Fire on Ice (Fire on Ice Series)

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Fire on Ice (Fire on Ice Series) Page 8

by Madison, Dakota

  Zelda barged in even though she wasn’t actually invited. “Holy Shit,” she practically screamed as her wide eyes scanned the room. “Where did all of these flowers and balloons come from?”

  I frowned. “Where do you think?”

  “The hockey hunk?” she asked.

  “Yes, they’re from Kian.”

  “That guy is a piece of work. First, he wants you to come watch him play, so he leaves super expensive seats at the box office. Then he says he’s going to take you out to dinner but he allows a slut to hang all over him instead. Then he sends you several hundred dollars’ worth of flowers. The guy is playing with you like a yo-yo.”

  “That’s actually an excellent synopsis and fitting metaphor. But what do I do about it?”

  “You could just fuck him and get it over with. Maybe the two of you can just get each other out of your systems.”

  “I’m not like you, Zelda. I don’t just sleep with guys like that.”

  “Maybe you should give it a shot. You’ll greatly reduce your chances of getting hurt that way. Take if from one who knows.”

  “Maybe I’m just old school but I really don’t want to have sex with someone I don’t love.”

  “Geez, if I waited to have sex until I was in love I’d never have sex. I love sex too much for that anyway.”

  “I’ve only been with one guy,” I finally admitted.

  My sister looked at me like I just got beamed down to Earth from another planet. “That’s a serious problem.”


  “How will you have any basis for comparison? You’re the one who’s into research. Don’t all valid experiments require a large sample for comparison?”

  I sighed. “I guess so.”

  “Well, now’s the time you should be sampling as much of the goods as you can get your hands on. That’s what college is for. It’s like a smorgasbord of men. What are you going to do, marry the next guy you sleep with? Then what happens when you’re 40 and realize you’ve never had an orgasm because the one guy you slept with in college and ended up sealing the deal with has no idea what he’s doing in bed. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I shook my head. To say my sister was dramatic would be an understatement. At least she was studying for the right profession. “First of all, I just turned twenty-one, so forty is a long way off. And second of all, I don’t think there’s any danger of me getting married any time soon. Not only because there are no serious prospects but also because there are a lot of things I want to accomplish before I even think about settling down, the first of which is earning my doctorate. I also never said I had to marry a guy just because I slept with him. And third, who said I’ve never had an orgasm?”

  “You’ve had an orgasm?” My sister looked shocked. “I know it wasn’t with Austin.”

  I could feel my face heating up. I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation with my sister. “There are other ways to have an orgasm, even if you’re not currently in a relationship.”

  My sister’s mouth actually gaped open. “I would have never guessed. Do you use a dildo or a vibrator?”

  I put my hand up. “Enough. That’s just TMI.”

  “Come on, we’re finally having some real girl talk and you just shut it down.

  “Okay, fine. A vibrator. Are you happy now? If we’re going to go to lunch, we’d better go now because Kyle wants to study this afternoon.”

  “Now it’s becoming a lot clearer how you’ve gone three years without a man.”

  I gave my sister a playful slap on the forearm. “Where do you want to eat?”

  “The Twisted Mug, where else?”

  I grabbed my purse from my desk. “Sounds good. Let’s go.”


  My sister and I both ordered avocado wraps and peach smoothies. I had to admit, it made me a little sad to think about the last time I was in The Twisted Mug with Kian. I thought about the way he made me laugh and the twinkle in his radiant blue eyes when I caught him staring at me and the way he so boldly kissed me and how just the touch of his lips to mine made my entire body tingle.

  I wanted that feeling again.

  “What’s on your mind?” my sister asked as we took a seat near the window to people watch.

  “What do you think?” I replied.

  “Hmm,” she feigned deep thought. “A hunky hockey player?”

  “This is where he took me on our first—well—our only date.”

  “You fall for guys fast,” my sister remarked before she took a tiny bite of her wrap. For someone so tall and curvy, she ate like a bird.

  “That’s the weird thing. I never fall for guys. Ever. There’s just something about Kian.”

  She actually laughed. “Yeah, he’s completely fucking hot. And he obviously wants you.”

  “I’m still confused.”

  My sister put down her wrap and looked at me with a serious expression. “I know what Austin did to you was unforgiveable. I know he not only broke your heart but your spirit as well. And I know it’s taken you a long time to heal. I also know you have a difficult time trusting guys. I don’t blame you for any of it. But I think it’s time for you to start being the master of your own destiny instead of the victim of your past fate.”

  “That’s a good one,” I said. “Where’d you get it? A fortune cookie?”

  “You like it? It was the quote of the day on my calendar. How cool is it that I was able to fit it right into the conversation?”

  I laughed. “You’re too much sometimes.”

  “But you love me anyway, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “But seriously. I know it’s hard but you need to start taking a few risks.”

  I nodded in agreement then took a sip of my drink. “This peach smoothie never disappoints. It’s like a little piece of heaven in a 16 ounce cup.”

  My sister took a sip of her smoothie. “Agreed. The only thing that could make it better is a little shot of vodka in the mix.”

  I was about to make a smart comeback when I thought I saw Kian down the sidewalk heading toward The Twisted Mug. As he got closer, I was sure it was him and he had a short guy with him.

  My sister must have seen my expression change because she asked me what was wrong.

  “Kian,” I barely got out because my throat had suddenly gone completely dry. I put my hand to my chest in a futile attempt to slow it’s now rapid pace. It was beating so fast, I thought it might beat right out of my chest.

  “He’s headed this way,” I exclaimed in a voice that sounded much higher pitched than my own.

  Zelda’s head whipped around so she could see out the picture window behind her. “That’s definitely Kian. Who’s the guy with him?”

  “I think he’s one of the other players,” I replied.

  We were both gaping out the window like fools as the guys got closer to the coffee shop.

  “I think they’re coming into the coffee shop,” I whispered.

  “Why are you whispering?” my sister whispered back.

  “I have no idea,” I said but I was still whispering.

  “What are you going to do?” my sister asked.

  I shook my head. I swear I was starting to sweat. “I’m kind of trapped now. They’ll see me if I try to sneak out.”

  “Why don’t you just walk right over to him and lay a big wet one on his lips?” she suggested.

  “That’s a terrible idea,” I replied.

  “Why?” she challenged.

  I had no idea why. The thought of kissing him again was very appealing. But did I have something like that in me? Could I just walk right up to him and kiss him? My sister did say I needed to start taking risks. Maybe this was my first opportunity.

  “Grab our wraps,” I said. “We’ll take them to go.”

  My sister’s eyes were so wide they looked like serving plates. “You are not seriously going to do what I just suggested. I was kidding.”

  “You know what they say about things sai
d in jest.”

  She shook her head. “No, I haven’t had that one as a quote of the day yet.”

  “Many a true word is spoken in jest,” I stated as I rose. My sister grabbed our wraps and stuck then in her large purse. “Grab our smoothies, too,” I reminded her.

  My sister did as I asked and then we took the tray over to a pile of them next to the garbage.

  “Are you sure about this?” I couldn’t believe my sister, Ms. Throw-Caution-To-The-Wind, was trying to talk me out of doing something bold and daring.

  “I’m not sure at all but I’m going to do it anyway.” I took a deep breath and marched towards the door, my sister following a few steps behind.

  Zelda and I exited the coffee shop but remained standing near the door. A few second later, Kian caught sight of me and stopped dead in his tracks. His friend continued walking until he realized Kian had stopped then he backtracked a few steps.

  Kian’s gaze held mine and the exchange between us was so intense, it nearly brought me to my knees. Kian didn’t say anything. He just stared at me. It was as if he couldn’t believe I was real.

  Despite feeling so nervous I could faint, I held my resolve. For the first time in years, I was going to move beyond my fear and take a risk. I was going to kiss Kian.

  I took a deep breath then closed the distance between us. When I placed my hands on Kian’s muscular chest, he took in a sharp breath. I looked into his searing blue eyes for a moment then I stood on my toes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

  I swear to heaven that the earth completely stopped at that moment and the two of us were frozen in time. Everything I had felt the previous time he kissed me was magnified a thousand-fold and my entire body was electrified.

  “Thanks for the flowers,” I whispered as I withdrew my mouth from his.

  He brought his fingers up to his lips but he looked too shocked to utter a word. I gave him a shy smile then I turned and walked away with my sister on my heels.



  “What the fuck just happened?” Runt said as the two of us watched Taylor and her sister walk down the street.

  I couldn’t say anything. For the first time in my life, a girl had left me completely speechless.

  “Do you know that chick?” Runt asked. He looked confused.

  I glared at him. “Of course, I know her, bonehead. That’s Taylor. The girl I bought all the flowers for.”

  “Dude, she’s smoking hot. No wonder you want to get in her pants.”

  Runt was partially right. I did want to get in her pants. But it was more than that. Much more.

  “I guess the flowers worked,” Runt stated.

  I curbed the urge to run after Taylor and take her into my arms. I wanted to hold her so badly. And I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to put my mouth all over her body.

  “So,” Runt said. “When are you going to see her again?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  Runt let out a laugh. “You put out five hundred dollars on flowers and you have no idea when she’s going to put out.”

  “I’m taking things slow,” I replied.

  “You’re taking things slow?” Runt laughed again. “I never thought I’d see the day when Kian Kavanagh took things slow. Do you remember what your nickname was in high school? The guys called you the One Date Wonder because you always got laid on the first date.”

  “I’ve grown up a lot since high school. I’m not the same guy I was back then.”

  “You were the same guy last week with Shawna.”

  Runt was really starting to piss me off. “Taylor is different.”

  “If she’s got a cooch and tits, she’s not that much different.”

  Before I could stop myself, I grabbed Runt by his shirt collar and nearly lifted him off the ground. “Don’t ever talk about Taylor that way again, understand?”

  “Yeah,” he managed to choke out. “Put me down.”

  I dropped him then tried to compose myself. I was so mad I was practically shaking. I didn’t really want to hurt Runt but he was really getting under my skin.

  “What the fuck was that about, dude?” Runt spat as he tried to smooth out his shirt collar.

  I pointed an index finger at him. “I don’t want to hear you talk about Taylor that way.”

  He shook his head. “That girl is making you nuts, man. I hope she’s worth it.”

  “Right on both counts,” I said. She was making me nuts too but she was so worth it.


  I spent most of the night acting like a complete pussy staring at my cell phone wondering if I should call or text Taylor. I wanted to contact her but I was afraid. I wanted to keep that little bit of hope alive just in case she rejected me again. For this moment, I still had a chance with her, and I savored it.

  But it didn’t stop me from thinking about that kiss. That tiny, bold girl marching up to me and placing her soft lips on mine. The heat of our intense connection seemed to instantly melt away all of the misery I’d felt when I thought I’d lost her forever.

  I wasn’t sure I could wait an entire day to talk to her again but that’s what we agreed to and I didn’t want to do anything to blow it again. And truth be told, I was afraid to let her know how absolutely crazy I was about her already. It seemed way too soon and I didn’t want to scare her away.

  So I just stared at my phone and thought about what it would be like when I did get to see her again. When I got to hold her in my arms. And when I got to place another gentle kiss on her lips.


  “You’re playing like complete dog shit,” the coach yelled at me. “Get your head on the ice, Kavanagh.”

  I rarely had any trouble at practice. I was usually single-minded and focused on the game. But whenever I looked out towards the bleachers, I remembered the look on Taylor’s face right before she ran out of the arena. I had to know more about the guy who hurt her. I had to know what happened to her. And I had to figure out what I could do to make it right.

  We got out of practice early. Mostly because I couldn’t get my head straight and the coach knew that he’d kill me if he didn’t let me go for the night. The only thing on my mind was talking to Taylor. I waited until exactly eight and then counted another thirty seconds, so she wouldn’t think I was waiting to phone her.

  “Taylor?” I asked when she answered her phone. “It’s Kian.”

  I could hear her sweet little laugh. “I know.”

  “How are the flowers doing?”

  “My suite smells like a garden. I think I could get used to being surrounded by flowers. Too bad these are only temporary. I’m thinking about getting a few plants.”

  I put plants in my memory bank for possible future gifts. I’d slept with more girls than I could count, probably a few hundred, but I never had a girlfriend. I had no idea how any of it worked. I’d never given any thought to having a real relationship until I met Taylor then it was all I thought about.

  I was hesitant about asking her to watch another hockey game. Not only because of what happened with Shawna after the game, which was bad enough, but also because of whatever made her so upset that she had to leave the arena before the game ended.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me one night this week.”

  I held my breath waiting for her reply and the wait was longer than I expected.

  “Okay,” she said finally and I exhaled in relief.

  The team was on the road until Thursday, so Thursday night was the only night I had free. I hoped that would work for her. “How about Thursday?’ I offered.

  “Thursday is good,” she said. “I have a Stats exam on Wednesday, so I’ll be done studying for the week. I can take a little break.”

  “Where would you like to go?” I asked, hoping she wouldn’t suggest another place with mostly rabbit food.

  “How about someplace with meat?” she suggested and I could hear the humor in her voice. I imagined her grinnin
g at me on the other end of the line.

  I thought about all of the places I could take her. I didn’t go out to eat very much mainly because I didn’t have to take hockey whores on dates to get laid but also because nearly every penny I made went into my sports bar savings account. I knew I didn’t want to take her to some run-of-the-mill place that every asshole she’d ever gone on a date had taken her. I wanted the place to be unique and different enough to make an impact.

  Then I had an idea. There was one place that I thought would be a lot of fun for a first real date. It was very laid back but it also provided an opportunity for entertainment.

  “How about pizza?’ I asked.

  “Pizza is good,” she said.

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”


  My heart started pounding in my chest as I approached the door to Taylor’s suite. It was still a few minutes before seven and I wasn’t sure if it would be better for me to arrive early, so she’d think I was eager to see her, or arrive a few minutes late, so she’d think I was cool and collected.

  I didn’t feel cool and collected, though. I felt more nervous than I ever had playing hockey, even when I was being scouted for the team. For someone whose teammates called fearless I was a big pussy when it came to anything to do with Taylor.

  I wiped away the sweat that was starting to drip down my forehead but then my hand was all wet, so I wiped them on my only pair of black dress jeans.

  “Okay, Kian,” I said to myself. “Don’t fuck this up. You’ve got one more chance to score a goal. Don’t blow it.”

  I let out a long breath of air then inhaled deeply.

  It’s go time, I thought as I knocked on the door. Then time stood still as I waited for her to open it.

  When her door finally did open, my breath caught when I laid eyes on her. She was wearing a sexy sapphire colored top that fit just snug enough for my imagination to catch fire and tight black jeans that hugged her sexy little curves and made her ass scream grab me.

  I knew I had to be a gentleman but I didn’t want to be one. I wanted to do things with Taylor the right way and all of them involved sex.


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