Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2) Page 6

by Claire Marta

He pronounced as Az-ear. An exotic sounding name, she repeated silently in her head.

  A strange kind of warmth sizzled against Jasmine’s senses. This left her a little breathless, with a renewed surge of dampness wetting her bikini briefs. Jasmine pressed her thighs together and she swallowed hard.

  Had she just responded to this other vamp? Was he using some kind of power? She had definitely felt something. Confusion ricocheted through her.

  Giving a shy hesitant smile, she lowered her eyes demurely. She didn’t dare to meet his gaze any further. Jasmine felt as if she might lose herself in their unusual depths. A slow building arousal was already thrumming through her.

  She didn’t understand it. What the hell was happening to her? They had barely been in the room five minutes.

  Eric’s hand caressed her skin absently. A small tremor of desire tightened her insides. With him doing that, how was she supposed to think, to pay attention as he had told her? This was going to be impossible. He had to know that.

  “How was the trip from London?” Eric asked the violet eyed vamp. “Not to tedious I hope.”

  “Lento – boring.” Asier murmured in a tired tone.

  Was this Italian vampire, the other nest Master Eric had mentioned? They seemed to know each other well. Were they friends?

  “You have been away quite a while now.” Asier continued. “I was starting to worry that you wouldn’t be coming back and I was beginning to miss your ugly face.”

  Head turned, his attention was now fully on Eric. This allowed her time to watch him from the corner of her eye. He was achingly beautiful.

  Eric chuckled. “Yes, business is demanding at the moment. It will be good to finally see London again, and perhaps take a break and a little relaxation.” Eric was idly tracing the crescent moon shaped birthmark on Jasmine’s left hip. His finger brushed gently back and forth. This was distracting. She had to fight the urge to wiggle away.

  Jasmine bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from moaning. Just the little friction had her almost melting off the table. Why did he keep touching her? Damn him. He knew the effect he had on her. Yet he just carried on.

  The sound of laughter and talking abruptly stopped. Startled, she raised her head. A woman had appeared in the doorway.

  A golden halo of hair tumbled around a cherub like face. Her large oval eyes were a beautiful topaz brown, which mirrored the light making them almost luminous. Features classically beautiful, she looked like a movie star who would have graced the big screen back in the sixties. The woman was stunning.

  A swath of red silk clung to her curvaceous form. Large generous breasts were practically spilling out of the tight bodice. Lips painted blood red, curved up in a coy smile. Jasmine watched from under the veil of her lashes. All the other companions kept their heads bowed and so did she. She did not want to stick out.

  The new comer sashayed forwards, with a sensual swing to her voluptuous hips. She exuded a feminine confidence any woman would envy. This was sexy, provocative.

  “I am happy to see my guests have arrived.” When she spoke her voice was smoky, seductive and held a hint of an accent.

  Eric’s hand dropped away from Jasmine’s hip. She sighed inwardly with relief. Now she had a chance to gather her scattered horny thoughts.

  “Thank you for the invite Lida.” He smiled charmingly. Frosty eyes warming slightly, he regarded the woman. “Your loveliness has only grown with each century that passes, I see.”

  “A golden rose among the other flowers in the night garden.” Asier drawled beside him.

  Dropping her thick lashes, Lida’s look became flirtatious. “Such flatterers as always I see. Neither of you have changed in our time apart, just as handsome as ever.” The smile widened on her face. “Let me introduce you to my second in command. Andel.”

  Jasmine glanced at the vampire to the Mistress’s left.

  Andel had guarded blue eyes, several shades darker than Eric’s. He had a very stern expression. Face long, his cheekbones were sharp and his nose long and straight.

  White cropped hair covered his head. He was dressed smartly in tailored trousers and a white shirt. The body beneath looked tall and wiry.

  “And my Beta’s Simon, Jakul and Vilem.” Lida continued softly.

  Simon who they had already met smiled happily. He tugged a hand through his messy blonde hair. Jakul and Vilem appeared to be identical twins. They sat to Lida’s right.

  Both were muscular and well built. A certain handsome ruggedness was to their features. Wide dark brown eyes, were fringed with thick eyelashes. Honey blonde wavy hair curled slightly at their collars. Their clothes matched, fawn coloured shirts and worn black jeans. They sat mirroring each other perfectly. The withdrawn expression’s duplicated.

  Neither said a word.

  The vampires dipped their heads in Eric’s direction. They all eyed him with a degree of mistrust. Jasmine had a feeling they were not happy to see the London Masters.

  Lida then gestured towards them. “This is Eric Méchant and Asier Serpico, the Masters of London. I have spoken of them both often as you all know, and I am honoured to have them here in my home after being parted for so long.”

  “Frostbite and the Bladed Snake.” Simon murmured softly beside them. “Mistress Lida had spoken highly of you both.”

  Vilem and Jakul shared an uneasy look.

  “Cazzo. Nicknames that always stick.” Asier replied dryly. His violet eyes held a wary amusement.

  Simon smiled. “Appropriate ones I hear.” He had begun to toy with the stem of his glass on the table.

  “How can you both rule London without disagreement? It’s not possible.” One of the twins enquired softly down the table.

  Jasmine wasn’t sure if it was Vilem or Jakul. They still hadn’t indicated who was who.

  “I admit it’s not easily done, but it works for us.” The Italian vampire responded. “A degree of trust is always needed in such situations.” His glance brushed over the twins dismissively. As if they were of no consequence.

  “You both received my gifts when you arrived?” Lida asked, cutting into the conversation. She had settled herself at the head of the table. The chair she occupied looked like a throne. Larger than the rest it was imposing and dominated the space.

  The naked woman who sat on the table before her was trembling. Jasmine could see the faint shaking of her pale limbs. Was she frightened or excited? This was something she couldn’t tell.

  Both twins pressed their lips together unhappily. A look of annoyance flashed in their eyes before it was smothered.

  “I did indeed receive your gift.” Eric hooked his finger into the collar of his shirt. A moment later he pulled the chain up bearing the medallion. He held it up in his palm; the metal glinted in the candle light.

  Jasmine’s eyes fixed on it. She hadn’t taken the time to really examine it before. Round and thick, it looked like it was forged from tarnished gold. About four inches wide, it was secured to a sturdy chain. The surface was time-worn. A portrait of the figure at its centre had become smooth and unrecognisable. The outside was inscribed with symbols. She didn’t know their meaning. They looked like they had been finely hand carved into the precious metal.

  The Italian beside Eric raised his hand. A large old fashioned signet ring graced his finger. A large red ruby gleamed at its centre.

  “Grazie – thank you.” Asier flashed a warm smile at their hostess.

  “I am pleased that you like them.” Lida murmured huskily. “I picked them especially for you both, as tokens of our continued friendship, alliance and symbols of my affection.”

  “You honour us Lida, as always.” Eric replied, his smile thawing the coldness of his handsome face. “The three of us have been apart for far too long.”

  The Mistress of Prague seemed pleased. In fact, she seemed almost giddy with the compliant. The grin she returned was dazzling. She took a moment to fluff her hair, preening like a colourful peacock.

�I shall enjoy the opportunity to catch up. I have missed you both very much.” She murmured softly. A moment later she clapped her hands. “But for now please my friends enjoy your meal.”

  WOMEN APPEARED IN THE DOORWAY. Each one was dressed in a French maid’s outfit. Black and white frills with plenty of lace. Even though they were modestly covered they still had a sexy appeal. All of them carried a plate. Moving efficiently and quickly, they descended upon the table in silence.

  “Spread your legs wider.” Simon’s voice was cold beside them.

  Startled Jasmine looked his way. His youth face had lost its cheerfulness and in its place was a hint of something ruthless, hard.

  His order had been to his companion. Eyes still down, the woman complied without hesitation.

  The server placed the plate down between her spread naked legs. This left her bare womanhood open and exposed. With the plate in the way, there was no way she was going to close them.

  The servant stepped closer to Eric. Jasmine’s heart sped up. She knew what was expected of her now. Keeping her knees wide, she watched as the plate was inserted between them. Letting her legs relax, the cool china brushed her inner thighs. This made it feel a little awkward. Trying to calm her nerves, she glanced curiously down.

  An assortment of different foods filled the surface. Her brows furrowed in confusion. Vampires didn’t eat. Reaching forwards, Eric plucked a large strawberry from the dish and raised it to her mouth. Jasmine hesitated for a moment. He was going to feed her? The food was for the companions?

  Eric pressed the fruit to her lips. Gently he began to rub it teasingly against her lower lip. Jasmine found the sensation strangely exciting.

  Her eyes locked with his.

  Slowly she opened her mouth. He placed only the tip inside for her to bite into. Jasmine bit the succulent flesh before chewing slowly. The juice spilled to trickle down her chin. Using the back of her hand she wiped it away. Sweet and sticky the smell of strawberry lingered like a perfume on her skin.

  A tendril of arousal clenched lightly in her belly. Eric looked like he was enjoying feeding her by hand. It was erotic. Sensual.

  His gaze never wavered from hers. Heat was simmering just beneath frigid depths of the cerulean blue. Hungry, intense it smouldered. No doubt he was finding this a turn on too.

  Eric popped the rest of the fruit between her lips. Then he watched as she ate. The whole time the look in his eyes told her he wanted to devour her too. This left her feeling breathless.

  Jasmine was first to break eye contact. Lowering her eyelashes, she stared down unseeingly at the plate. What the fuck was he doing to her? Was this supposed to be happening?

  “The news of this serial killer is most disturbing Lida.” Eric addressed the Mistress of the nest calmly. “I am glad you called on me to help.”

  Turning, he directed his glacial gaze to the head of the table. Lida was feeding her own human companion by hand. The woman was nibbling on a cracker.

  Andel the second in command bristled. “It will be taken care of. Some rogue dares to come into our territory, justice will be swift. We do not need your help. This is our business, not yours.”

  Eric did not respond. Instead he lifted his cup from the table and slowly swirled the contents.

  “Six deaths, four weeks non bene.” The Italian next to him murmured softly. “That is not swift. You should have dealt with this already. I am surprised your Mistress had waited this long to call for aid if you are always this sloppy and slow.”

  Andel send him a venomous look. Curling back his lips, he bared his descending fangs aggressively.

  Asier smiled fearlessly back. He looked amused at the other vamp’s attempt to intimidate him.

  “Enough. Asier is right, we have been slow to find the culprit.” Lida responded with a sigh of frustration. “It is not an easy task as one might think. That is the reason I called on you Eric. You have the necessary expertise to assist us.”

  “Because the killer is a ripper?” Eric enquired before smoothly taking a sip from his cup. Jasmine caught sight of the ruby red liquid and instantly realised it was blood. She relaxed a fraction. If they were drinking blood from cups they wouldn’t be drinking from the companions. She did not need to worry about his bite.

  Lida’s eyes were worried. “Ripper’s are rare, even you know that. I am still not a hundred percent certain this is what we are dealing with. It could easily be a rogue vampire or some other creature.”

  “Rare indeed but not unheard of.” Eric countered.

  “You know the damage the last one did to your own City back in eighteen eighty eight.” Lida replied. “I can’t allow that here.”

  “Jack the Ripper the mortals dubbed him. Were you not the one to hunt him amico mio?” Asier enquired. His fingers were busy caressing the naked thighs of the woman before him. She was trembling. Her chest was rising and falling in growing excitement.

  Eric tilted his head slightly as he regarded the Italian shrewdly. “I did indeed, although it is not common knowledge. I was not aware you knew of this Asier.”

  Asier smiled enigmatically, but did not reply. However he knew it did not look like he was saying.

  “Is it true they are unstable, that their powers eventually drive them mad?” One of the twins asked abruptly across the table. “We have heard many rumours.”

  “The one’s I have heard of yes.” Eric replied redirecting his aloof gaze. “And little is known why.”

  “Perhaps they cannot cope with the evolutionary change.” Asier mused.

  “Asier, we are creatures who do not evolve. We remain as we are, undead and immortal.” Lida pointed out with a dark frown. A glass of wine was in her hand and she was allowing her companion to sip from it.

  The woman was drinking greedily. The muscles in her throat working as she swallowed it down.

  “Our powers grow over the centuries we exist. Our hearts still beat in our chests, although we are unchanging. What would you call it then?” Asier asked. He had abandoned playing with the female before him. “From what I have heard, the rippers are never gifted with the ability when they are turned. They have other powers. It comes to them slowly over time, centuries even. They also lose their original abilities.”

  “Maybe they are vampires who should never have been turned.” The other twin muttered.

  Eric’s scrutiny slid to him. “Why do you say that?”

  The twin shrugged. “Perhaps it is genetic…an anomaly in the DNA, which cannot cope with the vampiric change and eventually mutates them.”

  “That is an interesting theory.” Asier replied surprised. He was eyeing the twins with new interest now. “I believe a trigger would be needed though. Some vampires have been centuries old before becoming rippers.”

  Jasmine caught movement from the corner of her eye. As Simon reached for his cup, he slipped a hand between his woman’s thighs. She moaned, shuddering. His fingers skimmed over her wet glistening labia as he fondled her. Wiggling the woman shifted eagerly at his touch.

  Removing his hand, Simon picked up his cup and took a sip of blood. The female did not show any disappointment at being abandoned. She remained with eyes downcast, body shaking with sexual excitement.

  Jasmine didn’t understand how she could just sit there. The vampires were sexually teasing, tormenting. How could the companions stand it? How could they also not be embarrassed about it all in front of a room full of strangers?

  Bringing her full attention to the front again, she met Eric’s watchful gaze. A faint smile touched his lips. She thought she saw amusement flutter across his face. Did he find her confusion funny? Was this all normal for him? He was a vampire after all. For all she knew they did stuff like this regularly in his own nest. He had admitted to being head of one in London.

  Using a fork, Eric scooped up something from the plate. Jasmine didn’t bother to see what it was. She was still trying to gather her bewildered thoughts. Instead she let him feed it to her. The taste was salty, sligh
tly gritty like tiny little balls of jello.

  She paused mid-chew, her brow crinkled in confusion. Swallowing them down, she glanced curiously down at the plate.

  “Black caviar.” Eric murmured softly to her silent question. “A rare delicacy.”

  The taste was strange but it had not been bad. Vaguely she remembered reading that such caviar was very expensive. Vamps seemed to like feeding their humans well. They were well-fed pets.

  Jasmine licked her lips. The salty taste still lingered there.

  Eric’s eyes narrowed on her mouth. This made her grow wetter with desire. She could feel the dampness along her thighs.

  “What do you think Eric?” Asier asked turning to watch him.

  “I do not think we shall ever know how a vampire becomes a ripper.” Eric replied, leaning back in his chair. Lifting his hand, he raked it through his short black tousled locks.

  “Must we discuss this now?” Andel the second in command growled. He wrinkled his long straight nose in irritation. “This is supposed to be a welcome dinner not a debating conference.”

  “Andel is right. Let us forget for this evening what stalks our city and enjoy the company of friends.” Lida murmured. She was twirling a strand of her golden hair around a finger. Her lustful eyes were on Asier.

  Jasmine realised then, she had been staring far too much. Andel caught her eye. His stern features turned disapproving. Something cruel and cold lurked for a moment in his gaze.

  Fuck. She dropped her stare to the table, as if she had been burnt. Watching them all a little too boldly was not going to work with her cover. All the other women only made eye contact with the vampire before them. She had to do the same.

  Direct eye contact was probably taken as a challenge or maybe even interest. She didn’t want Andel’s. He was fucking creepy.

  Jasmine shifted uneasily. His eyes were still on her. She could feel them drilling into the side of her face, intense in a cold-blooded way.

  The chime of her sixth sense was tolling in her head. This wasn’t full blown, just a warning to be careful. Something she had learnt to trust. Had she snagged Andel’s predatory instincts? Fuck. She hoped not. Her eyes darted to the cutlery on the table. These were a handy weapon if needed. Jasmine curbed the urge to grab the bread knife.


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