Fire on Ice (Fire on Ice Series)

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Fire on Ice (Fire on Ice Series) Page 13

by Madison, Dakota

  “It doesn’t sound crazy because I feel the same way,” she admitted.

  We exited the car and we made our way to the café. I knew they would be serving nothing but rabbit food but also knew Taylor would just love it.

  And I was right. She smiled her big beaming smile after she took her first bite of her organic gluten-free spinach and red pepper wrap. And the fact that I could recite what she ordered concerned me but not as much as the fact that I was eating one, too. I wondered if I had to worry about growing a vagina.

  “This is delicious,” she stated as she devoured her meal. “Do you like yours?”

  I was so hungry I could have probably eaten the plate the meal was served on but I just gave her a nod and that seemed to make her happy. Making Taylor happy had become my new passion. Besides playing hockey, there was nothing that gave me more pleasure.

  “I may be too hungry to taste it,” I admitted.

  She looked up at me and asked, “So, tell me about your accent.”

  I grinned. “So you noticed that, huh?”

  “You’re definitely not from Arizona,” she stated.

  “Runt and I were recruited to play for the Firestorm. That’s how we ended up out here but we’re originally from Boston. The south side, not a great neighborhood, as you can probably imagine, but we got lucky because we both could play hockey and we got out.”

  “I guess you want to get to the national leagues someday?” she probed.

  “Who doesn’t? But I know it’s a long shot. I’ve been playing hockey since I was a kid. I always felt like I belonged on skates from the first time I put a pair on. But it’s an expensive sport. Runt and I both showed talent and we were lucky to get sponsors at an early age. I never could have gotten to where I am today without my sponsor. That and pure drive. Playing hockey is all I’ve ever wanted to do. It may be all I’m good at, I don’t know. But it’s definitely what I’m passionate about.”

  Taylor smiled. “I love it when you talk about hockey. Your eyes actually light up. I can tell how much you love it.”

  I’d never talked to a girl about my hopes and ambitions before. But I wanted Taylor to know that I was someone who was worth her time, someone who could take care of her, not just some fuck up from a shitty Boston neighborhood who’d never amount to anything.

  “I have a plan B,” I admitted. “If something happens and I never make it to the major leagues. Or if I get injured and I can’t play professionally anymore. I’ve been saving almost every penny I’ve made since I was a kid. I’m going to open a sports bar.”

  When Taylor looked at me, her eyes sparkled. “What is it?” I asked. I wanted to know what was behind the gleam.

  “I admire you so much,” she said. “You’re not like any other guy I’ve ever met. You work hard for what you want. You don’t expect anything to be given to you. And you don’t take anything for granted.”

  I nodded. “I definitely don’t take you sitting here with me for granted.”

  She furrowed her brow. “Why would you say that?”

  How could I say that I didn’t deserve someone like her? How could I tell her that she was so far out of my league it wasn’t even funny? How could I say that I would spend my entire life convincing her that I was worthy of her love, if that’s what it took?

  “You can have the pick of the litter, Princess, and here you sit with the straggly runt. And you’re asking why I would never take you for granted?”

  She frowned. “What makes you think you’re not the pick of the litter? Maybe I like the straggly runt. Maybe the straggly runt is the perfect match for me.”

  “I sure hope so,” I said as I put my hand to her cheek and caressed it. “Eat up,” I continued. “We’ve still got a long drive ahead of us and I’m still starving.”

  After we finished, we grabbed what was left of our super-vitamin booster strawberry smoothies and headed toward the exit.

  As we headed out of the café, I took in the scenery of downtown Scottsdale. It was definitely like no place I had ever been before. Everything was clean and perfect and exuded wealth. Even the air had a hint of affluence to it.

  I wasn’t paying too much attention to what was going on until Taylor stopped dead in her tracks. “Oh, my God,” she muttered.

  I looked around but the only thing I saw was a hipster looking dude walking toward us.

  “Crap,” Taylor exclaimed as the guy got closer to us.

  She grabbed my hand and held it so tight that I thought I might lose circulation. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  Before I could ask a follow up question, the hipster stopped right in front of us. He was almost as tall as I was but I probably outweighed him by about 30 pounds. He was fit but lean. What I didn’t like about him, though, was the way he carried himself. It was obvious he had money, lots of it, but it was all from mommy and daddy. And even though he probably never lifted a finger to earn a cent in his life, he acted like he owned the world and everyone in it.

  When the hipster prick looked at Taylor like she was a piece of meat for the taking, it took every ounce of restraint I had not to beat him to a bloody pulp right there on the sidewalk.

  When he crooned, “Hey, Taylor” it just made me want to punch him even more.

  But then I noticed Taylor’s reaction to the guy and my protective instincts went into overdrive. She looked frozen with horror like she expected the guy to attack her right there in the middle of downtown Scottsdale. I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close.

  “You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” the hipster said as he eyed me. It didn’t take the prick long to size me up and conclude I wasn’t worthy of any further consideration.

  Taylor seemed to be rendered speechless. She didn’t say a word, she just stared at him.

  “And who the fuck are you?” I said a little too loudly for the posh environment. I realized I had to tone it down when two women walking on the other side of the street actually gave me the stink eye.

  The hipster crossed his arms over his chest and gave me the most condescending look I’d ever seen. “Blake Woods,” he said like he was some hot shot and I was supposed to recognize his name.

  “I met Blake at the cast party my sister took me to last night,” Taylor said for my benefit.

  “And she never mentioned you the entire night,” Blake said snidely. I knew he was making it sound like they were together just to piss me off. “Or maybe she just didn’t think you were worth mentioning.”

  When my breathing starting to get heavy with anger and my fists tightened into hard balls of rage, Taylor placed her hand on my chest in an effort to calm me down.

  Blake crossed his arms over his chest and looked down his nose at me. “You don’t look like a psychology major. You don’t even look like a student at all.”

  “I’m not,” I replied through gritted teeth.

  “Kian plays for the Firestorm. He’s a professional hockey player.” I thought I heard a bit of pride in Taylor’s voice when she said it, which surprised me. But it didn’t take long for the hipster to shoot that down.

  “That’s not even a national team,” Blake sneered. Then he looked at Taylor. “Do you really think he’s going to make it to the NHL from some two-bit minor league team in Northern Arizona?”

  “He’s doing what he loves and what he’s good at. That’s what’s important.”

  I couldn’t have loved Taylor any more than at that moment. I knew she wasn’t dating me because I played hockey but that statement affirmed that she liked me just for me, which I can’t say anyone else ever had, not even Runt.

  “When you get tired of slumming it with the jock, you know where to find me.” Blake gave Taylor a look like he wanted to fuck her right there in the middle of the street and I completely lost it.

  I grabbed the prick by his shirt collar and got in his face. “What the fuck did you just say?” I spat.

  “Dude, chill,” he said with a bit of s
train in his voice. “I was just playing around.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t want you playing with me and I definitely don’t want you playing with Taylor, got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it,” he said with resignation. I got the feeling he was not going to give up that easily though and that he’d continue to go after Taylor. It was obvious he thought I was just a little diversion for her and when she got tired of playing around with me, he’d be waiting with open arms.

  Well, I wasn’t going anywhere and there was no way in Hell I would ever let someone like him anywhere near Taylor. I had already sized him up. He was the worst kind of asshole. I may have been with a lot of women but at least I was always completely honest with them. I could tell this prick lied through his teeth to get what he wanted then took pleasure in breaking the girls’ hearts.

  I let go of the asshole and dropped him to the ground. He looked around to make sure no one saw the exchange between us then he straightened up his collar.

  He didn’t look me in the eye again even though I really wanted him to. I wanted to intimidate the hell out of him with my glare.

  “I’m meeting my parents for lunch,” he said to Taylor. “At one of the restaurants we own.”

  I wanted to say: you don’t own shit, it’s your parents who own it you prick, what have you done to earn it? But I decided to keep my big mouth shut and just let the guy leave.

  When his declaration of wealth and status was not met with any impressed comments or looks from Taylor, like I’m sure he hoped, he simply said, “I guess I’ll see you around.” Then he took off.

  Taylor took a deep breath to compose herself then said, “That guy really gives me the creeps.”

  I grinned. “I guess that means you’re not going to take him up on his offer after you’re done slumming it with me?”

  She looked up at me with her big brown eyes. “There’s nothing I look forward to more than slumming it with my minor league hockey jock.”

  That made me laugh and then she started to laugh with me and any tension that was left in the air from the hipster prick completely dissipated.



  I felt a surge of panic when Kian parked in front of my building and turned off the engine. I wanted to give myself to Kian. I wanted us to be intimate. Every time he drew me close and our bodies touched, I wanted more. I felt a deep and urgent desire to be with him but I was still scared. The physical desire I felt toward him was so strong it was almost overpowering but I wasn’t sure I was mentally and emotionally ready to go all the way. But I was also afraid if I didn’t, he’d find other opportunities to get what he needed, the same way Austin did.

  When Kian turned to face me, his eyes filled with concern. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I couldn’t find the courage to say: I’m afraid you’ll find other girls to fulfill your needs if I don’t fulfill them for you.

  Kian cupped my face with his large hands. “Please tell me what’s bothering you.”

  I swallowed. My throat felt so dry, I wasn’t sure I could get the words out. But I knew I had to say it or it would eat me alive. “I’m scared,” I finally managed to choke out.

  Kian furrowed his brow. “Of what?”

  I inhaled then hoped the words would come out after I expelled the breath. “I want to be with you.” I looked into his eyes. “I really want to be with you.” He gave me the slightest hint of a smile. “But I’m not sure I’m ready.”

  “It’s okay,” he said trying to reassure me. “I don’t want to do anything until you’re totally sure.”

  I averted his gaze and looked down at my jeans. “I’m afraid that you’ll find other girls to fulfill your needs if I don’t.”

  I could feel the tears flowing down my cheeks. Kian put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up so he could look into my eyes. “Please don’t cry.”

  He wiped the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs then placed soft butterfly kisses in their place.

  “I don’t want anyone else but you, Taylor,” he whispered. “You and only you.”

  When he placed a soft kiss on my lips, the need to be with him began to slowly simmer deep inside me. Maybe I was ready for more. Maybe all I needed was his reassurance and for him to tell me that I was the only one he wanted to be with.

  Was I really ready to take the risk and finally break down all the walls I had built once and for all? Kian already had my heart. Was I ready to give him my body, too? I knew he wanted all of me. I could see it in his eyes every time he looked at me.

  At that moment, I realized I wanted all of him, too. I decided to take the risk and push down the damn wall once and for all. I felt like Kian was worth it.

  “Come up to my suite,” I whispered in his ear.

  He swallowed. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded.

  I could see he was thinking about it then he finally agreed.

  As soon as the front door to my suite shut, he took me into his arms and held me. Just held me. Then he looked into my eyes and said, “Promise me you’ll let me know if you want to stop. You have to promise me.”

  “I will,” I assured him.

  It quickly became clear that Kian was not just fire on ice. He was just as hot off the ice too.

  When his mouth crashed into mine, it was like a wildfire had been unleashed and I was burning under its intense heat. His heat raged through my body as his tongue thrust between my lips and explored every part of my mouth.

  And when his smoldering hot hands grabbed my ass and pulled me close, I let out a grasp of pleasure when I felt the erection bulging in his jeans.

  “I’ve wanted you from the first time I saw you in that bar reading your book. I’ve never wanted anyone more.”

  He lifted me so that my legs wrapped around his waist and he carried me to my bed, where he gently placed me. Then he lay down next to me and took up where he left off with his tongue thrust into my mouth. He tasted both sweet and salty at the same time.

  Then he looked at me and gently ran his thumb down my cheek. “You’re so beautiful,” he said as our eyes locked.

  When I realized I was nervously biting my lips, Kian gave me a small half grin. “Those lips are so sexy.”

  He devoured them again, biting and nipping on them. I let out a small moan of pleasure.

  Kian then tested the waters by reaching for the top button of my shirt. “Is this okay?” he asked.

  I nodded and he continued unbuttoning my shirt. The look on his face reminded me of a kid on Christmas morning finally getting to open a present he had been waiting to open.

  When my shirt was completely unbuttoned he slowly removed it from my shoulders, kissing each one as it was exposed. Once my shirt was completely off and thrown to the side of the bed, he carefully rubbed his thumb against the lace bra I was wearing, awakening my nipples to his touch. I closed my eyes and relished the touch of his thumb on my breast.

  Then he carefully removed each strap of my bra and replaced it with a light kiss on each shoulder. He was quite skilled at quickly opening the bra clasp and freeing my breasts and he didn’t waste any time in moving his mouth to my breasts, sucking and nibbling on each of my nipples until they were hard and erect.

  He pleasured my breasts with his tongue and mouth until I moaned in delight. I was experiencing sensations that were so intense and new, it was a bit overwhelming. My limited experience with Austin in no way prepared me for the thrill I was experiencing in Kian’s arms.

  “Do you like what I’m doing?” Kian whispered. He seemed to have a bit of concern in his voice.

  “Very much,” I breathed.

  Kian worked his tongue down my stomach and when he teased my belly button, I nearly cried out in pure pleasure. I could feel shivers run through my entire body as I was overtaken with overwhelming need to feel Kian inside me.

  When he got to the top button of my jeans, Kian glanced up at me and I nodded. He slowly undid my button and
unzipped my pants then helped me wiggle out of my tight jeans which joined the rest of my clothes on the floor.

  He carefully moved his hand between my legs and glanced up at me to see my reaction. I have to admit I felt my heartbeat accelerate as I thought about how real the situation was getting.

  It had been nearly three years since the first and only time I had sex. But this experience felt so much different. Kian was so much different than Austin. He was gentler and more considerate and seemed to care more about pleasing me than pleasing himself. Austin seemed to be all about the conquest and getting off as quickly as he could.

  As Kian gently stroked me through my lace underwear, I yearned for more. I lifted my hips so he would get the hint to take my underwear off, which he quickly obliged.

  He moved up the bed and crashed his mouth into mine. As our lips and tongues worked magic together, he moved two fingers between my legs and inserted them into me. I let out a gasp because I realized how tight I was and Kian froze.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Did I hurt you?”

  I shook my head. “It’s just—well—it’s been a long time since I—”

  He kissed me again. “I think this will help,” he said as he made his way down the bed until his mouth was between my legs.

  When he moved his tongue between my folds, I gasped. No guy had ever done that before. As he continued to lick and suck and tease my clit, I squirmed in delight.

  It didn’t take long for me to become completely lost in the pleasure of Kian’s skillful tongue. When he grabbed my legs and pulled closer so he could plunge his tongue into my depths, I cried out in delight.

  It took just a few more skillful flicks of his tongue before I reached orgasm and shuddered in delight. “Oh, Kian,” I moaned.

  “Did you like that?” he teased.

  “I loved it,” I muttered.

  “That’s only the beginning, Princess.”

  When Kian removed his shirt, my mouth fell open. He had the most muscular chest I had ever laid eyes on. Amazing did not even begin to describe his huge arms and abs. “Like what you see?” he teased.


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