keep the mountains and send a couple of men; cycle in shifts for a few months at a time, and as new ones arrive old ones can go home. It will keep my father off my back – he hates them – and, my aunt and uncle can’t easily cast me aside with the physical reminder of MY new allies in court. I have to do this. For Viktor and for myself.


  The dragon flinches even though I have yet to throw any magic at him.

  "What is it?"

  "I will be unavailable for a moment… maybe longer."

  Then he settles down and looks almost like he is sleeping. I call on my eyes special abilities and see his magic roaring like a fire. He is not sleeping. Whatever he is doing, it is pulling the magic from everything around us, and it is going somewhere. I sit down in front of him and watch. It is fascinating. It is all being pulled and funneled. Where to, I am not sure. Is this another primordial being thing? Will this happen to me as well someday? I watch him, th
e world, plants, and animals around us for over an hour until he snaps back to himself. That is the only way to describe it. All of a sudden, his essence and magic are back in him; he is straight and awake. I quickly turn off my second sight but I don’t miss the anger in him. I have been caught.

  "You didn’t tell me what to do."

  "If you are explaining, you know what you did was wrong."

  "I wasn’t wrong. If that happens to me sometimes…"

  "It will not. So do not do it again. We went over the etiquette of having those eyes. Do not disobey me again."

  For a soldier, I am terrible at taking orders. It is Elainne's effect. I only listen to her. I am the Kemp, which means everyone, and everything else is inconsequential.

  "You can say that all you want but you are not my boss, my captain, my ward, or my father."

  "My blood runs in your veins. My magic pieced you back together when a surgeon could not. You only live because of me; have gifts and the ability to use them because of me. I saved you because Elainne has a dangerous path and will need a Kemp. When you become more trouble than you are worth the reasons, I let you live will no longer apply. If you do not follow the rules, I set for you, you will endanger her life even more than your own, and that I will not allow. Are we clear?"

  He seriously just threatened me. Most effectively too, because he hasn't threatened my life… well, not just my life. Elainne. My one and always weak spot.

  "Fine. If you go into a trance again, I will not study you."

  "Next time I will take precautions and fly somewhere more private. I am not sure your word can be trusted unless it is Elainne you are giving it to."


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