Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 46

by Francheska Fifield

  "So, tell me about the trip. Did Talon accomplish his goal?"

  I smile over at him and look up at the heather blowing with the breeze coming in through the open windows. It makes the place smell fresh and like the mountain.

  "You could say that." He smiles back as I launch into a tale of fairies, dwarves, and fields of heather.


  Book 3 of the Champion series

  By Francheska Fifield

  Copyright © 2019 Francheska Fifield

  Cover design by Lola Kyle

  Edited by Corey Brooks

  Dedication: This is for the fans that stuck with me for the entire series!

  Chapter One

  It is under the cover of darkness that I sneak from the palace. I have taken my lessons with Avren to heart and now I can sneak around virtually invisible. Neither Avren nor Viktor can know I am doing this. They will forever have a big head about the spy network while also having such a fit they are likely to give birth to a baby dragon…. a big commotion considering they are both male and no dragons but Avren exists. My safety, even more than my happiness, is paramount to them.

  Once out of the palace I have an easier time. Guards are not lining every street as they do every hallway in the palace. The streets are safer now, the commotion over a half-breed taking the throne has settled recently. The people seem to have adapted and the fact that I have picked a purebred Elvin commoner that knows the country's finances backward and forward to rule in my stead when I am away helps put them at ease. I know the providence lords, well the ones that HAD been in power are unhappy, but Aiden has brought me closer to the people as a whole. It is a fine trade. Assassins come for me and me alone.


  He turns and glares at me. Once my greatest supporter amongst the mages and now he hates me.

  "You had to know I would not accept your bullying my steward. You brought this on yourself."

  "And I am banished for it. What of my grandson? Will you banish him as well? A Kemp…"

  "Belongs with his master. He will return to guard duty where I can keep a closer eye on him. I have something else to speak to you about."

  "What else could you possibly have to say to me?"

  "I want you to work for me. In secret. To the mages, your grandson, everyone but me you will be gone. Aiden will not know of your presence. Even Avren will be in the dark. I need someone that will be honest, that will use their logic and magic and can think on their feet as well as be discreet. This is not a job I could give to someone I didn’t trust."

  "What could you possibly want from me?"

  "I banished you so it would seem as if you had to leave. I need you free from your shackles so I can release you in the world. I need a spy. Someone to follow rumors and find the truth. You will need some spells at your disposal you do not have yet so I will teach you a few spells only Avren and I know. I cannot bond you to me or Avren will know. I want even him in the dark for now. Maybe later…. for now you and I will be the only ones to know of this. I need it to seem as if you are estranged from everyone and everything so when you go from place to place no one will think you are my secret weapon."

  "You were against the idea."

  "Spies represent all the secrets and lies in this world. I don’t want my kingdom to be remembered that way. Once I die it’s okay if the world hates me, but I want the peace I will create to last. The kingdom must stand for something more, something greater. To that end, I cannot have a spy network."

  I look up at the dark sky. The moon and stars seem to hide; it is not even a dark moon tonight. It is almost like the world is helping me hide, helping me with my chore. Whether it is or not I am glad for the cover of darkness. I don’t want even Aldamon to see the tears that streak down my cheeks. I can keep my voice steady but my eyes…their weakness always gives me away.

  "I am not naïve. The ancient races are awakening and I will be meeting with them all, my aunt's kingdom is in turmoil, and I am fresh and untested. This is not the time to let my morals bury my head in sand. I need someone I can trust."

  "How will we communicate?"

  I use Talon's spell to clean my face and hide the tears before lighting a mage ball. I keep it dim so no one will see and investigate. There are not as many guards out true, but they are still there.

  "These earrings. I added magic to them. Take one and pierce my upper ear. Once it is coated in my blood, I will do the same to you with the second. We will trade so our blood mingles in the ear. We will be able to whisper in one another's ear no matter the distance. We will always wear them and no one else will ever be able to hear what messages are sent. It will have to stay in the ear you pierce so pick a spot and accept it will be forever. It will also alert us if something happens to the other. Nothing minor, but if you lose a lot of blood it will act as a beacon to me and vice versa. You will be my secret weapon."

  "If I say no?"

  "I erase your memory of the last few hours and drop you off in another kingdom. You have my word you will not be killed or maimed. The choice is entirely yours."

  "If I say no is my banishment lifted?"

  I sigh. I was hoping he wouldn’t ask. "No. I publicly banished you setting this opportunity up. I cannot simply revoke your banishment without losing face. I am sorry, but either way, you are banished. If you accept though you will be helping your people and I will allow you to return to visit your grandson. I will tell him in a few weeks that he may take time off to have you visit as long as he gets my approval first. Others will think I merely calmed down and felt bad separating you and him. We will be able to meet in person as well when that happens. Otherwise, you will have to still stay away and I cannot give you the aide I will if you work for me."

  "What kind of aide do you hope to give me if I am always gone?"

  "Financial. I can magic money to you. Money is set aside for my personal use. I can send you enough so it looks as if you are living off the land but if there are emergencies or you are in need you have it available. I brought your first payment with me today."

  I toss a bag of coins. It is larger than he will see in the future at once, but his payment for his council work is in there as well.

  "The money owed to you is in there as well. This meeting will end with nothing owed either way."

  I pick it up and slide it into the bottom of his travel sack. When he hefts it back on his back no sound is made. No one will think he has any coins on him. Ahh, the powers of a mage.

  "You are old enough to be wise, young enough to have heart. I need that in a spy. I need someone I can trust and someone that wants what's best. I also need someone smart enough to see a no-win situation and let me know of it before it affects those I protect. So do we have a deal or not?"

  "Get the earrings ready."

  I nod and we each prepare to pierce our own ears, swapping the earrings once we have and set them in place activating the magic. It is official, I have a spy.

  I hurry back to my room hoping the pain will dull soon. I will have to remember to keep my hair in a way to cover the earring. Aldamon cannot wander the world wearing something that looks valuable and I cannot wear something cheap-looking as queen. So, I thought of his safety making them look like a knock-off metal. Mine will have to be hidden from prying eyes, meaning I cannot have a lady's maid because she will dress me and I can’t let anyone notice it and wonder.

  Once inside my room, I change into a gown and wander out into the hall. It will be best if I have others see me doing something on this night I cannot sleep. A reason I will be so tired in the morning. So I wander down to Talon's room. He would have to be told about what transpired after he left the throne room and he will need time to think of a replacement for Aldamon.

  Poor Talon, he can’t get a single moment to himself. He is not a Kemp; he doesn’t need the close connection Viktor does. He gets it anyway though. Poor, poor Talon.

  "I heard rumors of what happened and thought you might like to talk."

  No sooner have I arrived at his door, open so I will know I am welcome than he speaks. He didn't even turn, he just knows. I smile and go over sitting on the bench under his window looking out at the night sky with him.

  "Talon what am I to do? The world is spiraling so fast and I am not sure I am ready. I know I must be and I will be…but I don’t want to be. Does that make sense?"

  He squeezes my hand and smiles.

  "I know a bit about not being ready for a task you must take on. I wasn’t ready for you either."

  I can’t help but laugh. He had just been a mouthy brat when I took him as a champion. Now he is like a brother.

  "You have been out into the night."

  It is not a question. Talon has a knack for sensing these things.

  "Please don't ask and say nothing more about it. Ever."

  He nods and looks back out the window. So trustworthy. If I didn’t need him with me, I would have made him my spy. I know I can trust him. I don’t think he has it in him to be dishonest though.

  "So, is it true? Has Aldamon been banished?"

  I nod.

  "The mages will be unhappy. Many were unhappy about the alliance with Elves, to begin with. And living in the kingdom that wronged them…and Aldamon being the one thrown in prison all those years ago and then banished now…. well it will make them doubly angry."

  "I know, but I had no choice. He flat out disobeyed me and I went easy on him last time. No one will respect a queen that cannot control her subjects. The council is to advise me. Not to bully my steward while I am away. If Avren had not taken care to back Aiden I would have an unwanted spy network now."

  "Aiden is much like you but with far less backbone. You are right about the fact it would have been set up and spies sent out before you even knew their names if Avren were not here. What about when we visit the ancients? Will you bring Avren?"

  I stand disconnecting our hands and wander to the fireplace.

  "I have thought about it. I must go. The council has a representative from each guild in the country. Everyone has a say and Aiden can rule well in my place. You and Viktor will come as well. I need the show of strength. Avren…. Aiden cannot hold the throne alone but the ones we visit know of Avren. What if they feel threatened by me bringing a dragon? What if I lose respect for not bringing him? I feel I have no situation where I can win."

  "It does depend greatly on groups we know almost nothing about. Avren would be most helpful telling us of the ancients and how to deal with them."

  "Yes. But I cannot let them think I only rule by his power, knowledge, and goodwill. No, I will go, with just the two of you and prove my right to lead in whatever way they see fit. I will prove I have my own strength to fall back on. That I need no dragon to rule."

  H comes over and takes my hands in his linking our fingers and smiling his approval. He touches his forehead to mine and stands like that for a few moments. I have his approval.

  It always makes me feel better to have someone acknowledge I am doing the right thing. I know it means I am a weak queen, needing other's approval, but I also know it makes me a better queen. I want happy citizens even if I lose respect from outsiders because of it.

  "I am glad you agree with me, but I have to say I am worried about getting Viktor and Avren to agree. I know if they think about it logically, they will know Avren must stay to help Aiden but they have both proven they do not always use logic when it comes to me. Oftentimes they think with their hearts."

  "They are too stupid to see you are strong enough to do it alone should you wish it."

  "Thank you for believing in me Talon. I need that. I need you. I need someone to just believe in me even if my methods make me seem weak or crazy or both."

  "Always Elainne. Always."

  I release his hands and hug him tightly. If I ever do reveal my spy to anyone it will be Talon. I can count on him to believe I know best and not judge me. To trust me. Our bond is different than mine and Viktor's, or even mine and Avren's, but it is no less important. In fact, usually, it is needed so much more.

  "You will find a replacement for Aldamon? I would have you do it but I need you with me."

  He smiles. "Of course, Elainne. Whatever you need. I will meet with the mages tomorrow."

  I let go of the breath I have been holding and walk to the door. Finally, I can get some sleep.

  Chapter two

  The next morning, I walk into the throne room to find the entire council has gathered without summons. Well, this will be fun.

  "Avren can you summon Aiden. I know he is busy with the treasury but I am going to need him here for my announcement."

  He flies off and I plop on the throne. I am not much in the mood for semantics or appearances. The court looks nervous. Well, the few nobles that are here do. The commoners from the guilds representing farming, mining, and all other manner of things care little for the insanity court seems to be made of. I can waltz in here covered in mud and they wouldn’t give a fig. The nobles still present would faint.

  "You made a decision your majesty?"

  I like Aiden because he can get right to the point. Everyone knows he doesn’t mean it offensively or as a challenge. He is just efficient. Thus, when he is involved, I can get things done without all the fanfare normally required. If only all the Elves were like him.

  "Yes. I will be visiting the ancient races. I must go. I cannot ignore such powers now that we know they exist. I will leave Avren with you and you will hold the throne in my stead. Any notes from relatives open and contact me with its contents right away. You know the day to day rulings. Avren will be here if you need anything magical or whatnot. My Kemp and my champion will accompany me. Both are highly magical and will offer more than enough protection. A large entourage will make goings slow and we need to hurry as much as possible without being rude. My aunt's kingdom is in turmoil and I will be making a decision on how to handle it as soon as I return."

  "Wise as always your majesty."

  "Thank you, Aiden. We will leave for the journey in two days. I will be open to appointments until then no matter the hour until the night before we leave. That is sixteen hours from now. If you have an urgent matter Aiden cannot deal with bring it to me before then. Go back to the people you represent and bring any issues back as soon as possible. While I am away nothing short of war or famine will be brought to my attention. Dismissed."

  I rise and go to follow Aiden back to his office.

  "Are you serious about me only contacting you about war or famine?"

  "Plague. You can contact me if we have something like a plague outbreak. Anything on that scale in this or another country. If my aunt or father writes to you for help in keeping her rule in place burn the letter and do not bother telling me until I return. I care not for her opinion on the matter. It is the human country. They want a human ruler."

  "Do you have one in mind?"

  "No. It is not my place. I am half-human and I lived there for a bit. I still have friends there. I guess I have a bit of a stake in it, I worry about the people. They have not had the best rulers in the last few years. My aunt and uncle spent so much time bickering over who held more power they got nothing done. If I attend the meeting where they choose the future ruler, I will not be backing my aunt, nor any of the unknowns. I will investigate the candidates thoroughly before picking one to support. I will not be pulled into yet another family squabble."

  "A wise decision. We cannot think about this in terms of family. Are you sure you want me to be your steward though? Someone stronger should be in your place."

  "No. Someone I trust should sit on my throne. Someone that knows me well enough to make the same decisions I would if I were here. That is, you. No other will do. Now, remember the guilds owe a complete monetary workup in two weeks. You will be going over them and making a decision about who needs how much. This set up seems to be working much better. You have met all the guild leaders. Are they all trustworthy? The money will be going to the people
until the country can be stabilized yes?"

  "I personally vetted each of them with Avren in attendance. They want this system to work. It's better than the lords ruling over them and taking advantage of them. Guilds give them representation on the council and monetary help in case of a state of emergency. The people all want this system to work so they are putting the work in."

  "Excellent. As long as the leaders are making sure the funds are used correctly. The people have been overtaxed and used for far too long under my father's rule. The system of handing out money will not last forever but it needs to happen for a bit until the country is no longer in danger of failing."

  "We have managed to pay off all the creditors the palace owed money to."

  "Perfect. Were you able to look into the raise for the military? My father treated them like slaves. Nothing like a raise and better living conditions to earn the loyalty of those still unsure of me."

  We turn a corner and as people see us, they bow and step back. We pay no mind. It is not that we need the bowing, they just do it. We discouraged it and the people had been horrified. We have so little time and so much to do that stopping to acknowledge everyone just is not possible. So, for now, we just keep walking and working through what we need to.

  "The raids of the lords that your father kept rewarding for overlooking his tyranny have been completed and all the possessions seized. However, as we are equalizing the country the gap between rich and poor is closing. No one is rich enough to buy off these things. I suggest we send some of the guild members to sell them to other countries. The human lords and ladies still have lots of money. They can afford the treasures. The guild members willing to go could get a bonus and guarantee for their family's care while they are gone. Once all of it is sold off, we could greatly improve military conditions. We could build new bunkers for those living in the fields as of now…"


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