Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 51

by Theodore Daniels

  - Because of the frequent strong hurricanes hampered visibility. - XO said softly aloud, reading specialists calculations Squad. - The danger of low temperature of the second level.

  - Captain. - By standing at the Star Maps exec silently approached Yavik, Saren and Kaidan. - We have prepared everything you need for landing on Mavigon. - Has taken the difficult role of the main "speaker" Kaidan worried, despite the tacit encouragement and support and Turian proteanina. - I beg your permission to personally lead the landing party, and to deal with the last slot of a criminal syndicate.

  Shepard did not turn to the speaker. He knew that Kaidan worthy to lead the group on this relatively simple mission. He is the same as the senior assistant, should stay on board. Anderson and help maintain the rest of the crew with his presence. With red sand dealers, contact mainly with batarian slavers had to finish in the strongest terms.

  Yavik Saren and silently laid before Shepard on navigational worktable readers to plan the mission. Shepard took them one by one in the hand, got acquainted with the contents of the files. Teammate took into account everything. And that will have to face opposition on the part of many races, including the krogan. And what is needed is not a purely human, and mixed team - the enemies were strong and well prepared, and well armed.

  Base on Mavigone was located on a high cliff in the south-eastern part of the scanners already outlined area of the operation. Base building is protected three towers with heavy turrets - the bandits did not save on safety. Formally and constructive base is a research station, therefore, it is necessary to leave the interior of the shuttle - the use of conveyors teammate Shepard immediately responded to the plan, the prospectus of the forthcoming operation as a highly undesirable options. And Mavigone - the second level of danger. Second.

  Synthetic, using almost all available standard features and resources, surpassed themselves - they found that in each of the three halls of the base were fifteen mercenaries, two sniper. Total - more than fifty reasonable organics, led the last is that staying alive criminal authorities, were part of the council at the Helen Blake, who promised to do away with the practice of the Syndicate much focus on the red sand and it is expected in the future to drastically change the specialization of the criminal community. Now I had to destroy all of the latest members of the Syndicate. Past it? Ineradicable evil, but it is particularly strong when the front - The invasion of the Reapers.

  In the plan, the prospectus noted that after the massacre of the defenders of the base and the execution of the criminal authority of the landing group procheshet base for improvements and valuable information. Synthetic pointed out that there is not on the official lists of the abandoned station, where scanners and radars already found boxes of weapons, armor and improvements. The station was included in the work plan for the second item on the planet. It was assumed that, if necessary, either with the "Volga", or - with the "Normandy" will come to the planet finds shuttles for evacuation.

  The third item was mummified salarian. Details were to find itself at the time of the landing, but it was assumed that this warrior was related either to itself the League of Union or to those troops who were engaged in the persecution of members of this organization, who wished to avoid an unfair trial and an even more unfair, it is quite possible - the secret and brutal violence.

  The fourth point was broken probe. And spices - people and Synthetic unanimously claimed that on board, in the cargo hold contained regular improvement of weapons and armor.

  The fifth item was mine valuable minerals - cobalt and gold.

  Having read Shepard signed the optical fiber-kodatorom on each of the readers, claiming work plans:

  - I agree. - He said, looking alternately at Saren, Kaidan and Yavika. - You, all three - member team landing party. Make it so that everything went smoothly. And - without victims and other problems. Base - blow. Nothing post "Cerberus" opportunity to save on construction of regular shelters.

  Man, Turian and proteanin stretched and saluted senior assistant commander of the frigate, cruiser, took readers and clearly turned around, went to the hangar. Shepard turned to the map, took a step, leaned against the railing. As an officer-paratrooper commandos, and he had this way of charging performance of certain operations, "interventions" junior-ranking colleagues. And the fact that now he was on board the frigate, cruiser and Alenko, Arterius and Yavik command group on he landing, Captain videoconferencing Alliance, did not see anything special. Sooner or later he will have to give up the post of head of the landing group Alenko lieutenant. He needs to grow and career and titles, because it is - not a graduate of the Academy of Al-seven, not spectrum of the Citadel Council. Here on such landings Kaidan and will have an opportunity, a real opportunity to prove themselves, when there is not, and Shepard will have to make decisions completely on their own. And of course - and be fully responsible for them and for their consequences.

  A few minutes - and came to report the ship's engineering services for the start of the two shuttles. landing the Group has started to work. Waiting Shepard tried to dilute the active work in Maps and bypass the ship - Acting Senior Assistant, connected with the duties of captain John not weighed. He used to work like this, taking the maximum of what needed to be done. It was taught to act and in the army and in the Academy: Special Forces are no slackers and whiners with no sissy. They all work for wear, always aiming for the highest quality and effectiveness.

  the destruction of bases report did three and a half hours with the video report. After reviewing short version, Shepard asked for clarification and soon got them. Everything was done cleanly - the resistance has been overcome, the criminal authority, tried to swing right, was shot "while trying to escape" with his accomplices - in terms of their destruction - no problems.

  Near the corpse salarian several small artifacts were found. Found badge, as it turned out, belonged to Captain Satranaki - one of those salarian soldiers who were forced to deal with the persecution of members of Union League. For Shepard was not a secret is very ambiguous attitude salarian soldiers to what he was instructed to destroy the staff perhaps the most prepared special services salarian race.

  Improvements to the weapons and armor from the cargo bay of broken probe seized in standard terms - is one of the members of the landing party did not rush out and try to speed. Unmarked on most maps database cleaned several hours, asked two cargo shuttle. One was sent to the frigate, the other - from the cruiser. Titov, released on bond with Shepard, again chided exec that cruiser used "in the wings", but made it penyanie soft and inoffensive. All the same, and volgovtsy and normandovtsy made common cause and to be measured superiority in the face of invasion dangerous enemy would be stupid and short-sighted. In the refined report, signed by Lieutenant Alenko, it was reported the discovery on the basis of the Syndicate exploded a huge sum of ten thousand credits. Following the imperial rule "that the battle is taken, then - holy"

  Working with mineral deposits was carried out in full accordance with the procedure and time-consuming schedule. Nobody was in a hurry, but not lazy.

  Shepard, going into the hangar frigate, cruiser, received a report from poslepolёtny Alenko and Saren. Yavik silent nod confirmed that he personally has no comments, additions and objections, and then hurried back to his cabin. By allowing teammate rest, Shepard returned to the Card - to serve as captain.

  Gas giant Huninto, comparable in size with the usual for earthlings Jupiter, had a normal hydrogen-helium atmosphere. Methane should be attached to the disk of the planet cobalt blue hue. Spectral analysis showed once again that the system Huninto rings composed mostly of ice crystals. Huninto had an extremely powerful magnetic field, which created strong interference within the system.

  After working for the planet and its placement area, detachment moved to the obscure rocky planet Paravinu. Warm up to a high temperature surface of the planet it consisted mainly of calcium and aluminum deposits. Paravin had a small weight, so one side is constantly facing the star Han.
Scanning the planet Troop Ship equipment gave some hints that even in such a small planet can be valuable resources, but because Troop ships were not specifically designed for exploration, experts only have placed non-personal information on the largest geological survey and industrial portals, Extranet, and then returned for processing data coming from devices.

  Trenknuvshy signal detection system of artificial forms attracted the attention of relevant specialists CIC - in geostationary obrite Paravina scanners spotted a small unmanned station, the origin of which could not be clearly set even with the help of probes running specialists engineering service frigate, cruiser. One of the probes found in the cargo hold of a ship container fragment records Dilinagi matriarch. The fragment was extracted and taken to the frigate, placed in the artifacts repository.

  Four hours have gone on the Troop, to fly in the Ming, which for some reason is clearly the bureaucratic system was considered small, but possessed and registered five planets and the asteroid belt. Vessels included in the system of limits, met Altanorh - hydrogen-helium gas giant, which has no special characteristics. Due to the strong magnetic field and relatively low gravity, he was considered the most convenient and therefore - a very popular place for the discharge of spacecraft engines. While scanning the planet, it was found that on the surface of the planet in ancient times occurred some battle locally. Semi-automatic probes normandovtsam allowed to withdraw from the planet's surface some items of interest to historians.

  Large rocky planet Parag, where the atmosphere contains nitrogen and argon, have extremely high surface temperature. And this when the distance from the local luminaries - zvedy Ming - was six hundred astronomical units. Bark Paraga consisted mostly of alumina, radars and scanners Troop ships have confirmed once again, and the presence of silver deposits. Due to the high temperature and at least a high radiation landing on the illuminated side of the ship of the planet, is not equipped with shields, military-grade, naturally led to the fatal consequences of what has been done with several automatic warning exhibited a planet in orbit drifting buoys. Parag rotation direction was opposite to the direction of rotation of the other bodies in the system Ming, indicating that the probability of belonging to captured Paraga local luminary bodies. Titanium - The new large deposit of valuable light metal was found during the scan of the planet.

  Mobilization. Vanished cargo ship

  When approaching Antiropru - hydrogen-helium gas giant, formed in the outer part of the star system and Min are now gradually moving closer to the local luminary, scanners and radars "Volga" groped thrown drifting cargo-passenger ship.

  - Captain. - By standing at the Star Maps Shepard came Kaidan. Following Jennifer approached. - Sorry.

  Mate broke away from the calculations, the lieutenant looked at a tired and somewhat detached look.

  - The ship has at least one biotic. - Alenko said. Jennifer nodded, confirming the words of the officer. - You know, biotic biotic feels. It is not as common ability ... But we have been taught. And me and Jennifer. - Kaidan said. - I do not know how this biotic survived on an abandoned ship drifting, but data clarifying the reason why he has not yet left the board this ship. - Kaidan put on the table navigator reader.

  After reviewing the contents of the device file, Shepard thought for a moment.

  - Good. Kaidan, you take your group. Together with Jennifer desantiruetes on this ship. Find this biotic and withdraw it with the body. According to Synthetic - it is almost the only, excluding biotic, of course, with respect to a living creature on board. The rest - the corpses. Guessing about the reasons have nothing - Synthetic gutted computer that cargo-passenger ship. Many details have still to clarify and establish and find out on the spot. Proceed, Lieutenant.

  - Yes, Captain. - Kaidan stretched, saluted and almost ran toward the hangar frigate.

  - Thank you, that did not keep me in the rear and in inactivity, Captain. - Jennifer said softly, then slowly walked behind the lieutenant.

  Shepard returned to the map, leaned on the railing, peered in at Antiropru data. The measurements clearly showed - after a few million years of the planet's atmosphere begins to thin, scattered in space. The temperature difference between the side facing the active Big Blue and side facing into a cold space, was the cause of education in Antiropre cyclonic winds. The heat of the sun absorbed by the planet, coupled with an internal heat source, causing radiation glow unlit side of the planet, clearly visible in the infrared spectrum.

  Referring to the data found on the scanners and radars ship, Shepard discovered that "Worthington" modular transport ship was popular among truckers Space Citadel Class "Kowloon", proposed on the market earthlings. The ship was equipped for both freight and passenger traffic, which reduced the costs of owners and users to operate it. All systems "Worthington" were transferred to the sleep mode, the engine is off and the ship slowly and steadily came down from Antiropra orbit, going into space. Sooner or later stumble on his tractor evacuation of the ship, but the presence on board ...

  - Captain, we're on board. - In the speaker's voice cut through Alenko lieutenant. - We were attacked last member of the crew. Female. I tried to shoot, and then apply biotics. Jennifer ... it calmed their funds. I did not interfere. I inspect the ship, heard the three records from the logbooks on this vessel. We found these entries were in the reader in different places. It seems that this woman ... killed all crew members. And, it seems to me, I know the reason. This is the man, the man, whose body is lying in sickbay. I moved there, the details and will report later discovered.

  In a text file, which came with instrumentrona Jennifer were explanations - a woman named Julia and a man in sickbay was her husband. She loved him very much, so not allowed to turn off his body from the life-support system. It is understood that the brain of her husband died and remained practically only one body, functioning only thanks to the work of medical machines. But turn off the life-support automation she still did not rise hand. She arrived and attacked the landing party in an attempt to prevent the aliens turn off life support automation - at the moment it seemed to her that the people who came just for this and came on board gruzopassazhirnika.

  The victim is the husband of Julia called Jacob. Released to communicate with the board of the frigate Kaidan confirmed that Jacob's brain dead - the officer threw for medical telemetry coded link on instrumentron Chakwas and ship doctor confirmed the preliminary conclusion Alenko, pointing out that only supports the automatic functioning of the body of her husband of Julia. After receiving additional information from the scanners officer spacesuit Chakwas also confirmed by the fact that Julia - a strong biotic and that she had killed the entire team in order to prevent the dead man off from sickbay life-support systems.

  - Captain. - Manifested in the earpiece voice of Jennifer. - Julia surrendered. She gave herself to hold down and offers no resistance. Colleagues Kaidan evacuate the body of Jacob on the shuttle, I believe it is necessary to give Julia the opportunity to bury Jacob ... human. I tried to explain to her some of the details, Karin also spoke to her on video. It seems that Julia calmed down and realized that nothing is correct already, alas, is impossible. We are preparing to return to the shuttles.

  - Well, Jenny. - Shepard received from Kaidan and Richard additional text files, and video clips. - Terminate all there and back. evakuatsionnikam signal has been sent.

  - Yes, Captain. - Jennifer switched channels, and Shepard became absorbed in the study of the content from drifting novopostupivshih gruzopassazhirnika files.

  While the shuttle crossed the distance from gruzopassazhirnika frigate to cruiser, Shepard ordered to prepare a vacant minimally furnished cabin for Julia and make room in the fridge for Jacob's body. The fate of Julia on the ship will be solved only by the commander of Anderson, and until the woman bored isolated.

  Two policemen paratroopers carried in cryostorage packed in an insulating container body, two policemen paratroopers taken to the cabin and prepared itself Julia. Alenko and handed Jennif
er Shepard readers with poslepolёtnymi sweeps - they still had to be found Anderson. To allow members of the landing party to relax, Shepard went to the commander of the frigate's cabin-cruiser.

  Anderson met him in the doorway, motioning allowed to come in and shut the door.

  - I'm quite normal. At Karin remarks to my condition now there and I can get back to work, John. - David took the XO readers with reports. - I am familiar. And I think we will be able to Ferose overload and the woman's body, and on passing passazhirnik. Still, the colony has a quite decent and frequently visited the spaceport, and we do not have to call the shuttle from passing passazhirnika. And let it ... I think that will have to fit in with the patrol frigate Corps spectrum that it took Julia and the body of Jacob, as we approach the Ferosu. At the same time - check how it commands Shiala. Let us for a few days stop otryadovtsam give a chance to feel firm ground under his feet. - Anderson put readers on your desktop. - Everything, John. I return to the active command. You - thank you very much. You can relax. And ... talk via video link with Svetlana. I believe it, and you now need to talk.

  - All right, commander. - Shepard saluted, denoting the transfer commanding authority. - Let go?

  - Go. I'm a few minutes will have cards. Relax, John.

  - All right, David. - XO nodded, turned and left the cabin commander of the frigate.

  Work squadron in the cluster Beta Attica

  The accumulation of beta Attica squad went through a repeater located in the star system of Hercules - the average star system, has four planets. While the ships crossed the stage on the repeater chain, Shepard had a square meal, a half hour talking with Svetlana by video than delivered beloved great pleasure and satisfaction, as well as catch up on sleep ten o'clock - Anderson, who returned to the command of the frigate, cruiser in consultation with Titov took a no-decision to drive forward the ships at top speed, and move the so-called cost-effective way. Gradually let go normandovtsev sincere sorrow for Kahoku, the crew and command frigate, cruiser returned to a normal rhythm of work and life. Chakwas have almost no need to formally prohibit someone from inhabitants "Normandy"


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