Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2) Page 16

by Claire Marta

  Deep red finger marks clearly marred the sides of her throat. They were already bruising. The area still ached with a dull throb. Her lip was split. Blood had stopped oozing from it, yet it was still swollen and sore. A large spreading bruise was darkening across her left cheek bone.


  What was she going to do? Carefully she laid Twitch’s glove next to the sink and slid of the tracking ring. Tonight it had saved her ass. She owed the techno mage big time.

  Turning on the taps, she stepped under the spray. The water was hot. Fiddling with the handle, she put it onto full blast until it became scorching. With blistering heat it pummelled her skin, yet she stood taking the abuse. Her lip began to throb, along with every bruise and scrape she had gathered. Yet Jasmine ignored the discomfort.

  Cascading down over her body the water soothed her muscles and rinsed away the grime. Moist, warm steam rose around her cosseting her in a world of warmth and silence. Reaching for the soap, she quickly cleansed every inch of flesh. The tension she held began to ebb.

  Adrenaline that had kept her going was crashing. Oddly she felt light-headed and nausea rolled in her stomach. Jasmine knew she had made stupid mistakes tonight. Closing her eyes she rested her forehead against the misty tiles.

  She couldn’t afford to fuck up again.

  ERIC MOVED TOWARDS THE STAIRCASE. He had not missed the subdued nature of the females when they had returned. One of their numbers also seemed to be missing.

  Jasmine had been pale and unease had been etched over her lovely face. Something had happened. He was more than sure of it now. The cut on her lip and the damage to her cheek had not gone unobserved. He needed to see if she was alright.

  “Be careful my friend.” Asier murmured from where he stood on the steps. “The layer of ice you live beneath seems to have cracked.”

  Eric met his friend’s gaze in mild enquiry. “And what makes you say that?”

  “I am not the only one to see the girl melts your cold composure.” The Italian vampire’s bright eyes were on something back along the hall.

  The subtle brush of Lida’s power caressed up Eric’s back. He knew she was watching their exchange, could feel her gaze moving over his form. So the Mistress of the nest had noticed. This he knew was not a good thing.

  If another female had died tonight, he would hold her personally responsible. Only by luck Asier was on hand to assist him with the hunt. He knew the situation. The Italian and his second had been more than happy to help.

  Though even with them on the prowl, it seemed the serial killer had struck again. Eric was more than sure of it now. His friend’s face spoke volumes. This killer had the audacity to snatch a companion from under their noses. This spoke of a cold and calculating arrogance. Perhaps madness had yet to descend.

  “I must thank you for pointing out that, which I have missed.” Eric’s smile was coldly polite.

  He had not confided in his friend Jasmine’s true identity. Eric had concluded that keeping that information was perhaps prudent for now. No one but he and Conall need know.

  Asier looked faintly amused. “Go check on Jasmine – amico mio – I will keep Lida entertained.”


  Jasmine stared at her reflection. She looked far too pale, her green eyes were large and woeful. Her neck was red and tender. Already the different hues of coloured bruises had begun to form. The finger marks were clear. She had no way to hide the darkening skin which marred her cheek. Make-up was something she hadn’t brought with her. Fuck.

  Turning around, she glanced over her shoulder at the mirror. A few scrapes and bruises littered her back. Thankfully they weren’t as bad as her neck. Jasmine had also now started to ache all over. With a frustrated sigh, she tugged on a robe.

  Eric was waiting for her when she emerged from the bathroom. He stood unnaturally still in the middle of the room.

  “Fuck, you almost gave me a heart attack.” She pressed a hand to her chest, her heart leaping with fright.

  “I have heard about the missing companion. The news has already swept through the nest.” His voice was soft.

  Nervously, Jasmine stood fiddling with the belt of her robe. “What do you think happened to her? Could it be the Ripper?”

  “I do not know.” Eric replied grimly. The intensity of his frosty eyes was latched onto her face. Apprehension trickled down her spine. Why was he looking at her like that?

  His gaze became concerned. This was the only hint of emotion that escaped his glacial remoteness. “What had occurred?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Jasmine I am not blind.” He moved closer until he was standing before her. She had to tilt her chin up to keep looking in his eyes. “You had vampire remains all over you. You are also wearing a necklace of bruises around your throat and your cheek. Your lip is cut. All of which, you did not have when I last saw you.”

  Raising his hands, he gently brushed her cheeks. The caresses sent tiny spirals of pleasurable heat through her body. Then his hands dropped to rest on her shoulders. Jasmine’s eyes widened warily. Who else had seen? Lida and Andel? The hands on her shoulders began to gently knead. They were strong and sensual. Eric’s fingers worked into any unyielding knots, he found.

  He would find plenty there. Tension had racked her body since finding Sonia missing. Jasmine made a small mewl of pleasure. Eric made it feel so good.

  “Have no fear, my senses are a lot more sensitive than a mere vampire’s. They would not have detected it.” He assured her huskily as if sensing her worry.

  “A vamp attacked me in the alley way, at the back of the bar, while I was searching for Sonia.” The words spilt out of her mouth without a second thought. She was far too distracted by his touch. Too lost in bliss.

  Eric’s grip tightened. Coldness licked against her skin, as his power whirled around them. The sensation made her shiver.

  “Jasmine, why must you risk yourself in such a way? You managed to defeat it alone?” His words were a growl.

  “It’s my job, Eric.” Jasmine replied, as he continued to manipulate her flesh, with his long capable fingers. Her eyes fluttered shut. “I gave it a face full of holy water. But Asier and his second Kane were the one who staked it.”

  “Asier?” Eric stopped massaging.

  A whimper tried to escape her throat. She didn’t want him to stop. He was always so fucking talented with his hands. Jasmine had learnt this in Paris.

  “Yeah.” Her voice came out a little throatily. “He told me they were checking out the vampire club and heard the fight. I’m calling bullshit though.”

  “It seems you owe my old friend your life.”

  “I guess I do.” Her eyes opened and met the intensity of his.

  “It is a good thing I asked him to assist with the hunt and keep an eye on the females. Conall alone is not enough.” Eric’s hands dropped from her shoulders.

  Jasmine felt strangely bereft without them. The vampire could have massaged her all night and she would have willingly stood there.

  “I fucking knew it! I knew he was hunting the killer. Eric you need to tell me this kind of stuff if we’re working together.”

  “Maybe I should allow him to punish you for your disobedience.” He mused ignoring her words.

  Jasmine blinked in shock. “Whoa, what?”

  “I told you to stay out of trouble and be careful.” He moved towards the small table by the wall. “This seems to be an impossible task for you.” A bowl had been placed upon it. Eric removed the icepack which lay within.

  The pack had begun to melt. Eric’s frosty power rose in a swirl around the area in a cold blast. As Jasmine watched, the icepack once more froze. The vamp took a moment to wrap it in a cloth before offering it to her.

  Jasmine accepted it from his out stretched hand. “You know I can’t do that Eric. It’s part of my job.”

  “Jasmine do not wander off again, if you so happen to leave the house. That is an order.” His tone was brisk.

>   Turning, the vampire gracefully strode back towards the closed door. “I would rather not have to explain to your boss why you might end up injured or dead. I would also find this displeasing.”

  Jasmine poked her tongue out at his broad back. He was confusing her running hot and cold all the time with his change in mood.

  “I need to return downstairs.” His deep voice rumbled.

  “Why?” Pressing the icepack to her cheek, a small hiss left her lips at the pain.

  Eric turned at the door to face her. “Lida still expects me to attend her party. The opportunity to check on you only arose, as Asier is now present and receiving her attention.”

  A frozen numbness was spreading through the side of her battered face. The aching began to ebb.

  Jealousy bolted through Jasmine at his words. “Shouldn’t you be out hunting for the killer? Not reminiscing with your ex-girlfriend.”

  “That is impossible at the moment. It is something I intend to try and remedy though. Lida asked me here for help and I cannot do so glued to her side.” The vampire’s eyes narrowed. “There is no need for jealousy Jasmine. She means nothing to me more than an old friend.”

  “I’m not.” She mumbled back with a sniff.

  A faint smile played across Eric’s lips. “I suggest you try and get some rest.”

  Before she had a chance to reply he had already slipped out of the door. If Eric wanted to cosy on up to Lida then Jasmine didn’t care. At least she was doing her job. She didn’t take long to drag on her pyjamas. The ice had helped a lot with the swelling. In the end, she had left the pack in the bathroom sink so it wouldn’t melt over the floor. The lopsided holy water filled bra was also dumped in the sink. Twitch was going to have to refill it. That was if she could remember to take it back to him.

  Jasmine glanced at the thickly curtained window. She could hear rain pelting against the pane. The sound was soothing. Strangely it felt lonely without Eric in the room. She was starting to get way too used to his presence. Fishing the phone from her bag, she dumped it back on the floor. Padding quietly to the bed, Jasmine crawled beneath the covers.

  Snuggling down, she made herself comfortable. The soft pillow cradled her bruised neck gently and didn’t cause her too much discomfort. Typing quickly, she sent Twitch a text.

  Jasmine: Any sign of Sonia, the missing companion?

  A moment later her phone pinged with a reply.

  Twitch: No sign of her. Gem gem’s and Mark still out looking.

  Fuck. If they couldn’t find Sonia, then the killer had to have her. Despair settled over Jasmine. She knew that she wasn’t supposed to get attached to people in cases, but it was hard. This was made all the more difficult when they were nice. Those people who should not be caught up in such bad shit.

  Sonia had made her feel welcome. Yet Jasmine hadn’t been paying attention in the bar. Instead, she had focused too much on Tina. Five damn minutes, that’s all it had been. Sighing she pushed away the damning thoughts. It was too late now for what ifs. Quickly she started to type again.

  Jasmine: Your glove saved my ass tonight. How?

  She knew the mage needed technology for his magic to work. Yet the glove, as far as she could see, was just material.

  Twitch: Tiny piece of tech hidden in the lining and woven in with a spell. It sends me a read out of your vitals too. Activated when you needed it. ;)

  Jasmine grinned. The mage always thought of everything.

  Jasmine: Thanks Twitchy. I owe you one.

  Twitch: You’re welcome Jazzy.

  Rubbing a tired hand over her sore face, she placed the phone on the bedside table. Now it was time to try and get some sleep.


  Blinking groggily at the sound of a familiar voice, Jasmine found Conall’s face was inches from her own.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here? I just got into bed.” Jasmine shot up on the mattress, any sleepiness vanishing in an instant.

  The Irish vampire jerked back narrowly missing a head butt.

  Conall grinned peeling himself off the blankets. “No lass, you slept the day through and it’s time for a meeting.”

  Jasmine’s brow furrowed. Had she really slept so long?

  “Nothing has been started without you Jasmine.” Eric’s assured her smoothly from the end of the bed. “You said before you wished to know everything.”

  Dressed in a pair of pinstripe pyjamas, he stood watching her aloofly. Even dressed like this, he looked sexy as hell. Had he worn them to make her feel more comfortable? Slowly Jasmine registered the blanket and pillow in his arms. Had he slept on the floor again?

  Conall was staring at her neck. Raising her hand, Jasmine pressed it to the sore flesh. Still tender, she winced.

  “You should have seen the other guy.” She joked, voice gruff.

  Conall smiled faintly. He seemed to take the hint and looked away. Not before she caught the concern in his emerald green eyes. She really didn’t need another lecture. Two was enough. Yanking back the covers Jasmine slid from the bed. Somehow she managed to swallow the groan of discomfort the movement made. Her body felt stiff. Aches racked her from where she had hit the wall the night before.

  “Let me use the bathroom first.” She mumbled gruffly. “I just need to pee.”

  The words weren’t directed at anyone in particular. She knew that she was just rambling. Jasmine sighed inwardly. She really needed to stop over sharing. Not waiting for a reply, she shuffled towards the bathroom door.

  Once the door was firmly closed, she examined her reflection in the mirror. The bruises on her neck were more pronounced. They stood out against her skin in a rainbow hue of red, purple and blue. You couldn’t miss that they were from someone’s large, violent hands. The shapes were unmistakable.

  Damage to her cheek also looked worse. The blow had caught her across the cheekbone. Still tender, but the swelling had gone down.

  Her split lip looked strangely more healed than it should. Jasmine frowned. Had Eric healed it with his blood? He had used drops of it before on her to heal wounds. This was never ingested as far as she knew just dripped onto the area. She could hear the vampires talking in hushed words through the door. Jasmine could not catch any of it though.

  The talking abruptly stopped the moment she turned the handle on the door. Shuffling back into the room, she perched herself on the end of the bed.

  “Did you do this?” She waved her hand in front of her mouth.

  “I did indeed my lovely.” Eric confirmed with an almost warm look. “I could not heal the bruising, but the open cut was not a task.”

  He had made himself comfortable in the only chair in the room by the window. Eric became a picture of idle relaxation. One leg was crossed over the other, his hands laced together in his lap. Conall was now leaning against a wall as usual, his arms crossed over his chest.


  “Vampiria do not share blood with humans or vampires in that way.” Eric replied patiently. “There are consequences for such actions. Even turning a human into a vampire is very rare now among my kind.”

  Jasmine wasn’t sure he would tell her why so she let it go for now. “Thanks.”

  He inclined his head. “You are most welcome. Conall has also brought you dinner.”

  As if on cue, the Irish vamp carried over a tray, which he had left on top of the dresser. Taking care, he left it on the bed beside her. On a plate lay a selection of sandwiches. Jasmine also spied a pot of tea and a cup.

  “Is there any news on Sonia…the missing woman?” She asked snatching up a sandwich.

  “None, I am afraid.” Eric told her softly. “Your colleagues are still searching.”

  Jasmine tried to not let the news depress her. “Do we have any leads yet?” Taking a big bite, she began to chew.

  “Unfortunately, this is still hard to tell. The only one who was constantly in my presence was Lida.”

  “So I guess we can rule her out then.” Sh
e responded wiping some crumbs from her lips with a finger.


  Jasmine gave Eric an uncertain look. “You still think she could be the Ripper?”

  He nodded. “If she has an accomplice, yes, indeed I do. We must not overlook anyone.”

  “I didn’t think of that.” Placing the half eaten sandwich back on the plate, she poured herself a cup of tea.

  “We cannot just assume the killer is working alone.” Eric continued. “That would be foolish.”

  Jasmine glanced up at the vampires. Eric’s expression was coldly distant but Conall’s still held worry.

  “Tina, the companion of Andel, seems terrified of him. I don’t know what he’s been doing to her, but I bet it isn’t pleasant. Maybe he’s the one we’re looking for.” She told them, before taking a sip from her cup.

  “I can keep an eye on the lass.” Conall jumped in. “If he’s the killer she might be next.”

  “Also, last night at the bar when Sonia went missing...I felt something.” She continued.

  “By felt, you mean sensed?” Conall asked slowly.

  “Yeah.” Jasmine frowned as she remembered the sensation. “It was really weird. I haven’t sensed anything like it before.”

  “Describe it please Jasmine.” Eric’s voice was low. He seemed to be in full professional mode this morning.

  “It was discordant, really jarring like it was sick. I don’t know where it was coming from and it wasn’t the vamp that attacked me.”

  “The Ripper’s madness is a sickness of the mind. Perhaps this is what you felt.” Eric replied. He ran a hand through his messy short black hair leaving it even more mussed.

  Jasmine was not so sure. “Maybe.”

  “If we are lucky you may sense it again. Then perhaps we can determine who we are hunting.” Eric continued with a small cold smile.

  “I haven’t seen any suspicious behaviour with any of the other vampires here.” Conall rubbed a hand over his face. He looked tired.

  “Asier has also reported nothing untoward.” Eric confided.

  Jasmine sat cradling her cup in her hands. The heat from it felt deliciously warm against her fingers. “What about Mr. Creepy and the Freaky Twins.”


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