Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3)

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Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3) Page 16

by Don Koch

  "They want to encourage us to trade with our neighbors in other systems in this region and to do so peacefully. I believe that this will open a new age for us. They have suggested that our former military hulls be decommissioned and converted to commercial uses. They have agreed to help with the conversions."

  "With this agreement, we will need occupations for our space forces. It would appear that we have the assistance we need to make the transition. But what of you citizens, is this the direction you wish to take? I can see a very positive outcome and the Stations indicate that they will help with the training. I want to hear your feedback. Do the people want to accept this freedom and do what it takes to make it work? I sincerely hope so."

  We have one more issue to consider. The old bogeyman tale is back, the Gorth is coming. Well the truth of the matter is that this is a fact, not some tall tale to scare our children into proper behavior. The Gorth is a swarm of supersize bees that are able to swarm into space and move at about 2xSL We are not sure yet how a biologic entity can accomplish that without hardware but that is what they are doing. The first swarm is due to arrive at Alaok in 2.5 years. Another swarm is due here in 19 years. The Antorans are already addressing the issue and hopefully this will be resolved for all systems in this next year."

  "Citizens, do not be complacent. Speak up. Send your comments to the Presidential Palace. Oh and we need to rename that place. Palace is too much of a reminder of the last 15 years. I intend to refer to it as the Sitler President's House, henceforth. Good day to you my friends."

  Sequoia replied,

  Chapter 22: Clean Up on Malone

  Station 1 in Malone Orbit –

  April 1 – C Day 580

  Five locations on Malone were identified as operations bases for the Sitleran operatives. In all there were about 60 persons manning the locations. Charles had arranged with Hank for Several T-Raptor teams at each location to contain the perimeter should things get out of hand. Teams had already uploaded all of the data files so all was ready. Charlie had about eight teams ready for the raid. Just as he was about to give the order to go ahead, one of the facilities exploded killing all inside. Within seconds a second and a third facility did the same. Barana was able to place a damper on the last two facilities so their self destruct devices did not work. Charles on hearing Barana's message that the last two would not explode gave the order to raid the facilities. In the resulting action, the last two facilities were captured with 18 persons as well. One of those persons was a vice president at the publisher utilized by Miss Wells now Mrs. Sanders.

  The accelerant used in the attempt to kill Miss Wells by fire was found at the site along with the retardant used at the same location to prevent spread of the fire. The material was being tested by a fire department forensics laboratory and scientists there were baffled as to the composition of the material. The retardant composition was determined. It was something that they could recreate and put to good use. It might be the answer to protection for some structures that was not harmful to occupants. Some little additional good might arise from the investigation. In addition the two individuals that murdered Lyle Anders were captured at the site. Five of the operatives had enhancements that Barana was able to decommission, much to their surprise when they tried to use them.

  DNA tests were done on each person captured. The five enhanced operatives were all from Sitler. All the rest were from Malone.

  Barana, being aware that Fixte had a personal termination device on his person, checked the five operatives and found a similar device on each.

  The operatives were questioned for hours but would not even provide their names. Finally as one session was ending, Charles leaned across to the prisoner, one of the assailants on tape at Anders house and whispered, "You know that Rema has been deposed and all her records and data files captured don't you. It is how we found you. I love it when a plan comes together." The eyes of the operative widened and he said nothing. Later that day all five operatives were found pounding on their bodies in the location where they thought the termination devices were implanted. Charlie was expecting this activity and had each operative restrained. He then met with each of them separately and explained why they were not dead. He made it clear that they would stand trial and then it was likely that they would then be executed. He was then able to convince two of them to provide requested information.

  One of the critical items of information to come out was the location of a second symbiote manufacturing facility on Malone. This was quickly destroyed and arrests made.

  Each of the other persons captured were unaware that they had been working for an alien interest. All thought it was some kind of extortion scheme and were not aware of the murders. The one exception was the individual from the publishing firm. He was complicit in the murders. He was aggrieved by some perceived slight from the publishing firm and he wanted to get even.

  Hank met with John and Mae Raven, Henry Raven, Charlie and Lorena Sanders and the Fosters to discuss where things should go from there. Hank suggested that this was a meeting that should involve the President and all agreed. At Hanks request, Barana contacted the President to arrange a meeting that evening to include Brent and Melissa Lane. All were gathered at the Denali II lodge and a barbecue was set out. It was a regular mob scene and the informality of the gathering would have people believing it was a party not a serious meeting.

  Hank started things off with a comment, "Mr. President, do you think that your wife, Ella, might enjoy this gather-ing or if the information to be discussed is something you think she should not hear I will withdraw that offer."

  The President had a look of surprise on his face and said, "She is privy to all that I do and she played a little joke on me this morning that I thought I was not going to top for some time. I would love to have her here. Can you arrange for me to talk to her on our house phone system?"

  Barana replied,

  The phone rang through and the Presidents wife answered, "Hello dear, what's up."

  "Hi Hon, how are you dressed, informally I hope."

  "Well yes, I have my old comfortable things on and am watching a vid on this arrest that the Harris Borough Police Chief made today. Pretty amazing police work."

  "That's interesting, I am meeting with him right now and it is informal. Would you like to join us?"

  "I would love to, where are you?"

  "Hold that thought Hon, I have a surprise for you, OK Barana, now."

  The President's wife appeared in front of him instantly. Her expression had everyone laughing. Hank said, "Mr. President, that wasn't very fair, you will give the poor lady a heart attack."

  Sass commented, "I am going to start a headband business if this keeps up."

  Woods said, "Sorry Hon, but after your little treat this morning I just could not help myself. Let me introduce you to everyone. Folks, this is the love of my life, Ella. She put up with my antics and I hers." He then named everyone around the table without missing a beat. "Hon, Hank tells me that this food is something they do in the American South on his planet of origin, Earth. It is very tasty and they call it barbecue. Believe it or not, we are here to discuss the very subject you were watching on the vid. The story you see and hear there is not the straight story but that is about to get out. The real story is that it was an invasion by another planet about 63 light years from here that we did not even know about. We are talking about how to break this to the people. The trouble is we had a traitor amongst us running the operation and but for the intervention of the people you see around us, may have succeeded. It was a close thing."

  "Let me guess, Martin Fixte, and this has something to do with his surprise firing yesterday."

  "And here everyone thinks I married you just because you look so good. That is exactly right. He will be tried on Malone and I expect he will get what is com
ing to him. The case is very solid. The leaders behind the invasion are all under arrest and they too will have their day in court. My Attorney General tells me that he has never seen a tighter case. The evidence put together by the Chief and the Ravens is accurate and complete. The remaining culprits did not know that this was an invasion and still do not. They will learn shortly when questioning gets under way. The fact that they will all be charged with treason should get their attention."

  "Well folks, did I miss anything. Oh yes, our military presence in space. You will no doubt want us to give that up. For that, a description of your role in the present Sitler craziness should be pretty convincing."

  Hank replied, "Mr. President, I must say that you are very quick on the uptake. That is one of the things we want to discuss. Our purpose is to prevent conflict in space. To do this you must have independent external security. Our technology is sufficiently advanced over anything we have come up against that we can offer that security without interfering in your governance of Malone. This also frees up resources for you that otherwise would be needed to provide that security yourselves. It is also not blatantly obvious that we are near since we generally remain cloaked and invisible. The thing that gets a bit trickier is how we man our Stations. That is very important. We have found from our limited experience to date that those people who have a vested interest in the systems that we guard and protect are far more motivated if they are from that system. We will want to recruit from your population. This gives you a bit of a relief valve. You will have quite a few of your current space military that want to continue that occupation. Some will just want to be in space because they enjoy the adventure. You will have noticed that we are multispecies in our structure and operation. We find that we are much more when in a multispecies mode that we can ever be as a lone species. We live together, work together and play together. We genuinely like each other. We find that we can encourage this climate through fair trade. What we have so far is a collaboration of Human, Glarin, Gar, Linan, Saban and AI that is fascinating."

  "Your handling of the crises of the past few weeks suggests that this would be a good thing for us as well. The issue will be how to assure the public that this is the right thing to do and not to focus on the fact that there are no other options."

  "One of the things that we have done in other regions to enhance a more global view is to encourage trade amongst systems. We have a model used in our home region that works. It is being used in the Gar/Glarin/Linan region and now in the Yannarian Hegemony as well as Saba area of influence. We believe it reinforces the use of trade as means to the desired end. We will provide you with information about that. We have taken steps to assure that what trade that occurs is fair, not an easy thing to do. My planet has more than 190 different and distinct governments around the world, so trade equity has become something of a science there. It appears that the various areas I have mentioned are well on the way to formation of a large trade confederation, not a bad thing. All have a hand in their protection even though that protection is under a constitution separate from the planets and systems they protect."

  "We have another threat that is heading this way and we need to start preparations for a response to it."

  "What is that Hank" asked Ella?

  "The Gorth are on the way. We could just blast them out of space, but that has not been our style and I do not want to start that now. They apparently are a sentient species, so there has to be another way, and I intend to find it."

  "I always thought that was a legend."

  "I am afraid not. They are real."

  They continued to discuss the variety of options open to them on a number of subjects for several more hours. All agreed that these sessions were useful and should continue at another time. Hank described how he or Barana or any other Station in orbit could be reached if needed or additional questions arose. The President indicated that in a few days he would be addressing all of Malone about the issues arising in the past few weeks.

  Chapter 23: Transfer

  Station 141 in Vast Orbit –

  April 2 – C Day 581

  Curt Walters was in his office finishing the last of the guardian transfer of Vast to the new Type 2B Station 513 when Jane looked in and asked if she, Chris, Gust and Anya could have a few minutes of his time. "Sure kiddo, come on in and why are you all looking so somber? Sad to be leaving Vast?"

  "That's not it Dad, we know that we will be back at some point, but you know Uncle Hank said to get to him or you if we ever get that itchy feeling like we did with the dead-man switch thing at Saba."

  Curt was instantly on alert, "Yes, it is not something to ignore. What's up?" he sent a thought to Kazia to listen in.


  Jane went on, "Kazia should hear this too."

  "She is already on it, your old Dad is not so slow."

  The kids laughed and Jane continued, "The itch is a little different this time and it may be because we are so far away from Uncle Hank and he is the one this impacts. We have been getting this urgent sense that we need to go to a planet called Gorth and I think that is not far from where Uncle Hank is right now. The other thing we keep seeing creatures that call themselves the Gorth and they look like bees. That is really weird because it feels like the bees are really big. Also two names keep popping up and those are Anto Grout and Goulf Grout. That is really all we can pull out of the feeling for now but it feels like we need to go there."

  Curt said, "Kazia, you didn't say anything to the kids did you?"


  "No, I guess not, it still floors me though." Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of the kids he went on, "You know that our replacement Station was completed at Tau Ceti and commissioned just 7 days ago and we were not due for a change of location for at least another month. Our replacement Station, 513, arrived here 3 days ago and we have orders to report to Hank at Malone on April 6. I received these orders the same time that Station 513 left Tau Ceti, the day after she was commissioned. Gorth is about 102 light years from Malone. It would seem that Hank is getting an itchy feeling too."

  "You have it right about the giant bees. They are currently approaching Alaok and are about 2.5 years away. They are a significant threat to the people of Alaok as well as a number of other planets in the region. Kazia will give you everything we know about the Gorth. Hank does not want to destroy them if that can be avoided. He has been right about that kind of feeling before but he is not sure how this will go. What is this about the Grouts?"


  # Station 1 in Malone Orbit – 30 minutes later #

  Hank was finishing up breakfast with Sam when Barana related the message from Kazia. "Well that fries that. I thought I was really stretching by transferring Station 141 early but the kids are getting the itchy feeling too. Interesting that they should mention the Grout kids by name. Guess I had better chat with Fasix and Mara to see about bringing Anto and Goulf over to Station One for a while. Barana, would you please link Sam and me with Carlos, Sequoia, Fasix and Mara."

  "Good morning everyone. I have a strange request to make and it somehow impacts the Gorth issue we still need to resolve. Fasix, you are going to have a pretty full plate for the next couple of months, otherwise I would make this a family request.”

  "One of the nodes that many have that is very weak is a kind of an early warning node. Sam and I have it to a very strong degree as do a group of four kids currently on Station 141- Kazia more than 15,000 light years from here. It creates a sort of an itch that is fairly shouting, look at me. When this happens, I do not ignore it, it has saved too many lives for me to do that. So I pay attention when that alarm goes off. Last week I ha
d a vague itch that was telling me to move Station 141, currently at Vast in the Yannar Hegemony, to here. The warning appeared to have something to do with the Gorth. I acted on that and I have transferred Station 141 here. They will arrive on April 6. A few minutes ago I received a message from the kids who apparently have had their own warning from their early warning node. The really strange part of this is that your teenage twins were mentioned by name, by kids who had no reason or other means to know their names."

  "Hank, before you go further, are the kids you are talking about Gust Orpan, Jane Walters, Chris Walters and Anya Orpan?"

  "Yes and I think I see where this is going."

  "That's all Anto and Goulf have been talking about all morning. The kids are on the way. It's almost a little scary. I had to go to Sequoia to find out who they are and she did not tell my kids about them."

  "Fasix, not to worry, these are great kids, pretty mature for their age and have repeatedly displayed the kind of caution we could only hope for. To top it off, they have the best constant companion you could want."

  "Who is that?"

  "Station 141, Kazia. I think she is fascinated by them and their talent."

  “First, let me play their message for you.” He played the message for them.

  "Well Hank, it appears they are somehow to be involved in this Gorth matter so when do you want me to send them over to you."

  That surprised Hank and he said as much. "That was the reason for my contacting you. I think that tomorrow morning will do fine. That will give them a little time to acclimate before the Walters and Orpans arrive. Sam and I have been discussing this and we would like to have them stay with us. My parents live right next door and are itching to be grandparents albeit temporary. When we have all the kids together, we will start to try to figure this out. I promise to keep them safe."


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