Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 7

by Theodore Daniels

  Needless to say, his Karin, Shepard shocked when, during a conversation with quarian, his wisdom. Chakwas persuading quarian. Quiet and peaceful verbanula. Who could reasonably be of organic could expect such a professional and efficient recruitment of hermit sickbay frigate? But no one in principle. A Chakwas Major Medical Service Alliance failed. It is capital of the brain properly vented quarian. He forced her to grow up in a few tens of minutes of conversation thirty years.

  Listening Chakwas, spoke with quarian, Shepard did not just then wanted to enter in MedLab and just give it to her, Karin, a sign of the spectrum. To recognize their own insignificance before the power of it, Major medical service of the Alliance with its unique specialization, intelligence and reason. Clearly and fully recognize. And then as soon as possible to achieve formal assignment Karin Spectre status. To sign was not just a brooch.

  Then for quarian he took Anderson. In the presence of Shepard quarian he made to regret their words. Probably a dozen regret three times. The most profoundly regret. Meeting with Yavikom made quarian change even deeper. And then Tali were presented the two-Turian Spectre. As a result, quarian was crushed, disassembled into its component parts and assembled again .... Yavik then passed the information to her. Important information that corresponds to that expected from quarian normandovtsy - to become an admiral, Admiral quarian existing fleet. Admiral wartime.

  When Tali looked to Chakwas just before flying away ... Shepard, to monitor the situation, he did not believe the words Chakwas. She miscalculated his First Mate John. It really was cool to attempts to charm him that future greenskin asari, he did not yield to the obvious signs of favor to him the most Chakwas. Not all cases of this kind of remember them? He actually waited for the one who is inclined to bow himself to the highest appreciation. It is now understood, I was waiting for the emergence of a number of Svetlana Strel'tsova. That very Impatiens, wonks, Zauchka and careerists. That most of the Rock, which was not a rock. The one whose love for him really showed - Svetlana equal to him in everything. And both of them is not necessary to foolishly spend time event to attempt to find out who is the best of the two of them, and who is more important. How then could it calculate Karin, he did not know. And knew that he would never know. It was that hid under a phrase "the wisdom of a mature woman." Only Karin Chakwas with her life experience would be able to quickly and fully understand that.

  The crew of the frigate was waiting for a new piece of work. "Citadel" operation. The ship left from Ferosa. He left, completing their mission on the planet in its entirety.

  Meanwhile detachment approached the dwarf planet Koydatiks, where, as reported Vaults geology of gold deposits have been discovered. Unfortunately, not local, but only tunes to an asteroid, relatively recently, in geological, of course, measures, faced with the planet. As a result of the collision of the planet's mass was ejected into space, forming several irregularly shaped moons. Next to the moons orbiting stations were built, inhabited by including turians, narёkshimi planet. Retreat to the population of these stations as Shepard realized habitually Example of a small planet a number of typical attacks and capture scenarios, it was almost nowhere. The Reapers attack under any escape route would have been successful, and most importantly - quickly blocked by the superior forces of shrimp troops and then the fate of the refugees would be very sad.

  After a standard three-hour starpomovskoy watch from the Star card, carrying a conventional bypass control of the ship, stretching for several hours, Shepard was distracted by thoughts and memories, surrendering normally necessary not only to him, but above all - his normandovtsam, work.

  He spoke by video link with Svetlana and with Yavikom who routinely did not leave the hangar, where now lay the obelisks. Proteanin enthusiastically kristalloskhemy gutting them, removing all the new and new information and seemed to be happy to find a work which could be given entirely in between disembarkation. Fuss with obelisks and their contents allowed Yaviku not evaluate himself only as a soldier and commander. It turned out he was not a stranger to the purely scientific research, and not shy away from a purely scientific work. The legend that the warrior can not be anyone else in the profession and specialty, once again collapsed. As it was in the history of organic reasonable repeatedly.

  Himself Shepard memories of the past, is now firmly connected with the frigate "Normandie", allowed to look at the many events of the past at other angles of view through other filters. It was a very valuable and necessary, John Shepard, so he, too, wanted to give this lesson as much as possible.

  The fact that he will soon become a father, made him, First Lieutenant of the frigate, think about how it will bring up a son and a daughter, so that he would teach them what to target. To reflect seriously and thoroughly. Yes, Svetlana is a great mother. And he, John Shepard, must be at least a great father.

  Only his son and daughter can grow up to be wonderful people. Choose the right path in the complex and varied life. What is the difference, that they will come into the world during the war? Call of life and can not always sounds he did not obey. Life conquers death. And for a reasonable organic life including means and memory. And the ability to assess their past deeds. And to judge myself for the mistakes and shortcomings.

  Shepard knew how to have met the Fleet quarian Tali Zora knew and how intensively worked on the Citadel Garrus Vakarian - the future head of C-Sec. He knew, because he was a senior assistant to the commander of the frigate Intelligence Systems Alliance and the spectrum of the Citadel Council. Many knew.

  But even more, he learned when he and Anderson stepped aboard the cruiser "Volga" Russian Imperial Intelligence Astros. I stepped and saw standing a little ahead of its officers kaperanga Svetlana Streltsov. I saw - and was gone. Missing for any and all women of any age and race. Disappeared forever. Oh, no accident he experienced an eerie glow when sitting in the shuttle returns to the frigate. Oh, no accident. In fact, they said at the time, at first, for the most part only formal meeting of the commanders of the operation, only operating points. About any meetings alone when no one dreamed something did not have time. Work is work. After all, a frigate in the economy remained Presley and Alenko. And he and Anderson had to "bring the bridges of cooperation."

  Navel. So powerful and deeply put things that Anderson against the habit of never known him to dwell on the details of the incident are now said aloud said plurality of components associated with the cruiser and its crew and its hostess, Svetlana Strel'tsova.

  Anderson just struck Shepard, when he said that he Shepard liked Strel'tsova. What to do, the right of older age and level of experience. Sam Shepard knew that was gone, but instinctively to something else hoped. Probably, each man lives is an instinctive desire to preserve freedom and independence when faced with the need to share this freedom and independence in order to create a Women's Union, in the interest of creating a family.

  And then Anderson, the cabin of the shuttle returning to the frigate, just honestly say that Shepard is not just like Svetlana Strel'tsova, but in all likelihood, got into her personal selection list, there are not taking the worst position. Anderson, as befits a wise elderly man, said Svetlana - an interesting and insightful man, who managed to create the ship, warship, cruiser, cozy and family atmosphere. It is rightly described as the perfect hostess Svetlana and very whole person, not just as the owner of a high officer rank and officer belonging to the Corps long-range reconnaissance, Astrorazvedki Russia.

  An interesting conversation took place between then and Strel'tsova Selezneva. Though he and Shepard knew only a few moments of conversation with the words Karin Chakwas, though, and knew that Karin him, man, a lot of women-only "detalyushek" will not tell, but all the same conversation the commander and the head physician of the cruiser was very interesting. Seleznev was not a simple woman doctor, and is almost ready bison intelligence. Which, of course, extremely valuable in terms of the cruiser Imperial Intelligence. Well, who would be very suspicious of the doctor? Only the paranoid. And it turn
s out, in some cases it is useful to suspect of belonging to the ship's doctor and spetsrazvedsluzhbam. Alas.

  And even then Shepard felt Svetlana fell in love with it .... He was afraid of himself to admit it. She - the commander of the cruiser Intelligence, Colonel, captain of the first rank, the sniper and the pilot, scout. And he ... Just en Seven, Number One, and rank - all funny, captain. In fact - Lieutenant. Who is he, and who is she? Yes, in addition, he - alyansovets, and she - an Imperial. The difference though. Who knew then that their relationship so quickly reached such heights and such depth? Who then really I know about it? This knowledge Shepard gave priority to Svetlana. She is naturally better at knowledge. Tradition plus destination.

  Keynote speech Vakarian Shepard and Anderson gave agents spectra. Garrus Then read this speech is only one of your friends, acquaintances. And it would be necessary that he read the speech more reasonable, but at least the same Turian-esbetseshnikov.

  After arriving at the Citadel Shepard met with C-Sec officer, Armando earthling Owen Bailey. A good introduction is formed, and mutually valuable. Then I had to act carefully, cautiously. Therefore do not become illuminates a strong interest in Garrus Vakarianu, we decided to first sanitize Advisors. It sanitize, and not destroy, although many normandovtsev itching to destroy this completely holy trinity - Asari, Turian and salarian.

  Nihlus, performs the function of quartermaster and engaged in the reconstruction of a future base Troop, met with then krogan Rex, martial-biotic master, who had behind him three hundred years naёmnichestva and forced the killing of his own father. We had to solve the problem of the krogan, at least to begin to solve it.

  Then, when speaking with Saren and Nihlus it, Shepard actually recognized for Rex right to become a resident of another, already the second resident, after Benešov. Liara, unfortunately, in the opinion of the then Shepard, the role of the resident is not pulled - sitting in a monastery is not conducive to freedom of movement, and what she had to do in the monastery did not like the work of a resident, in no way resembled.

  It was then decided by the mouth of Saren, that will have to win over the rachni. Those most rachni, which could barely, barely managed to huge losses, formally win krogan.

  Then followed the complex operation to neutralize and re Advisors. Without such work on further progress could be forgotten - perhaps advisers did not know how to work for the good, but they worked to the detriment, unfortunately, brilliantly and effectively. We had to do everything that they act only for the benefit, not harm the interests of the inhabitants of the "Normandy" and "Volga" and "Blade of Fury."

  Triginta Peter, the next planet star system was subjected to a massive study of the ships and crews Troop, had a lower density in comparison with the Earth. It was a dry, since it occupied a large area of the continents themselves teeming desert. Dekstroaminokislotnaya life managed to develop only in the oceans and was at the time of arrival into orbit Troop ships so far only from cyanobacteria, are released into the atmosphere of oxygen.

  Turians colonized planet, attempted to breed the plants here. The main difficulty was the lack of fertile soil, which required it imports and the development of new methods of cultivation. The motto of farmers Triginta Peter were the words "hold out five seasons - will understand what's what."

  Since Triginta Peter was a purely agricultural planet that did not have any military or economic importance, Shepard had a hope that, considering the population is too small to implement a full-scale operation of its collection or waste charges on the implementation of polnotsyennoy orbital bombardment, the Reapers just bypassed planet in its move towards a more dangerous and valuable planets and areas. Naturally, the Reapers tear transport links to the surrounding worlds of the planet, which could almost guarantee death of settlers who have chosen to live this very poor in terms of the biological world. Hunger has always been a powerful means of restraint, which could adequately confront very few reasonable organics.

  The blow inflicted on a group of landing frigate "Normandy" for advisers and their unit was then a surprise, effective and frightening. Now Advisors no longer risked conflict with the interests of the Corps, the interests of many of organic humble reasonable of any race. Now Advisors worked. Lot and worked hard. Realizing that, if necessary, landing party is no longer a frigate, and Troop repeat session is educational work. Repeat, so that hardly any of educability survive. And then ...

  Then members of the landing party firmly argued among themselves about the prospects of working with Expert Advisors.

  First under the educational influence of the members of the frigate landing party came asari Tevosov. That is the panther that the stories of the many reasonable, protects only the interests of the asari. Brutally protects. Only the interests of the asari. Although the post of Adviser provided something more. Provides for the need to protect the interests of all sentient of organic regardless of race, provided that the reasonable part of the population of subordinates, even formally subordinate Citadel region of space Milky Way. Explore the space. But there were difficulties and Asari did not want the complexity of hung over her. Educational talks, held in the office of councilor, showed that reluctance with all certainty.

  Presence Yavika tightly blocked Tevosov. It is unlikely that without the presence in the office proteanina Shepard would make a conversation with a counselor arrogant asari. Rebuke Yavika asari-Tevosov was devastating. Too often, remembering Shepard is now used this definition, but it always seemed to him the most faithful. Then I had to work hard, even cruel. Three to five years before the invasion of the Reapers can whiz above the heads of organic as charges. And then before the organics of the Milky Way appear fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen and begin harvest. To which the inhabitants of the Milky Way was not ready including the fault of the trio of idiots-Advisors. From whom then I had to do too badly. In asari-counselor banal way weakened legs and she tried to play the role of a woman seemingly had the right to sit in the presence of a standing male. Yavik then not allowed to sit Tevosov. He continued to press Tevosov as hydraulic press factory, capable of crushing even the frigate in the cake. Knowledge Yavika allowed dozhimat Tevosov confidently, consistently and ruthlessly. Perhaps the long-lived blue-skinned beauty advisor first encountered face to face with an opponent capable of acting on its field as effectively and ruthlessly. No pleas Tevosov, no treatment had no effect on the time required Yavika influence.

  What to Nihlus and Saren was the one who gave the direct order to attack Turian fleet Solar System ... This has had both the Turian shocking impact. Hierarchy officers handled the blocking effect. Then Nihlus nearly killed Tevosov. Only Yavik Saren and an asari shielded rage Craik, most who wanted to avenge the death of his cousin. Died in that war the first contacts. And when the order was discovered Tevosov, which included the murder of Saren Nihlus ... Tevosov crash was commonplace in women fainted because no one in the office, in her office's advisory has not been set in relation to it, counselor, even neutral. Around it stood only fiercely hated her Tevosov reasonable organics. And Yavik prevented the asari-Tevosov crash into a swoon, and threatened to remove it for a second psihomorok, to see all that are asari actually. Needless to say - the phenomenon of ocean bottom fish were neither chiseled forms or attractive appearance would be an excellent point of departure in the process of destroying Tevosov counselor. But Yavik decided differently. He reprogrammed the asari. He suggested satellites to search her office. Sam pumped her memory to his instrumentron. Immobilize the asari. After that, you only work with the device and the first counselor of three parts marlezonskogo ballet could be considered executed in full. Three-asari researcher who Tevosov with permission have access to the archives of the Citadel Yavik turned to their faith freely and easily. Not belittling these asari without squashing them. were neither chiseled forms or attractive appearance would be an excellent point of departure in the process of destroying Tevosov counselor. But Yavik decided differently. He reprogrammed the asari. He suggested satellites to
search her office. Sam pumped her memory to his instrumentron. Immobilize the asari. After that, you only work with the device and the first counselor of three parts marlezonskogo ballet could be considered executed in full. Three-asari researcher who Tevosov with permission have access to the archives of the Citadel Yavik turned to their faith freely and easily. Not belittling these asari without squashing them. were neither chiseled forms or attractive appearance would be an excellent point of departure in the process of destroying Tevosov counselor. But Yavik decided differently. He reprogrammed the asari. He suggested satellites to search her office. Sam pumped her memory to his instrumentron. Immobilize the asari. After that, you only work with the device and the first counselor of three parts marlezonskogo ballet could be considered executed in full. Three-asari researcher who Tevosov with permission have access to the archives of the Citadel Yavik turned to their faith freely and easily. Not belittling these asari without squashing them. Sam pumped her memory to his instrumentron. Immobilize the asari. After that, you only work with the device and the first counselor of three parts marlezonskogo ballet could be considered executed in full. Three-asari researcher who Tevosov with permission have access to the archives of the Citadel Yavik turned to their faith freely and easily. Not belittling these asari without squashing them. Sam pumped her memory to his instrumentron. Immobilize the asari. After that, you only work with the device and the first counselor of three parts marlezonskogo ballet could be considered executed in full. Three-asari researcher who Tevosov with permission have access to the archives of the Citadel Yavik turned to their faith freely and easily. Not belittling these asari without squashing them.


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