Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2) Page 28

by Claire Marta

  Jasmine tensed slightly. A brief dart of fear hit her at the thought of his fangs. Struggling to keep her breathing even, she tried not to let her panic show. Simon’s bites, she realised might have left her with more than just physical scars.

  The kiss Asier pressed to her knuckles was warm and moist. His mouth brushed lingered for a moment against her skin. The smell of cinnamon curled around her, as his scent filled the room. Heat sizzled faint against her sixth senses. A caress of power that left her breathless, unlike anything she had felt before.

  Reluctantly the vampire released her, gaze roving over her once more. He did not seem to want to go. Raising his hand, Asier slowly touched her face, his finger moving to gently trace her lips as she remained still. Jasmine parted them slightly at the little tingle of warmth he left behind.

  Taking a step back, he smiled thoughtfully. “Good bye Jasmine, until we meet again.”

  Jasmine stood watching in silence as he left. The Italian went quickly without a backward glance. He left her feeling slightly confused. Tongue darting out, she wet her dry lips. They continued to tingle with the lightness of his touch.

  Although Asier evoked desire within her, Jasmine was sure they wouldn’t meet again. Not unless they crossed paths through her job. Seeking him out was something she did not plan to do. Her life was complicated enough already.

  Mark, her boss, strode in through the door breaking off her musings. Jasmine watched him warily. She was pretty certain she was about to get a verbal butt kicking. He had continuously warned her not to do anything stupid. Anxiety gripped her. How mad could he be? She had no doubt in her mind she was in big trouble.

  Mark’s expression was solemn behind his wire rimmed glasses. “Jasmine, how are you feeling?”

  Slowly she sank down onto the side of the bed. “A little shaky, but I’m OK.”

  He raked a hand through his short chestnut hair. “I’ve got some bad news.” He informed her with an unhappy look. “This decision was made above my head.”

  JASMINE STOOD WATCHING ERIC WEARILY. Bare foot and still in pyjamas, she felt under-dressed compared to the vampire decked out once more in his designer threads. They were in her bedroom with the door firmly closed to keep out curious eyes.

  She was trying hard to keep thinking clearly, but warmth was working its way through her at his closeness. Her body didn’t seem to be in tune with her mind, it was already getting excited. She couldn’t let it cloud her judgement though. Not now. When he moved towards her, Jasmine determinedly backed away.

  Surprise sparked in Eric’s intense gaze. “Jasmine I was not myself before. You have nothing to fear from me. I promise you, I am quite myself now.”

  After what she had learned, it was of little reassurance. She wasn’t sure she would ever be able to trust him again. Jasmine still didn’t want to believe it. Even now she wanted him to tell her it was just some silly mistake.

  “I know what the medallion’s magic did to you, Mark told me.” She replied quietly amazed at her calmness. “I understand it was manipulating your emotions.”

  A flicker of relief brightened the vampire’s cerulean blue eyes. “I am glad you understand.”

  “What I don’t understand is why you just had me removed from my job? Why would you do that Eric?” Jasmine couldn’t keep the hurt from her voice.

  He was silent for a moment. Lips tightening, a faint flush appeared across his cheekbones. “It is far too dangerous for you.”

  Jasmine stiffened. The vamp had said that before, but this still gave him no right to do what he had done.

  “So you had me fired?”

  His cold regard slid away from her face. “It is better for you this way. Fighting super naturals is no place for you mortals. Yet again you have proven how vulnerable you are.”

  It hurt to hear him say those words. That he thought she was weak for being a human and probably a female. Jasmine could barely contain her anger, which was laced with a heavy dose of confusion and betrayal.

  “You can’t just decide that, Eric. It’s my fucking life not yours.” She snapped, her hands squeezing into fists at her sides.

  His jaw was tense, a nerve pulsing beneath the smooth flawless skin. “Jasmine you are precious to me, but I will not see you hurt like this again.”

  Was he fucking joking?

  “This is bullshit. You have no fucking say in what I can do.” A shiver rolled through her as the temperature in the room plummeted sharply. Jasmine felt the deep vibration of Eric’s power, as it poured out from his tall stiff form. A blanket of frost crept across the floor towards her, the tiny icy diamonds glittering in the light as it grew.

  “It is done.” The cold intensity of his stare almost froze her to the spot. “Your job is no more.”

  “You son of a bitch, it wasn’t your choice to make. You’re not my boss or even on my fucking team.” She continued, voice rising. “You shouldn’t be able to go over Mark’s head.”

  Eric’s features became even colder, shuttered. “It is for your own good and believe me I can. It took only one phone call.”

  “No Eric, it’s fucking not. Why can’t you understand that? I will never forgive you for this.” Jasmine yelled back. She saw a flicker of emotion she couldn’t identify. Then his eyelids lowered, leaving only a blue gleam through the mesh of his eyelashes.

  “Jasmine do not be so foolish. You will return to London with me. I shall provide for all your needs.” His tone had become commanding, imperial. “We shall have a satisfying mutual arrangement.”

  Confused, she frowned up at him. “What?”

  Eric went completely still. “You are mine Jasmine, and I do not intend to let you go. You must understand that. You belong to me now. My property. I have rarely taken human companions, but I think I shall enjoy having you as one. We are more than pleasingly compatible in bed. I am willing to buy you anything you desire and you will reside in a house of my choosing. There I will visit you when the urge takes me, what more could a mortal female ask for?”

  Jasmine blinked, trying to make sense of what he was saying. Something in her chest felt like it was being crushed at his cold unfeeling words.

  Jasmine shook her head. “No Eric. I am not yours. I am not a pet to be kept and I’m not about to become your paid whore for whenever you want a quick emotionless fuck.”

  “I have shared my blood with you. I have claimed you Jasmine. There is no going back.” He stated quietly, expression frozen in frigid lines. “And you would be my companion, not a whore.”

  Jasmine gave a humour-less laugh. “Claimed me as what, your sex toy? Vampires share their blood with humans all the time and don’t have all this bullshit.”

  “I am a Vampiria. It is very different for us, which is why we rarely share ours with mortals. I saved your life. We are bound by my blood. There is no going back from here. I own you now.” Impatience edged his rumbling voice.

  “You’re fucking disillusion. I don’t belong to you or anyone else. We had sex, Eric. It was good, but not that good. Maybe you should have just let me die.” Jasmine couldn’t hide the faint wobble in her voice.

  Her heart was breaking, fracturing the more he spoke. How could he have done this to her? Didn’t he fucking understand? The tender feelings she felt for him were withering away. Whatever Eric felt for her it was not love. It was a dark lust that was all. Something he would probably grow bored of in time as Lida had said.

  Jasmine was not prepared to wait around and find out. She loved him, but wouldn’t let him destroy her like that, because she knew that’s what would happen if she left with him now. Being his Mistress would kill her.

  Eric’s laugh was cold and ugly. “Jasmine, you were only even meant to be an impersonal fuck, an itch to rid myself of. Now things are different and you do not have a choice. I have never been human, so do not expect me to act as such when it comes to matters such as these.”

  Foreboding clawed down her spine making her shiver. Jasmine wrapped her arms protectively ar
ound her waist. “Your arrogance is breath-taking and did I ever tell you you’re also the world’s biggest control freak?”

  The vampire’s lips curled with contempt. “It’s called experience my dear. I have existed far longer than you.”

  Jasmine shot him a look of hate. “No. What this means Eric is you’re an arsehole. Do you really think after having me sacked from my job, I’m going to ride off into the sunset with you? Thank you for it? You knew it was important to me.”

  A low deep growl of annoyance was ripped from his throat. “Why must you bring this back to your job? I have told you. IT. IS. OVER. Perhaps I credited you with far more intelligence than you actually have.”

  Jasmine dragged her gaze away from him at his sneering tone. His face was that of a stranger’s.

  “I really don’t know you at all do I?” She muttered more to herself than him. “You’re the perfect fucking operative. You just play different parts, have I ever even seen the real you? Or are you really this cold unfeeling bastard?”

  Eric barred his teeth in a mockery of a smile. “You are weak Jasmine. Any more time working for Scotland Yard and you will end up dead. You can barely defend yourself. It is pathetic. Do you really think they would want to keep you? I have done you a service by ending it more swiftly.”

  Jasmine’s hand shot out, before she knew what she was doing. Her palm stung from the force of the slap she left across his cheek.

  “I might be weak, even pathetic Eric, but I am not fucking dumb enough to go with you now willingly.” The words rushed in fury from her lips.

  Head rearing back, shock registered on his features. Then his eyes became chilling. Raising his hand, he ran his thumb across the corner of his mouth, where her blow had caught.

  “You will regret that my lovely.” His voice had lowered menacingly to a rumble. Before she could blink, his fingers were curling around one of her biceps in a bruising grip.

  Jasmine felt a jab of fear. Eric had never frightened her this much before. Now she suddenly feared for her safety. With a bang the bedroom door was suddenly thrust open.

  “Back off vamp.” Gemma growled chewing slowly on a piece of gum, ruthlessness hardening her big doe eyes. A crossbow was in her hands and the arrow tip gleamed silver.

  Twitch stood at her side. Electricity and magic crackled and snapped from the mobile phone he was holding tight.

  “Don’t you think you’ve done enough, agent dick?” He asked in a disgusted purr.

  “Jasmine is no longer your concern.” Eric’s grip tightened painfully on her arm, causing her to wince.

  “She’s our friend and we are closer than family. That’s not going to change just because you got her fired arsehole, or the fact you gave her your blood.” Twitch responded. “She does have a choice, because if you don’t give her one, we are going to kick your ass.”

  Gemma shifted the crossbow. She had it aimed right at the vampire’s head. “Please continue to man handle her.” Her voice was deadly quiet. “I’ve never ended a born vamp before, pretty much everything else though. But I will happily cross it off my list if you give me a reason.”

  Eric stood ridged. Eyes narrowed, he seemed to be gauging his options and then abruptly he released his grip. Jasmine scrambled across the room away from him.

  Gemma kept her weapon trained on the vamp moving its aim to his heart. “And I wouldn’t try any of your persuasion on us either. My trigger finger is already a little itchy and my arrow might accidentally find its way to your chest if you do.”

  “This is not over.” Eric’s deep baritone was low, his frosty gaze sweeping them with disapproval.

  Jasmine knew he was wrong. This was more than over. Trusting the vampire had been one big fat mistake. She had also been a fool for letting her heart get involved. Unfortunately, for her it had been far too easy to fall for the bastard.

  “Goodbye Eric.” Jasmine couldn’t keep the pain from her voice. Tears burnt behind her eyelids and thickened her throat as she turned away unable to bear looking at him. No way though would she let him see her cry. He already thought she was weak. When he was gone, she would deal with the shattered pieces of her heart.


  Eric stormed from the room. Everything in him was screaming to throw Jasmine over his shoulder and carry her off. Dark violent impulses laced his emotions, his thoughts. Subduing her colleagues would have cost him no great ordeal. This alone made him aware of how unclear he was acting.

  He was not himself, and he was not a barbarian. Yet had he not just been acting in a brutish way? Perhaps he should have used finesse, instead of expecting her to jump to his commands, yet the girl was never one to follow orders. He had also denied her a choice. This was something, he realised he would never do when thinking clearly.

  Jasmine was not a slave. Neither was she a bought whore. Yet she was his.

  Conall was waiting for him in the living room.

  “Smooth, Eric real smooth.” The Irish vampire muttered. “I am seriously surprised you’re leaving in one piece, and I wouldn’t hang around in case Gemma decides to bury an arrow in your back just for fun.”

  “I have no intention of hanging around here.” He snapped back with irritation. The note of finality in Jasmine’s words had been like a blow to the gut. Eric though knew better. He would give her time to cool down. Let her realise that he was right, that her work was far too dangerous.

  The effects of the medallion would have worn off completely by then. He was more than sure he would still support his actions, once he was thinking clearly and methodically.

  Then he would claim her. This was now, after all, his right. She had taken his blood, and it would bind them together now, for as long as she lived.

  The girl would not escape him. She was his now, whether she liked it or not.

  The End

  Thank you for reading Dark Desires by Claire Marta

  If you enjoyed this book please consider letting me know in the way of a review. Writing those means more to an author than you know, and helps other readers hear about the series. Below are links to my fan pages and other social media, if you wish to follow me.

  Claire Marta

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  About the Author

  Claire Marta has a passion for writing and finally took the plunge getting published with her first book Frostbite, the first novel in The Hunter Chronicles.

  She has always been a fan of everything paranormal especially romance books.

  A native Brit, she lives in Italy with her husband and daughter. When she is not writing and drinking copious amounts of tea, she enjoys taking photos of her adoptive country, trying to stay fit with running, reading amazing books and being a stay at home mother.

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  Claire Marta, Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)




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