Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3)

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Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3) Page 22

by Don Koch


  “Barana, you are full of surprises. Please do."

  A short time later, Fador arrived and Hank explained what was going on. "I was thinking that every Station should have the allotment of cruisers and battleships we have adopted but was focused on the concentration issue and how that impacts operational issues. I overlooked the impact of inactivity on our personnel. Are there more things we should be doing to keep that concern within reason.”



  Fador commented, "I do not believe it will be necessary to increase production dramatically for the current operations. The current rate of production is workable. I would recommend increasing our security at Tau Ceti. We do not want the fabricators falling into the wrong hands. I think that we should consider what we really need there to provide adequate protection. "

  “Why do I get the feeling that you two have just been waiting to pop this idea on me."

  Fador chuckled as did Barana. "Because we were."

  "I really can’t argue against the suggestion and in fact I have been doing some thinking on the subject. I know that you are all aware of the importance of Tau Ceti to our operations. Its production facilities are key to our continued operation. This brings on two issues. The first is the security of those operations from attack and from theft. Lasa-Dor has admitted to me that this sometimes gives her troubled sleep. Accordingly, I do want the security enhanced. We need to be sure that those facilities are tight and safe. So, I am today assigning Division 8 to Security duty at Tau Ceti. That will include Stations 8, 108, 128, 148, 168, 508 and when they comes operational, 533, 558, 583 amd 608. These Stations will have priority for auxiliaries."

  "The next part of that concern is that we currently have all of our eggs in one basket, not a good plan. I want a second construction facility built in the Helena System roughly 20 light years from Tau Ceti. I would like to see all fabrication facilities duplicated there. Since Helena is currently uninhabited, I want it to receive the same treatment that the other colony planets have received in terms of on-planet facilities. That system has extraordinary resources available as do a few nearby that are not habitable. I rather suspect that if our exploration Divisions find an additional role for us in this Galactic Arm, we are really going to need that additional facility."

  "Let me know what you think we need as a minimum there. In the meantime I will also ask Division 16 to do its Standby at the Tau Ceti fabricator sites. You two are something else and I want you to know that I appreciate it."

  "I like the way the cruiser and battleship programs are coming together. This will greatly reduce the pressure and stress arising from concern about the issue, so my thanks for guiding me down this path. This works for me and it has some very sharp teeth. I have been reading the specifications on this little beastie, the cruiser, and it represents a very nice enhancement to our coverage issues. I am also happy that we are not losing our large commercial bay spaces. That had a whole raft of other challenges in it."

  "You guys really have been thinking this through. Did Lasa-Dor indicate when the Destiny replacement would be ready to move."


  "You already know the distribution schedule we would like to have for these ships. Any issues there?"


  "Please advise all Station Commanders what is coming and why. Send them a full file on the Destiny replacement so they can appreciate the capability of such a vessel.”

  # An hour later #

  Joe Carson and Hank were discussing their current state of readiness in the Malone and Gorth region. “Joe, I feel that we have not seen the last of the Rota species and we know next to nothing about them. We really need to learn more. We have a planet of Rotans at Rotagilla that might give us a clue about how they think. Our encounters with other species tend to suggest that there are species similarities. For example the Glarin seem to be uniformly gregarious and the Gar pattern seems to be strong adherence to a personal honor system. This is the first time we have encountered this species and we have very little to go on. What little we know is not good. I think this might be a good project for James Raven and the Destiny crew with maybe a little help from you and June. June would be perfect to give us a psychological profile. I also want to find out if they are aware of the Rotans that are located 200 light years from Gorth. I understand that she has the full enhancement package and full T-Raptor training. She just might scare the Rotans.”

  “I have to admit that she sure surprised me when she took to those programs like a duck to water.”

  “However this is done, I want her safe. I want her to use T-Raptor mode when this is going on. How do you think she would react.”

  “Are you kidding, she would beat me up if I let this get past her. Kidding aside, she would love the opportunity to contribute in this way. She told me last week that she feels like a bump on a log. This should do wonders for her morale.”

  “Ok then. Lets invite June in and see how she reacts.”

  Joe invited June in and Hank invited Sam to put her at ease. After a few minutes of catching up, Hank said, "You know you have not put on a piano concert for us for quite a while and I am really looking forward to your next one. I don't think that the people of Malone have ever seen or heard a piano before and I think you would be an amazing hit."

  "That might be fun at that."

  "But that is not why I asked you to come here just now. I have something else entirely different in mind, more related to your other major talent."

  "I am not going to model swimsuits."

  "Ouch, I guess I deserved that, but I was not referring to your looks either. We have a little, um well not so little project I would like you and Joe to consider. You both know what has been going on with the Gorth. They were essentially enslaved by a Rota species located about 200 light years from Gorth. I do not think we have seen the last of these Rotans. Our problem is that we know next to nothing about the Rota. We have established a new Special Ops platform and the first vessel to be used for that purpose, the Destiny replacement, should arrive here in about two days. The crew is already going through their training. My intent is to send them out on their first mission shortly and I would like the two of you to consider going with them. I want them to visit the Rotans at Rotagilla. The key here is that I would like to get June’s evaluation of their psyche. I am looking for an evaluation of those psychological characteristics that may be species specific. Are you interested?”

  June said, “Finally, a real assignment. Absolutely.”

  Joe said, “I’m with her.”

  “The next step is to chat with the command crew of the destiny.” After the Destiny command crew arrived, Hank made introductions and then explained the assignment. “Your new ship will arrive in two days. I would like you to take a few days putting the ship through its paces. I think you will enjoy that. Then I want you to all become experts on the Rotans. Key to this operation will be James Raven and June Carson. I want to know how the Rot
ans came to be on Rotagilla. Are they indigenous to Rotagilla? Are they related to the Rotans that have been giving the Gorth so much grief? Is there a connection? What is their history? How did the link with Brondin’s crowd on Sitler come about? Don’t forget that you have the T-Raptors capabil-ities and can move about the planet invisibly as needed. Play the invisibility card carefully. We are looking for attributes or characteristics that will help us to define the Rotans and anticipate their reactions to stimuli.”

  “James, you have dealt with these folks before, so you are likely to be a familiar face to them. I saw how you handled the Rotagillan situation, so I am satisfied that you are the right person to do justice to this assignment. You will be in command. Joe is my Executive Officer and your senior but he is there as an observer resource and advisor. I urge you to utilize his skill as needed. June is a well trained and expert clinical psychologist. I want her conclusions and yours about the Rotans. I think that they may be more trouble than we know. I question whether they should be permitted in space. I will leave you to get acquainted. If you need anything, let me or Joe know and it will be done.”

  Chapter 31: Gnuxet

  Station 1 in orbit at Gorth –

  April 8 – C Day 587

  Hank decided that it was time to check in on Queen Firs, so about noon, he asked Barana to take Station One out to Gorth orbit. Once there he and the Kids entered into rapport and contacted Queen Firs. “Ah, friends, you have returned. My queens have been reporting in and they are all excited and pleased at what has occurred. I have heard no negative comments except from the one group of swarms that were fully enlarged. Their only issue was that they were a bit disgruntled at not having an enemy on which to focus. Even they were satisfied at how smooth was their transfer from space to the surface of Flat. This has gone far better than anticipated. I indicated that it would take us two days to prepare but we were overly pessimistic. We are all ready now, if you are ready for us.”

  “Barana, is that doable.”


  “Queen Firs, Barana tells me, we are ready now. Why don’t we get all of your hives on board and when you are settled we can talk some more. I will feel much better once we know you are all safe. Barana will tell me when you are all on board and settled. Are there any swarms on the nearby planets of Setik, Forsk and Trag?”

  “Thank you Henry Stone. The thieves destroyed all of our hives on those planets by not leaving a sufficient quantity of our work product for survival. There is nothing left there but dead hives. We look forward to our transfer and our next conversation.”

  “I am very sorry to hear that. Ok Barana, please let me know when everyone is on board.”

  # Two hours later #



  “Hi Emil how are things going out there?”

  “Hi Hank, I guess the best description is a bit weird. The ships you chased away from Gorth are due to arrive in about two weeks. Since they received the report from the ten ships, minus one, this place has been going ballistic. My sense is that command here does not believe the report from the ten ships and is viewing the whole thing as a fabrication. The ships are doing just shy of 5,000xSL. Whether that is their normal speed or all that they are capable of doing because of the damage done to the ships at Gorth, we do not know. It will be interesting to see their reaction when the nine ships arrive home. It is going to be difficult for them to explain or rationalize the damage on those ships. I know that they are going to have a reaction to the footage they took of the one ship that Barana sliced and diced. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they view that footage. I suspect that the other warships might be faster. Incidentally, these folks call their planet Gnuxet.”

  “We hope to have a better feel for them shortly. Any-thing we find out will be promptly sent to you. By the way, you can be the fly on the wall. Just use your T-Raptor capability and use the invisibility mode.”

  “That works for me and I will share whatever we see here that might be useful. Later Hank.”

  “Later Emil. Barana, before we leave here, I would like to have a close up look and scan of the at the Setik, Forsk and Trag systems. We are looking for any anomalies.”


  # Three hours later #



  "Is she available?"


  "Queen Firs, before we left the general region of Gorth, I asked Barana to do a check of the systems at Setik, Forsk and Trag to be sure that there was no further information of use there. Barana found something in the Trag system that she feels will be of interest to you. I have not heard what it is at this point but felt we should hear it together. In ordering the scan, I was reacting to a curious itch I get now and then that I have found is foolish to ignore. So now we hear and see what she has found. Barana it is all yours."


  "Well this is particularly fortuitous. We thought this group had all died. When we enter our FTL travel we need to be near a high gravity source. The only thing that I can think of that would have caused this is that the second gas giant was too close and interfered with the transition and the queens decided that their only chance for survival was for the entire group of swarms to enter stasis. They would have left one queen out of stasis for communications so something must have happened to her to cause this result."

  "When I said this was fortuitous, I meant we have a large excess of the very substance necessary to saving them because you recovered it from the thieves. I would suggest that we revive the queens at Flat and explain to them what has transpired and see what they would like to do. Are there too many to transport?"


  "This is amazing. So many to save and yet the odds are now very much in their favor. Thanks again to you Barana and Hank. This will be interesting since they are from a very different generation."

  # Two hours later in orbit at Flat #

  "Ready for this Queen F

  "Yes I am, the revival takes about two minutes and another minute for reorientation. Here we go." Queen Firs' drones administered the substance to awaken the queens and then withdrew. After the time needed, Queen Firs addressed the queens and explained what had happened. She noted that the queen that remained awake apparently had not survived. She explained where they were and why. She also indicated that they had been in stasis for about 1,500 years. She noted that their reserve of food appeared to be intact but that the supply of RJX was nearly depleted. Fortunately the other hives were each able to contribute a sufficient supply to allow them to recover. Their options were explained and most determined that they liked the Station option best.

  Arrangements were made for the distribution of the swarm to other Stations not in the region and for a communication link so the could all stay in contact.

  Chapter 32: Destiny

  Station 1 in orbit at Malone –

  April 9 – C Day 588

  The newly commissioned cruiser/special operations platform approaching Station One opened communications,



  Barana then directed Destiny to her assigned bay on Deck 13 for docking. Destiny had arrived. The entire crew and their families came to the bay to greet her. Destiny was very pleased with her reception and had multiple simultaneous conversations with her crew. The reception lasted several hours and the crew was quite taken with their new partner. The excitement level was high. Hank and Sam showed up to welcome the newest member of the fleet. Destiny and Barana discussed how they could quickly load the ship using the teleport method to deliver crew directly to their duty positions. This would be practiced in coming days until the operation was fairly seamless. They also discussed the events leading to their first assignment. Destiny also performed a full backup to Barana.


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