Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 15

by Theodore Daniels

  The last item on the "colonial" Troop route was the same New Canton, which is so baked local and not only local officials. Here, part of the colonists managed to evacuate received signal long-distance scanners are approaching a planet cruiser collectors. Not everyone, of course, not all the colonists managed to escape - Collectors organized and carried out a massive attack, povlёkshee for a capture and removal of all the remaining colonists. At the time of the appearance of the squadron of the planet, on the surface of work continued to ascertain the circumstances and causes of the success of the stock collectors. Normandovtsy volgovtsy and stared at the screen, which shows a panorama of the burning was a colony, abandoned things, half-open beams, empty cachets of a collector. If you can be happy, does only what that the average family Ralston - one of the troopers, policemen managed to evacuate before on the colony was attacked by the Collectors. Now relatives Ralston lived in one of the mining space station in another star system and the expected arrival of passazhirnika, which was to take them to the Citadel. Tragically, not weakened the onslaught Collectors often attacked not only colonies, but also the orbital mining station. People naturally sought refuge ponadezhnee Citadel was one of these shelters. Despite the recent on "Omega" change, there is little risk of earthlings try to settle on this station. Citadel look more attractive and even preferred - to have occurred at the station changes most people know from a variety of sources, and were inclined to believe that the Citadel they will at least for a temporary residence. From Spectra network newscasts it was known that the inhabitants of the colonies affected by the Collector attacks really took on the station under a simplified procedure, however none of them tsitadelskaya permanent "residence" is not provided. The station and so was overloaded, carrying the significant not only civil but also military contingents reasonable with all necessary equipment and belongings.

  While the squad for mezhretranslyatornym spans followed in the Nemean Abyss, from exec out some free hours of urgent matters, which he habitually devoted to the recollections and reflections. Normandovtsy already accustomed to the fact that a senior officer of the frigate for a while lost in his cabin, so no questions asked, knowing what had happened that - and Shepard will act quickly and efficiently. At this time, Shepard decided to recall some facts and events related to Admiral Kahoku.

  Reflections Shepard

  Conversation with Rear Admiral Kahoku was held in the presence of Yavika. It was agreed that normandovtsy will be engaged in this business. Then Shepard visited Garrus. I can not visit. They spoke to each other a little. Peacetime ... coming to an end - then it is not clearly felt, because there was no more habit perceive limb peacetime, as a fact. It was decided to address the problem of Admiral Kahoku, always takes care of his subordinates, go in search of a Baines.

  Then the frigate returned to the star system, which previously had already visited, taking with Terumi Liara. Of course, when returning Shepard thought of Liara and Benešov. In association with the place of the events associated with this place. He knew that Liara is already running, it has already passed the course of "treatment" in the monastery.

  Easy to rebuild from thinking about asari - both older and younger, Shepard turned to the pressing concerns related to the search for Baines. freighter such as "Kowloon" has been detected. Two phrases were scrawled on broneplastike inner skin with something sharp, "We penetrate into space - space penetrates us." - Then read aloud Shepard, immediately translating into interangliysky and galakslingvu. - "Will we be able to preserve itself during penetration?". Needless to say, the Briton Shepard was familiar spirit Imperials here on such profound reflections. Svetlana managed and managed to instill interest and John to such reflections. So, on an empty board to abandon the ship could really be someone who was born and raised in Russia.

  Yavik then revealed to all members of the landing party that happened on board. Another novelty. Technology silent captivity all the truck crew detachment "Cerberus". It was unpleasant to realize the helplessness and powerlessness of these hard workers. Against them acted Husky Reapers, not ordinary people- "tserberovtsy". Alas.

  I had to do then landing on a nearby planet. There was a probe. From there, the planet, the probe signal went. Who, then, would have thought that would have to meet with the thresher? Of course, the scan revealed nests, but the direct contact it was not. Shepard then met with zmeechervёm. I spoke with him. I learned a lot of interesting things, including the Beacon of unknown origin. I learned about the liquidation of other zmeechervёm two carriers. And even then I understood - the transporters were together with the crews involved in one way or another signal of the unknown-buoy probe.

  Negotiate with the owner of the second plateau could quickly and easily. And then it was necessary to disconnect the probe, remove the machine skeletons and to bury the dead Marines. It was hard to take part in the funeral of everyone, but especially - Kaidan, representing in those moments in place of any of the victims his bride, Sergeant Ashley Williams. The war and the battle did not look at the floor of the warrior. They just killed.

  Kahoku listened to Anderson and Shepard, sharply and quickly broke the connection. The officers of the frigate understood - now he goes to the end. Admiral, no doubt, knew he was under surveillance, that its agents are "Cerberus". But now, after the death of his subordinates, he will not be looking at what they are, his officers and soldiers, are already dead. He will not pay attention to the fact that he is married and has three children. He will go to the end and try to punish those responsible for the deaths of their soldiers. Even if it costs him his life. In another way, the admiral could not do. And it is not going to act differently.

  It is the news of the severe wound in the temple Liara Atama Tess. Ghost did not like that Matriarchy moved to the excavation methods of sampling information sverhmayaka Protheans. It is this Husky, I wanted to continue to keep the asari in the dark about the essence of the threat of the Reapers. And he sent to his favorite Tess, Leng. And he almost killed Liara. And he killed two more asari researchers.

  Since light Liara belonging to the nascent Resistance network was desirable, it was decided to do more relevant issues and problems. One such problem was the legend of a certain girl-dug, more commonly known as guinea Zero or Jack. A unique warrior-biotics, but passing through the Registry as a criminal and a constant ally of all sorts of criminal elements. Yes, at the beginning of the work in Prague about Jennifer, Jacqueline, Jack was known not so much. Little was known.

  Prague, as it turned out, possessed the secret scientific center "Cerberus". Centre, where scientists servant three-headed dog, tortured children, urging them to avalanche growth biotic potential. By any means, even the most cruel. First of all, as it turned out, violent. Legend of the experimental zero for normandovtsev found naturally visible, even tangible features. Terrible features. Torments adults - is one thing, but to torment children, many of whom were not even ten years old ... This is definitely went beyond the permissible.

  Meeting with Areshev - another surviving child, now, of course, not a child, but a grown man, forced to think about what is "evil place" may well be resuscitated. Areshev was decided to isolate the prison on the Citadel Spectres. And Jack - found in it no matter what. Such biotic, if gets into the service of the Reapers ... There will be terrible for mankind. And not only for humanity.

  Conversation with Mordin. The conversation with Anderson. About planned to visit the main points on the map of the galaxy. About abandoned Reapers. About the Great Rift - track actions stunning giant guns.

  Then there was a meeting with Major Kyle. Gathered around him biotics. And they have become a kind, but it is real and, most importantly, an effective leader. Biotics, became companions of Major Kyle, had to make sure that no implant can be saved and even develop biotic potential. Kaidan Alenko was pleased. He did not have much to explain in words - biotics themselves understood much sooner had felt the presence of a number of lieutenant. Whatever said Svetlana, biotic biotic flock together. And it
feels ...

  Biotics decided to move to the station "Omega". And indeed we moved there on board the imperial frigate-deliverer. With the comfort and protected. Do not under guard, and it was under guard. However, the politicians went on playing their toys. A certain Martin Burns ordered to discontinue the payment of compensation biotics, which by fiat have been implanted with the problem, "El-second." This course politicians normandovtsy "yawn" failed.

  At that time, as it turned out, Olivia, then still cited as EDI, I decided to run away from their creators. She did not want to be stupid performer will Cerberus executives. I do not want to fight against those whose body she is a cyborg, won - against earthlings against people, against humanity. And she ran away. He ran as taught - professionally and inevitable. Fled, thinking that now she - not EDI, and Olivia Cooper. He ran away, deciding that her help and support will need the stronger, who is not afraid to speak out against the Reapers.

  Shepard remembered his conversation with Mark about the Reapers. Then they discussed the situation in the accommodation area of the half-dead cuttlefish. Cyborg did without emotion, imposes only the facts, documents and schemes, adjusted to extreme accuracy. Compare Nazar and that the Reaper is not like, but the analogy literally climbed from each slit, had only to be distracted. Cerberus already tried to explore the Reaper. And normandovtsy know about it. It turned out that in view of the possibility of indoctrination, on board sverhkorablya landing party waiting crowd zombyakov. What could not but irritate and could not but cause concern. And when news was received that on board at least one rem, it was generally unpleasant to the soul.

  See planted on the "needle" of people waiting for treatment in the husks, listen to verbal quirks sbrendivshih clearly under the influence of even soft, but still indoctrination, scientists are constantly expect the very real attacks ... A cocktail of negative emotions turned noble, but that's hardly anyone out landing party cocktail let it break out beyond the permissible. It was a job. Hard, heavy, harmful, but - work.

  Het, het reasonable, so unlike the standard walkers, voluntarily helped normandovtsam, twice shooting attacked their husks before landing themselves members of the group were able to react. And then in the compartment Kernels het gave them found on board the system board Reaper "- another's." That very system through which ships and collectors, it is possible trucks, "Cerberus" shastali through the "Omega-fourth." Royal gift. Not a gift - a gift. Another gift was ultra-precise confirmation of the theory proved yet the fact that the geth - not alone. There geth heretics with whom reasonable organic Galaxy and had mostly the need to meet in combat. These were the walkers. And there is a pure, true geth, who refused to serve the old car - so the language of the Goths called the Reapers.

  Wink near Nazar confirmed the peaceful intentions of the Reaper, which was a drop-off group. He also reported an unidentified until manifested hostile intentions shuttle. Unidentified. Now something Shepard knew that already right Nazar "counted" and checked the shuttle with Olivia on board. And then just cost the default soft wording. Alenko meanwhile narёk geta sniper Legion. Getu liked the name, and he took it. So a team of Shepard got a new partner. Warrior-het. Sniper and Scout. True het net, for whom the future is not dictated by old car. For which he was building the future together with their relatives - the true geth clean. His own personal and at the same time a collective future.

  Then again I had a normal job. The fighting, the study of planets and entire star systems. Mapping. Clarification of conditions. And, of course, among all this routine across artifacts bygone races. "Beasts of the Ah-Di", for example. Monsters of ocean creatures reasonable mind.

  There were more than simple tasks. For example, Jenkins almost the first time had bare hands to search the body of long-dead asari. Not the suit, or rather - not just the suit. Body. Yes, it is difficult to do so for the first time, but without it can not be a professional officer and commander. Jenkins is not particularly protested, aware that it is necessary. And I knew that the time before the invasion of the Reapers is low. And if so ... I can not remain anybody who ever thought of finding records of the passage matriarch Dilinagi dead body of her faithful associate.

  Facing the geth heretics, destroying outposts walkers, continues its expansion. As it turned out, the members of the landing party, even turians, showed genuine and deep interest in the study of imperial Russian culture. When Nihlus said of the pig, which struck the armor ... Shepard looked at partner very carefully. He himself began to understand many things in Svetlana deeper and fuller, when he began to study the history and culture of Russia. In all its contradictions.

  To Tali Zora normandovtsev have been present - the history of the Goths with the expulsion quarians with Rannoch. It just so happened that it was taken away Shepard aboard "Raya" the gift. Quarians visited, met with Tali. Bustled, immersed in work and terse to the horror. Yes, she was, of course, very happy appearance of Shepard, satisfied that he had brought her and her only as valuable information. But then they saw something in fits and starts. Yes, and he invariably oriented Shepard Zora that she should not try to bring it to him, John, and marry quarian. Only for quarian. Tali ... then realized. It was noticeable for Shepard. This understanding ... It was for him, but can - and for her valuable. And deep.

  When he returned from the Navy to the "Volga", he learned that it had already met with Svetlana EDI, named Olivia. Kiborgessa came to contact with volgovtsami and legalized it on board the cruiser. XO considered this scenario very normative. A woman is always a woman will understand better. So there was a third in the Troop, to be exact - came third cyborg. Kiborgessa. It seems that this name is the most loved Olivia. And when Shepard arrived on board razvedkreysera, he was able to meet and see a very advanced AI, oriented towards intelligence, secret-service work. Now Olivia is already fully adapted to life on the squadron and became an integral part of their crews and teams.

  In the future days and nights stretched comb filtering stellar systems and clusters. There were, of course, interesting and useful findings, which shift into the hands of Troop impaired all possible enemies - from pirates to the Reapers.

  Work squadron in the cluster Nemean Abyss

  Troop ships hove to near the relay leading to the accumulation of the Nemean abyss. Anderson called Alenko, Shepard, Jenkins, Moreau and Adams to him. In connection with the frigate were Streltsov and Titov. It was necessary, as the brief Anderson said in a brief address to the ship's officers, to discuss the need to go into this cluster.

  - So, colleagues. - Anderson went on the commander's cabin, easily bypassing the seat with sitting in their teammate. - I'm interested in your opinion as to what we are now fully able to do without entering the relay. In Reader, distributed to you all of the information contained. I want to receive from you a decision in principle - we are going to get along, or a simple scanning and zaretranslyatornym of locating here.

  Having said that, the frigate commander paused, continuing his usual unhurried, almost noiseless movement around the cabin. Shepard poring over texts reader and began to understand the reason for treatment commander. Again manifested connection with Jacob and Miranda. Even if this relationship was important to the mission carried out by squads come into this cluster was not absolutely necessary. A strange set of planets cluster had specialized structure that is different from all the others at least to a small extent reasonably investigated the Milky Way. Nemean Abyss was ultimately removed from the borders of the Citadel Council's jurisdiction. There are lawless, their shelters are being built by pirates, mercenaries and bounty hunters. In practice, according to experts and professionals, personally visited this troubled region, the Nemean Abyss was the darkest part of the inhabited Galaxy, which I have only been able to imagine a reasonable organic. The presence of the people there were ... extremely undesirable, but batarians contrary in the Abyss were present in abundance. Of course, there have been known a few scattered human colonies with a population of pioneers who wished for a variety of reasons, to avoid obs
ervation by the Systems Alliance.

  Nemean Abyss, has been known not only Shepard, differed from the other regions of the Milky Way zero element rich in that, of course, attracts many high profile corporations. There are have been numerous cases where transports, laden zero element, captured pirate factions.

  Among the locations they were known station "Cartagena" orbital station An'Kedar, Becky and Tortuga. According repeatedly rechecked and vindicated from a variety of sources reportedly Nemean Abyss represented including separate chain of repeaters, which had nothing to do with the other relays, placed in the space of the Milky Way. The only way out of the abyss and was the relay, which is now near the two ships drifted Squad. To a large extent the fact that acted as a repeater and a single input and a single output and has determined the name, nickname of this region - the Abyss.

  Every sensible organic within the Abyss doing what I wanted and what I could. Pirates often take, for example, in order to ransom the hostages. We took so frequently and efficiently that local security forces did not always prevent pirate attack groups. Dens of pirates, thieves, smugglers served as Tortuga - one of the most well-known planets located in Nemean Abyss. Here, doctors and fanatics-bespredelschik researchers created and tested forbidden in most of the worlds remaining space of the Milky Way bioweapon, and develop drugs for these weapons. Batarians actually become outcasts, here in the Abyss gained strength and power that allowed them to control the Abyss. Batarian Hegemony did not hide his interest in this region of space. And I do not hide, that is interested in the future to monitor what is happening within it. The real and effective control. Provides including the elimination of the Citadel Council. Familiar to slaveholders and pirates means and methods. The reader issued Shepard was a file containing information about the operation against Jacob batarians, created specifically for toxin neutralization Advisors. Jacob Taylor and then managed to get a toxin and an antidote to it, and take the scientists who actually batarians held as hostages, forcing them to improve toxin. Of course, cases the creation of combat toxins has been known in the Galaxy abound and this case was not anything special, but in itself is a continuation of work on such means of conducting undeclared wars strained, especially,


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