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Teacher's Plans Page 17

by JoAnn Carter

  Tracy held the door open for her. “That sounds good.”

  Amanda set her things down and went into the kitchen to put on some coffee. Tracy followed her into the kitchen. After Amanda scooped the coffee into the filter, she turned to Tracy. “I’ve thought about the job you offered me.”

  Tracy looked at her hopefully.

  “Here have a seat.” Amanda offered him before flipping the coffeepot’s switch. “In the past, I’ve always spent my summer doing a variety of things like working at Cone Heads and hanging out with my family and friends.” She joined him at the table, grabbed a napkin and played with the corner. “They get a little neglected during the school year. Plus, there’s always Vacation Bible School.”

  Tracy folded his arms across his chest.

  Amanda continued, “I do appreciate the offer, but I think I should stick to what I had already planned.”

  Tracy nodded. “I guess I really don’t blame you for that. It sounds like you have a full summer already.”

  “They always do go by quick.” She agreed.

  Tracy traced the pattern of the tablecloth before asking, “Are you sure that’s the only reason you’re saying no?”

  She avoided his penetrating gaze by going to the refrigerator and picking out the half and half. “Tracy, I wish I could say the ending of your position has nothing to do with it, but I don’t know if that would be completely honest. It’s one thing to forgive and another to completely forget and not be impacted by it.”

  “I was hoping…” Tracy shrugged his shoulders. “Well, never mind. That coffee smells good; is it ready?”

  Amanda took the pot, eager to let the conversation about the job proposal drop. “It looks like it’s finished.” She poured him a cup. “Do you have any other plans for your summer or will this project take up all your time?”

  Tracy frowned. “I’m hoping it won’t take that long. I haven’t even been gone from this sleepy little town for a week and I already miss it, not to mention the people.” He looked intently at Amanda. “I really could see myself settling down here in the future.”

  No way was she about to ask what he meant. So instead she agreed with the comment at face value. “It’s a quaint little town. I love it here, too.”

  Tracy enjoyed his coffee piping hot and quickly drained the cup. “Well, I better be going. Would you like to go to a movie or out to dinner sometime next week?”

  Amanda bit her bottom lip. She wasn’t about to step into the frying pan where Tracy was concerned again. “Let me think about that. I’ll keep in touch.”

  “Okay. I’ll be counting on that.” He looked at her hesitantly for another moment as if trying to figure out if he should say more. Finally, with a nod of his head, he walked to the door. “Well, then, for now…” He put his finger to his head in a small salute as he left.

  Amanda closed the door and put her back against it. Slowly blowing out the deep breath she had taken, she thought, “Well, that’s that. Perhaps now my life can get back to normal.” But a little thought was nagging her. Is that what you really want?


  The Tuesday following Memorial Day was dedicated to the celebration of the war veterans. The students participated in a school-wide parade and attended special assemblies throughout the day with hands-on type learning projects to present U.S. history in a fresh way. There were things like The Betsy Ross Flag Making Shop, setting up Camp Obstacle Course relays and other fun activities.

  “Joey,” Amanda said in a frustrated voice, “You need to stand still. This hat will never go on right.”

  Joey’s squirming stopped. “Ah, Miss Manning. I’m just excited. I’ve never been in a parade before.”

  Amanda finished with his hat and turned him around to face her. “I know you haven’t.” With a big smile, she said, “You’re going to do great.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “That’s it, everyone, time for our Memorial Day celebration…in other words, parade time!”

  The students all rushed to get into line.

  Ralph was a tremendous help throughout the morning. The students rounded the corner to the front of the building for the final lap around the school. Amanda paraded right in the middle of her students. All of a sudden, she had the feeling someone was watching her. She looked around at all the smiling faces of families and friends of the students. Her eyes widened, as she saw Tracy standing in the midst of the crowd. Tracy waved to her. Amanda’s heart did the regular flip-flop at the sight of him. Lord, I still love him, but it would never work. Heal my heart. She gave him a small smile before April, standing next to her, tripped. Reaching out her hand to steady the girl, Amanda gently asked, “You okay?”

  “Yep. I wonder if Betsy Ross tripped in these long skirts, too?”

  Amanda chuckled. “Well, I’m sure she had a lot of practice wearing long dresses.” She patted the girl’s shoulder. “April, I think you’re doing a super job.”

  April proudly raised her flag a little higher and grinned. “I am.”

  Amanda, trying to conceal her smile, looked around again to see if she could find Tracy in the crowd one more time. I wonder what he’s doing here .

  Not having any more time to contemplate about Tracy, she gathered the students together to take them to the Assembly Room. The parents were invited to stay for the children’s concert. However, the room was very full, with no seats to spare. After making sure all of her students had a spot in their designated row, she and Ralph stood off to the side together. Amanda’s gaze wandered around looking for Tracy without her even consciously thinking about it. Finally, she spotted him. The muscle in his cheek was jumping back and forth. He seemed to be in serious conversation with Carolyn. Quite suddenly, they both looked over at her. She felt her face flush as she looked away and tried to put her total focus on what was happening around her.

  Ralph leaned over close to Amanda. “Look at Sam. He’s really getting into his role. He just formally bowed to April.” They both laughed together. Amanda glanced once again at Tracy. Frowning, he turned and quickly walked out of the room. Now, what’s that all about?

  Even with all the activities, the day went on forever. As the final student left, she rushed over to Carolyn’s room. “Carolyn, what was Tracy doing here?”

  Carolyn looked up from her papers. “Oh, girl, you’ve got yourself into hot water now.” Amanda felt confused. Carolyn continued, “Tracy wasn’t too happy to see that you had been given a male assistant. I’m sure Tracy noticed Ralph’s excellent with the kids.” She looked accusingly at Amanda and asked, “Why did you make it look like you and Ralph were completely enjoying each other’s company at the assembly today?”

  “Because we were.”

  Carolyn put her hands on her hips. “That makes no difference. It was like rubbing Ralph in Tracy’s face,” she added unmercifully.

  She couldn’t help smiling. “You mean, he was jealous? But, Ralph, he’s just…”

  Carolyn impatiently waved her hand. “I know, I know, but Tracy doesn’t. I tried to tell him, but I guess I wasn’t as convincing as whatever you and Ralph found so amusing.”

  Amanda hung her head down. “Oh, I didn’t…” She may not want to love him, but neither did she want to hurt him. After a minute, Amanda picked her head up and walked to the door. Turning around before she left, she said in a defeated voice, “Maybe it’s for the best.”

  Carolyn ran after Amanda. “Girl, do you need your head examined?” Instantly regretting her bluntness, she said, “I’m sorry. I had no right.” She gave Amanda a quick hug and asked, “Would you please just pray about this before you completely write Tracy off?”

  Amanda felt her eyes get moist. Completely write him off? Nothing could be farther from the truth. She had been falling in love with him and now…her heart was so raw inside, it hurt to think of him. How could Carolyn expect her to just turn her heart off and return to a friendship with him?

  “Tracy told me everything about his work so you don’t need to side-ste
p the issue any more.”


  “Yep. He also told me about the position he offered you.”

  Amanda nodded.

  “Amanda, I think you should rethink that offer.”

  “But why? I’m not about to set myself up to get hurt again.”

  Carolyn nodded her head. “All the more reason to take it. That way you can prove to yourself that a friendship doesn’t have to end just because a job did.” Carolyn rubbed the back of her neck. “Look, I’m not saying you need to date the guy or anything. I just think this will help you to be able to move on with your life.”

  Amanda looked past Carolyn for a moment while she thought about it. “I’m not going to make any promises but I’ll pray about it.”


  Teacher's Plans

  Teacher's Plans

  Chapter Thirteen


  June was always a bittersweet time for Amanda. Because of the amount of time she spent with her students, it always made her feel a little sad at the idea of some of them moving on, but that was one of the perks of working in Special Education. For better or worse, there was usually quite a bit of continuity from year-to-year. However, this year she was going to be losing many of her students who made huge leaps in their progress.

  Her thoughts immediately went to Joey. She was so proud of the strides he had made this year . He really is finishing his year strong. I almost wish I had more time to work with him. Thinking of Joey, her mind quickly wandered to Tracy. She tried to ignore those mental images as she shuffled through some papers on her desk.

  Joey came running into her room looking hot and upset.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m not going.” Joey looked ready to burst into tears.

  Amanda came out from behind her desk and put a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s have a seat, shall we?” After seeing that he was settled in a chair, she asked in a concerned voice, “Okay, what’s this all about.”

  Joey lifted his chin and stubbornly declared, “I am not going.”

  Trying to understand what was upsetting him so much, she asked, “Where is it you’re not going?”

  He kicked the chair in front of him. “I’m not going to no different school. First, Mr. Atkins leaves and now they want me to leave.” He continued defiantly, “But, I’m not. You just wait and see.”

  Amanda took in a quick breath. Oh, so there are going to be some late repercussions from Tracy’s leaving after all. She leaned closer to him and softly said, “Joey, you are doing so well in your studies. By moving to the next grade, you will be able to reach further and do even more wonderful things.” Amanda could see that he remained unconvinced. “It would really make me proud to see you do well in fifth grade. I know Mr. Atkins would want that, too.”

  Joey nodded his head as if he were disgusted, “Oh, he doesn’t care.”

  Amanda said, “Of course, he does.” She needed to get Tracy and Joey together for a talk. “Look, would it be okay if I told Mr. Atkins how you are feeling?”

  Joey looked up with what almost seemed to be a grin. It was so quick that Amanda thought she must have imagined it. He quickly looked back down and said in a sad, slow voice, “I guess so. Well, I gotta go now.”

  Amanda walked him to the door. “We’ll talk more about this later, okay?”

  Still looking down at the floor as he left, he said, “Okay.”

  Amanda stood looking after him as she noticed Janice passing in the hall. Amanda waved to her. “Wow, Joey’s having a tough time, huh?”

  Janice looked confused, “About what?”

  Amanda said in a surprised voice, “He was just in here with me. He doesn’t want to go to the middle school.”

  “Really? He never mentioned it to me.” Janice glanced toward her classroom door and said, “I’ll make sure I keep an eye on him and see if he brings it up. I’ll let you know if he does.”

  “Thanks.” Amanda said. “I’m going to give Tracy a call. I think they should get together to have a little chat. Joey brought him up quite a bit.”

  “That might be a good idea.” She walked away.

  Amanda turned back to her room to try and locate Tracy’s work number. Carolyn came in the classroom whistling. Amanda looked up from her desk and asked, “Why are you so happy?”

  Carolyn gave a carefree wave, “Why not?” Giving Amanda a cute grin, she said, “I know we were going to get together tonight to bake those cookies, but I’m going to need to postpone it. Would that be okay?”

  Amanda busy with her own thoughts mumbled, “Sure, sure that’s fine. Now if I could just…” her voice trailed off as she continued trying to locate Tracy’s work number. She could feel Carolyn looking over her shoulder, but she didn’t even stop to shoo her away. Finally, she found it. “Ah ha!”

  She took the paper out of the folder as Carolyn said, “Well, I’m off. See you tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” Amanda said absentmindedly. She picked up the phone and dialed Tracy’s work number.

  “Tracy Atkins here.”

  Hearing his voice reminded her of how much she missed seeing his smile, feeling his gentle touch on her arm, simply being near him. She gave herself a mental shake and then said, “Hi, Tracy.”


  “Yeah, it’s me.” Amanda knew her mind could do funny things where Tracy was concerned so it made her wonder if it was her imagination that made it seem like his voice suddenly seemed lighter.

  “How’ve you been?”

  There it was again. It wasn’t just her mind playing tricks. Amanda played with a paperweight on her desk. “I’m okay. I’m calling because I need to ask you a favor.”

  Without hesitation, Tracy said, “You name it.”

  “I was wondering if you could meet with Joey.” She peeked at the clock. “I know you will be leaving work soon. Should I call you at home? I could fill you in on all the details.”

  Tracy asked, “How about if I just meet you somewhere? I don’t have anything real pressing.”

  Amanda said, “Sure. That sounds good.”

  “Remind me that I owe Joey one, will you?”

  Amanda cleared her throat. With a grin that seemed to have a mind of its own, she tried to say in her best schoolmarm voice, “This is strictly business.”

  Tracy chuckled. “Yes ma’am! Can I pick you up?”

  Trying not to sound too eager, she said, “That would be fine. How about in an hour or so?”

  “Got it. I’ll see you then.” In Tracy’s excitement, Amanda was rewarded with a dead phone line.

  Humph! She thought to herself.


  Amanda flew home, put on a fresh coat of lipstick and fluffed her hair. When his knock sounded at her door, she grabbed her purse and peered out the window. The mere sight of Tracy made her heart do double-time. She took a deep breath and answered the door. “Hello.”

  Tracy gave her a half grin that turned Amanda’s insides to mush. “It’s good to see you again. I’ve missed you,” he said softly.

  In a rush, it hit her just how much she had longed to be with him as well. With a soft sigh, she looked away. “Thanks. I’ve…well, I’ve missed you, too.” Not wanting to sound too personal she looked up at him and added, “The children all miss you as well.”

  Tracy looked pensive, “Shall we go to dinner?”

  Amanda felt awkward during the drive to the diner. She kept reminding herself to guard her heart. However, once they arrived and ordered their food, the feeling of camaraderie they had shared for so many months seemed to return as the conversation flowed from one topic to the next. Amanda told him all that Joey had shared with her earlier. Tracy promised to meet with Joey, even as soon as tomorrow if he wanted to. After they lingered in the diner for as long as they could, Tracy reluctantly said, “Well, I guess I should take you home.”

  Amanda secretly wished they could spend more time together and then mentally kicked herself. What are you thin
king? Instead she muttered, “Yes, I guess it is that time.”

  After pulling up to Amanda’s house, Tracy shut off the engine and came around to open her door. They walked in silence until they got close to the house.

  “Amanda, I wish we could do this more often. I…well I…I don’t mean getting together to talk about Joey.” Putting his hand on the rail, he clarified it. “I mean spending time with each other.”

  Amanda put her hand on his arm to stop him. “I know what you mean.” She withdrew her hand. Could she see him and still protect her heart? She doubted it. So why was she teeter-tottering all of a sudden? “Let me think on it, okay?”


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