Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2) Page 24

by Claire Marta

  The heat was sucked out of the room so fast it took a second for him to register the change. A coating of rapidly growing frost was already kissing the surface of several pieces of furniture, glistening like jewels in the light.

  “What’s going on Eric?” Conall asked softly. His words came out in frozen little clouds.

  Releasing a breath through clenched teeth, Eric struggled for calm. “I have been experiencing dark impulses since I arrived...emotions I should not.”

  “Dark how?”

  Eric’s hands squeezed into fists at his sides. “Savage, possessive...they intensified when the girl arrived…I caught her with Asier. He was making advances and I took it out on Jasmine.”

  Conall’s eyes shot wide. Glancing at the bed he finally registered the chaotic tangle of blankets and pillows.

  “You think it’s linked to Jaz?” The Irish vampire asked slowly. “Raoul said you experienced emotions around her, but he never said it was this bad.”

  Eric shook his head. “No, as I have said, I had started to feel these dark impulses before she arrived….I am finding it hard to control myself here. I am not used to feeling so much, and these are too intense. It is not the same as when I met her before. This is very different, almost violent.”

  Eric sank down to sit on the edge of the mattress. He put his head in his hands, still fighting for control. The discipline he had learnt and strived for over decades had evaporated. It was not possible that it could all be gone. Yet here he was exposed to the full force of emotions he had kept leashed and buried for the whole of his existence.

  He felt like he was drowning. All the while, the dark insidious urges kept pounding through his head.


  Closing Conall’s door with a quiet click, Jasmine moved silently down the corridor. She wanted to avoid meeting the vampires. Hands shaking, she dragged on her leather coat.

  The need for air was a desperate one. Once she was outside, she could clear her head and decide what to do. Escaping the house was her first priority. She had never felt so cold in her life. Eric’s power still lingered within the layers of her skin. Her body also ached from his punishing fucking.

  Jasmine knew bruises would soon mar her hips. Eric had not been gentle. He had dominated and controlled. Lida was waiting for her at the top of the stairs. The vampire Mistress’s beautiful eyes ran over her in distaste. “What’s the matter, Eric a little too rough with you?” Her painted red lips curled up in a sneer.

  Ignoring her, Jasmine made to pass. Arm shooting out, Lida’s hand closed painfully around her wrist. Gasping, Jasmine tried to shrink back, but the hold was solid, unshakable.

  “You’ll never be good enough for him.” The nest Mistress hissed in an ugly tone. “You’re such a fragile thing, so breakable. Your life could be snuffed out in the blink of an eye.”

  Jasmine whimpered in pain as the grip on her arm turned bruising.

  “You’re nothing special, just a little mortal whore. Food for us just like the rest of them here.” Lida continued in a sneer. “He will grow bored of you just like the others he’s had in his bed.”

  Jasmine felt the last of the colour drain from her face. A moment later she was free. Rushing down the stairs, she did not bother to look back. She could feel Lida’s hateful gaze on her though, all the way down.

  “Hey Jasmine, where are you off to?”

  Turning at the bottom Jasmine found Mel and Carly coming from the hallway. They were both wrapped up in coats and looked ready to go out.

  “I need to get out for a while.” She told Mel with an uneasy glance. Hanging around in the hallways was something she didn’t want to do.

  “Mel and I can come with you if you like.” Carly suggested with a friendly smile. “We were just going out front for a little air.”

  Jasmine nodded quickly. “Sure.”

  Asier had caught her eye. He was standing in the doorway to another room. Eyebrows drawing together, his unusual eyes were roaming over her appearance. Jasmine knew that her face was unnaturally pale, eyes large and over bright. Her lips were also tinged with blue. The bathroom mirror in Conall’s room had revealed all that.

  After her confrontation with the nest Mistress a moment ago, she was probably now even paler. Eric’s fang marks burned icily against her neck. They were also visible for all to see. Violently yanking the zipper on her leather jacket, she slid it to the top to hide them.

  Carly and Mel were already heading for the main door. Hugging herself, Jasmine followed. All the while she could feel Asier’s eyes on her back.

  ALRIGHT LET’S THINK ABOUT THIS logically. Apart from Jasmine, what else might be affecting you?”

  Eric glanced helplessly around. “Something within the room perhaps.”

  Conall began to amble around. Slowly and precisely he examined each piece of furniture, every antique, every corner.

  “I’m not sensing anything.” He gave a frustrated sigh. “Jasmine did mention sensing magic a few times.”

  Eric shifted tensely on the bed. The seductive smell of sex and Jasmine assailed his nose. Heat surged against his chest. Lust which had subsided roared once more to life. He wanted to find her. Fuck her. Possess her.

  Fangs itching in his gums, he felt them begin to lengthen. As he gasped for control, he clawed at the sensations charring his flesh, the impression of the medallion pressed into his palm.

  Eric froze. This damn piece of jewellery, hadn’t be been wearing it the whole time. What if it was somehow the cause? With a growl he yanked it out by its chain. The symbols on it were glowing white as a shimmer rippled across the time-worn surface. Heat seared into his hand. It did not physical burn through, but sent his sexual lust rocketing.

  Eric swore under his breath. “Lida.”

  Conall was staring warily at the circular golden disc. “Lida gave you that?”

  “Yes, it was a gift when we first arrived.” Eric informed him grimly. He was starting to piece together a foul plan against him.

  “Eric, it’s a charm. I can feel the magic. Something just made it flare up because I didn’t feel it before.”

  Eric’s brooding look became dark. “I feel nothing.”

  “You wouldn’t as its victim.” His friend explained, shoving a hand through his fiery red hair. “I think it might be the cause, but what the hell just activated it?”

  “Jasmine’s scent.” Eric admitted, his icy gaze straying towards the bed.

  “So somehow she is setting it off?”


  Conall’s face creased with confusion. “But why? It doesn’t make any sense. You’re already reacting to the female. Why would someone want you mindless with lust for her?”

  “What if it was supposed to work my lustful feelings towards another?”

  Realization widened the other vampire’s emerald green eyes. “Lida.”

  “This was her gift.” Eric’s deep baritone had dropped to a murmur. “She has been doing nothing but trying to get me into her bed for days.”

  “So somehow, this has all backfired on her.” Conall ventured.

  “It would appear so. Jasmine mentioned sensing magic earlier, but I neglected to listen to her, I was too far under its influence.” Regret lay heavily in Eric’s tone.

  An abrupt knock at the door interrupted them. Eric exchanged a glance with Conall. Who could that be now? Had Jasmine decided to return?

  Rising quickly, Eric flung open the door.

  Asier stood on the other side with an angry expression. “Did you punish Jasmine?”

  Eric regarded him with icy aloofness. He had no time to deal with him now.

  “It is none of your damn business.” He informed him with a barely suppressed growl.

  The Italian’s hand slashed through the air in a gesture of annoyance. “Cazzo - She did nothing wrong. The fault lies with me.”

  The whirl of Eric’s power danced threatening between them as a sudden frosty blast sent Asier’s long hair fluttering back around his

  “Eric, I think Asier needs to hear our conversation too.” Conall’s voice interrupted from behind.

  Eric turned glacial cold eyes on his comrade. “And why is that?”

  Conall’s features had turned deathly grim. “Because I can feel the same damn magic coming off that ring he’s wearing.”


  Mel and Carly kept up a flow of friendly chatter. Jasmine though was only half listening and aware, as she slowly followed them through the night. Huddled in her jacket, she barely felt the cold.

  She dashed the dampness at the corner of her eyes away before the other women noticed. Lida’s spiteful words had hit a chord. They had hurt like hell. The fact the bitch had made her almost cry was also fucking annoying.

  Something was wrong with Eric. That was more than clear. This magic she kept sensing around him and Asier was no coincidence. Both male’s natures turned overly sexual and aggressive around her when it was there. She was certain it was more than just their vampiric nature. This had to be linked. Was it to do with the killer though?

  Jasmine wasn’t sure she wanted to go back. Eric had wanted her to leave anyway. Obviously he was no longer in control of himself. Sending Gemma to pick up her stuff was probably for the best. She was not sure she was ready to face Eric again. Not yet anyway. Her presence just seemed to make him worse.

  Jasmine fiddled with the ring on her finger. Twitch’s tracking enchantment which was woven in the metal tingled comfortingly against her skin.

  Conall would have to be told that she had sensed magic again and she could do that through her friends. Maybe he could figure out what was wrong. Hopefully he could help Eric.

  “You OK Jasmine?” Mel had stopped walking and was watching her with worry.

  Jasmine gave her a small smile. “Yes.”

  “Vamp troubles?” Mel probed softly.

  “You could say that.” Jasmine threaded a hand through her short coppery hair. “Where were you all earlier, I couldn’t find you?”

  “Andel had us all in the basement.” Carly replied scrunching up her face in annoyance. “Tina is gone and he wanted to know if we knew where she was.”

  Jasmine’s heart plummeted in her chest. “Gone?”

  “Yeah, I think she just had enough and left.” Mel continued. “Andel was worried though that she might be another victim of the serial killer.”

  “Would you want to stay with Andel?” Carly asked pulling a face.

  Jasmine shook her head. Thunder rumbled ominously overhead. Even in the dark you could feel that rain would soon be falling. They were in for one hell of a storm.

  Glancing around, she realised they had been wandering aimlessly. Nothing looked familiar in the dark. Why had they gone so far? Hadn’t they planned to stay beside the mansion?

  Jasmine’s sixth sense began to jingle and jangle, like a wind chime caught in a breeze. The discordant note she had felt once before vibrated its way up her spine.

  Jasmine’s steps faltered. Fuck. It was the same feeling she had felt when Sonia had been snatched. Was the killer close? Suddenly it registered fully how vulnerably they were. The three of them had left the house without telling anyone where they were going. They were wandering the streets and putting themselves in danger.

  Instincts kicking in, Jasmine knew she had to get them somewhere safe.

  “Hey Mel, how far is the Jewish cemetery from here or the churches in old town square?”

  The blonde looked confused. “The square isn’t far…why?”

  Jasmine pasted a smile onto her face. “I thought it might be fun to go and have a look. Do something touristy.”

  “I’m not sure they’re open this late…” Mel replied with a frown. Something must have shown on Jasmine’s expression, because the other woman began to pale.

  “Still we can take a look.” Jasmine persisted.

  Mel nodded quickly. “Yeah sure.”

  “What’s going on?” Carly murmured. She too must have realised something was off.

  “We’re being followed and it’s not a vamp we want to wait around for.” Jasmine assured her quickly.

  “How do you know?” Carly asked as she peered casually around. Her eyes danced over the darkened buildings and the street.

  Jasmine knew that she wouldn’t spot their stalker. The vampire was hunting. It wouldn’t be seen until it was ready to strike.

  “Trust me, I just do.” Jasmine muttered back. Reaching out she grabbed each woman’s hand tightly. They had to stick together. She wasn’t prepared to lose either one on her watch. Not now.

  “It’s just along here.” Mel whispered under her breath.

  Things started to become more familiar the further they hurried along.

  “Get ready to run.” Jasmine grunted, once she was certain of where they were. “RUN.”

  With a burst of speed they raced down the silent street. Carly was lagging and kept glancing down at her shoe with a grimace. Jasmine dragged her along to keep her at their pace. Mel had no such problem.

  The square was virtually empty. No tourists lingered here, as it was already late into the night and the treat of the imminent storm looked like it had kept anyone else out at bay.

  “Come on.” Jasmine led the way across the cobbled road.

  The fairy tale feel of the place had turned eerie. She recognised the sight of the clock tower. If they stuck to the edge of the square, they would be less exposed then out in the open. Further down the looming gothic style church awaited them.

  Ducking behind a building, they tried to catch their breath. She could feel the vamp’s power growing closer as it hunted them. Where it was lurking though was a mystery. Jasmine bit at her lip distractedly. Were they going to be able to outsmart it?

  “It can’t follow us into the church when we get there.” Mel whispered. “Vampires can’t set foot on holy ground.”

  Jasmine knew she was right. No way in hell could the vampire get to them once they passed the doors. Not unless it wanted to seriously start to sizzle and burn. They would be safe.

  “Anyone got a phone?” Jasmine queried.

  Regret filled her, that she had left her bag back at the nest. But she hadn’t been thinking straight.

  “Oh you won’t need that.” Carly said from behind.

  “Are you fucking crazy? We need to call for help.” Mel’s words ended on a squeak of fright.

  Swinging round Jasmine found the dark haired woman with a gun in her hand.

  “Move.” Carly’s voice was cold. “We can’t keep him waiting.”

  Thunder abruptly boomed directly above. Lightening streaked across the inky black sky in a brilliant shock of white. This distracted Carly.

  Bringing her arm up, Jasmine knocked the gun from her hand. This sent it flying, skittering across the ground by their feet.

  “Run!” Jasmine yelled.

  Mel took off like a rabbit being chased by hounds. She didn’t once look back or even stop running. Within seconds she had vanished down one of the little winding cobbled streets. Jasmine didn’t follow her. Instead, she made a dive for the gun. Carly had gone for it too. Grappling for it on their hands and knees, they battled in a flurry of slaps and punches.

  Carly’s face twisted in a snarl, as Jasmine caught her in the jaw. A moment later she ploughed a punch into the side of Jasmine’s face.

  Pain exploded across her cheek. Dazed Jasmine recoiled, her head jerking back. Carly took advantage of this, her fingers curled around the weapon as she retrieved it.

  Fear made Jasmine’s heart skip a beat, as she struggled to get to her feet and turned away. She had to run. No way could she out run a bullet, but putting something between them would be some protection.

  Pain detonated agonizingly against the back of her skull. Then everything went black.

  ERIC’S GAZE RESTED UNIMPRESSED ON Lida. “What have you done?”

  They were gathered in one of the elegant living rooms. Her second in command Andel and the twin Vilem were
with her. She sat in a large Victorian high back chair, like a queen governing over her court.

  Lida stared at them with a practised look of innocence. Eyes wide, her lips parted slightly. “Eric, I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “We were here in good faith.” Asier growled beside him.

  Eric could feel the seething anger within his friend. The Italian had been just as outraged at discovering the betrayal. This was something neither of them would forgive. Lida had made an enemy of them tonight.

  “I really don’t know…” She began softly.

  “Cut the crap.” Asier snapped back cutting her off. “We know of the enchanted pieces you gave us.” As if to emphasise the fact he threw the ring he held at her feet. The red gem at its centre winked in the light.

  The medallion had already been dealt with. Eric had taken great satisfaction in destroying the accursed object and now it laid ground to dust. The look of innocence was quick to slide from Lida’s face. Her tawny topaz eyes turned wary.

  “I want what we had before…the three of us together.”

  “So you thought to bewitch and manipulate us?” Eric enquired in an emotionless tone.

  Lida wrinkled her dainty nose. “You were both supposed to want me, not the mortal. It’s not the way the enchantments on the items were supposed to work. Not what I was promised.”

  Andel sat rigidly beside her, his face was a mask of cold distaste. Vilem looked uncomfortable. He was glancing anywhere but his Mistress.

  “You’re responsible for Vilem giving Jasmine a pain bite aren’t you?” Asier’s words were quiet.

  The twin paled.

  “Yes.” Looking down, Lida smoothed out the red satiny material of her dress that covered her lap.

  Eric swallowed down his rage. He wanted to wrap his hands around her pale neck and strangle the life from her. Instead he kept his expression bland. Only his eyes burned with a hint of his true feelings.


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