Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 30

by Theodore Daniels

Titov and Anderson headed in the station headquarters, ordering the commanders of the frigates and cruisers crews were in the arrangement of the complex at six o'clock in the evening on tsitadelskomu time. And up to this point all otryadovtsy were able to relax in the free mode.

  Hugging Svetlana, who was sitting next to him, Shepard felt the gains strength. Svetlana fueled it. I restore it. Cleaned fatigue, weakness, frazzled. She was glad to be with John and close together, even so, just on a bench in the park. Looking at the Ring Citadel. Sensing how happy her children close to her father's presence, his dad. Words were not needed. There were important feelings and sensations. There were important emotions and thoughts.

  Thus, in almost complete silence, they stayed until five o'clock. Shepard called wage-flyer and exactly a quarter to six they entered the headquarters, heading for the Hall of operational meetings.

  Operation "Inner Space Council". Planning

  The room was crowded - rested otryadovtsy were determined to quickly plan further work to know at least in general terms what they all expect in the very near future. Without objections and discussions the floor was given to Anderson.

  The commander of the frigate, cruiser stood. Once established in the Hall of interested silence.

  - The inner space of the Council - began Anderson - region of the Milky Way, which is a central part of the space under the control of the Citadel Council. It is bordered by the so-called Council of outer space, Space Systems Alliance and attic Travers. You are well aware that the interior space is of great importance to the Council. Here is the Citadel, where is located the galactic government, in this area there are many races homeworlds Citadel. These include, in particular, and salarians turians that have representation in the Citadel Council, and Hanaro and Volusia, whose embassy on the Citadel are available. is krogan homeworld, also once were part of the Ras Citadel in the same region. Among the clusters that have been proposed for the study, it should be called Appiysky Cross Pool Annos, Kroganskuyu demilitarized zone, Cluster Eton. Among the worlds - Irun, Kahe, Palaven, Sur'Kesh, Tuchanka. I selected these areas because they need to be investigated. Maybe even repeatedly. We have no confidence that we're gonna do. It is possible that we will need to visit those areas that I have not named. Tragically, plan something with sufficient clarity and precision is becoming increasingly difficult - impact being uncovered each time in a growing number of discrepancies, inconsistencies, repetitions and contradictions, which do not give us the opportunity and the right now to make a clear and consistent comprehensive plan. However, the main place of our future work in the near future will Kroganskaya Demilitarized Zone. In the future it is expected to visit the Horsehead Nebula, Accumulation of the Exodus Cluster Voyager Sigma Twins Local Cluster, Cluster Beta Attica. The big problem that needs our attention and even our participation is a clarification of the situation in batarian Hegemony. You all know very well that batarians do not like and do not tolerate strangers in their territory. Yes, they are insulted, offended and angered many. Nevertheless, we have to consider our options for activities aimed at the clarification of the situation within batarian Hegemony. We can not afford to ignore such a troubled region. Details on work with batarians and their territories are contained in the Reader distributed to you. There are contained on the plans and proposals in all the above areas. Please read and comment. I suppose that tomorrow we get together to discuss, since the range of destinations is quite wide and varied. The third day we will spend in the final additional armament, equipping and supplying the ships and crews with all the necessary commands, and then, most likely, right within Kroganskoy demilitarized zone. - With these words, Anderson sat in a chair, his whole appearance indicating that he was prepared to wait until his colleagues would be willing to express their opinions on the materials submitted to them.

  The conversation was long and very informative. Otryadovtsy were pleased that their work will continue to need a lot of inhabitants of the galaxy. They are absolutely not embarrassed by the vastness of the submitted list of areas where work had, even if it were the areas that have already managed to visit before. All were aware that a galaxy and in many areas they still have to come more than once in the near and in the distant future. Titov, Streltsov, Anderson, Shepard did not prevail in the discussion, giving colleagues to speak freely, without regard to titles and positions, without regard to authorities. Synthetic materials provide the necessary discussion, recorded transcript of the meeting and make changes and updates, as well as additions to the pre-formed full work plan. Only at three o'clock in the morning, headquarters staff when on several occasions brought to the Hall of snacks and drinks, it was decided to break off till ten o'clock in the morning and then continue the discussion. Citadel Service and received pre-orders began to form loads, preparing them for the transfer on board the squadron.

  Svetlana soothed asleep next to Shepard. Head Office was plunged into almost complete silence. The captain did not immediately fell asleep. He was grateful for the support of Svetlana, for nourishment, because she did not utter it. Yes, he too became interested in the work. It has always been. And if it Svetlana obsessed not understand ... he would not be offended and outraged. She had a right to a misunderstanding.

  And she ... she understood his enthusiasm correctly. And she has done a lot in his cruiser, not wishing to transfer full power over the ship and the crew of his first assistant.

  And now she has calmed down, realizing that her John still loves that she is still for him - the only favorite. Woman, wife, girlfriend. The mother of his children. She sleeps next to calm down, relax, slightly parted his psihokokon. Just next to it parted.

  At ten in the morning otryadovtsy we gathered again in the operational meetings Hall. Briefly discussing the fate of the goods collected during the flight, and normandovtsy volgovtsy made the necessary documents for the transfer of cargo from the sides of the frigate and a cruiser on the Citadel warehouses. On board the "Volga" were only "obelisks" - their Yavik received their full ownership and control with the intention to continue the work on the study of the content of their media. His right. All other goods have been transferred to warehouses stations. Then the prepared notification recipients contracting with an indication of when and where they could get from the stores ordered. The rest of it was a problem of storage services and the customers themselves, so otryadovtsy moved on to discuss the rough formed in the last hours of the plan.

  At this time, it managed to break for a complete meal - Chakwas and Michelle stood up rocks, indicating that it no longer tolerate violations of the diet in such a regulatory environment. Otryadovtsy agreed with the opinion of their doctors and submit to their demands. Doctors satisfied diners views actively and colleagues calmed down. At three o'clock in the afternoon the discussion continued. None of otryadovtsev not scared extensive list, no one resented the need to return to the seemingly already surveyed star system or cluster or nebula. Everyone knew - it's their job. Which of them, and in their place there is no one to do.

  Taking a short break for dinner, otryadovtsy continued their discussion to the third day free for personal matters and issues, while the service stations will be translated into the necessary detachment loads. Finally, forming a more or less coherent and detailed plan of exactly two o'clock in the morning otryadovtsy went to the living rooms of the headquarters.

  In the morning, Anderson and his colleagues Streltsov allowed to act on a personal schedule. Collect squad was appointed six o'clock in the evening, then had to go back on board the ship and prepare to fly in Kroganskuyu DMZ. Departure from the station planned for the achievement of full readiness, especially without specifying the time. Only designating the deadline - nine in the morning. I do not want to shine in front of Troop departure variety of audiences.

  Shepard spent the free time next to Svetlana. They walked around the Citadel, reached a few small cafes, snack, watched two films of the novelties of this month, visited the new major exhibition. About talked a lot. Svetlana told
John about the results of the last medkontrolya, knowing that this could only reassure her beloved in a greater degree. He's somehow not rest until Alla will reach, but vytryaset information. Worry, worry. And for her, and the two children. Son and daughter. Perhaps the fate of it, Svetlana Strel'tsova as favors. Probably.

  Kaidan flyer flew to the location of the division, which served as Ashley. Also I tried to be with her as much as possible. Ashley was glad.

  Anderson ... Commander for the first time went to Chakwas. Dressed in the best suit, I picked flowers, a bottle of "Serrayz-Ice" cake. And I went. As he said when met Svetlana and John at the entrance of the headquarters moved to give up. Let Karin decides. This is her right and the decision. Only her. Maybe she agrees. Or maybe not. But in any case, this watch before leaving the Troop from the central station of the Galaxy they will spend together. And the next. And then - will work.

  Garrus took Michelle to his headquarters BRP. She did not mind. It was important to ensure that Garrus operates under normal conditions, that he had where he works day and night, all is legal. They are still together. And this is the main point. A formalities like contract and weddings - can wait. The main thing - relations. The main thing - understanding. The main thing - unity.

  At six in the evening shuttles arrived with a detachment of ships. Normandovtsy and volgovtsy gathered at the site of the pier spetsdoka. I escort them, as always, only Garrus.

  One after another, the shuttles went to the ships, leaving the Citadel astern. Looking at the station was removed, Shepard thought that now have to solve large and complex problem with krogan. Multifaceted problems. Anderson is right - no matter what - this is the main problem in the near future for the whole Troop. Without solving it, will deal with other issues is impossible. It is dangerous and not desirable to leave this problem unsolved.

  Full readiness of ships, crews and teams Troop was reached by ten o'clock in the evening and the squad went to the Citadel. Out quiet, no wires, no orchestras, no crowds of journalists on the dock. Quietly, in the working. So, as befits leave warships.

  While there were a few free hours to midnight and Shepard decided to retire again. To reflect and reminisce.

  Reflections Shepard

  With Tali Shepard met. On Hestrome where Tali and her team managed to evacuate before coming to his senses geta blocked all exits from the planet. Rael Zor continued to hope that will be able to subdue the Goths, forced the daughter to do much in this direction. But by that time, and Tali Much has changed in the Navy, she has managed his own efforts to change. Thanks to a wealth of information transmitted to it Yavikom. Thanks to its own capabilities, abilities and inclinations.

  Naturally, the younger Tali Navy not everyone liked and respected. Tali then suffered greatly - it is almost tried to eliminate or physically, or - to make move for objective reasons of activity. Using this indifferent to Tali kvariatsa. Okas. Otryadovtsam had to act quickly and firmly. Even - violently. Quarians also had to change. Deep and full of change. Everyone. Because otherwise the race "skafandrikov" could not survive. Physically not survive when confronted face to face alone the Reapers and their henchmen.

  Yavik then able to apprehend Okas, who intended to blow up the "Raju". Ship-farm and flagship. Quarian court sentenced all the conspirators to death. Previously, they would have been sentenced to exile. Now - to the death. Not all quarians agreed with the verdict. Admirals still see different perspectives, defending their own point of view on the development of relations with the geth.

  Young quarians ... and not only they, of course, know what is in fact the level of relations it, John Shepard and Tali Zora. But they were wise, to do everything that these relationships over one of their tribesmen are not abused, and makes fun. How then said Tali? "I supposed so. Nature is necessary.". And she was right, the same Tali, which has already called Admiral. And consider this Admiral. Without all sorts of ritual formalities. In the Navy grew new force, the young force that can fight, fight with the enemy in the new, changed conditions. And - to lead.

  By that time, I was able to determine that the legendary experimental Zero stubbornly called himself Jack, still captured and imprisoned in the cattle-prison obey "Blue luminary." It was necessary to carry out the attack on the prison inmates to filter and get Jennifer, providing her a long and effective rehabilitation period. While Jennifer is recovering, found "Grey Throne" - the ship of the Shadow Broker. It is then he will become an ordinary ship "double bottom", and then ... Then he disappeared. And the only Mediator headquarters and main base. The result of communication with the mediator-yagom has encouraged. No, the witch is not going to solve for the other races of their problems and challenges. Otryadovtsam enough and that the witch decided to fight against the Reapers on the side of Ras space Milky Way. Both the Grey mediator managed to do so,

  Work squadron in the cluster Kroganskaya DMZ

  While the ships followed the chain of repeaters in Kroganskuyu DMZ, Shepard worked starpomovskimi usual chores. Walks, talks with teammate, participating in their daily work, writing and reading of the next document. Gryunt quite expectedly I asked for all the information on the krogan and all the information at the demilitarized zone. Synthetic gave him everything he could find. Let him think, reflects, assesses, develops his position, his vision, his point of view.

  Standing at the Star Maps next to the officer of the watch, I looked at exec scheme Demilitarized Zone and remembered what he himself knows by krogan, their history and characteristics.

  As has always been the history of the ancient race krogan it was poorly documented. It was believed that krogan evolution took place in an extremely dangerous environment - over millions of years on his home planet Tuchanka krogan fought for its existence - or rather, to survive. Lizards threatened large predators, dangerous diseases and the scarcity of the planet's resources. Krogan then did everything in order to cope with these problems - their science won the local nature of the parent planet, and then ... Then krogan was no one to fight, and they found a new enemy - ourselves. We began the so-called War krogan. Science continued to work in the interest of the race very soon was completely traversed stage in the study of mass destruction, the turn came the inevitable discovery, creation and use of nuclear weapons. The use of such weapons on a massive, global scale.

  It was believed that two millennia ago krogan in that state found salarians. They are ... how to put it mildly, have decided to bestow krogan technologies they need. In exchange for help against rachni guaranteed. Krogan were quickly incorporated into the Citadel races and indeed, the lizards have helped destroy rachni almost completely. How many then believed - fully. Well, it was beneficial to think so - race of intelligent bugs were exterminated, as erroneously believed then, completely.

  When the war began Rahniyskie history, dramatically multiplied krogan become inevitable to carry out expansion in neighboring star systems. It began banal capture the living space race of lizards. Citadel Council did not react in time and krogan began to take itself already mastered the other races of the planet, actually occupy them.

  Citadel Council then created a special building tactical intelligence, employees and agents who led the war against the krogan using sabotage strategic strikes. Yes, this war has had some success, but as the future showed, did not lead to the defeat of the krogan. Not conducted. Too salarians were weak and asari. Too weak. With Turian salarians able to apply for krogan biological weapons - which has become notorious, and at the same time - extremely efficient genophage. Naturally, krogan did not immediately give up, and not all. Separate groups of rebel lizards continued resistance or switched to piracy, hidden in inaccessible for the Citadel Council's border space of the system of the Milky Way.

  Detailed acquaintance with the whole array of surviving documentary evidence proved Shepard, from the very beginning of the conflict krogan forces outnumbered the force, which is located the Citadel Council. No salarians or even asari united, could not do anything to stop the real lizard, capable of
a few days to settle a huge planet, where conditions do not allow it either to settle on salarians or asari. Accustomed to fight, krogan were able to compete with even the Turian.

  Going to war to destroy the extra-conventional means, ways and methods are virtually inevitable. The virus did genophage whole body lizard, all its cells amazed - the famous regeneration krogan stopped working properly. The mutation resulted in the fact that only one in a thousand pregnancies resulted in the birth of a normal child, but even then the genetic abnormality was hereditary. Although krogan and believed that genophage deprived of their right to progeny virus is not limited reproductive kroganok he only greatly reduces the viability of the fetus.

  One could argue endlessly about whether it is permissible to do so then it was a race of intelligent dinosaurs. Especially because in the era of kroganskih krogan rebellions themselves were only a shadow of the great race. Not surprisingly, the krogan themselves were completely powerless against genophage. But they have chosen their way themselves moved to the occupation has already mastered before other races planets themselves abandoned the appropriate level of government, making their stay in the galaxy, if not safe, then at least tolerable.

  It is believed that modern krogan virtually no economy, there is no production, and no signs of social development race that puts krogan as a race to the brink of elimination.

  Remembering the krogan Patriarch, knowing how irresponsible are in judgment scientists, Shepard knew that, in fact, any race is extremely vulnerable. For every race you can find fatal weapon. Yes, the krogan were strong and almost physically vulnerable. Their many key organs were repeatedly duplicated. Krogan quietly tolerate hunger, are able to store liquid and fat for future use.

  For those not too familiar and regulatory know that kroganka, a female of childbearing age can be postponed up to a thousand fertilized eggs throughout the year. Genophage, as it is known, has reduced the number of viable fetuses with a thousand to one. One child kroganki for a year - it was already quite tolerant to the perception of people. And not only people, but also many other races Space Citadel. Unfortunately, such high fertility and defined culture krogan, which in turn was attached to the harsh conditions of their native planet dinosaurs.


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