Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2) Page 11

by Claire Marta

  Their boss sighed. “More chance of it being detected, you know that.”

  “I kind of miss your voice in my ear Twitchy.” Jasmine confessed softly.

  His eyes flicked up to hers. “Believe me Jazzy, I miss talking to you too. It’s been hell not having eyes or ears in that place. I hate not knowing what’s going on, or if you’re safe.”

  Heat bloomed in her cheeks. Even Twitch would probably be shocked, after what had happened last night. Not that he, or anyone else was ever going to know. EVER.

  She suddenly felt Eric’s eyes on her. Their heat slid over her face and she knew he was looking at her mouth. Unable to stop herself, she bit at her lower lip. The plump flesh caught between her teeth.

  Did he know what she was thinking? How aroused the whole thing had made her feel? That even now her body clenched with need.

  “Jasmine, tell me what incapacitates and kills a vampire.” Mark’s sudden sharp request startled her.

  For a moment she stared at him. He had made her repeat them over and over already. Jasmine also noted he had used her full name, not Jaz, which he normally called her. This meant he was serious.

  “Holy water and silver can damage them, but it’s not permanent as they can heal quickly. Fire, sunlight or a stake through the heart though will end them permanently. They also can’t enter graveyards or sacred ground.” She recited quickly.

  Approval lit Mark’s eyes behind his wire rimmed glasses. “Just make sure you remember all that. It might just save your life.”

  Jasmine nodded warily. “Yes, Boss.”

  JASMINE WAS DOING HER BEST to hide her attraction for him. Eric could see that clearly. Unfortunately, for his little naïve innocent, she was not doing a very good job. An odd warmth spread through his chest. It was abundantly clear to the other males in the room who she desired.

  Never before had he cared for such attention. Yet here he felt satisfaction well inside him. Jasmine’s eyes darkened every time they glanced his way. The pupils dilated with excitement. When she nibbled on her lip, it made his cock hard. Such innocent responses made him burn for her. Jasmine was temptation personified. Eric found her tough to resist.

  He was tempted to tease her, yet he refrained. Detective Cummings, her boss, was watching them with the piercing eyes of a hawk. Shrewdness was in their depths. The man was not stupid. A sharp intelligence glittered behind his wire rimmed glasses. No doubt he suspected something between them already.

  Eric had no wish to make things difficult for Jasmine. Pulling on his frosty control, he kept his emotions and feelings firmly in check. There would be time to tease the girl later, when they were no longer being observed.

  “I want a word with you and your friend, Mr Méchant.”

  He offered the detective a cold smile. “Certainly.” The request did not surprise him. Eric had suspected it was coming.

  When Jasmine made to follow, her Boss stopped her with a wave of his hand. “No Jaz. I want to speak to the vampires privately.” His gaze had softened as he glanced at her.

  A flash of worry tightened Jasmine’s face. “Ok.”

  Eric and Conall preceded the Detective into another room. This appeared to be a bedroom. A suitcase was tucked into one corner. The contents lay neatly folded and organized inside. A double bed stood by the window. Eric recognised the way the sheets and covers had been neatly made. Perfect and crisp. The detective had obviously spent time in the army.

  This made Eric wonder which war?

  From all outward appearances, Detective Cummings was human. His scent was the same. Yet there was something subtly different about him. Any other vampire perhaps would have missed it. But Eric was old enough and experienced enough to detect it.

  This male was not mortal.

  The click of the door sounded behind them. Eric heard Conall sigh of annoyance.

  It looks like the detective wants more than a little chat. The Irish vampire’s voice whispered through his head.

  Eric turned slowly. What he saw did not shock him. In fact he would have been disappointed with anything else. The man looked pissed. Lips pressed together in a thin white line, his face was taut with anger. A gun was clutched in his hand.

  Did it contain silver to incapacitate them? Eric could indeed detect the faint smell of that particular metal in the air. The detective was obviously no fool. It had not gone unnoticed that Eric’s power of persuasion had not worked on this particular male. This happened from time to time, someone who was immune.

  “Do you intend to shoot us Detective or do you truly have something to say?” Eric asked.

  “I only agreed to Jasmine staying with you as a way in.” The man snapped angrily. “I know what goes on in nests like these. My agent isn’t a paid prostitute you can just fuck whenever you like. You keep your hands off her.”

  A red haze swamped Eric’s vision. When it cleared, he found he had Detective Cummings thrust up against the wall. His hands were wrapped around his neck. The gun was nowhere to be seen. Eric could feel his power around him pulsing in time with his anger.

  Frost was glistening like little diamond coating everything around them from the walls to the furniture. A fine white mist appeared when they breathed. His fangs were fully out. He could feel them pressing aggressively against his lower lip.

  I doubt Jasmine would appreciate it if you killed her boss. Conall’s voice warned in his head.

  Eric loosened his grip on the detective’s throat. The skin was paper white with a blue hue. Jasmine’s boss gasped for air sucking it in between his blue tinged lips. Glasses perched on his nose, now sat at an uneven angle. Their lenses covered in fine white icy crystals. Eric allowed his fangs to diminish back up into his mouth.

  It’s worrying that I’m now the voice of calm and reason. His friend complained in amusement in his mind. You’re the one supposed to be telling me to keep my head not the other way around.

  He insulted Jasmine. I will not tolerate that. Eric snapped back. One minute I feel I have control and the next I feel far too much. It is the girl’s fault.

  The girl could always stay here. Conall replied calmly with a frown.

  Eric sighed. No. Swapping to the other female in their team would only complicate matters now.

  The other vampire grunted. Aye, I see your point.

  Taking his eyes off his prey for a moment, Eric let his gaze skim over the rest of the interior of the room. A board sat in one corner. Surface covered with photos of glassy eyed women. Their faces were slack with death.

  Expression stoic, the detective grasped Eric’s wrist. “You can cut all crap. I’ve figured out your Vampiria. I’ve worked with your breed before so we don’t need all these games.”

  “I do not take kindly to you speaking of Jasmine in such a manner.” Eric growled back as he filed away that information. “She is nothing but professional and I am doing the gentlemanly thing and sleeping on the floor.”

  This was not a complete lie. He had intended not to sleep on the bed with the feisty female. Last night had been a slip up. From now on though, he would keep his word and not touch her. This was a promise he meant to keep.

  The thought of her boss thinking of her in such a way angered him. She was not a paid whore. He also respected her wish to remain professional. Eric released the detective from his grip. Curling his fingers into his palms, he fought the urge to snarl in his face. He could not explain why he felt so uncharacteristically volatile.

  Instead Eric dropped the temperature in the space by another few degrees. The male shivered convulsively rubbing his hands up and down his arms. A look of confusion raced across his face.

  “Ho…how are you doing that?”

  Eric smiled grimly. “You have obviously not met a vampiria like me before.”

  Stalking across the room, he settled himself in front of the board crammed with photographs of the dead. Coloured twine joined them together at different points. Hurried notes had also been scribbled in places.

  Conall had
moved up beside him and was inspecting the information. “You haven’t done a bad job here.” He had the detective’s gun held between a thumb and a forefinger.

  The detective had not moved. He was rubbing his hand over the abused flesh of his neck.

  “Jasmine’s a little naïve, an innocent.” His voice was low and filled with steel. “I don’t want to see her getting hurt. She’s a potential target for the killer now that she’s undercover in the nest with you. If I have to remove her from this case I will.”

  “Tell me, what did you imagine would happen by sending her in?” Eric’s tone was quietly forbidding. Turning his head, he fixed Mark with a cold glacial stare.

  The Detective’s shoulders slumped. Sighing, he scrubbed a hand over his face. “She wasn’t supposed to stay. It was experience building. Gemma was the one who was supposed to remain. Jasmine’s just a rookie for god sake.”

  After last night Eric knew her innocence had been sullied a little more. She had also liked what she had experienced and seen. This was something he had no desire to stop. He was curious to see how much she was open to. So far her inquisitiveness delighted him.

  “She cannot remain a novice forever.” He reminded her employer quietly. “The girl is also doing exceedingly well. Jasmine is bright and astute for someone so young.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that.” The male responded gruffly. “I’m damn proud of her progress in this team.”

  Eric could tell clearly the man was worried. He was a leader who looked out for his soldiers. Eric could appreciate that. This meant they had something in common. He also did not want to see Jasmine fall prey to the serial killer. She would be protected.

  Eric though needed to distance himself from the unwanted emotions he was experiencing. He needed to solve this problem. The identity of the Ripper had to be revealed. His feelings were more violent and intense then when he had met Jasmine before. This was unsettling and something he could not explain. They also seemed to be growing which was worrisome.

  The logical solution would be to send her back to her team and bring Gemma in to stay with Conall. This was something he loathed to do though. Eric wanted Jasmine at his side. Instinct and desire smothered clear thinking. He would not be parted from her. Not now.

  Distancing himself physically from the girl would achieve what he needed. This would be accomplished by sleeping on the floor. He needed to treat this like any other problem, with applied logic and cool objectivity.

  “Detective, I shall endeavour to keep your agent out of trouble. If things become hazardous, I shall send her back your way.”

  The man considered his words for a moment. “Alright. I would appreciate that.”

  “I have heard many good things regarding your department.” Eric continued. “Your team is one of the best.”

  “Not surprising really when they have a techno mage, sensitive and a hunter in the mix.” Conall murmured. “As well as a werewolf.”

  “Among other things.” Eric said quietly meeting the detective’s stare.

  The male’s eyes flickered. The change was subtle and fleeting. Yet now he was aware that Eric knew he was not as human as he appeared.

  Eric felt a slither of satisfaction. Turning back he began to examine the board again more closely. “Now tell me all you know regarding the case. Perhaps there is something we have all missed.”

  JASMINE WANDERED BACK INTO THE sitting room. Underwear changed, she had slipped into a fresh black pair of leggings and a black baggy jumper. A red t-shirt lay beneath. Her leather jacket was folded over her arm. The holy water bra was in place. Her breasts now appeared a lot bigger and she had taken a moment to admire them in the mirror before coming out.

  A flowery handbag was now also hanging from her shoulder. Purse, money and a few other assorted things lay at the bottom of it. A matching flowery scarf was wound around her neck which hid Eric’s hickey perfectly. Her eyes strayed to the closed bedroom door. The vampires were still inside with Mark. She wondered what they were talking about. Fuck, were they talking about her? Were they discussing the case? Shouldn’t she be in there too? What the hell was going on?

  Absently she began to nibble on her thumb nail. She couldn’t afford to get paranoid. The vamps had promised not to mention the dinner last night. Jasmine had to trust them. Stuffing the mobile Twitch had given into her bag, she regarded her co-workers.

  The mage was sitting poking about in the bag of pastries she had given him earlier. “Are the vampires using magic?” He asked with a frown.

  Jasmine shrugged. “I don’t think so...why?”

  The frown deepened, furrowing his brow. “I thought…” He fished out one of the kolaches and eyed the puffy dough hungrily, “...never mind. It’s probably nothing.”

  “So how’s it going?” Gemma asked with a sly smile. A cup of coffee in her hand, she had her hip propped against the back of the sofa.

  “Fine. We haven’t learnt much.” Jasmine replied adjusting her bag.

  “Tall dark and fanged…what’s been happening with him?” Gemma’s stare pinned her to the spot.

  Jasmine felt herself flush. “Nothing.”

  “So you’re not bumpin’ uglies with the vamp again?”

  Jasmine blinked confused at her friend’s question. “Am I what?”

  “Doing the nasty? Doing the horizontal bop?” Gemma continued.

  “Getting some stankie on the hang down? Riding the flagpole?” Twitch giggled, blowing some wayward curls out of his eyes. He was sitting watching their exchange with avid interest.

  “Slap and tickle?” Gemma continued snickering back. Raising her mug she gulped down some coffee.

  “Getting down and dirty? Playing hide the salami?” The mage laughed raspily.

  A strangled noise came from Gemma’s throat. Coughing, it looked like she was trying not to choke as she laughed and swallowed at the same time.

  Jasmine flopped onto the other end of the couch. “Are you two on drugs or something?”

  “Oh please don’t tell me you don’t know what any of these mean.” Gemma shook her head in mock disgust.

  Twitch was smirking. “It’s Gemma’s oh so subtle way of asking if you are boffin the vampire again.”

  Jasmine’s embarrassment level went skyward. This was exactly what she had been trying to avoid. Dropping her head into her hands, she gave a muffled reply. “No. We are not having sex.”

  “Yeah sure and I’m the Queen of England.” Gemma snorted.

  “I am not the only one going goo goo eyed over a vamp here.” Jasmine pointed out pulling a face as she raised her head. The other woman had been practically tongue tied with Conall. Jasmine wouldn’t be surprised if something started up there. Gemma never said no to hot guys.

  “We aren’t talking about me, honey.” Gemma shot back.

  “Gem’s leave her alone, it’s her love life.” Twitch interrupted. The words were muffled, as they were spoken around a mouthful of food.

  “Oh please, you want to know too, Twitch. You’re more fucking nosey than I am.” Gemma pointed out in disbelief.

  The mage swallowed before replying. “That’s true, but unlike you I won’t bully it out of her. She’ll tell me in her own time, because I’m her BFF...every juicy X-rated little detail.” Flaky crumbs littered the front of his black velvety waist coat. Noticing them, he began to brush them onto the floor.

  “Nothing’s happening. We’re remaining professional at all times.” Jasmine kept her voice steady. Any sign of weakness and Gemma would be like a shark scenting blood. She would never give up. Jasmine didn’t want to share. She was already confused enough with her sex life.

  “So you’re not fucking him?” Gemma hedged over the rim of her cup.

  “No.” Jasmine responded firmly.

  Disbelief lit both her co-workers eyes. “But you did last night, didn’t you? He looked thoroughly fucked when I saw him.” Gemma persisted.

  O-kay. She couldn’t escape that one. Fuck.

p; Jasmine’s gaze wavered from theirs. “That was spur of the moment and a mistake. Trust me it won’t be happening again.”

  “Uh huh.” Twitch purred in a lazy drawl. “Jazzy don’t forget I saw you coming out of the hotel room back in Paris, the morning after you slept with him last time. You were bow legged, with the biggest fucking smile on your face. I think the three of us know you aren’t going to resist him.”

  Mouth hanging open for a moment, Jasmine shot him a look of disbelief. “Fuck Twitch, thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “Jazzy, I just don’t see you fighting an attraction like that and winning. I bet the sex was fucking amazing. He’s good looking, charming, sexy. If I was a girl I would do him.”

  Someone cleared their throat. The sound snapped their attention to Mark’s bedroom door. He was standing there with both vampires. Jasmine’s cheeks flamed red. She could feel the heat all the way up into her hairline. Fuck. How long had they been standing there? Suddenly she had the urge to hide in a very deep hole.

  Conall’s green eyes were dancing with laughter. His lips pressed together no doubt trying to keep the sound inside. Eric’s dark eyebrows were hiked up all the way. Faint amusement glimmered in his wintry eyes. His attention was on Twitch.

  “I am most flattered Twitch.” His deep voice rumbled.

  The mage groaned with embarrassment and face palmed. “You weren’t supposed to hear that, we were having a private conversation.” He muttered through splayed fingers.

  Eric’s lip’s quirked. “Then perhaps the middle of the living room is the wrong place for such a discussion.”

  “Fine, OK I admit it. I’m in love with you.” Twitch lowered his voice seductively and spread his arms wide. “Come here big boy and make me feel like a real woman.”

  Conall’s roar of hearty laughter filled the room. It was contagious. Eric smiled widely. A warm twinkle was in his gaze, as he regarded the mage in his comical pose. The icy reserve seemed to have melted away for a moment. Jasmine liked it when he smiled. The genuine ones, like he was doing now. They were breath-taking. This brought warmth to his face she rarely glimpsed.


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