Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2) Page 8

by Claire Marta

  “Thank you for letting me wear the bikini.” The words were a soft mumble. Yet Eric still heard them. Something eased in his chest.

  “There is no need for thanks. I only wished for you to be comfortable.” He replied back. “I knew this evening might be…difficult.”

  Abandoning the pillow, he crawled onto the mattress beside her. Jasmine did not move. Tugging back the blanket, he slipped in beside her. Encouraged when she did not protest, he cuddled her into his arms. She fit perfectly against him. Her small, soft feminine body complimented the hardness of his big male one. Absently, he pushed the medallion over his shoulder.

  He knew he should probably remove it. Yet Jasmine at this exact moment was far more important. She snuggled back wiggling to get comfortable. He almost hissed from the pleasure the sensation brought. The warmth of her skin and her scent surrounded him. Eric felt himself calm.

  “What were you going to do before I turned up?”

  Caught off guard, her quiet question confused him. “In regards to…?”

  “I mean about that dinner we just sat through…before I became your companion.”

  Gently he nuzzled his nose in her hair. “I would have settled for a human Lida would have provided.”

  Silence followed. She was quiet for so long, he thought perhaps she had fallen asleep.

  “Is your nest like this?”

  Eric frowned at her question. “No Jasmine, we are more modern. We drink from blood donors who visit once a week and stored blood. We do not have dinner parties such as these. We do not even keep humans in the mansion. We do not have time for companions with the work we do.”

  “So you don’t keep a horde of naked women at you beck and call?” Jasmine continued.

  Eric’s lip’s twitched with amusement. “No Kitten. We have a middle aged house keeper that is all. I have never found such things of interest, although, like many vampires, vampiria have certain sexual tastes.”

  This was the truth. Parties like these had never appealed to him or his comrades. If they sought such entertainment they went to clubs, like the BDSM ones Asier ran. There they could indulge any dark or carnal urges. These things were in their dominant nature after all. This was something not even he could escape.

  “Is Lida an ex-girlfriend of yours?” The question was hesitant.

  Surprise inched his eyebrows into his hairline. He was a little surprised that she had noticed. Jasmine’s senses had been overwhelmed all evening, he had been fully aware of that. Eric had not expected her to remember any of the conversation or interactions. Her astuteness was refreshing. This was an interesting turn of events.

  He rested his mouth against the shell of her ear. “Many centuries ago we were close, yes. But it is far in our past and long ended.” The whisper made her shiver.

  What he and Lida had shared had been purely sexual. No ties, no relationship. Just mutual satisfying fucking, whenever either of them required slaking the urges of their bodies. Girlfriend was a human term. It spoke of a continued shared intimacy and feelings. Something he had never had.

  Eric felt Jasmine relax in his arms. Had she been jealous? And why did that thought please him so much?

  “She was giving the other vamp, Asier, come hither looks all evening too.” She murmured turning her head to meet his gaze with tired eyes.

  “He is also her ex-lover.” He replied softly back.

  Lida had been more than happy to warm both their beds back then. On more than one occasion all three of them had been content to spend an evening feeding and fucking together.

  Jasmine made a cute little snort. “She gets around a bit doesn’t she?”

  Eric suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He had no wish to discuss the other women he had bedded. They were in the past. The woman he wanted now was lying beside him warm and sleepy.

  “We all used to be very close some centuries back before Lida found a nest of her own to rule.” He replied hoping that would be the end of it.

  “Why do you sound so archaic when you talk now? I know I said before you had an old fashioned way of speaking but now it’s practically medieval.” Jasmine pointed out on a tired sigh.

  Eric smiled amused she had noticed. “A habit when I am around vampires I have known for a very long time. It makes them comfortable. Many of them cannot change with each era that passes and they relax more hearing familiar words from when they were turned and I use this to my advantage.”

  “Do you think one of them is the ripper?” Jasmine had tucked both hands under her cheek.

  Eric relaxed at her change of question. “It is conceivable. Only the blood donors who frequent Lida’s nest are the ones who turn up dead. We shall see if my presence stirs our killer into action. Hopefully he or she will betray themselves.”

  “What they said about the ripper going mad is that true as well?”

  Her scent was tantalising. His body was hard for her. Had been painfully so all evening, with no sign of relief in sight.

  “It is.” Eric replied licking her ear lobe. “For some unknown reason they are unable to cope with the power. They descend quite rapidly into madness.”

  She giggled. “And that’s why they’re rare?” She asked huskily.


  Eric kissed her shoulder. A question was burning inside him. He was half afraid to ask. Yet he was desperate to know the answer.

  “Do you regret our one night together in Paris?”

  Jasmine didn’t hesitate. “No.”

  Relief flooded through him. If she had said yes, he was not sure what he would have done. That night had changed things for him. How he was still not sure. Running his tongue up the side of her neck, he felt her tremble. His fangs descended. Gently he began to graze them against her skin. Eric knew she loved this. With a groan she melted against him.

  Eric wanted to lose himself in the heaven between her legs again. There had been no other female for him since Paris. All other women seemed too pale in comparison to Jasmine. She had bewitched him. Slowly he rolled her over. Then Eric covered her carefully with his big body. She was pliant and soft. Her lovely eyes were heavy with sleep.

  The medallion around his neck slid annoyingly back to the front, but he ignored it. Covering her mouth with his lips, he kissed her desperately. Jasmine moaned, arms winding around his neck. With a growing urgency, he pushed up the long shirt that covered her and parted her thighs. Kissing her more forcefully, he pushed her deeper into the bed with his weight.


  “Eric please.” Her plea was quiet, weak. “I’m so tired...I’m not sure I can do this without passing out.”

  Eric stilled at the sound of her voice. She sounded exhausted. Tonight she had endured a lot. He realised then, he had not considered how physically and emotionally draining the dinner must have been. How much it had cost her. Although she lay ready and wet for him, it was not fair to carry on. She needed to rest. He would have to endure his physical discomfort. It would be a blow to his ego if she fell asleep while he fucked her.

  Pleasure was something that could wait for both of them. When she was well rested they would continue what he had started. Eric would take care of her. She was after all a precious thing.

  “Forgive me Kitten. I forget it has been a long day for you.” The pet name he used for her rolled off his tongue like a deep caress.

  A tired smile curved her lips. “It’s ok.”

  Her drooping eyes were barely open. Eric could see she was struggling just to stay awake. A feeling of tenderness tightened his chest. He would let her sleep.

  Leaning forward, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. A sleepy sigh left her lips at the gesture. Rolling back onto his side, he tucked her against his chest. She snuggled against him contentedly.

  “I thought you were sleeping on the floor.” She murmured, her face resting on his bare chest.

  Gently he began to stroke her hair. “If that is really where you want me.”

  “No you can stay, I
don’t mind.” Her words slurred as she drifted towards sleep. This did not take long. The subtle softening of her body against his let him know when she slumbered. Eric lay silently, holding her close. The soothing beat of her heart teased his ears, and this lulled him slowly towards sleep.

  ERIC AWOKE SLOWLY. HE LAY naked beneath the covers on the bed. Though that was not the thing which made him hold his breath for a moment.


  She was on her side lying in front of him. Their legs were entwined. Her breathing was deep and even as she slept. They were laying spoon fashion, with her derrière pressed firmly again his groin.

  Eric’s cock hardened painfully and instantly. Closing his eyes for a moment, he swallowed down a groan of pain. It felt so good. Yet it was also torture. The warmth from her back was heating his chest. One of his arms was draped possessively over her side resting on her stomach. Curling his fingers, he brushed the cotton of the shirt she wore. For a moment he savoured the feeling.

  More than a century had passed since he had awoken with a female at his side. The times he had sought out sex, he had left after the deed was done. Eric never lingered. He had slept beside Jasmine in Paris once. That had been more out of sheer exhaustion than anything else. Both of them had shared the bed just to sleep.

  He hadn’t stayed after he had fucked her. When she had finally fallen asleep after their marathon sex session, he had packed and left. For weeks he had regretted it.

  Having Jasmine like this, so close, made him yearn for it more. This was something he had never wanted before. Confusion washed through him. He barely knew her, yet she seemed to have changed him in such a short time. How and why was still a mystery. He was not sure he liked it at all.

  His work was his existence. A female had never previously mattered. They were a complication, an unwanted entanglement.

  This girl was different. Her blood strengthened him in ways feeding never had before. He craved its sweet potency.

  Jasmine murmured softly beside him. She rolled sleepily to lie on her back. Unable to stop himself, Eric nuzzled her hair. This was something he found increasingly he enjoyed. Touching her was like a drug. He could never get enough of it.

  Her green eyes blinked open sleepily like a kitten’s.

  “Hmm – you smell amazing.” He purred, inhaling her scent.


  Jasmine peered sleepily up at Eric, a dreamy smile curving her lips. This was a wonderful dream. She was cocooned in warmth, the softness of the mattress below her. Pine and snow, the scent filled her nose, sinking into her every pore and covering her warm naked skin beneath the shirt.

  The deep baritone of his voice made her stomach flutter. Jasmine made a happy hum. When he brushed his very real lips gently against her own, her brain snapped wide awake. This was reality. Not a delicious dream.

  The events from the night before came suddenly tumbling back. Fuck.

  She was in a vampire nest. The dinner last night, had been a crazy, horny train of delights. They were looking for a killer. Eric was in the bed.

  Jasmine became aware of Eric’s big naked body. His large rampant erection was pressed deliciously against her thigh. Biting on her lower lip, she whimpered, her sex clenching painfully with need.

  Firm flesh met her hands as she raised them to his shoulders. Eric was all smooth and muscled. The arrowing of dark hair on his chest tickled her breasts. Shifting, he covered her completely. The cool metal of the medallion he was wearing became squashed between them.

  Jasmine wanted to run her tongue over every inch of him. Taste his scent on his skin.

  He seemed to be busy nibbling on her neck. The sensation made her feel warm all over. She felt herself melt. God, it always felt so good when he did that. He always knew just where to touch her. This vamp always seemed so attuned to her body’s needs. A dull throb began to ache between her legs. Her nipples pebbled into excited little points beneath the shirt.

  This was just sex. She knew she had to remember that. Jasmine also had to be sensible. This was difficult though when he was touching her. She found it far too easy to get swept away with pleasure.

  She had to remain professional. The case came first.

  Her hands spread across his broad shoulders. She had intended to push him away, yet she started to eagerly explore the male contours of his form. A groan left her lips, as he continued to bite softly.

  Sex would just confuse things. Jasmine was already confused about them enough as it was. She had to stop touching him.

  His hand had begun to caress down her body. Fingers teasingly brushed through the curls on her mound. Then a blunt finger was circling her clit.

  Every thought in Jasmine’s head evaporated. Moaning she sank her teeth deeper into the plump flesh of her lip. Back arching she tried to cling to control. Her thoughts kept scattering. She craved the pleasure he could give her. How easy it would be just to give in. To just let herself feel and enjoy the rapture his body could catapult her to.

  Eric nuzzled her neck inhaling deeply. Scenting her like an animal. She felt his fangs graze enticingly against her skin. They dragged gently shooting little sparks of pleasure through her veins.

  Jasmine’s breathing had become shallow little pants. She wanted to feel his fangs in her neck. Fuck. Just the thought of it made her almost come on the spot.

  Eric’s power rose sending goosebumps across every inch of her it touched. A winter like breath on her skin, chilly, frozen. Jasmine shivered. The sensation was just enough for her to gather a remnant of common sense. This could not happen. Not again.

  “Eric, we can’t keep skipping protection.” She rushed out.

  The vampire stilled.

  “I cannot impregnate you Jasmine.” His voice was a soft rumble, as he raised his head to look at her. Eric’s fangs were now nowhere in sight. They were lying almost nose to nose. “You would have to be a vampire or a vampiria for such a thing to happen. Even then such things are rare.”

  “Oh.” Jasmine felt her cheek begin to redden. She could still sense his powers whirling around them. No longer as chilly and it had begun to dissipate.

  “You also need not worry about disease, we do not carry those either. Is this something that has you worried, my lovely?” The breath from his words skated warmly across her face.

  “Well...yes…you said you were a born vampire…I don’t know exactly how that happens. Well I can guess…you know what I mean.” The blush that stained her cheeks deepened. “We never really talked about it.”

  A look of regret briefly tightened his face. “No we did not, but you are perfectly safe with me in that way.” He whispered.

  Then his lips were on hers. This was a gentle touch, feather-like and seducing. Eric was in no rush. He teased the corners of her mouth. Each sweet little kiss left her wanting more. Fingers began to unbutton the front of the shirt she wore. Jasmine felt them brush intimately against her breast. A zing of pleasure zipped through her nerve endings. Her resistance began to dissolve.

  A firm knock at the door interrupted them.

  Eric ended the kiss on a growl of annoyance. With a frown, he tilted his head to the side. He seemed to be listening to something. Then his features relaxed.

  “The other member of my team is here.” He informed her in an apologetic murmur.

  Jasmine blinked up at him dazedly. Now? The other vampire was at the door now? Fuck. She knew that she should be happy. Her will power where Eric was concerned really sucked. Disappointment though settled heavily.

  Quickly and efficiently he did up the buttons he had undone. Then with a resigned sigh he rolled from the bed. Jasmine watched him go. He was fully aroused. Not once did he try to cover himself. In fact he seemed to enjoy her ogling his taut arse and erect cock.

  Yanking the blankets up to her chest, she watched as he opened the door. A male stood waiting. After a brief greeting, Eric let him in. Eric seemed unconcerned that he was naked in front of the other male. The stranger did not seem bothered eithe

  “This is Conall.” Eric informed her. He began fishing out some boxers from the dresser. Then quickly he pulled them smoothly up his long muscled legs.

  Temptation was covered with black silk. The vamp now looked like a sexy male underwear model. Jasmine was not sure if this made it better or worse. She had already seen every inch of him nude. Peeling her gaze away, she met the eyes of the stranger. They held a light of curiosity and amusement.

  Conall was a red headed man. His hair was cut short at the sides, but was longer at the top. This was spiked up with gel. He was slightly shorter than Eric. Emerald green eyes glimmered with a natural look of mischief. They were fringed by eyelashes, so thick and long any woman would be envious. Strong arch brows rose above them. His angular jaw had a light sprinkling of stubble. A certain charm was held in his good looks.

  He was dressed in faded jeans, trainers and a dark green long armed jumper. From the way it all clung to his form, he was in just as good shape as Eric. Muscles strained beneath the material over his chest. A long black coat was draped over his arm.

  “So he’s a member of your group like Raoul?”

  The bed sheet was held right up to her chin. Although she wore one of Eric’s white shirts, she was fully aware she had nothing else on.

  “Yes.” Eric replied, a half-smile on his lips. He ran a hand through his tousled hair. This made the muscles on his chest ripple gloriously.

  Jasmine found herself distracted. Wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue, excitement unfurled in her belly, as she pressed her thighs hard together under the covers. Damn the vampire. Did he have to stand there half naked?

  “It’s nice to finally meet you Lass.” Conall’s Irish lilt was sexy.

  “Hi. I’m Jasmine.” She dragged her eyes from Eric again. “Where is Raoul anyway?”

  Eric had turned away. Opening more draws on the dresser, he appeared to be gathering clothes. “He remained in London with the other members of my nest.”

  “So you’re a vampiria like Eric?” Jasmine asked turning her attention back to the Irish vamp.


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