Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3)

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Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3) Page 12

by Don Koch

  "Carlos, great job with that assignment. I want you and Station 110 to go capture the remaining fleet. Ask for their surrender and note that we are aware of the symbiotes, the enclaves and the brain bombs. We have resolved the symbiotes as they can probably see from the behavior of their crews, we can resolve the brain bomb issue but we need them to surrender to do that and we are working on freeing the enclaves. Remove the ships to Veltor's moon and lock them down with the rest."

  "That leaves us with Divisions 1, 6 and 9 to deal with Sitler and its operatives on Malone. The first thing we have to do is to free the hostages in the enclaves. Division 1 is going to focus on finding the Sitler operatives on Malone. That will be Charlie's arrest when we do because they have murdered innocent people on Malone. He will need a plausible cover story for when he makes those arrests. Isaac, I want you to work up a plan for freeing the hostages and we will have to work fast before Rema Brondin realizes she has lost and uses those hostages. Admiral Grout, what can you tell us about those enclaves. You will need an additional Station to keep the extraction time to under two minutes total."

  "General Stone, you have given me reason to hope. There are 6 enclaves with about 450,000 to 500,000 persons in each. Each person in an enclave wears a device that is a locater and is capable of delivering a fatal shock if the wearer leaves the enclave or attempts to remove the device. There are no guards because there is no need for them. If a person ventures more than 500 feet past the perimeter of the enclave, they are dead. The devices also have full identification information in its storage component. The locations of the enclaves are some distance from the Capital and that may work in your favor."

  "Admiral Grout, what do these devices look like, can you draw a sketch of one so we know what they look like," asked Vassim.

  "I can do better than that," he said reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a small round packet, "This is the one I was wearing and that was neutralized when I came on board."

  Isaac David commented, "I just love when a plan comes together. Flametta, are these things going to be a problem?"


  Hank responded, "The Station ladies continue to amaze and impress. That absolutely works. How soon can you be ready."

  Sequoia added,

  "Admiral, I am going to put you in our normal quarters with a live feed on this exercise. After that is done we will have another chat. I have asked my parents to keep you company and answer any reasonable questions you may have. You won't be able to leave those quarters without Barana's approval. Is that agreeable."

  "Indeed it is, in fact, extremely generous."

  Chapter 16: Another Brondin to Visit

  On Station 1 in Malone Orbit –

  March 28 – C Day 576

  The layout of the offices of the Leader on Sitler were identical to that of the High Command building on Yannar. So much so, that it was a bit disorienting. Hank went in with several teams of Snarfs feeling that would provide precisely the distraction that Sequoia and her sisters would need to do their work without interruption or delay. As he entered Brondin's audience room he noted that even the tile patterns were identical with the High Councilor's audience room. Like her brother, she ordered her guards to shoot him but they were frozen in place. He had two Snarfs with him with the usual collar and chain leash, a disconcerting image to say the least. In perfect Yannarian, he said, "Well Rema, I see you have duplicated the High Councilor's digs on Yannar almost precisely. Pretty amazing. I also see that you are pulling some of the same nasty little tricks that your brothers Artus and Darus did. Your family sure is a pain. I have to keep cleaning up after them."

  Rema finally realized what had been said and what she was seeing and asked, "How is it you speak my language and where did you find Snarfs?"

  "Now do not antagonize them, they have not been fed yet today and they tend to get a bit cranky when they are hungry. This one is unhappy that Artus was not given to him to play with. Why are you duplicating the efforts of your brothers? By the way, I will be the one asking the questions, not you and I just have a load of them for you. So many in fact that it is hard to know where to begin. So I guess a good place to begin is with your computer. You can make this a bit easier on yourself if you give me your passcodes."

  "That's not going to happen" she replied haughtily.

  "Ok, the hard way, ladies."

  Sam. Mary, Lorena, Kaxas, Hanser and Gara became visible. Sam said, "You know ladies, Miss Brondin could use a makeover, what do you think?"

  Lorena replied, "Definitely. She looks far too regal for someone who has stolen her way to the top and killed my friends as well. The jewelry has to go. Barana, please make it so." All of the jewelry Rema was wearing disappeared including those embedded in her skin through surgical means. The alarm on Rema’s face was apparent.

  Barana noted that one of the Rubies on her left wrist was an activator for any termination device within 10 feet of her and that it had been deactivated and removed.

  "My goodness" said Mary, "who would have thought that would leave such ugly scars."

  Gara noted, "The gown is too much and it would be such a shame to damage such fine work. I remember seeing a vid of the orange colored jumpsuits used on Felix and Arber. I think that would be just the right touch. Barana, would you change her choice of clothing to something more appropriate, like a jumpsuit please." Instantly Rema was dressed in an orange colored jumpsuit typical of prison attire.

  Kaxas observed, "You know, where she is going, she is not going to be able to maintain her hair in that state. She will definitely need to have a haircut. I think hair length about 3 inches would be just about right. What do you think ladies?" All agreed. "Barana, would you do the honors please." Instantly, Rema had a new hairdo.

  Hanser noted that the décor of the room needed to be more utilitarian to reflect Rema's new status and Barana refurnished the room as suggested. She also suggested some indestructible mirrors as a reminder of the changed condition. The ladies then vanished.

  Rema was in shock. Hank was amazed at the difference in appearance. "Rema, is that you?"

  She started to rise and object but Hank gestured and froze her in her seat. She then started to rant but Hank made a zipping motion across his mouth and she went silent even though her mouth was still moving. Harvey and his partner were putting on their usual act, much to Rema's discomfort. His mumbling about wanting food and watching Rema as he did was having an impact. Hank and the others were having some success with their search efforts. His principle concern was to locate the symbiote manufacture sites and that proved easier than expected. Barana was able to determine the passcode used and three symbiotes manufacture sites were located. One was on Malone. He understood then why the Sitleran operatives had been so quiet. He asked Barana to have several T-Raptor teams dispatched to destroy and contain the contents of each facility. Also to determine if any of the symbiotes had been released. He asked Barana to copy everything in the computer system and then to fry the whole thing including their backup. The guards were told to leave and to take their weapons with them. They were told that no one was to enter this room until further notice. He asked Barana to confine Rema to this room and to lock it down after all of her guards were gone. Several locations on Malone were identified as Sitler operations locations and that intelligence passed o
n to the Ravens for action. Then the signal from Sequoia came in, indicating that the enclaves were now empty. Hank then went over and picked up the leashes and told the Snarfs that because they had been so well behaved, he would give them a special treat today. They acted as though the special treat was to be Rema. He told his teams to destroy all communications gear that they could find. All in all, a very successful visit. Hank released Rema from her chair and allowed her to again speak.

  "Where are my brothers?"

  "They were tried on Yannar for their crimes of mass murder just as you will be shortly. Both were executed. Darus was also convicted for the murder of your father and your brother Grasus. I will be back tomorrow with more questions. You are to remain in this room. You are not permitted to have contact with anyone else. Food will be delivered to you. This room has a lavatory with shower and a bed. No one can enter this room or communicate with you. You are under house arrest and will not be able to exit this room. This room is as secure as a prison. In a few days you will be transferred to a more appropriate facility. Oh, by the way, your four fleets are gone and so are all of your hostages. Have a nice day."

  On return to the ship, Sequoia indicated she had a surprise for him. She had identified Admiral Grouts wife Mara and their two 13 year old twin sons, Anto and Goulf. They were waiting for him at the lodge. Hank approached them and introduced Sam and then himself. "Mara Grout, I am happy that you are free from that mess on Sitler. We are trying to bring that whole chapter to a close. But I do have a surprise for you. Barana, if you please." Barana teleported Admiral Grout to their location and he had a stricken with relief look on his face when he saw his family.

  "Mrs. Grout, you should know that your husband is the reason that you and your children are alive and well today. He was instrumental in saving nearly three million people held in those enclaves. You should be very proud of him. Barana please transport them to their quarters so that they can have some private time together. Admiral we will chat some more tomorrow. You can roam about the habitat area as you wish. We still need to gain an understanding of how this all came about. I am very happy for you that your family is safe and well. I assume that my parents have given you some idea of what training your quarters can provide. If you find anything you can not figure out, just ask Barana and she will provide direction."

  Chapter 17: Interview

  On Station 1 in Malone Orbit –

  March 29 – C Day 577

  Hank and Sam were seated around a large conference table with Joe and June Carson, Josh and Rose Adams, Ben and Mary Pine, Sass and Kaxas, Gambel and Hanser, Trilix and Gara, Fador and Far Amin, Vassim and Vassix, Charles and Lorena, Kar and Loriella, John and Mae Raven, and Henry Raven. Hank started with the comment to Admiral Grout, "Admiral, this looks like an inquisition but I assure you it is not. We want to understand what has been going on. But first, if you would be more comfortable with your family present, you are welcome to have them here. We do not intend to ask embarrassing questions since we already know quite a bit from our raid on the Leader's facility. She is currently under house arrest until we can decide what to do about her."

  This shocked Admiral Grout, "I am amazed that you would allow that, but yes, I would like to have them here. I have not hidden anything from them and I would appreciate their moral support. Also, I do not want them guessing what has happened to me. The fact that you have saved them as you have, tells me that you mean them no harm."

  "Barana, would you please extend an invitation to the Admiral's family."

  A few minutes later, the Admirals family arrived looking a bit apprehensive.

  Hank said, "Please relax, our purpose here is to gain an understanding of what is going on, what has happened and to move forward from there. We are not here to vilify the Admiral. First, however, let me make introductions. There are so many of us that you will not remember our names but not to worry, Barana will prompt you with names as we go. Everyone here is a telepath as are you and your family. We can help train you in that talent if you wish." Hank then made introductions noting that Glarin, Gar and Saban were at one time enemies.

  Admiral Grout then asked if the facts uncovered at this time were going to be used in his trial. Hank and a few others started chuckling and Sam smiled and responded, "Admiral Grout, this is not a trial, nor will you be going to one. We know enough about you from your actions and records. You should be thinking of this as more like a job interview."

  Sass grinned at his reaction and observed, "Hank, you once noted that perhaps Golyxs and I should consider headbands to keep our jaws from dropping to that peculiar position that Admiral Grout's has also assumed." Everyone was laughing as he continued. "More than one of us has been in the unusual position that you now find yourself Admiral. Also, I think that addressing you constantly as Admiral is too formal for this gathering. Do you mind if we merely address you as Fasix? Don't you agree Hank?"


  "This is much to take in. I would be most pleased if you would address me as Fasix. This is overwhelming but I am coming to grips with it. I have been trying to organize my thoughts on the events leading to the past few days and I think I can give you a picture of what has transpired. Fortunately, your fleet arrived at exactly the right time as our invasion had just started about fifteen minutes before its arrival and we had not yet caused any appreciable damage. Your ships just systematically took us apart. Nothing we threw at you had the slightest effect. All we could do was fire at what we thought was the source of your weapons fire and that was ineffective because we usually were not sure where your weapons fire was coming from."

  "You were hitting us alright but none of your weapons could penetrate our shields."

  "I thought as much. For a military commander, that is a frightening result. The fleets of Veltor, Cestin and Phang were very well prepared and we were surprised at their state of readiness."

  "Their weaponry was the biggest surprise. It was easily equal to our own and frankly the only advantage we had, if we had one, was the symbiote injections given to many of the ships crews gave us a slight physical advantage. One that I would just as soon not have had. One of the political officers suggested that I take one of the shots. I told him that if he made such a suggestion again to my officers or me, that I would give him a shot and it would not be with a needle. The shots appeared to destroy their self-awareness, and they were difficult to control when not fighting. We were told that those effects would be reversed when we returned victorious. That was disturbing because the inference was that we were in a live or die situation and it was clear that our intelligence was flawed. Also taking free will from a fighting person was abhorrent. We were also told that the fourth fleet would not be available as a reserve."

  Hank injected an explanation, “Fasix, those shots were the application of a symbiote intended to make puppets of those to whom the shots were given. Your free will would have been wiped out.”

  "Leader Rema told me that there had been provocations that prompted our actions but I would have been aware of any that occurred. There were none and I knew this to be a lie. She was not one that you could question or even reason with if you wanted to continue to breathe. She was entirely unpredictable and more than one high-ranking officer was terminated on her whim for very little reason. I do have documentation on a number of these in a secret file that I started about ten years ago. She rose to power about 15 years ago and the rise was very rapid. She engineered a coup resulting in a military dictatorship. At the time, I was a Rear Admiral and realized there was really nothing I could do."

  "One day, a few years ago, she had a bit too much to drink at a dinner function and started talking about her family. She seemed particularly fond of Grasus and it was he who advised her that Darus was trying to consolidate his power base. He told her, for her own safety, she should leave which she did with his aid and a few murders of her own. She added that she made the trip in stasis but did not mention how far she had traveled. Her ship
is still maintained at a secret facility on our moon. You may be able to glean more from checking the databases on that vessel. I do not know what kind of security is built into that ship and the base is unmanned. I suspect that it will be an information gold mine, but be careful. It is not like her to fail to provide stringent security for everything, particularly her own personal property." He provided the coordinates for the location.

  "That there were more like her in power elsewhere is also disturbing. What a strange direction for an entire family to take."

  "I was a bit taken aback that she would start this exercise now when we are so close to the return of the Gorth and all of our resources and arms will be needed. I suspect that is why Veltor, Cestin and Phang were in the state of readiness that they were. Alaok, Corc and Rotagilla are also in range. This is a bad time for distractions."

  "Whoa," said Hank, "hold that thought. What is the Gorth and it sounds like they are some kind of threat."

  "I apologize, I thought you knew of this. I thought at first you were from Malone, but I knew that they could not build a vessel such as this. They do not begin to approach the capability to build such a construct. The Gorth are potentially an extinction level event that occurs with some regularity every 1,500 years, give or take a decade. Last time we thought we were ready for them but they still did us great harm. The Gorth is an insectoid species that live on several planets about 77 light years from Sitler. Roughly every 1,500 years they emigrate from their hives on Gorth in a number of swarms and can travel as far as 100 light years to attempt to build new hives. In ages past there have been few hive survivors and those did not last very long. The various planets attacked were successful in killing the accompanying queen but the remaining workers were able to cause considerable damage before they were defeated. The last time, we lost half of our population to their migration. Yet they come on like clockwork. We should be preparing for them now but instead we have the situation as you know it."


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