Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 52

by Francheska Fifield


  I look to Viktor whose eyes are popping out of his head. I follow his vision to find the plumb long-bearded fellow that had been with us at Talon's trial. I smile and walk over. He bows and looks me in the eye.

  "Welcome Queen of the world."

  Chapter ten

  "Argyle! It is good to see you!"

  I lean down to hug him. His hug reminds me of the warmth and comfort he shared when I needed it not so long ago.

  "You come to make peace or war?"

  I pull back and stand. "Neither. I come because your rulers sent me an invitation. If we make peace or war will be up to you. You do not have to leave the ground. No one even needs to know of your existence if your people do not wish it."

  He runs his hand through his beard.

  "It may be some of us miss the hustle and bustle of the topside. Others are set in their ways."

  "Isn't that how all races are? If you all wish to stay hidden and have a treaty, I welcome blacksmiths or workers of any kind to settle in my territory. Or even if you just happen to have a wandering dwarf. They will be welcome amongst my people."

  "Do you know that for sure?"

  Viktor is twitching every which way, his movements more like Avren on alert than a human. I notice the scales covering the backs of his hands. Hopefully, that is under control.

  "We went through this with the mages merging with the elves. Now we have fairies that have claimed the royal garden as their own and unicorns fill my stable so they can be cared for by my groomsmen and women until I return and they decide if they want sanctuary or citizenship. We are becoming a very adaptable people…animals…group."

  He laughs and knocks on the side of the mountain in a weird intricate set of poundings. I have no doubt the placement of the fist and pressure play a part. Which means I can only remember half of the combination. The part I can see. The rest is luck. Not useful if we do have a war. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.

  "This way queen of the world."

  "Elainne. I hate being called that."

  "It is what you will be. You should get used to it."

  I sigh. He is right, I have finally accepted that, but it doesn't mean I like the title any more than before.

  "Elainne. I don’t care if every man, woman, child, and animal calls me Elainne. Empress, Queen, your majesty...I hate them all."

  "An odd thing to hear from one destined to rule our world for eternity."

  I shrug not caring a bit. I don’t agree with having a caste system but even I know that many people will never be able to run any other way. There simply is not enough time for everyone to get a thorough understanding of the issues and vote accordingly. So, I will rule, for the people, only ever for their benefit. Forever.

  "Then come Elainne. Allow me to show you my kingdom. I did invite you after all."


  "I am on the council that rules the dwarves so yes."

  "You didn’t tell me before."

  I take a deep breath and step into the magical underground hole. There are steps but when the door closes behind us panic sweeps in. My closing throat is minor compared to Viktor's reaction. Dragons love the skies more than life itself. And Viktor is in dragon mode. Scales cover even his face now.

  "You must calm him."

  I want to but I am on my knees pulling at my clothes trying to get more air in my lungs. Argyle grabs a hand and lets his magic flow through me. I slowly calm until the space above me being brown instead of blue does not bother me. By that time Viktor is trying to dig his way out. He knows the hole is here somewhere.


  He turns to snarl and I open our connection letting the calm I feel pour into him. The scales recede and his breathing slows until he slumps down and catches his breath.

  "Are you alright Viktor?"

  He nods but says nothing as he stands, standing a bit closer to me than he had been before. I can still feel his nerves. He is calm but only because I am pushing my calm feelings into him. And here I don’t want him to be a puppet. Still, he has free will and he won’t die from fright. Though I hadn't been much better before Argyle helped.

  "Let us continue. The rest of the council wishes to meet you as well."


  We walk downstairs of stone until reaching a wide-open cavern. A jewel that shines like the sun hangs at the top lighting up the town below us.

  "It's beautiful."

  It really is. Everything is carved of stone or built with tree roots as the base or a wall. Moss grows everywhere. I am not sure how but it does. Everything is all the stones of the variety of dirt and minerals found in the ground. It feels…homey.

  "It feels so comfortable when you see it like this."

  We are overlooking the village from a plateau in the stairs. I don’t want to move from this spot I am so awestruck. But I am also so curious about meeting the ones that live here.

  "Come along."

  We follow, me practically bouncing with excitement. Each race we visit is more and more amazing.

  I regret the bouncing down the stairs two at a time when Avren pulls magic from me. I stumble and as a result, I roll until a root comes up and stops me. I am cradled in a tree root while Argyle and Viktor come running.

  "Elainne! What happened? Are you alright?"

  They help me up and I flinch a bit. I hit a few things going down. Viktor immediately grabs my hand and starts healing chants. He has learned many and is very adept at it. Soon my aches and pains are gone replaced by the odd tingling that comes after being healed. That too will soon disappear.

  "Thank you, Viktor."

  "Your Kemp is very diverse in his abilities, isn't he?"

  "Yes, he is." I squeeze Viktor's hand once more and stand. "Shall we continue?"

  This time I walk slower. Avren is pulling and tugging on my magic and we are so far away that it takes more to travel the distance to him. It feels like I am on puppet strings and someone is trying to physically pull me home. I have to fight for every step and make it look like I am not flinching or fighting to move.

  "Elainne did I not heal you enough? I didn’t sense anything else. Maybe being underground affects my abilities?"

  "No Viktor. I am fine. It's something Avren is doing."

  "Should we stop so you can contact him?"

  I grab his shoulder before he can summon up a visual spell.

  "No Viktor. I will be fine. I knew this would happen. I just forgot momentarily. I will be slow but fine."

  I keep my hand on his shoulder because it makes walking easier. Argyle says nothing just keeps at a pace comfortable for me. We pass through a village of short bearded men and short plump women living their daily lives. Visiting shops, tending gardens, mining the rock.

  It is all so quaint. And peaceful. I can’t imagine many of them will want to leave this safety and peace for a kingdom expanding and facing chaos because of it.

  "This is the town hall. Representatives from every tribe throughout the planet have come to meet you. There will be fifty dwarves in all."

  Well, thank goodness I am not scared of speaking to a crowd. Though normally I have a few more people that like me in the audience. I am in a new environment not me mention a previously unknown to still be alive race.

  "This way."

  We just go straight to it. I mean he takes me to a podium in the middle of the floor with seats surrounding me on all sides except the door. Cutting off as many escape routes as possible it seems. I step up to it and Argyle takes his seat amongst the dwarves currently looking down on me. For once. I search faces…for any friendly ones. Some are just hostile, others wary. Some, a very few, have open curiosity. I can work with that.

  "Begin Elvin Queen."

  I clear my throat and Viktor bumps my elbow with his. I take strength in the fact that I am not alone. I will grasp whatever I can to get through this.

  "That is no longer an accurate title. I am the queen of the Elvin people yes, but also the m
ages, the fairies, and the unicorns. Though the last two are fairly new." As in the last forty-eight hours.

  "So, you convinced some of the older races of your virtues. We are not so easily swayed by a prophecy that has no bearing on us underground."

  Well, damn if that is not true. "What are some concerns you have?"

  "Shouldn’t you be trying to convince us of what a good leader you are?"

  I shrug. I have a feeling these dwarves are people I can get behind. They care nothing at all for social niceties and they won’t bow every time they see me. I think Argyle only did to power home the fact that free will or no I am becoming the empress Avren wants and nothing will stop that.

  "This will go by much faster if you tell me your concerns and I address them. I don’t want to waste your or my time and this will ensure your issues are addressed directly. Unless you would prefer, I sit down to write a twenty-page speech about my many virtues that contain none of the answers you want…"

  The room fills with arguing in not so small whispers. Luckily, they are yelling among one another. Some have found my frankness funny…others not so much. Not knowing how long this will take I sit. Viktor sits back to back with me. Good my weak side is protected.

  I sit and sit, waiting patiently and growing more and more sleepy as time goes on. I don’t want to offend them but I have barely slept lately and I am being drained of magic. I am sitting here doing nothing with someone to lean on. Right now, it sounds as good as any bed. My eyelids droop and I am almost there when they finally get back to me.

  "Stand queen. We are ready with our questions."

  I stand with a lot of help from Viktor. I rub my eyes and dust off the imaginary dust on my clothes to buy more time.

  "Yes of course." I am not even going to argue the queen thing and insist on Elainne. I am too tired.

  "What is it you stand for?"

  "My people's health and happiness."

  "Care to elaborate?"

  "I find out what everyone needs to survive and make sure they have it." That is all they are getting. Any more will be useless since each race has different needs. I cater to that.

  "And all citizens, regardless of race, have equal rights."

  "Yes. Even the unicorns will get a seat on the council if they wish one. The fairies former queen has taken the seat for her people for now. If she wishes to turn it over later that will be fine. We will accommodate them. The mages recently had to change their representative. He is eight. There's no age requirement. As long as they have the knowledge to make important decisions for their people and the kingdom as a whole. Of course, I reserve the right to overthrow all decisions made if I think someone is being left out or treated unfairly."

  "And he is treated the same as the others this boy?"

  I shrug.

  "My steward could tell you more as I have been traveling to the hidden races, but last I talked to Aiden he said Cullen, the boy, and the fairy queen have started an argument with the entire rest of the council. Which consists of one representative from each guild, a mage, and now a fairy. They took on the guilds alone with Cullen taking the lead so I am guessing they no longer think he is a cute little lamb brought to the slaughter. He made such a ruckus my steward threatened to quit. I had Avren break it up so Aiden could take control back."

  "And this system works for you?"

  "Well mostly. We are fine-tuning it. We have a military man at council meetings as well. Our meetings with them are mostly separate because we are working on restructuring."

  "What would become of us?"

  "What do you want to happen to you?"

  They all glare and chew on their beards, tongues, lips. Either way, they don’t like my answer.

  "Look, council members, I cannot tell you every detail of your life if you join my kingdom because I don’t make your life for you. Everyone has the chance to be and do what they want. I have programs set up for people to find their passions and apprentice for them. You are not blocked off by race. You want to bake for a living and set up a bakery, you may. You want to mine, then mine. My kingdom is for people to find and make their own dreams. You will never be put in a box and told this is what you can and cannot do. Pay is based on a job well done and effort. Your life is up to you. That’s my kingdom. Join it or don't. It is up to you."

  I stumble a bit trying to stay awake.

  "You have given us much to debate. You will be shown to your quarters so we can discuss this. Please make yourself at home."

  I nod and followed the dwarven lady. She gets me into the room and leaves closing the door behind her then all I know is I am not standing and everything is black.

  Chapter eleven

  I wake to…well nothing. No birds, no breeze, no rustling leaves. There is none of that down here.

  "Elainne are you awake?"

  I nod slightly and sit up. My head feels clearer and I don’t feel so heavy. Avren is no longer tugging on my magic. Thank goodness I will be able to stay conscious now.

  "The dwarves were worried. You have been unconscious almost a full day."

  What a waste of time.

  "Did they at least come to a decision?"

  He nods. Good.

  "Did they tell you?"

  Viktor shakes his head. He helps me stand. I am less of a rock in a pond than before but I am still not entirely in my right mind. I am sleeping for a week as soon as this week is over. Of course, they haven't told him. They are going to drag this out while I am on a schedule and still need to see the Firebirds before taking over the human kingdom.

  "Let's go. I have a meeting to crash in another kingdom and a champion to make sane."

  He nods and follows behind. More from worry I am going to fall over than subservience, I think.

  "Take me to whoever can tell me of the council's decision."

  "I was told to bring Argyle to you when you woke. They don’t want you overwhelmed and the healers were worried about your magic fluctuations. It was quite abnormal."

  Great I hope that doesn’t affect their decision. It is an anomaly that won’t happen after this week…. until we turn Aiden if he still wants to be turned after seeing Talon.

  "Then bring him I haven't a moment to lose."

  She goes as fast as dwarves can go…or so I assume by the waddle she develops. It is so adorable I smile. They are not built for speed for sure, but I know their endurance will easily outlast all the other races combined and they are much stronger than their size indicates. Like an ant.

  "We are going to the human world after this then?"

  "I hope to visit the Firebirds first, but the situation might not allow it. I have heard there are riots, work has ground to halt the countryside, and the nobles and queen, with my father in tow, are holed up in the castle arguing overpower. My aunt can take care of herself and any attempts at assassination, no human could best an Elvin queen holding onto her throne."

  "How do you know…?"

  "Family letters, word of mouth. Either way, it needs to stop and since they cannot stop acting like children fighting over toys, I will end it."

  "If it is that bad the Firebirds might have to wait."

  I nod. I had been thinking the same thing. Or I can at least stop in my aunt's kingdom, tell them they have four days to surrender, leave, visit the firebirds and then take control of two kingdoms in as many days. I have no doubt any fight with the humans will basically mean my aunt and I dueling it out. She has more experience than me it is true, but she doesn’t have access to dragon magic or millennia-old familiar. In terms of power now I will win. I don’t kid myself that it will be an easy win though.

  "I will make everything work. Avren might need your help with Talon when we return. I will need Avren for a short errand. It will not take long but you are the only one that can stand against him in his crazed dragonish state."

  "Is it a good idea? Giving another person this power?"

  "Aiden is going to do it too likely. So, I sure hope so."

p; Viktor sighs. "You will have no use for me."

  "We have already proven that in combat I don’t anyway. Unless my connection to Avren is broken your little bit of dragon cannot match my full dragon. They won't be around for protection. They are sticking around for mental and emotional support. People are going to get upset the ruler never changes and try to kill me. I'm not worried about them succeeding, but it will be a long and lonely existence. They are providing me with support and company."

  "There was a time I would have been enough."

  "You changed that, not I."

  He looks away but I can feel the sadness radiating off him.

  "I know what I did Elainne."

  I stand and pull his face back to mine. I need him to hear and understand this.

  "No. I don’t mean your lies. I mean the path you put me on ensured it would never be you and me alone. I cannot be holed up with one Kemp as an Empress. I have servants, and kingdoms full of people to care for. I need as many people as I can trust with me. Forever is a long time and I need allies for that time frame. So by putting me on this path, you destroyed any hope that you would be my one and only true ally. I am sorry, but that is how it is. Your lies ruined my faith in your ability to love me Viktor. I don’t think I can trust you with my heart knowing you will always choose what's best for the kingdom, not me."

  "So, you are keeping Talon..."

  "Because we are best friends and siblings. Our relationship is nothing like what yours and mine is...was. I do, however, trust him in the one way I cannot trust you. That is the way it will be. I am sorry Viktor. I cannot trust you to love me, to truly love me, more than the power I wield. I love you, but I will outgrow it I am sure. I know I will. Because I am strong. Not physically or magically. My heart. That’s why I was chosen for this position after all isn't it?"


  "Now that we understand one another I don’t want to hear another word about it. I will find a way to give you your free will Viktor. And hopefully, with it, your happiness."


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