Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 50

by Francheska Fifield

  I look at Talon's completely serious face. The eyes give him away. There is a twinkle in them.

  "Now who is trying to make light of it?"

  "I am partially serious."

  That makes me laugh for real this time.

  "Well, I promise no matter how desperate I am for company I will not drag your ashes around with me. I am sure we can have Avren do a spell. Some weird-ass connection thing. Or infuse you with his blood. Viktor overcame its affects you could too I bet."

  "Oh, please if that pushover can do it I can."

  I breathe a bit of a sigh of relief. I wasn’t sure how he would take that suggestion. He seems open to forever. Even though I am not.

  "Talon if I ever ask you to kill me please do it. I need you…I need you to be there for me not the rest of the world… after a few thousand years…if I cannot take it…"

  He sits next to me and hugs me to his chest. Just his smell helps calm me.

  "Elainne you will never ask that. I know because I know you. And if you ever get even close to any level of depression, we are tossing your steward children the reins and going on vacation Avren be damned."

  "Promise you won't leave me?"


  I let go of one of the many breaths I am holding and try to relax. I can only imagine how tomorrow will go. I need some real sleep. I need to be on top of my game tomorrow. The Queen might be upset with how I acted. Or, based on what I have seen so far, she will understand and try to make the adjustment easier. I like her, what I have seen so far, so I hope and pray it is the second option.

  "Stay here tonight please."

  "What about your virtue?"

  "Screw virtue and public opinion I don’t think I can be alone tonight."

  "I will stay as long as you need me."


  Without changing or anything we crawl under the covers, clasp hands, and fall asleep.

  Chapter seven

  The next day is butterflies…I feel them fluttering through my entire body. Not just my stomach. I know I will be mocked, chided, and likely a dozen other things I won’t enjoy. I also know I deserve it.

  "Should I grab breakfast for here or will be joining the diners at brunch?"

  "Here, I need to contact Avren. Bring Viktor back as well. I will be speaking with them both."

  I am a bit glad Talon offered. He will ignore the stares and whispers. Or he will remember them for later. It is always good to know what potential allies really think of you.

  I sit down to contact Avren. The spell is completed and Avren and Aiden are there alone.

  "Is something wrong Elainne? We left a meeting when Avren said you were calling."

  "You are going to want to either go back to that meeting or postpone it. I promise nothing I say will be directed at you but if you wish to know the truth you will want to hear this…well most of it."

  He bows and hustles his ass right out of there. In a few minutes, he is back. As are Talon and Viktor.

  "Now that everyone is here…Aiden sit down in case you pass out."

  He does as I ask as does Talon who throws himself over a chaise. Viktor stands behind me. Avren likely knows what this is about. I wonder if that’s why he didn’t want to come. So, I can’t rage at him in person.

  "My Queen it was necessary. You would never have agreed…"

  "Shut up Avren. Do not speak again without my express permission. You may speak to answer questions Aiden or Talon ask you. Otherwise, you will not speak unless I say you may. Ever."

  Aiden starts to squirm likely wishing he were behind Avren not in front of him. Avren does shut up though.

  "Good. Viktor the same rule for you. No answering soldiers or mages. Talon, Aiden and I are the only three you are allowed to speak too. And maybe in a hundred years, I will feel more lenient. Or maybe I will be so angry it will be a thousand years."


  "Yes, Aiden you heard me. They will be silent for possibly a thousand years. Because I will live that long. In fact, I cannot die now…. or it's basically impossible. Avren made me immortal unless killed by someone more powerful than myself. That’s how the world will still stable after my rule…my rule won't ever end."

  I see the physical flinch Aiden gives. "Yes. I found out during the ball welcoming me to the fairylands. I yelled at the queen. Loudly. Then I passed out. Then Talon and I shut us in my room while I alternated between crying and hyperventilating. I have no idea what Viktor did or where he was and I do not care."

  "Elainne…I am so sorry. I wish I was there for you."

  Aiden is kind. He is helpful. I will never find someone like him again either. My rule works because of the ones I have around me.

  "Avren when we return you will infuse Talon with your dragon blood and help him learn to tame and use it. He has volunteered to stay with me for eternity. I will need people I trust. After so long I expect I will be the subject of many assassination attempts."

  Aiden flinches again and looks ready to slump out of the chair.

  "It's obvious I cannot trust Viktor or Avren to always tell me the truth so this will be done Avren. Your opinion is not needed or welcome. Understood?"

  "Yes, my Queen."

  "Very well."

  "Me as well."

  Aiden stands and I almost fall in shock at that time. Before Viktor can catch me, Talon’s magic does. He looks to be snacking and lounging not caring about the world around him but he is very talented at noticing the little things. He is getting better at seeing behind the truth to the lie.

  "Aiden…living forever. It will drive a normal person mad."

  "And that is why you will need people you trust. You will have the weight of the world on your shoulders forever. I can be your head treasurer. When you combine the kingdoms, it will take a financial genius, more than one, to switch them all to the same monetary system and whatnot. It will take years. I can oversee it. Help take some of the burdens…"

  "Aiden we can complete that before you die. Elves are quite long-lived."

  "Yes. But you will still need people you trust and that can help around. When you need to get away and a steward takes over wouldn’t it be better to have someone familiar with the system around to help?"

  Well, he is not wrong. Still forever…

  "Elainne this will help me be powerful enough to hold the throne for you if you ever need Avren. Especially if there is ever war and before you have heirs."

  "I know you are loyal Aiden and you make very valid points but I want you to think this through. It will be forever. Think upon it and if you still agree when Talon does it Avren will transform you as well. Talon will spend his life tied to mine. You will be at the palace while we are gone, possibly for a decade."

  "But I will be around to make sure the stewards follow your laws and tell you if they do not. Also, I can oversee the funds in every country to make sure no one is taking advantage of the system."

  He makes valid points…damn logical math genius elf.

  "Just promise you will think about it. As much as I love the idea of working with you forever, I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. Even Talon but I know better than to argue with him when his mind is set."

  Aiden nods but I know just by looking at him his mind is made up.

  "Feel free to ask Avren anything about it you wish. I want you to know what you are getting into."

  He visibly brightens and I know chances are I am stuck with Talon and Aiden forever. I could be stuck with worse company forever.

  "Avren you will help Aiden with his headaches. He was not raised for this and he is not built for it. Do what you can to make him comfortable. If he complains about a headache one more time I will burn your tail off."

  I am not sure it is possible but it honestly is the first thing I can think of. Lizards shed their tails to escape predators. Dragons are the predators but they are lizards...

  "Elainne do you think a peace treaty or trade agreement will be possible with the fairies?" />
  I shrug. After my behavior thus far I doubt it.

  "Possibly. The queen seems to be expecting something like that because of the prophecy. She seems to accept it will be and that’s that. I have no idea what she will propose though. I will see after brunch."

  Aiden doesn’t react, and shockingly neither does Avren.

  "Well…try your best. Even if you walk away with no change that’s an option. Do not feel pressured to make them like us. As long as we can avoid a war I will consider it a win. We simply do not have the funds for war."

  "I think I can manage that much. I do not think the queen will be offended by my outburst. If anything, she looked like she felt bad for me. I might be able to use that."

  "Do what you must."

  I give a salute to Aiden who finally cracks a smile. "You as well. I will keep you informed."

  I shut down the spell and the visual portal closes. At least I know I can still do magic here. In fact, it almost seems easier here. The land is saturated with magic. I bet Viktor, who has Avren's blood in him, is more powerful here as well. I wonder if Talon can feel the difference or if only the old bloods can.

  "We will and seek out the queen. It is time to finish this. We need to be on our way. Remember the human world is in turmoil and it could infect our lands as well. The longer we are here the worse off everyone is."

  Viktor and Talon nod. I sit down to eat and then ready myself. I let my thoughts wander but they don’t go far. I thought Viktor was being honest now. That he wouldn’t lie to me. The few days we were rambling about like restless bunnies he couldn’t have warned me so I was not ambushed with information about myself by the queen of another race? He couldn’t tell me in the palace when I said he was coming back to me as a Kemp?

  This kills any chance of me ever trusting him again. People always say first loves are intense, heated, passionate, and mostly hard to get over. But get over it I will. I cannot wallow in sadness and betrayal forever. I have time but that is why I can’t. I don’t want to look back on my first decade of ruling and see that I spent it in melancholy when I could have spent it bettering the world, finding a new love, having a family.

  Lies…is the foundation Viktor and Avren are determined to build my new kingdom on. But it will not be so. I won’t let it. I push at the Kemp bond blocking much of it. If I am in physical pain he will know. But he can’t track my emotional state, which is cold as ice right now. I am in no mood to negotiate.

  "Come. We will find the queen."

  Talon grabs my shoulders and physically stops me

  "Elainne thaw."

  "I can't Talon. Not now. This is the empress they want isn't it? No feelings of my own? Just thinking of the bigger picture?"

  "Forget what they want. This is about you doing things your way. Which way do you think the queen will respond to most?"

  "I don’t care."

  I magically pick him up and put him three steps behind me. Viktor stays there of his own accord. He knows better. He can’t feel my emotions and that is the clue for him that I have snapped.

  I use magic to slam the doors open.

  "Take me to your queen."

  We are escorted to the throne room where I follow none of the court niceties. My guards do but that means very little. I march right up to the throne room and toward over the sitting queen.

  "You have heard the prophecy?"


  "You believe it?"

  "They have never been wrong before but there is a first time for everything."

  "You believe them. So here is my offer. You can stay here trapped and hidden from the world. Or you can join my kingdom. Merge with the mages and elves and expand our kingdom in both culture and people. One or the other. I want your answer tonight so I can let my steward know to expect you or not. We leave tomorrow. No answer means you will continue to hide from the world as you do now. With one exception. You will stay out of my kingdom and my business. Are we clear?"

  "And if I do not accept those terms? How will you know if we enter your part of the world?"

  "I know the magical signature of everyone in this kingdom now. I have them all filed away. Unless you are willing to rip their magic from them forever to send them to the dimension, we live in I will know. It will mean war."

  I hear Talon sigh…well, feel it more than hear it. Yes, I promised Aiden I would not bring it there. But I am going to expedite this.

  "You think you can win?"

  "I do. Between mages, Elves, a dragon and his blood kin and myself we will win. It will cost us, but we will win. And you will all die. Think carefully. Tell me your decision at dinner. I need to contact some people from other kingdoms. Good day."

  I turn and walk away. The worst of it is over. Now I just need her answer. I can deal with the aftermath of whatever she chooses. It is the getting it out there in a strong manner I often struggle with. But like my example to the military where I fought Viktor and the Elvin warriors, I need to be strong and push hard. My way or no way. Avren wants an empire. I will give him one.

  Chapter eight

  I spend the rest of the day contacting Aiden and helping to solve disputes. In fact, a secretary is in a separate conference room and when there is a dispute and Aiden is overwhelmed, they are sent to me. We get twice as much work done.

  Talon contacts his new mage rep and they chat about the meetings this morning. He asked if he could tell Cullen the truth about my rule. Talon trusts him not to tell even the other mages; we are having a really fun unveiling ceremony to tell the kingdom. So, I let him. Cullen seems neither shocked nor interested. It makes me like him more.

  When it is almost dinner time, I decide I can’t put this off much longer.

  "Talon I need you and Viktor to find the queen and make sure it is secure where we will be meeting. Once you have looked over the place and searched for the possibilities of spies and such return to show me the way. This next conversation will be very private."

  They both look curious but Viktor will be saying nothing without me asking first for a while.

  "Very well."

  Talon shoos Viktor out and I sigh in relief. I then put so many magic barriers around myself that even Avren won’t know what I am about to do. I contact Aldamon.

  "Any news?"

  "I am in the human kingdom so I know little of your kingdom but things here are bad."

  I curse under my breath and rub my unadorned ear.

  "Elainne I do not mean bad like when you were shipped here. There are riots. The palace town is emptied of people. The castle is on lockdown. The nobles are there hiding from the people. If things are not settled soon it will be hard to keep them fed over the winter. No one's working."

  "It's worse than my aunt said. When is the summit to choose a new leader?"

  "Officially? Less than two weeks."

  "I will be there. No matter what I am doing I have to be there. This can't go on or no one will survive including the nobles hiding away. They can only last so long on the food stored in the palace."

  "Agreed. You have a game plan for stabilizing the country?"

  "No, but I will have to think of one before I go there it seems. I will alert Aiden that I will be attending the meeting and he may have to come with me. Which means I will need a new steward…"

  "That will destabilize your country. I would bring Avren. He will scare them into listening to you. Logic will get you nowhere with things this chaotic."

  He is not wrong. "You make good sense. Yes, I shall do that. Let me know if things take a turn for the worse or a leader is chosen early."


  I drop the spells and in time for the boys to return.

  "This way Elainne."

  I nod and take Talon's arm allowing him to escort me to the room the Queen and I will meet in. This is the start of my new empire. It will shape the future of my kingdom.

  "What is your answer?"

  "I have nothing against my people being welcome in the outside world ag
ain, but I have a few conditions."

  "You will remain their Queen, my steward to rule them in my place, if that is what you are wondering. I don’t want two big changes to discourage your people. I will add someone familiar with my court to yours so we can more easily merge, but you will lead the province your people congregate in under my name."

  "That is not my issue. In fact, I want my people to be the dominant species in the palace town."

  "I cannot force those there out. How about the magical gardens and a wing of the palace?"

  "How large is this garden?"

  "Large enough to build a large city, large enough for everything you have in your dimensional pocket times two. With room to spare. Do with it what you will. There is one tree however that will be left alone. Forever."

  "That is an acceptable compromise. We wish to be close to you. And a wing in the palace for us all our own. Is that wise?"

  "The visiting Elvin representatives have one as do the mages. Giving you, one won't ruin anything. There are six wings. One for myself and those I trust and keep close."

  "Sounds ideal. I suppose one will go to the humans when you take over. And another to the dwarves. Of course, the unicorns and the firebirds shall need very different accommodations."

  "If they wish a spire or barn, I can provide that. I have no plans to do this halfway."

  "Your indecision is gone. You are the tool Avren has been trying to shape. He must be thrilled."

  I don’t rise to the obvious bait. "I wouldn’t know he is forbidden from speaking unless my steward, champion or myself ask him a direct question."

  "For how long."

  I shrug and rub my fingers on the tablecloth.

  "A decade, a century, a thousand years. I suppose it depends on how lenient I feel after dealing with the other races and the issue of the human successor."

  "Which would be you. You are the closest living relative. Being that your mom was the king's sister."

  They know a lot about our world. She has good spies. But I have not exaggerated. I know their magical signatures now. All of them. They can’t get away with that anymore. Just like I know all the mage signatures, those over twenty-one. After meeting Cullen, I am reconsidering not knowing the children. I know theirs will change after their ceremony but it might be beneficial to know them beforehand. Now is not the time though.


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