Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 25

by Theodore Daniels

  - I would not deny ElKor minimum capacity for military action. - Anderson said. - You're right, Kaidan. In appearance ElKor not capable of any military action. They really are armed mostly "heavy music", managed virtual intelligence, but are taking it very calmly arming ... or something. Offended when they are called "live tank" can not be selected in this context, how they should respond to such a definition here - or admire, or be ashamed of. Trying to fit into the system of relations that exists in more space - start smoking, attempt to put on stage classical inorasovye works even become serial killers. But all these initiatives ruining their sluggishness and an outspoken apathy. So I do not see the need to enter into direct contact with this race at the moment. I must say - supported command "Volga" in this me - reader issued to you contains a complete set of documents. Adams help ElKor find this very Code of the Ancients, and then we run a normal set of studies, leave the limits of the orbit and Dekuuny uydёm on your route. If you, colleagues, there are objections against the decision - I ask to speak. If not - all free. We have plenty of work and we have a lot to catch. - Anderson closed the screen desktop instrumentrona. doing the usual set of studies, we leave the limits of the orbit and Dekuuny uydёm on your route. If you, colleagues, there are objections against the decision - I ask to speak. If not - all free. We have plenty of work and we have a lot to catch. - Anderson closed the screen desktop instrumentrona. doing the usual set of studies, we leave the limits of the orbit and Dekuuny uydёm on your route. If you, colleagues, there are objections against the decision - I ask to speak. If not - all free. We have plenty of work and we have a lot to catch. - Anderson closed the screen desktop instrumentrona.

  No objection was not and soon all the officers who participated in the meeting, left the commander's cabin.

  A few hours and ships entered the area Lenuamunda - planet, located barely visible, ultra-light atmosphere composed mostly of nitrogen. Fiery surface Lenuamunda was as proved scan of lime interspersed with copper. ElKor did not specifically touch on this planet, leaving the orbiting probes are obliged to inform the owners if the planet or its surroundings happens anything worthwhile.

  Let. They know that the two warships arrived earthlings in their system, and visited all the planets and went about their business on. Not the first nor the last, so that it is unlikely to cause an increased interest from ElKor. Not cause. Not like they were too fast.

  After completing the transition to Teyoliya system, squadron hovering over the planet Atebolos. Many mines exhaust mines, remnants of several private factories, small gravity, atmospheric pressure is weak, pliable bark, consisting mainly of silicon and salt. The first of the four planets of the star system was just a paradise for mining. It Was. The reserves of valuable minerals were exhausted and a few locals regularly left the planet. Well. Hence, the Reapers will not pay too much attention Atebolos.

  The next on the way Squad turned the standard hydrogen-helium gas giant Kviretsiya, served as a source of fuel for azariyskih armed forces and place the discharge of the magnetic field drives the ships. In orbit around the planet equally moved seven natural satellites, dubbed necklace in honor of the legendary jewels of the Queen of ancient asari, whose name was called and the planet.

  As always, Synthetic clearly figured out a lot of options and said: Kviretsii orbit passes through the boundary of freezing system, where gas giants are not usually formed. Therefore, it is possible to support the hypothesis that the planet sucked in by the gravitational field of the local luminaries. Another more current news represented Synthetic Corps, was a confirmation of sequential contraction of the planet's orbit. And it already was a direct threat to Nevosa whose circumplanetary possession of themselves in this case, directly in the path of the gas giant. The first unfortunate situation felt by tourism and immigration Nevosa to whom and headed detachment, not especially pausing at the gas giant. Time for research is constantly decreasing, and the intensity of research has consistently increased.

  - Identified an artifact called the Ring Alun commander. - I reported specialist lokatorschik. - Scan confirms - an artifact known asari, but still looking for him were not conducted.

  - Prepare the probe for use. - Ordered Anderson looking reports for scanning the planet.

  - Yes, commander. - Specialist switched channels.

  Green Planet garden, first open intelligence asari a long time, it was still inhabited by the descendants of mostly scouts. Conditions - beautiful: sandy beaches, twin moons, secluded villages, giant cliffs, stable economy, lax management system. And the government, divided between several quite influential groups.

  Engineer Adams, received permission from the local authorities, has made removal of the artifact from the bowels of the planet and the transport platform gave the five-meter diameter ring in a hangar cruiser "Volga". Now, on arrival at the Citadel, they will be transferred to Asari-consultant hospital Guerta. How is it that nobody artifact dispose of otryadovtsev not interested. Artifact listed newfound values, so that it will monitor the movement of the corresponding azariyskie service. At Troop plenty of other problems to even delve into such details.

  The gravitational field Teyolii located Locks - a small Earth-like planet, has a low weight and relatively small in size, but very fast rotating, and the rarefied atmosphere consisting essentially of argon and krypton. Bark Locks, as confirmed by remote sensing studies carried out by experts groups consisting mainly of volcanic rock covered with extensive salt marshes and veins potassium.

  Ahead of the Troop was Athena Nebula, so - Tess. This time had to meet tight with the Order of Justiciary - one of the most closed to outsiders reasonable asari organizations.

  As usual, when the squadron went on stage in the chain of repeaters, Shepard appeared free from urgent cases hours, now usually initiates memories. XO habitually retired to his cabin.

  Reflections Shepard

  Then there was the work. Pulled information, the saved one of the agents "Cerberus". Steadfast man was. He was tortured, but he did not say anything, and he died. Silently. Keeping the secret of the carrier code information.

  The leader captured officer "Cerberus" - salarian Morley. He planned to leave alive and question. What it was done. Information about experiments "Cerberus" has been received over the rachni otryadovtsami. A Synthetic seems to be promised to decipher it. Morley was sent into the inner prison of the Citadel Spectres. It will work with him and he will be isolated. Rawlings agent's body was handed over to relatives. Yes, they did not know to whom and how he served and whom he worked. But they were able to say goodbye to the normative family man, that was also very important. At least - for them.

  Later otryadovtsy found a new conveyor - "The Hammer". Yes, the machine-specific, it is not always possible, but it is indispensable.

  Svetlana then warned John that he was in any case did not go on about the Zayed Masani, who in her opinion, I do not know what is really wanted. Shepard heeded her warning - it is also considered problematic Zayed partner, which should be used only for the benefit of the Troop remotely.

  Shepard did better - he sent Vido Spectra in jail for a long-long stints. A Masani said that for him, Zayed Species dead. And along the way I learned a new dimension of human existence.

  Freedom Way. The first colony, where Shepard had to see the effects of collectors work. Completely deburred on a colony of settlers. All colonists Collectors seized. Captivity. The captured. How could anything this action is called, but they took them with them. Then for the first time thanks to quarians pilgrims earthlings and other races have learned how to look Collectors, because in most cases these bugs were not given herself to capture. The presence of Miranda and Jacob none of otryadovtsev not care - special group "Cerberus" will not interfere with the unit in any way.

  More important then it was that Yavik finally realized: Collectors - former Protheans. Race, created on the basis of stolen, subordinate relatives and tribesmen Yavika. Heavy it was understanding. Not only for Yavika heavy, but also for the rest

  Agree with Tali on the joint decision of several problems easily. Although quarian and others focused attention on a particular acquaintance with the XO. But her deputy Prazza ... was responsible for the death of fifteen quarians and kvarianok. From fire weapons robots. And he died. However, the good that he died - still after such a long time he would not have lived: Shepard would have killed him. Any way, but I killed. Fifteen reasonable paid with his life for his stupidity. Fifteen countrymen and relatives. In quarians and so problems with fertility, and now this Prazza laid to fifteen forefathers reasonable. Fifteen quarians and kvarianok.

  When otryadovtsy got to Vitor, the same quarian-pilgrim Shepard realized particularly acute, that the mobilization time is coming to an end. There comes a time of war. Facing the Reapers substantially approached.

  Then, if not the first time had almost come back to have studied the system. In return alarm. And as we believe that everything is clear and understandable, and in return will not be any need. It did not work out and did not poluchilos.Voyna the geth heretics continued.

  Then there were a few hours at Suan. Rachni otryadovtsami worked with side by side. And ... Shepard Shepard also worked. But even more and deeper he enjoyed the company of Svetlana. The best company for him. Then John told Svetlana that after the war with the Reapers Citadel Council will be subjected to profound reform. Very deep.

  Short parking in azariyskoy colony. Shepard then offered Svetlana become foster mother for the young krogan. Svetlana agreed, which he was very happy.

  Awakening krogan passed ... normally. He liked the crew, the crew liked the krogan. Gryunt was delighted with Svetlana.

  The flight duration. The obelisk was found, it created a race Innusanon containing rich deposits of information. Yavik then said that these obelisks became a model for Prothean beacon and ... plunged into the study of the contents of the Obelisk. I found myself a work which could be given to disembarkation in between.

  Star Memory System. Hard it was for Svetlana. Psychologically heavy. Because Shepard and came to her in the "Volga" from the frigate. Support, to reassure. As always. Imperceptibly but effectively. Alternatively he could not. It's Svetlana ...

  The two of them stood in a small cabin, in front of a single porthole, not closed then bronekryshkoy. Svetlana said, told worried and barely restrained so as not to cry.

  Ceremony of Remembrance. Honors pioneers died. Short, like a shot, and capacious as the Canyon.

  Salvation quarian. Hardly not to ditch your ship. Then we go down to the planet, only Svetlana and John. She believed him and did not bring his usual top five paratroopers. I Believe. Quarian saved. Received formal thanks from the Navy Command. Svetlana to pieces. Pregnancy for any woman is not sugar, but if this woman commander epaulets on his shoulders - so all is not honey. And Svetlana only in the presence of John allowed himself whimper.

  Job Corps ships in the cluster Nebula Athens

  Nebula Athens. Parnitha System. Six of the planets and the asteroid belt. Shepard felt normandovtsy tired of the monotony. Once upon a time there were frequent landings. Once upon a time there was no fighting. Once upon a time there were clashes with hostile ships. That which is now had to deal with normandovtsam, with not less success doing some other ship, whose crew does not necessarily have to wear shoulder straps and stay in the military. The Alliance had support vessels that were not warships and perform such work. Endless scanning, endless of locating, endless streams of data interception. Mapping, refining indicators, detailing conditions. All this is exhausting. It makes you feel at least not in its place. As soon carry out reconstruction of the frigate, turn the ship into a shock-cruiser frigate to continue to wander star systems, nebulae, clusters and map, to remove indicators? There was definitely something wrong.

  Yes, if that felt alone, he, John Shepard, it could be understood. Then it would be his personal troubles and personal problems of perception and adaptation to the conditions of existence. But when you see day after day with alarming regularity mutuzyaschih Turian each other, when you see how anger generates biotic energy flows Jennifer, when you know that Rod and Croghan is a completely outrageous for his age, weight at the gym ... It is already beginning to strain. Because like it or not, he is the senior assistant captain. Warships. And not only responsible for the ship, but also for the crew. So must find a way of creating an unenviable situation. Which exit? And where is it, this output should look for?

  The only thing that came to mind when he returned to reflect on the subject, was a visit to Tess, and more specifically - a visit to the Headquarters of Justiciary Corps. Maybe it will be possible to somehow feel in a more appropriate setting? Not only him - the members of the landing party. Although ... that there may be special? Conventional offices, conventional audience, conventional simulators, conventional landfills. All the usual. Yes, when it was possible to remove from the yoke psihoprogrammy Samara, in the Corps of Justiciary certain changes. They even could be called significant. And in practice? In fact, only increased biotic preparation of listeners, introduced physical training courses and courses on fighting in its extreme crippling and destroying the enemy's options.

  Population azariyskih colonies impressed. First of all - strength. Millions of blue-skinned beauties. Millions. As in any China. As in some of India. Well, or in Russia, although there is, in the Empire, we have always paid special attention not on quantity but on quality. Because, and acted accordingly. Not chasing after population.

  As a soldier, Shepard knew exactly - it is the civilian population in the majority is not ready to the fact that actively and effectively counteract the forces of the Reapers. Not ready. And, therefore, the inhabitants of the colonies azariyskih will suffer. Very suffer. What it has been behind just such peaceful planets without even minimally adequate defense systems. And often did not have any defensive systems. No control systems. That built the asari and anoint warning systems ... could successfully replace the conventional rail, suspended from the wooden post - efficiency will be the same. Effectiveness will be the same. You should not have to spend a lot of money, did not have to expend resources. But no - someone really wanted to report on progress. Someone needed to report on the development of financial and other resources.

  Shepard already seen, I could not see, could not help but feel how it will crumble the fragile peace in the galaxy. Detachment passed dozens of star systems. Collected data mountain. Almost nowhere in the areas of the planets, systems, ready for confrontation with the enemy. Almost nowhere. And where they were ... These areas of the planet and the system was not ready for battle in isolation. Surrounded. In blockade. A dozen races. Well, a little more than a dozen. The number is not important. It is important to quality.

  Mobilization goes. Something, of course, is done. Left, well, if a year and a half. This time when the rates of change - is extremely small. So, most of the races in the war against the Reapers come unprepared even half. That means that the Reapers will be at least half advantage, the ability to destroy half the races. Yes, telepathic psionic-can take the edge off, will be able to confront the Reapers, their main ships more effectively. It would be enough time for distribution. Resources of this kind can not be much.

  Well ... At least, we should try to get back to work. Do not try to - back. Ahead - Tess. Ahead - a meeting with Samara. Well, he would look like if transformed into mush.

  Shepard straightened. He knew that it would help him tune out unwanted thoughts. Hand routinely groped power key desktop instrumentrona.

  Planet Tevura - ice giant consisting of hydrogen and methane. The core of the planet consisted of the frozen ammonia and hydrocarbons. There asari distinguished by naming the planet in honor of their goddess of love, sex and at the same time - travel and laws. Interestingly, of course. Instructive - to contact other races asari tried to pick up a pair of away from home to avoid mating with relatives. And it took a journey to go very far into space. Constant travel led to the development of the wanderings of
the laws, hospitality and unions. All this was in charge of the goddess Tevura.

  Scans showed the presence of the planet miner bases and research stations. And more, and on earth, in human terms - a huge number of people. If the Reapers are not interested in infrastructure, they will try to accurately destroy all the locals. That they did not constitute a problem in the future invaders.

  Planet Atama. The hydrogen-helium giant with marked rings. It could be seen with Tessa, but not always. Atama for asari matriarch was just a pantheon of gods, was in charge of prophecy and destiny. Cult worship Atama gradually changed, taking the form of monotheistic religion. Triune Atama. Virgo woman and matriarch. It keeps track of everything that happens in the asari society. Here, on this planet ships could discharge the core of its engines in preparation for the next superlight pole. It was very convenient for this purpose Atama planet. It is possible that the asari troops will defend it, this planet, allowing Tess and its residents to better prepare for the arrival of the invaders.

  Shepard knew Yavik very pessimistic about asari ability to protect their worlds from the Reapers. A very pessimistic. And he has a good reason for this, as the representative of the Elder Races. Only here in conversation with him, Shepard, Yavik restrains his pessimism. He understands that the asari for him, John, are not strangers. Not someone else's. And because not embellish, it does not seek to wishful thinking. Not trying to convince Shepard is, what it can not convince. Just a few moments of silence passes. He is trying and trying not to be too harsh in his judgments.

  Three hours spent detachment near Atama. Performed was the standard research program. The maps. recommendations have been developed. Shepard habitually acquainted with the final report, when the "Normandy" and "Volga" has moved to Yaniri. Anxiety gone by the wayside, but not disappeared.


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