Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 18

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard could answer this question. Could. Could the answer to this question, and other reasonable organics. On this question with all the ruthlessness machine responded three Synthetic Corps in its final report, supported by the freshest data just conducted surveys of the planet. Comprehensive surveys. This question is not answered, do not respond and do not want to answer those who, ironically, was endowed with an evil fate lazy organics to make decisions. They do not want to answer, because any answer confirms another manifestation of the banal laziness. Leni, which now threatens to destroy more than half of the inhabitants of the Milky Way in the confrontation with the Reapers. Lenny, who fifty thousand years of organic oriented reasonable Galaxy inaction on consumption, to live in comfort and idleness.

  A snack in the cafeteria frigate, cruiser, Shepard returned to him. We had to work with the accumulated documents, fixing the routine life of the Troop. The ships have already finished the survey area of the former planet garden and preparing for the flight to the planet Gelliks. Two and a half hours passed quickly, as always happens, if the work is completely absorbed Shepard.

  Planet Gelliks as was clear from the documents collected Synthetic, was presented to the Council of the Citadel krogan after Rahniyskih wars, but taken away from krogan turians kroganskih during the suppression of uprisings. So turians that incompetent advisors Citadel twirled as they wanted and were substituted wherever they could, were the masters of the planet with life on the basis of al-amino acid reside which themselves turians could not, but paying for the planet hundreds of lives of their compatriots, would not so easy and to give to someone. Teaming up with the Protectorate Ox, turians had tried to hand over the planet in the so-called colonization rent, but the high price of rent and the very real, still lying on the surface of Goelliksa unexploded ordnance regularly and predictably led to a very modest number of contestants tenants. As indicated documents Synthetic united in an ordered array, there were few competitors, not only tenants. It was a little later and colonists settlers, most of whom were prisoners. Reasonable organic, know as emphasized in its report Olivia, the existence Gelliksa enough, consider the events that have taken place with this planet, a great loss, because the planet is another garden was almost forgotten galaxy.

  Again several hours drift. Again, a few hours leisurely flyby of the planet district, the planet's orbit. Full range of studies available military reconnaissance ships. Almost all of what was previously known about Gellikse, it proved to be true, but much was clarified. It clarified because otryadovtsy job not formally, but in fact, doing the full standard, well-known to any civilian experts for the development of the planets range of activities.

  Anderson sent its preliminary decision Shepard - forward detachment in Nimbus Cluster. Then planned visit Sileanskuyu Nebula Nebula and Athens, and then return to the Snake Nebula, close to the Citadel. Maybe - the very citadel. Cautious in matters of planning so far commander of the frigate did not specify this point in the project plan, already agreed with the command of "Volga". Delve into the package prior to the decision of the commander's application, Shepard and did not notice that on the screens starpomovskoy cabins appeared Erros -Update to be studied in the wasteland planet Minos.

  Erros was turian planet. Yes, the name of the people, earthlings caused association known, but in the translation from basic turian dialect meant only "beautiful view". On Errose almost completely lacking atmosphere, allowing detachment to receive and locators, and from scanners and probes beautiful pictures and videos depicting the volcanic landscape. Hematite deposits, abundantly represented at Errose, gave a reddish color of the planet's surface, open deposits of iron and copper have attracted small and turian volusskie company, which began developing robotic. In general, as indicated received reports lokatorschikov skanerschikov and it was one of the few planets that have escaped the sad fate of the apple of discord between the races. There turians Volusia and worked on an equal footing, confirming

  While traditional boats made of the planet circled the area of accommodation and preparing for care in star system with repeater, Shepard again retired to his cabin.

  Reflections Shepard

  Shepard rarely received from someone writing. And then he received a letter from d'Avignon. With apologies for the reception so hard that it had a matriarch Svetlana. There were many in that letter. Lots of. Different. Deep. Important. And for him and Benešov. Then Galaxy albeit slowly, reluctantly, began to prepare for the invasion of the Reapers. Prepare realistic, practical.

  Karin ... The best doctor, who only knew Shepard. The best doctor. She showed him a document directly relating to Svetlana. Speaking about that ... Svetlana can safely give birth to a child just over eight years to come. Svetlana ... was completely exhausted their marathon to the command chair of the cruiser. It wears down to the limit. And she, his bride, concealed from him, John ... a lethal information. Disappeared, sparing him a man. Disappeared, most likely internal being ready to take responsibility for not native, but only for the foster children. How she suffered ... suffer and by word or gesture, he did not betray his suffering ... Anderson, as it turned out, was ready to register a union between Shepard and Svetlana. Officially registered. Power of the commander of the frigate. By the authority of senior officers of the ship.

  Warm, soft, short letter from Tali Zora also found Shepard. Already thinking about how he explained with Svetlana. Then he received a letter, too short, but capacious from Shialy asari. Became Minister of Defence Colony. Azarov only human colony - Minister of Defence. It seems to be - not surprising, but - unusually. Letter from Garrus - strict, clear, capacious. How, then, Shepard thought, it's nice - receive letters. Shiala in his letter asked not to reject love. Etity Love, love Benešov, love Liara. Do not reject their love, converted him, John Shepard. Azari telepath peace in his letter asked him to also be sure that Svetlana cope with the birth of children.

  Letters made Shepard to think about many things. Prompted. Slightly diluted routine working days, led to think about something more than ordinary life.

  The fight against the geth, a processor mastered weather. The news of the visit of the Reaper on Rannoch. Needless to say, it was all difficult to perceive here at once, so the move. But I had to. Once the processor was taken to the hangars of "Volga", the long-awaited unification, complete unification of Svetlana and John. Unity, which ended the wedding. Many people in the bedroom, which has become a married, said Svetlana Shepard. Many important said. Only she, the only one in the entire universe, so could tell him, John Shepard. Only she. Having shown the wisdom that is available to it, which has become a woman, a girl. Not the commander of the cruiser is not an officer of the Empire. The girl has finally become a woman, waiting child, waiting children from her and only her man. Waiting and knowing that John, John loves her not only her, but also many other reasonable. He loves Liara, Benešov loves, loves Etita, Tali loves, loves the world, love green-Asari. They all love it, John, and he, John Shepard, gives her Svetlana Strel'tsova full advantage. Full, unrestricted advantage.

  Yes, when Svetlana was and has always been a witch. For those who are respected, who fervently loved. Only for them. And then she became a witch to Shepard, when caught, that he, John, too, has the right to love not only her, Svetlana, but also of many other sentient. Different love. She, Svetlana, he, John, trust. I hoped, hoped, but trust. Very trusted. And then Shepard felt very full and hot, that betray the trust Svetlana he can not. Never.

  Then ... then there was a wedding. Shouts of "Kiss!". Everything is as it should be. And the ring too. In the box, in the hands of Svetlana. The first dance. The first dance is not the bride and groom, and the wife and husband. Dance, seen all otryadovtsami. On the frigate met them too. And have captured the Star Maps. Even for the occasion Moreau left the cockpit.

  Anderson then it, John, congratulations. Alone. The commander of the frigate's cabin. Narrated for Svetlana keycard frigate. He trusted her, David Anderson. Trusted. And trust. And will trust. Because Svet
lana trustworthy. Then Anderson put on a most complete psihokokon. The most comprehensive, the most difficult. Only in such a mental state, he was able to survive the coming war against the Reapers.

  When Svetlana departed from the frigate to his cruiser, Shepard felt fear for the first time. For her and for the child.

  He then could not think that Svetlana will shoot a sniper rifle on certain Dzhedore-mercenary. Shoot them, because learned - this mercenary bent by any means to destroy him, John Shepard. Korlus. Planet cesspool, a planet-trashcan. And Svetlana lying on rusty plates in an embrace with a sniper rifle. Even now, thinking about it, knowing that the Light was already in position, Shepard shrugged.

  The Shepard's team has a new fighter - Croghan Gryunt. Young, clean, untouched genophage. I had, of course, shoot-indoctrinated asari scientist, some wound Tanoptis. But this is so, the costs of operation.

  Svetlana Streltsov. Eight years and eight months

  Svetlana did not find a place, meryaya Hall cabins rapid small steps. On the broad steps, as usual for her, to give priority to always work, not idleness, force is simply not enough. Neither physical nor mental. She had just returned from another medkontrolya. And Allah it had to say. I had to say, as Svetlana pressed on it. No, not the power of the commander of the cruiser, not the power of a senior officer. Power of a close friend. So could this be determined.

  Doctor cruiser had to tell her, Svetlana. Although very unwilling to do so. How he could hide and concealed. What could hide from Svetlana? Few, perhaps, that it was possible to hide. But Alla managed. The same eight years, when, already known to Svetlana, the official medical report she kaperang Streltsov could still safely give birth to a child, were reduced. Reduced, if a little set aside the laws of mathematics, ten times. Eight years squeezed up to eight months. Up to eight months.

  Svetlana stopped, almost stumbled on a chair. This period of time. It was even less than the gestation period of the Earth woman a child. In less than a month. And here ... Here, even before the war ... How she wanted to believe in a time before the war is actually more than eight months. Here, even before the war remained a half years, well the year. In any case, not too pessimistic forecast - more. And she, Svetlana already pressed down the term to eight months. After eight months, she will not be able to get pregnant. Never in my life will not be able. This means that a boy and a girl, now living under her heart ... it will only children. How can it hurt to realize.

  As it was painful to realize it, knowing how John likes her and is waiting for the children. From her, Svetlana, waiting. His beloved, his beloved, his best friend and his wife. How could she come to him and say that? If we hear it is to spoil everything possible, including mood and performance, how hard it will accept it, Joe? He will not feel sorry for yourself, and her, Svetlana. Will persuade will persuade will assure that two children - also very good. Especially since they already have, they already live, they already exist.

  And she was ... She was always, as soon as reasonably well learned Shepard wanted to give him many children. It's so standard, so beautiful and so natural, when the beloved gives his beloved of his children. Gives. And what can now give their Svetlana John? Love? Yes, of course, but that is not enough. Family - is first and foremost children. A lot of children. Not two, not five more.

  And now ... now ahead loomed the prospect of limited only to foster, step-children initially. Yes, in front of the war, yes, many children inevitably and unavoidably remain half-orphans or orphans. Yes, they will find new parents. Be sure will gain. Do not be left alone with life. At least at the beginning of their own life course children must be protected. So it was decided to operate in the Empire. It was ready to act Svetlana. But John ... He ... He deserved better. He deserved his own children. Numerous children. A good man should be a lot. In a variety of ways, a lot. Not only in the sense of physicality, no.

  If she did not tell him ... I do not say the words out loud ... She herself knows and understands - John feels. John himself, implicitly formulate for themselves what it Svetlana, his wife, his wife intends to carefully hide from him, her John. And when will formulate ... He's had every right to grow cold to her. Even when she is under the heart of his family, and now - and the only natural children, he has the right to grow cold to her. Translate their relationship in a more formal plane, in a more limited formal direction. Svetlana no illusions - it is clearly and fully evaluated the unfolding situation. If John feels, formulate, and she did not say ... Then between them there will be no Union. The very unity which gave much of the significance of their personal relationship.

  Svetlana clutched hands behind his chair. Behind the back of the chair, she almost knocked down, pacing the cabin. She thought. She knew. She's not a fool. I understand perfectly, he knows realizes that even though she tells him, John has all the rights and opportunities to grow cold to her. Their relationship since lost all or almost all high-level perspective. He and she has been at the forefront always put the work. That work, the service they both were given in full. And when they tried, but tried to start a family, they want to Unity between them. Frequent and complete unity, gave their lives a new and important meaning. Unity, to enable them to reach the top of Love, giving rise to more and more children.

  For several decades, John does not appear on the cruiser. Yavik silent, realizing her condition and not wanting to aggravate it. But John does not appear on the cruiser, because there is, on the frigate, always a lot of work. And John has recently been thinking a lot about, retired to his cabin for hours. Reflects recalls.

  It is possible, he says, and much of what is associated with it, Svetlana. Quite possible. He recalls inevitably comparing past and present, carefully looking into the future. Dreaming. Dreaming including new, future children. Children, she, Svetlana, is now his legal wife to give him can not. Yes, Alla, and this time hid from it a lot. A lot of that is able to kill. These eight months - deadline. In fact, this period is much smaller, it's not the case in the human body so that this way, chpok - and a second, everything changed. Hence, these eight months, ... are converted into four, two, one, several decades, weeks, days. Alla silent and Svetlana understands his girlfriend. This is true, this certainty is able to kill on the spot. So, life is really much smaller.

  So, not only the period of the smaller, but the result will be much worse. It would be much worse if she will now try to force ... Yes, using the same Alla boost pregnancy, gestation twins boost, boost labor ... Anyway, in those two or three months it will not be able to lay in the future, other new children regulatory framework for their health and longevity. Can not, no matter how trying. Hence, future children, no matter how much they may be, if they are conceived in the first eight months, will be already defective, have a whole bunch of problems, to put it simply - the shortcomings, even simpler - diseases.

  Yes, John did not back down. For him and the sick, but his children will, no doubt, are holy. He will not leave Svetlana, not leave, has not filed for divorce. He will not fail. And it will have to abandon the service. At the time of refuse. Permanently abandoned. Settle on Earth. Engage children closely. And it is - when will this war ... How could she, accustomed to give primacy of work, service, ship, crew, come to terms with such a prospect? Yes, she had to get away from the crazy experiences for volgovtsev.


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