Teacher's Plans

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Teacher's Plans Page 9

by JoAnn Carter

  Feeling totally tongue-tied at this point she quietly said, “Oh…”

  Albert called to Amanda from his room. “Who’s on the phone, Mandy?”

  “Oops. That’s my brother. He’s calling for me. Guess I better go see if he needs anything.”

  “No problem, I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. We’re all praying for your brother, too.”

  “Thanks for the prayers and for calling.”

  “Sure thing. I guess I’ll see you soon then?” Tracy questioned.

  “I’m still waiting for my mom and dad to call tonight to give us an update on how things are going in Florida. They’re away on business.” Looking at the clock on the table, she continued, “I think I’ll be in school on Monday, but if for some reason my parents don’t make it back, do you think you could hold down the fort?”

  “We’ll be fine.” Tracy confidently said. “Hurry home soon anyway, okay?”

  “I’ll try. Take care.” Albert called out again wanting to know who was on the phone. Amanda, needing to stretch her legs anyway, got up and went into his room.

  Amanda nonchalantly said, “It was just my assistant from school.”

  Albert looked at her with at questioning frown. “What did she want on Thanksgiving Day?”

  Amanda picked up a fake lint on the rug so she wouldn’t have to look at him as she said, “It’s a ‘he’ not a ‘she’.” When she stood up, she saw the grin on his face. Amanda sighed, “Before you make any wise guy comments, Tracy just called to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “Uh-huh...” Not wanting to hear what he had to say, she practically ran out of the room and closed the door behind her.


  Things were not going as planned. It was Monday and she was supposed to be back home by now, getting ready for school. Only problem was, her parents’ flight was delayed. It was time to resort to plan “B”. After calling the principal to let her know what was happening, Amanda dialed Tracy’s number.

  Tracy picked up after two rings. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Tracy, it’s me, Amanda.”

  “I know. I could tell by your voice. How’s it going?”

  “It depends on how you look at it.” Amanda sighed. “Albert is doing much better but my parents aren’t here yet. Their flight has been delayed until at least tomorrow night.”

  “Um. Does this mean you’re not coming home yet?”

  “You got it.”

  Softly, he said, “I was looking forward to seeing you.”

  Feeling a little courageous, she admitted, “I was looking forward to seeing you, too.”

  “You were?”

  Amanda laughed. “Well, anyway, I spoke to the principal earlier and told her I would call you and touch base to let you know what’s happening. She’s setting up a substitute assistant to help you until Wednesday.”

  “Hum. I get to be…in charge. Scary thought, huh?” Tracy mumbled.

  Call it intuition, or whatever, but she suddenly realized that how she answered his question was important to him. But why?

  “Not at all. I have all the confidence in the world that you’ll do fine. Besides, there’s a rough outline of all the teaching plans for next week on my desk.”

  “I’m sure I won’t have any trouble, but it won’t be the same without you.”

  The funny feeling she just had left as quick as it came. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  “It’s a deal. I hope your brother will soon be back on his feet.”

  “Thanks. He goes for his check-up tomorrow.”

  “Well then, I’ll keep praying.”

  Amanda ran out of things to say. “I guess I’d better go. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  “All right. Thanks for the call.”

  “My pleasure.”


  It was Tuesday after Thanksgiving and Amanda was getting antsy to be back home. With a bright smile, she said, “Albert, that swelling has really gone down. I know it’s still painful, but I’m encouraged to see you moving around more freely.”

  “I think I know what you’re leading up to, Sis.” Albert said with one of his dimples showing. “You’re getting ready to leave me, right? Just when I was getting used to your fussing.”

  “Well, Mom’s planning on coming over tonight. If you think you still need me to stay…”

  Now giving Amanda a full smile, he said, “I’m a big boy. I think I can manage being by myself for a few hours.” He laughed. “Besides, I’m sure if Mom gets held up tonight, she’ll be here tomorrow. Those antibiotics have definitely made a big difference. Most of my other joints are feeling almost back to normal. I’m not the first one with Lyme Disease, and I’m sure I won’t be the last either. It’ll just take time for me to bounce back.”

  “Let me lay my cards on the table. If you have even a shadow of a doubt that you would be anything but all right on your own, I’m staying put. However, if you are totally convinced…”

  Albert brought up his lengthy frame to grab a pillow to throw at her. “Go on, shoo. Get out of here! Mom will be here soon. Go see your kids that you’ve been talking my ear off about. And , your mysterious assistant too.”

  Amanda dodged the pillow. “Okay, okay.” She pretended to pout, “I know when I’m no longer wanted.” Albert laid his head back down. Sighing heavily, he said, “Oh Mandy, all kidding aside for a minute…thanks for coming to help me out. “

  Amanda shrugged away his thanks, “Stop! I don’t know how to handle you when you’re serious.” The room was quiet for a moment, as they were each in their own thoughts.

  Suddenly, Amanda joked, “Where’s my brother? I want him back.” Amanda was rewarded with a pillow in her face that she didn’t have the chance to dodge this time.

  Teacher's Plans

  Teacher's Plans

  Chapter Seven


  Carolyn, exhausted, flopped onto Amanda’s couch. “It seems hard to believe we need to be thinking about the church’s Christmas play already.”

  “Tell me about it.” Amanda smiled as she said, “I like their idea of adults performing for the kids this year. A change every now and then helps keep things fresh. I’m sure it will be a blast for everyone.”

  “Yeah, I was just thinking about that the other day.” Carolyn let out a hoot. “Can you picture Mrs. Davison, our old Sunday School teacher, taking part in a play?”

  Amanda had no trouble picturing Mrs. Davidson’s stern countenance and hawk-like gaze. Many Sundays Amanda sat in fear of what she had learned later to be one of the dearest souls in the world. After considering it for a moment, she shrugged her shoulders and quickly changed the subject. “What part did you end up taking anyway?”

  “Why…an angel, of course!”

  Amanda couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, of course. I should have known.” She laughed again when she saw how Carolyn tried to act as if she had just been insulted. “You’re such a card.” Taking a breath, Amanda assured her, “No, seriously, I’m sure you’ll do a great job in that role.”

  Carolyn questioned, “How about you? Have you made up your mind yet as to what role you want?” In an encouraging voice, she added, “No one has volunteered to play the part of Mary.”

  Amanda shook her head. “No, I haven’t decided yet. I wanted to see what parts were still available before I made my choice.”

  Carolyn had to look away as she said, “I hope you do decide you want Mary’s part because…” She quickly glanced at Amanda, “We thought you would do a great job in her role. So we…well, we…”

  Amanda’s eyebrows rose as she inquired, “We…what?”

  Carolyn reached for her coffee cup. “Well, since you’ve been away…and we had to assign the parts…” She gingerly took a sip and sheepishly said, “You kind-of got that part by default.”

  With a chuckle, she asked, “So, then why did you ask me what part I wanted?”

  “I thought it would be better if you thought it was your idea
.” Carolyn placed her coffee cup on the table and watched her friend intently. “Be honest, wouldn’t you have preferred it that way?”

  Amanda looked out the window. She couldn’t help but grin at Carolyn’s logic. “It’s really not a big deal. I’m willing to play the part of Mary if that’s where I’m needed.”

  A funny look crossed over Carolyn’s face. “Is there something wrong?” Amanda asked.

  “Wrong? Oh no! Well…” rising from the couch, she picked up her cup and carried it to the kitchen. “I’ve got to hit the road and run a few errands. I’ll see you tonight at practice.”

  “Okay.” Amanda followed Carolyn to the door. “Oh, and Carolyn,” Amanda waited until she had Carolyn’s full attention. “Did I ever tell you, you’re a great friend?”

  Carolyn gave Amanda a quick hug. “It takes a good friend to be a good friend.” With that, they parted company.


  It was chilly in the church basement where play practice was being held. April, their director, called the group together. “Okay, everyone. Let’s gather around. It’s cold, so we need to get some blood flowing and get started.” After April had everyone’s attention, she continued. “Since this is our first time together, we’ll just dramatically read through the parts. Feel free to move around if you want to. Let’s see how far we get and then we’ll work on specific staging directions. Okay?” Heads nodded in consent as she continued, “So then, we’ll begin with Mary and Joseph, over here.”

  Amanda got up and followed April’s instruction. As she sat down, she looked around to see who was playing Joseph. Tom walked toward her. Oh good, Tom will be perfect for this part . Amanda had known him for about two years through the college and career group they attended. He was a soft-spoken guy with a heart of gold. Amanda was surprised as he stepped past her and continued toward April.

  “Joseph is going to be a few minutes late. He said to start without him.” He glanced at his watch. “He should be here in about five minutes.”

  “Oh, that’s okay; it will take me that long to get everyone situated here.” April continued giving directions to the group. After a bit of arranging, she said, “Okay, everyone, I think we’re all set. Just one more thing before we’re ready to start.” Looking around, she asked, “Would anyone be willing to open us up in prayer?” Ben raised his hand to acknowledge her request. “Thanks, Ben.”

  Ben raised his voice as he prayed, “Thanks, Lord, for this opportunity to serve You through drama. I pray that our thoughts and actions would be pleasing to You. Father, I pray that even now, You would open the hearts of all those who will be watching this play to understand the love that You have for us. Thank you for April’s willingness to take on this project. Bless her and guide her as she in turn guides us. We ask this all in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  Amanda glanced at the door as the prayer ended. Tracy had walked in and was walking toward her. When he was within speaking distance from her, he nodded his head in acknowledgment. “Hello, do you know where I’m suppose to go?”

  Surprised to see Tracy, she asked, “Hey, what other hidden talents do you have that I don’t know about?”

  Tracy smiled broadly and winked. “You’ll just have to stick close and find out for yourself.”

  Amanda laughed. “Perhaps I will. What role are you playing?”

  Tracy folded one arm across his waist and the other behind his back, bowed and said, “Joseph. At your service, ma’am.”

  “No kidding?”

  “Nope, no kidding. How about you?”

  Feeling her face grow warm, she softly said, “I’m Mary.”

  It was Tracy’s turn to look surprised. “Well, what do you know about that.”

  While they were both digesting this information, April approached them. Addressing Tracy, she said, “Great, you’re here.” She turned to the group at large and raised her voice so everyone could hear. “Okay, let’s give it a go.”

  Tracy grinned at Amanda as April put everyone in his or her positions. “This is going to be fun.”

  Amanda shook herself out of her stupor and felt a thrill of excitement run through her at the look Tracy was giving her. She took her cue from April and read her lines without a glitch. As the evening wore on, she felt more and more comfortable acting the part of Mary. By the time they finished, she thought, Tracy was right. That was fun. Amanda started gathered her things, preparing to leave.

  By chance, Tom walked by Tracy and Amanda, loudly announcing, “Hey you two, you guys make quite the couple.” He quirked his eyebrow up. “Is this just terrific acting on both of your parts or do you two really have something going?”

  A group of guys from the choir started singing, “Love is in the air…” Before Amanda could say anything, Tracy made light of it all by saying, “Are you trying to tell us we’ve been voted the best actor and actress here?”

  Amanda threw Tracy a thankful glance before she picked up her gear. She needed to get out of there—fast.


  “You’ve got some explaining to do, miss.” Amanda insisted.

  Carolyn crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Me? What do you mean? She innocently asked.

  “You know full well.” Amanda tried to use a firm voice, “Now I know why you had that funny look on your face when we were talking about our parts. Are you by any chance trying your hand at a little match-making?”

  “Oh, that.” For a mere second, Carolyn looked as if she might be slightly uncomfortable.

  “Yes, that.”

  “You two did a great job.”

  “That’s not the point, Carolyn. You withheld some pretty important information.”

  “And for good reason.” Carolyn put her hands on her hips. “I thought it would be better to just let it go and then you’d see it was a good fit.”

  Amanda didn’t know whether to scream or laugh. “Okay, perhaps you’re right, but it doesn’t get you off the hook either.”

  Carolyn shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Sorry?”

  Amanda put her hand on her hip. “Is that a question?”

  “It shouldn’t be, should it? But you two belong in those roles.”

  “Why? Anyone could play Mary.”

  “There wouldn’t be that special something you two have though.”

  It was like a warning signal went off in her brain, dangerous water. “What do you mean? Granted, we have become good friends but that’s all.”

  Holding up her hands in the air, Carolyn said, “Okay, whatever you say, but I’ve never seen you connect with any guy the way you do with Tracy.”

  Amanda thought about that for a moment. Was it true? She brushed it off. “I guess because we’re with each other so much in school and then at church.”

  “Or perhaps there really is that something special…”Carolyn let her sentence trail off.

  Amanda didn’t want to face that possibility. “You’re going to make me nervous around him now.”


  “Why, because I’m not going to be able to be myself around Tracy if I’m trying to find this ‘something special’ you’re so convinced of.”

  Exasperated, Carolyn said, “I need to pray for you more.”

  “Now what does that mean?”

  “It means plain and simple, you need to let go and let God. You know what your problem is? You’re too comfortable.”

  Thoughts of her conversation with Mrs. Howe suddenly popped into her mind. What’s with everyone lately? Me and God were doing just fine on our own, thank you very much! “There is nothing wrong with being content.” Amanda said defiantly. “That is what God wants us to be.”

  “There is a difference between contentment and complacency.” Carolyn said before turning away.


  Soft snow floated and danced down from the sky.

  “Miss Manning?” Allie called as she ran from the swings.

  Amanda looked into the girl’s dark brown eyes. “Yes, Allie?”

sp; “I like to try to catch snowflakes on my tongue, do you?”

  Amanda laughed as she watched the delighted little girl stick out her tongue. “I do,” she agreed.

  Allie put her tongue back into her mouth and stood up tall. With a serious voice, she said, “My mom is getting a wedding ring from her boyfriend for Christmas.”

  “Really? What do you think about that?”


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