Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 43

by Theodore Daniels

  - Well, Svetlan. - Shepard said.

  - You have not heard, and already agree? - Streltsov smiled.

  - Because I know. You want to work and suggest a walk to the cops and to the Turian. Least. - Said the first mate. - With one start?

  - Guess. You're right. Doing nothing in these volumes ... I was somewhat annoying. - Agreed kaperang. - We start with the Turian, John. With your cops we'll meet later. I think what we can get done before the departure from the planet.

  - Good. Will cause the shuttle commander here?

  - Exactly. - Svetlana opened instrumentron, typed a few lines. - After ten minutes, he will be in place.

  Seeing his commander paratroopers "five" protection calmed down. Set in a semi-soft salon chair, Streltsov nodded to the driver that appears on the screen and the machine took a course to turian colony where at the time and stayed Garrus Nihlus.

  Maybe she really, kaperang Streltsov, so close consorted with John Shepard precisely because the important thing for both of them took place in the life of their work and their service? This priority could not stop even the fact that John was an orphan, and she, Svetlana, have both parents and brothers and sisters. Svetlana told them a little about how it works, how the service it and its relatives have been sympathetic to this. Not only she told them about how she lives with John. Her family was considered to be the norm when a man best say his case. And John said things about him best. "Normandy" has become almost legendary ship and its crew - almost legendary crew. And Streltsov understood that definitively, even for a few decades, and the legendary "Normandy" and her crew will have during the war against the Reapers. I understand that it is - due and necessary, but it is extremely cruel and great price for the legendary. Legendary, lёgshaya heavy burden on the ordinary human and not only, by the way, the human life of the crew and command frigate, cruiser.

  Svetlana itself did not build illusions - the frigate as a lighter boat, always went in front, and her cruiser was used well, except that as an additional argument. She had no doubt that what happened - and she will be able to adequately and effectively support normandovtsev power of his ship and the preparation and perfection of his armed crew. And yet ... While Anderson and Shepard firmly held "Volga" and its team with the crew on the "bench". Allowing prepare. Prepare to face the Reapers.

  Long evenings talking with Svetlana Yavikom on Reapers. As proteanin was able to present her as gently as exciting moments - she sometimes did not know until the end. But the fact that he was able to tell her about the confrontation with the Reapers ... became the basis for many of the improvements in the training of volgovtsev to future fights. Now, many of the details, and even communicated Yavikom shown, became the object of study in military academies and schools of the Empire. Now, the endless exercises, maneuvers and exits with alarms consistently built taking into account novopoluchennoy information. The principle of "Generals always prepare for the last war" is now working extremely efficiently, because as General acted not just any man, even the imperial military leader and warrior of the ancient race, have passed through the crucible of conflict,

  Experience and knowledge Yavika as a warrior and warlord is now working not at the past and the future and is therefore not seen as material worthy of attention except that only the military historians. Together with the improvement of training of soldiers and people in the first place - the Imperials, and improved weapons and military equipment. Yes, it gave a certain hope and Yavik rights - now the space race of the Citadel, it is possible, it is hoped that they, reasonable organic beings manage to survive. Not only defeat the Reapers, but also to survive himself. And this hope had to feed the daily practical affairs. Daily practical matters, such as that which had been occupied by the XO and the commander of the military ships in the center of the colony Turian on Eden Prime.

  Once turians may well have to bomb the mankind to the Stone Age. They were for that, no matter how painful it was to admit it, a man and a woman, all the opportunities and resources. If not for the laws of dialectics, if not the right choice ... would Turians earthlings rejected in the Stone Age. Too were incompatible experience base and the possibility of the race, which had experience in deep space manned missions across the galaxy in two thousand years, and the experience base and the possibility of race, whose similar experiment was calculated at best a hundred years old and did not go beyond the solar system.

  Now the military center of the colony was turian collaboration of people and Turian. Joint because turians and before and before the people was the enemy, for which she and other race and in any case were only facility to be destroyed. Of course, die in silence, raising his hands no Turian or people do not like - is too serious, and the enemy was too strong. But no less serious and strong and turians and people believed in themselves. They believed that they are not weak, not helpless and therefore able to snap and resist. Not just able - are required.

  Materials published by the press center of the unit in the closed encrypted extranet segments used by the military and paramilitary groups in different ways. But used. Maybe it was part of the preparations to repel the invasion. May be. But most of this work is perceived simply as a necessity. In the military center of the colony, nobody paid attention to rank and position, because all those present in more than a dozen protected premises understood - that happen, and they will all be killed, no matter what level of them specifically takes into power or military pyramid. All. For the simple reason that the race, which was able to go beyond the lack of development, subject to total destruction. More precisely - the processing in the next two kilometers or polutorakilometrovy Reaper. Race, thousands, tens of thousands, millions and billions of reasonably should have become a paste for the construction of only one, another "shrimp." One of those in the next cycle will fall upon the settlement of new intelligent races, bringing death to their residents through the "elevation".

  No building unnecessary illusions. Yes, humanity and turians could lose. An example of losing the race was close, hiding in invisibility. Protheans. Masters of vast galactic empire fought for hundreds of years. Billions Protheans were destroyed. Billions subordinates intelligent races they left the galactic arena into obscurity. And how many of these races to Protheans? Those innusanon, zhatiil other. Tens. Those Guardians. Masters and at the same time - the staff of a giant space station. Beings of Light, which was known even less.

  And how many in the galaxy of places where there is the presence of intelligent life, but traces of life in the modern understanding of this cycle and there will most likely never in the foreseeable races for the current cycle was not the last. We had to work just to be able to organize, not to lead, but to organize a proper resistance. It is hardly possible to resist the centuries, as did Protheans. Hardly. Forces in modern Shepard and Strel'tsova races is much smaller - it is objective measures are taken not from the Extranet and not from the pages of the press and entertainment boulevard of the Citadel and the Earth. No. These were the findings of serious practical and theoretical research. Yes, the Citadel space race, the race of the current Galaxy could lose. And this fact is also prepared by placing planets on special "favorites".

  All organic Milky Way were preparing for battle. To resist, to repel aggression. And now near the organics were synthetics. Reasonable synthetic, possessing the bodies of AI. Olivia, Legion, Mark supports multichannel communication with Eden Prime and directly participated in the war gathered in the center of the colony turian reasonable. Here, no one distinguished interlocutor on the race - there is only one common cause: to survive and win. We had to demand the impossible - to win, just to get a real and necessary - to survive. If you hold out if we retain the position, we will be able to accumulate power, money and resources in order to win. In that few of those present in the military center of the doubt.

  Svetlana, sitting in a semi-soft chair - begged did not directly pointing to its "position" - glancing sidelong at John, discussing something in a huge multi-colored maps of the galaxy
. Were studied tens and hundreds of options no secret of complexity, and sometimes difficult to achieve the necessary and desired results. John did not press the authority of human spectrum, so some special authority here, then? And Nihlus Craik and Saren Arterius were much more experienced and much more well-known spectrum than Shepard. And yet, all three of them have worked in the same order, because the invasion happen - will have to fight all sentient organics without any exceptions.

  Yes, most of the military-Turian essentially refused to occupy the chairs and tables in this spacious room. Even a few turianok ignored seat, accustomed during the years of civil and military service to hardship. How is it in the statute that? "Endure the hardships of military service." Exactly. Sometimes this phrase is present in the text of the military oath. Many races and armies of many countries of the Earth. The necessity and sufficiency.

  While discussing with the officers-turians options navies and Special Forces groups and landing, Svetlana and did not feel like the time was approaching in the evening, approaching a moment of the beginning of preparations for departure. Time ... An interesting phenomenon that accompanies the life of a reasonable organic from birth to death. It can accelerate and slow down, be sverhzametnym and crush stone slab and be invisible and light as a feather, have a viscous jelly and speed as a mail spetsfregat.

  Now Svetlana was in his element and felt that John is also located in a familiar working environment. On Troop ships of both of them, it might be more than one or two opportunities to meet and be alone with each other. Do not advertise your personal relationships here. Do not.

  Three hours before the hour "M" indicating the time of departure Troop, Svetlana and John on the commander volgovskih shuttle flew to the location of the Military Police Department of Eden Prime. It excelled military policemen from the amphibious assault unit "Normandy" and even Alenko not play here any significant role and had no special significance. After all, he was not a cop, he was an officer of the Alliance VKS.

  Kaidan himself recently returned from a meeting of his colleagues who had the implants series "El-Two." His visit to the meeting he perceived as an absolute necessity, seriously prepared for it, and was, apparently, satisfied with the results of his stay among their fellow-biotics. They had to clearly and effectively to make sure that they, biotics, people are able to bring real and of great benefit. Make sure not only in words but in deeds.

  Yavik helped here - it was designed to Ilos vaccine capable of neutralizing most of the harmful effects, with which so sadly famous older implants. And now this vaccine has helped carriers "al-second" focus not on the negative symptoms and limitations, and the active and full of life and activity. Proteanin did not make a secret of the technology and composition of the vaccine - there was nothing available to the modern level of development of mankind. Just as Yavik said in a conversation with Alenko before leaving on Eden Prime, we had more and more deeply to think, to reflect, and do not stop in thinking.

  The main thing - do not stop, because not every intelligent organics like that carriers obsolete implants will be spared from the negative impacts of these crafts to health and vitality. Not everyone liked it. And the vaccine spread like a wave on the human colony - media society, "al-second" chose this destination one of the central problems for his real work, considering it an effective means of colleagues on the issue.

  Not being biotics or any Shepard Svetlana did not even qualify for the possibility of carriers at this meeting, "al-second." Do not excelled senior officers Corps and at a working meeting with cops Eden Prime. Here, at the meeting with law enforcement agencies in question is about the same - on Action against the Reapers. There was not any doubt that as a result of brainwashing, indoctrination, brainwashing from the Reapers can appear a lot of supporters and helpers. It has always been and people Earthlings it was no less well known than the same Turian. That is why it was discussed how to counteract not only the main force and the main troops and ships to the Reapers, but also those who will support and facilitate the activities of the invaders and occupiers. Cops are gradually getting used to, they are not just small performers and an important link in the Resistance. Civil resistance is also formed and gradually began to take effect and contours, but it was now important to use the existing power structure in which law enforcement agencies have played a significant role.

  Svetlana again almost forcibly seated in a chair next to the table, with placed so that she could see most of the room in which the cops worked. Not only see, but also actively participate in the work. She provided much of the information. Desantiki "Volga" long ago found a common language with the cops-commandos "Normandy" and is now discussing specific issues and problems of common scripting operations in most conceivable variants. Shepard mostly listened intently and watched limited short remarks and comments.

  Finally the time and the guests began to gather in the opposite way - to Troop ships. Part, of course, with a fair amount of sadness and gestures, and in the eyes, and in conversations. No one knew how many more decades will last peacetime, because they had already run and prepare to live and act in a war with a strong, ruthless and experienced, but because - very insidious enemy.

  First on his commander's shuttle flew Svetlana. Everybody understood her condition and because no one even hinted that she, as the commander of the cruiser can Troop and even had to fly one of the last. All - and the owners of the planet and visitors normally perceived restraint Strel'tsova and Shepard, not become once again demonstrate the purely personal feelings openly, even when good and familiar, but still most of them strangers. On three shuttles cargo-class cruiser flew volgovtsy. Then came the normandovtsev. Conduct Jenkins came all his family - mother, father and sister. Richard kept a stiff upper lip, though it was evident he is worried. Kaiden was convinced that all the paratroopers, cops are back from leave, that they are ready to continue work and ordered to be loaded on the frigate arrived two-cruise shuttle, enabling Richard to stay a little longer with his parents and sister. Returning after a quarter of an hour of the second shuttle took lieutenant and a corporal, and took the shuttle commander arrived at her salon Shepard.

  Upon arrival on board the frigate Shepard reported to Anderson received his readers with the latest information and deepen their learning, yet even before reaching his cabin. Departure from the orbit of the planet was moved to midnight - as they walked depth studies Eden Prime's change the position of the ships near the planet was considered undesirable. Information Squad waited too many interested in it, and some people and communities of colonists. Some of the information through the established channels with minimal mining is sent to Earth and "Arcturus".

  The ships left the orbit of Eden Prime at midnight, having completed a full cycle of this survey is extremely valuable for the Earthlings planet. Ahead of waiting for the average system Asgard, has four registered in most Handbooks and sailing directions planets.

  Several hours go from one normandovtsev volgovtsev and especially did not feel - all have become accustomed. So, when the front face opened its Loki - a small Earth-like planet, for most of the characteristics of no particular interest, none of the members on duty shift did not have to force yourself forced to switch to the operating mode. It was confirmed that one hemisphere Loco was for the most part covered by an ice cap, and the other - the rocky basalt plateaus.

  Rough surface indicative of a possible global cataclysm, who inflicted considerable damage to this planet. Suspicion about the cataclysm was confirmed by the unusually elongated orbit at which the planet is revolved around the local luminaries - the apogee was the removal of seven with a small astronomical units, and at perigee was reduced to six and a half astronomical units. Scanning the planet's ice cap showed the presence of overlapping underneath the system of underground tunnels. Some of them have a regular shape, so the first expedition of vengeance tried to find traces of their artificial origin. Subsequently, however, it has been made at the time a very reasonable conclusion that these tunnels formed natu
rally. At this moment the specialists Squad has not started to sharpen their attention, confirming the meantime,

  Shepard knew that now and try on Synthetic Corps to every planet in a kind of "survival of the standard." Tunnel Network could be useful to the soldiers of the Alliance during the organization and implementation of defense star system from the Reaper forces, but Loki atmosphere was unbreathable, and the Reapers as accustomed to thinking not only Synthetic, but people are likely to have a perfect scanning technique - if scanners Squad for a few tens of seconds to make a complete date card, scanners heavy and large ships Reaper - ever cuttlefish make this not an example of better and faster, and therefore rely on the fact that will be able to save all the defenders of the planet and the star system was not necessary.

  While Shepard became acquainted with the final report on the results of a survey of the planet and its district, came a report that the world at the moment with the training-mission intelligence is a detachment of special purpose of the Alliance - the famous "Delta". Other information was removed from free access, but the experience of Shepard knew - "Delta" sent here one of the detachments of recruits for training "on location". XO wanted to believe that as soon as it receives a signal about the invasion - Special Forces soldiers will be picked up from the planet as soon as possible.

  The next planet, which happened at gunpoint scanners and radar squadron became Tyre in many ways similar to the Earth. Tyre atmosphere composed mostly of nitrogen and ethane, it was recognized that there are sufficient conditions for successful terraforming, but in the same star system was already Terra Nova - has long been populated by and easy to live in, so that Tir many local and not only local officials perceived not only as a "helper" planet, which, of course, was not quite correct.

  Expand terraforming now, given the length and complexity of this process, it was too late. While officials and turned away from Tyre prospects, hundreds of corporations owned by both humans and aliens on the planet has already created a powerful infrastructure, which took first place in the mining and processing enterprises, most of the equipment which was remotely controlled. Local resources Tyre in combination with platinum deposits, discovered and developed on Terra Nova, served as raw material for the production of hydrogen fuel cells.


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