Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 36

by Theodore Daniels

  Olivia broke database Tuchanka, got into the files created by the commander of the reconnaissance Clan Urdnot. From there, Shepard learned about the tactics used by scouts clan. For the most part used as scouts saboteurs - the enemy violated the border lands and arranging all kinds of sabotage. In personal intelligence files commander said that it is easier to count the enemy, after killing a couple of enemies. The commander of the scouts also claimed in his personal file, that, in principle, coincide with reality: the borders, as such, to Tuchanka not, because really defined borders firing range weapons. It becomes clear why the only scientist krogan clan so eager to create more and more powerful and long-range weapons - as befits a scientist, he was quite sober realist.

  Upon arrival at the base camp of Clan Urdnot Shepard allowed his teammate to act on the free graphics - members of the clan were engaged in furnishing beginners and distribution of crushed novopoluchennyh resources clan, so that normandovtsev special attention no one paid and the command or control them did not try. Contacting frigate, Shepard discovered that Anderson plans to pass into the hands of Malone Corps spectrum on the Citadel. Most likely he will get in Prison spectrum from hardly ever leaves alive.

  Solus has sent a message that looked all the materials Malone and now confirms - his pupil and colleague, was on the right track, but that's the way of the final saw a completely different, uncertain light. Vaccine genophage could not in the long term to alleviate the plight krogan if she would have been applied without due preparation.

  In a conversation with the mechanic, was delighted the return manifold, Shepard learned a lot of techniques and technologies krogan. The mechanic said many, getting the opportunity to save a few days of hard work and willing to answer all the questions the group commander of the landing. In conversation took part, and other techniques of the clan, so that the development of techniques and technologies have been discussed with all the care and completeness, which gave both parties the true satisfaction and pleasure.

  Shepard spoke with a trader-krogan. It has already had to discuss economic and trade issues in view of the defeat of the clan Veyrlokov and joining their lands to the lands of Clan Urdnot. Merchant has already talked with his counterpart from the adjoint clan and they have come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

  Talk with scientists Urdnot clan did not take long - Fortak hurry to Base Camp shattered clan - to pick up the materials and equipment, to carry it all to the base camp of his clan and organize their use. By tradition, the scientist shattered clan acted in subordination of Clan winning scientist, so that these Fortaku had to do.

  Most managers Veyrlok clan were killed, women and children connected to the clan members Urdnot. In fact Veyrlok clan ceased to exist.

  Rex, familiarized with all materials delivered from the hospital shattered Clan Urdnot, convened an extended meeting, which was attended by almost all members of the landing party, including Gryunt. We discussed the issue of combating genophage, questions of economy and technology, issues of further development. The meeting was long and deep, but now the only way and we had to act - reckless decisions and actions became extremely harmful and costly. On the essence of the work Malone said little - this information should not be widespread. But the economy, technology, science, agriculture and other areas of work discussed in great detail. Krogan present at the meeting, it is seen that despite genophage them as the indigenous inhabitants Tuchanka, there is plenty of work and there are plenty of problems,

  After the meeting, when the hall was only Rex and all other members of the clan Urdnot returned to their homes, a conversation entirely different plan - the establishment of allied relations between the troops and clan Urdnot. Such questions can only be solved at the level of the leaders, but by this time Shepard received full instructions from Titov and Anderson, so he had full authority to negotiate.

  For Gryunt present at this conversation, and it was an honor and a right - he, as a member of the clan Urdnot simultaneously maintained and the rights of party members, wanting to continue in the near future to return on board the frigate, and continue to participate in the Troop. Rex did not object to the choice of his fellow tribesman, knowing that over time, the fact of taking Gryunt to members of the clan will get used and other krogan, allowing the young krogan if necessary, return to Tuchanka and take a direct part in the life of the clan Urdnot.

  And Rex Shepard and understood - a joint work is just beginning. Two shuttle arrived brought the appropriate equipment, instruments, reagents, documentation, supplies. Some brought back was handed Fortaku, delighted the level and volume of assistance. Not been forgotten and trader with the commander of the scouts. All Submit been adapted to the needs and capabilities of the krogan, part of the arrived cargo was intended for the needs of ordinary clan members Urdnot.

  Rex, having familiarized with the goods, was visibly pleased and delighted - the prospect of combining krogan clans in the face of the invasion of the Reapers to find real, far more real than ever before features. The main thing - do not interfere otryadovtsy krogan themselves to define many of the details and order of operation, did not intervene in the management and control of the little things. Clan Urdnot, through the addition of women's clans and clan warriors crushed grown quantitatively and qualitatively increased geographically. So, the prospect of unity krogan ceased to be idle fiction. It was necessary, of course, still a lot to do, but now krogan did not feel humiliated and isolated.

  Immediately after the end of the conversation with Rex Shepard ordered to be loaded on the shuttle and return on board the frigate. We had to visit many more planets within Kroganskoy demilitarized zone and to transfer some of the information collected on Tuchanka.

  At midnight on the ship's time, detachment from the left Tuchanka. Defending starpomovskuyu watch, Shepard received permission from Anderson to rest. Immediately on his return to the side received such permission and all other members of the landing party: they were able to eat normally and put himself in order, and then went to the home. Sleep whenever possible become not only a necessity, but also a tradition - a group of landing frigate, cruiser once again been able to restore power in the most natural way. Till. So far around it was not yet the war.

  A few hours - and at gunpoint scanners and radar squadron appeared Kruban - the planet Venus-type greenhouse, whose surface is permanently hidden cloud of sulfur and carbon dioxide. Salarians, using their ships, helped krogan the first time to see his Tuchanka orbit. As in humans, astronomers krogan correctly assessed the nature and conditions Krubana more years before the era of global annihilation, so there is nothing surprising in the request krogan who saw the mother planet from orbit race - to give them the opportunity to land on Kruban - was not.

  Yes, Kruban was named after the mythical paradise, in which the glorious warriors krogan devoured the insides of their vanquished enemies, but that idea of paradise, if any, and there, each race will inevitably be strictly individual. Afterwards, given that the krogan were among the long-lived races, for two millennia Kruban was the perfect place where warriors were tested kroganskih endurance.

  Every year some of the strongest krogan, passed harsh and heavy pre-selection for multi Tuchanka, landed on Krubane and out of the ship naked, to prove their strength. Not always, these landings were successful - salarians not engaged in charity work and gave krogan new or nearly new vehicles. Because Krubana surface was littered with the remnants of the broken and even rusted ships.

  Legends krogan claimed that only one Croghan - Sat Nord was able to return there in sound mind and memory, although most of his skeleton bones were broken, and all four were burned lungs sulfur dioxide. Until his death Nord enjoyed the highest respect and authority of members of their own race and was almost universally recognized hero, although there were, no doubt, other krogan, who reached in the case of tests of strength and endurance, not less successful. Just about Shat Nord was known much more and he left a deep mark in the history of the race.

  The planet Kanin
previously extracted light metals. Most of the minerals, as well as proven and in-depth scan of locating, had already been withdrawn. Also on the planet located in a crater seven hundred kilometers, which in many sailing directions and handbooks called Renkatskoy depression and whose origins are still debated, scientists of many races.

  A small rocky planet Dyurak hiding in the blinding glare of the star Aral. Sometimes, as was shown long-term observation, she received the atmosphere, capturing the gases ejected by the solar wind Aralaha, but almost immediately deprived of it again. And so it was repeated over and over again. On the planetoid had heavy metals stocks - their krogan mined very active during this period, when dinosaurs race was at the peak of power.

  One of iridium deposits located on Dyurake, led to a sharp weakening of the power of the five kroganskih clan: clan leaders is in neutral territory trying to agree on a truce next, their main clan bases were treacherously killed by orbital bombardments. Left in almost complete isolation, between leaders staged a fight to the death. The surviving members of the five clans still could not come to an agreement on the question of who among the leaders lasted longer than the others.

  Four and a half hours took Dranek transition to the system, has four known planets and registered. The first planet that has fallen under the gun squadron became Rothley - once - a large ice dwarf, during krogan rebellions turned fragmented into many pieces. version was circulated that the split Rothley was the result of tests of new weapons. During the test, the planetoid was transformed into a relatively compact cloud of thousands of small moons revolve around one another, constantly colliding and flying again. On the method and even more so - about the means by which the planetoid was virtually destroyed, now nothing is known for sure was not. Undertaking the experiment krogan clan it was completely destroyed. Ships, dwells at the time of testing on the edge "

  In today's Extranet is very popular in this regard enjoyed assumption made Asari-writer Dells Ortiz, suggested that turians tried to hide the existence of a species-krogan superbiotikov genetically designed precisely to Rothley. Service forced disarmament at the Citadel Council imposed quarantine around the field Rothley, recalling the death of several real cases in the field of private investigations ship lovers, trying to penetrate the field.

  Ice Dwarf Sazgot had eccentric orbit. At the moment of perigee passage of the surface constantly evaporates, forming a thin atmosphere of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, and then - again freezes for as Sazgot removed to the back Dranek system.

  Meta-ammiiachny giant Dor served as the main port for refueling ships fell into Dranek system. The Lagrange point of the planet was a large station "Pildeya", where the headquarters of forced disarmament Service of the Council of the Citadel. SPRS led a list of all ships coming through the demilitarized zone krogan and its employees had the right to go on board any ship, to make the search and seizure of contraband goods.

  - Attention on the squadron. Prepare to take Inspection SPRS groups on board. - Reverberated systems speakerphone cruiser and frigate, cruiser word major on watch. - Parking - forty minutes.

  Employees SPRS quickly and dexterously both ships watched the room, signed the necessary documents, registering the absence of claims and left aboard the ship unit in exactly the appointed time. Of course, the presence on board the squadron of four Spectra Citadel Council has helped to drastically reduce and the duration of the inspection and control procedure itself. Krogan have been recorded in a special agreement, it was allowed to have their own government, their own management and personal weapons, but an attempt to smuggle weapons ship class to the parent planet race lizards - Tuchanka punished rigorously - death by throwing in a free space.

  Tectonically inert rock surrounded by an atmosphere of krypton, xenon and argon - that's what the planet was Kelim. On its surface were deposits of light metals, but now it is very difficult to find, since most of the volume was removed before the start of kroganskih uprisings.

  Three-hour shift system in Neath - a small star system, has three planets, has passed normally and calmly.

  Meta-ammonia giant kroganskih Ward before the revolts served as a place where the treatment was carried out, followed by a third helium for fuel production. After the destruction of power plants located around Neath system, the flow of fuel from tankers antiproton dried up, disappeared the need to maintain the appropriate infrastructure, so the wastewater treatment plants have been abandoned Ward. Today, as confirmed scanning stations around Ward inhabited by criminals, vagrants and derelicts. Only a handful of stations around the premises Ward remain habitable reasonable but no krogan of organic or SPRS do not check whether the settlers are there in safety. Detachment conducted a standard survey of the area of the planet and the planet itself, which took a little over two hours.

  Planet Tula their methane-ammonia atmosphere continued to regularly absorb the heat of stars Neath, resulting in the surface temperature of the planet in the daytime consistently exceeded a thousand degrees. On the planet of valuable minerals have been found, but unbearable to live reasonably organics and their equipment did heat extraction of these minerals are extremely costly and because - unprofitable. Shepard, getting acquainted with the results of the research area and the planet, noted that the name of the planet is similar to the name of one of the imperial cities, which now produces modern small arms.

  Mantun Planet was once a center of distribution of particles accelerators are manufactured antiproton fuel for engines kroganskih combat ships. Salarians krogan helped build a string of space stations, solar energy collecting stars Neath and pass it on mantunskie particle accelerators, because Neath - giant blue class B system was once the most strategically important point on the territory of the krogan. During kroganskih rebellions to the spectra could infect computers bloatware, manages some local power plants. As a result, as a result of the collision, all stations were destroyed, and their fragments were distributed around the planet in a relatively stable ring. By that time, the krogan has not had the resources to restore power stations, krogan fleet lost the main source of fuel.

  Looking through the list kroganskih colonies, Shepard said five of them - Ward, Gembat, Digeris, Oma Ker, Feyros. No sooner did signal the end of a standard procedure survey of the planet and the district Mantuna, Anderson and Titov announced the decision - go to the planning work in the Space Systems Alliance. Troop ships were returning to a system where the relay was located. On the transition to the Space Systems Alliance was supposed to spend more than twelve hours, so naturally it was decided to establish the sleep within the squadron at the time of transition - the crews and teams needed rest.

  Shepard decided to spend a few hours - no more than two - reflections and memories, and then - sleep.

  Reflections Shepard

  When planning a return to the Citadel Corps planned in parallel and work on capital improvements "Normandy" and rearmament Troop ships with all necessary equipment and weapons. In practice, it was agreed that the "Normandy" is completely transformed in the dock, sent to the Citadel especially for her. In the period of reconstruction was supposed to settle part of the crew of the frigate at the headquarters on the Citadel, and some - "Volga" in the cabin cruiser. Natural and reconstructed at the frigate remained minimal crew - of the need for his presence on the ship, no one doubted. So the detachment returned to the station in anticipation of a large and pleasant change.

  And the changes are really followed. Karin Chakwas received a new sickbay and the right to recruit staff of health professionals of their choice, and on my own. Enough things to do and at the station - it was necessary to take a closer look to the many issues and concerns of the Citadel and, if possible, to intervene or initiate their decision. The crew of the frigate appeared nurses and more doctors, new engineers.

  Shepard was personally very important to the opinion of the engineer on the project of reconstruction of Adams frigate. The fact that a knowledgeable engineer practices praised the planned works, and most importantly - they
are the result of ... encouraging. So, the frigate "Normandy" from the prototype, of almost an experienced pilot of the ship was converted into a real warship. Yes, scout, but the scout, armed and equipped so as not every earthly kosmokreyser could be equipped. And the weapons, the same "Taniksy" and other system attacking and defensive and deterrent weapons were on the ball. The ship is really turning into a cruiser, in outer space monster, able to solve very efficiently and quickly a wide range of complex problems. The fact that the difficulty will not be slow to manifest, Shepard was convinced.

  The crew and command of the frigate had to be fed. Feed quality products and a variety of dishes made from these products in terms of quality recipes on quality equipment. Feeding needed crew and team, not only qualitatively but also quickly. Because there was a special man is needed. And so the man himself wanted to become a chef in the "Normandy". Rupert Gardner. Citizens always called himself not only as Sergeant Gardner. Well, he liked to call himself so. A special ship, special people. Especially when the frigate actually turned into a frigate-cruiser, got a dining room with kitchen, as separate rather than as adapted premises.

  War ... She was breathing in his face. The stench of the fires, the burning heat stations and colonies. Because reasonable tried to somehow apply to changing, becoming more and more problematic living conditions. At the Citadel, it was decided to use a system of organized evacuation to the station were to live on a permanent basis, only those who really wanted to spend a very long time it is on the Citadel, and not anywhere else. And the rest have been proposed and are guaranteed a minimum return to their home worlds or any inhabited world of their choice. Naturally, the proposal did not hesitate to take advantage of many organic reasonable.

  Thein due Yaviku was cured of Kepralya syndrome. Diseases Kepralya. Death for Drell disease. And Thain had the opportunity to be with his son for many years. Shepard did not talk to him about the war, did not say that as a liquidator, Thain has to continue to kill. He said only that Thain should communicate, communicate deeply enough with his son. Because that son lives Yreka, wife Thane. Because she wants her husband and her son were alive and were happy. So any talk about what to do Thain was not at the time of the approaching war.


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