Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 69

by Theodore Daniels

  Twenty minutes before the stroke of the hangar cruiser napping Streltsov, giving yourself the opportunity to relax a little, switch. John departed. She fulfilled her promise - transferred to the frigate almost all members of the crew of the cruise landing, all the necessary equipment, all the necessary weapons, ammunition and all necessary equipment. But now she realized that she gave to the frigate something more - a piece of itself. The one piece of that, perhaps, help her to John and his normandovtsam survive. To survive and return. Go back to her and to her volgovtsam. To him, John, and children.

  Adopted the report of senior officer of the watch, and the second helper Streltsov went to him. Her habitual surrounded sobachatami, Zirda had gone a few steps forward, and Zord and gray behind a few steps. Nodding coming to meet volgovtsam, Svetlana came to the door of his commander's cabin, waited sobachatami slip inside and joined itself firmly closing the door behind him. How empty ... Shepherd returned to their mats, making sure that their owner is not in danger. Svetlana walked around the hall, including pritushenny light wall sconce. I do not want full brightness. Did not want. But the gloom, only scattered light indicators also do not want to. But pritushenny, soft light - is the fact that now it is necessary.

  And yet it is necessary to feed the dogs. They mean not show cherish her from worry, but she knows that it is important that the hostess fed them out of their hands. Stopping at the locker, took out the packages revealed. Pour into a bowl, heard the quiet clatter of claws - sobachatami approached, wet noses poked in the palm of your hand. Thank you. And decorously, quietly, slowly, they are taken for food. And then licked the bowl, went to their rugs.

  Clean up bags and washing their bowls, Svetlana felt that it is just an ordinary soothing effect, give confidence. The severity of the bitterness of parting a little damp.

  Coming out of the bathroom, Svetlana wrapped in a robe, looked at the console - cruiser continued to drift on board everything was normal. Sobachatami long been asleep. It can also sleep. Though in a chair in the lobby, at least in the bedroom on the bed, still keeps the warmth and smell of John's body.

  But now - still not over, not yet night. Running day is not over yet. And it is not only a woman and a married woman, but the commander. And that means - you need to walk around the ship, get to the details.

  Dressed, Svetlana slipped out the door the commander's cabin. Upcoming long detour huge ship - Svetlana has never missed a single compartment, a single post. It was imperative to know everything and be aware of everything. In another she could not. And this is now a routine tour of the cruiser helped her escape from the heavy thoughts.

  She was afraid. She was very afraid. And she knew that her fear, her fear and feel volgovtsy and normandovtsy. Feel and understand. Do not hinder her in this. They believe that it will cope with their fears, with his fear. And she prepared to provide every conceivable and inconceivable even help. Everywhere and in all things.

  Having made the first steps on the ramps, Svetlana felt a little relieved. Handkerchief went from a handful in the suit pocket. Cloak just swung open - volgovtsy like nobody knew about her condition and the difficulties that it stubbornly, persistently overcome without focusing on his colleagues' position. "

  OMEGA-4. As it turned out, we - not the first. Entrance to the repeater. Breakthrough to the base and collector. Landing

  In the cockpit all the jobs were occupied. Jeff Moreau, his German colleague, Olivia and Mark, navigator Presley, specialist artillery. The CIC all consoles have also been busy - on duty to intercede complete change of specialists and officers. The ship slowly, steadily approaching the burning red repeater, damn reasonable generations and not wait for the return trip from space zaretranslyatornogo those who still dared to enter in "Omega-fourth."

  Shepard and Anderson sat in chairs at the Star Maps. In the third chair sat glavvahtenny frigate.

  - Attention. All foothold. Close helmets. Go to autonomy. The combat readiness of the number one. - Ordered Anderson. Taking reports of slips and saw green signals on the side screens of the Star Maps, the commander turned to Shepard. - Believe me, I was expecting anything ... Sturm, attempts to capture the frigate boarded, the appearance of the cruiser collectors. But calm approach to the catapult.

  - I believe you, Commander. Me too ... restless. And to all those who we have on the board - no doubt - too. - Number One looked at the screen, transmit a video signal. - Terrible this catapult. From her few returned. And we have to solve this puzzle. And we will solve it. According to another simply can not be.

  Anderson was silent, looking at the increase in size transponder circuit. Sole to explore the galaxy, which had a brownish color trim plates. Looking all the time slipping into the red eye repeater core. Like a predatory eye insatiable monster, waiting for when the next victim will approach closer and lose the opportunity, and most importantly - the ability to go back, to retreat, to abandon.

  Anderson felt that no one in the vehicle is not willing to retreat or surrender. No one. All were on the ground. All were ready. So much has been done in order to break through here, to punish those collectors. We have been completed hundreds of thousands of kilometers across the galaxy, have been visited by dozens of star systems. hundreds of planets, asteroid belts, stations and factories were studied deeply.

  Someday in the future, after the final victory over the Reapers them otryadovtsam definitely be something to remember. They had an eventful life and experiences. They lived it. Not existed and lived.

  And now they break there, where ordinary ships races this cycle never returned. None other than the hated ships, cruisers and frigates Collectors and trucks "Cerberus".

  The fact that after the return of "Normandy" from zaretranslyatornogo space Reapers respond, David Anderson had no doubt. Answers. A blow to the "Omega" station. Even openly, not hiding. And then the war begins. The war against the Reapers. With the direct executors of the Harvest. And again I have to wander around the galaxy, but now need to be constantly away from the pursuit of the Reapers and their henchmen.

  In the meantime, the frigate slowly and carefully selected to the sparkle in the tens and hundreds of kilometers around the bloody red eye repeater.

  - Coming to the repeater "Omega-fourth" - there was a handsfree voice Jeff Moreau. - All ready.

  - The system of "friend or foe" is activated. The signal is received. - Olivia reported. - Violation of protection and hacking attempts has been noted.

  - The core engine is lit like a Christmas tree. - I reported to the Engineer Adams, looking at the screen of the remote control and turned to the engine compartment, covered by an insulating field.

  - The electric charge of the nucleus of the engine has reached a critical value. - Olivia reported. - Connect the backup system. While - in the operating rules.

  - I reallocate. - Jeff threw, touching the sensors with two hands on two different consoles.

  The frigate approached with the kernel, turned its axis combined with the movement axis of the repeater. For nasal portholes "Normandy" flashed brown and white lightning, removable bluish tunnel.

  Immediately sounded worried voice of Olivia:

  - Prepare for braking. Danger!

  - Yes, Olivia. - Jeff switch the mode in the third panel, ran through the first sensors. - I leave up here just piles of rubble. I never thought that so many ships trying to break here. Everybody stay! - He threw in the PHONES Speaker, bringing the frigate out of the wreckage, trying to leave a "ring" at the bottom, so you can move forward to where the base was located Collectors. Finally, the debris, the first ring closest to the output relay. remained far below and behind. - Too close. - Breathed chief pilot. - Too close. Thanks for the warning, Olivia.

  - Everything is written on all channels and sensors. - Pause, kiborgessa said. Sitting next to her, Mark nodded.

  Frigate, extinguishing cruising speed, sailed slowly over the vast field of rubble, parts of ships. Second, wide ring of debris. Wall screens showed residents "Normandy" is a cem
etery in detail.

  - It must have all the ships that were able to go through the repeater. - Presley said. - Some of them look very old. There are no longer being built.

  - Go-they were able to, but endure attacks - failed. So, there is security. - Said partner Jeff. - They are literally disassembled into parts. To know who did it.

  - We learn. - Said Moro.

  - There are signals. The signature is unknown. We were sent two drones. Similar to the human eyeballs. - Olivia never left their screens to switch modes. - This is the protection of the area of the cemetery. They also dismantled the ships, not letting them deeper and closer to the center of the galaxy.

  - "The Eye". - Presley said.

  - Let it be "The Eye", but the intention of these "glazik" clearly bad. It is necessary to raise normandovtsev. These "eyes" will try to open the frigate. And they must be stopped. - Presley's hit a few keys. - Duty shifts are raised and directed to vulnerable compartments.

  - Activate the artillery system ship. - Olivia reported. SEARCH systems included. Targets captured. Destroyed.

  - New two pair sent to us. They are clearly trying to overload our artillery system, and then break to the case. Armament clearly laser.

  - Let them try. - Olivia exchanged views with Mark. - Let's see how they're smart and prepared. Flak evasive maneuver, Jeff.

  - I perform. - Moreau switched modes on multiple consoles, looked at the readings. - Done.

  - Energy signature detected near the edge of the disc akretsii. - Olivia reported. - This is clearly the Collector base.

  - It is likely, and protect these "eyes". Do not give it to approach any vehicle. - Said Presley.

  - Two more couples are trying to attack. SEARCH systems work. Average artkompleksy ship activated. Rapid Response Team - on the ground. - Kiborgessa reported.

  - Too much of them here. And it does not seem that they pulled from other sites here, where we break. - Moreau said, sliding a look at the screens and indicators. - So, leave it will be problematic, too. Their task - to not only let, but not to release.

  - And how did without it. - Said partner Moreau. - Procedure.

  - We have them put things in order. - Olivia dropped. - They can no longer be in effect modernize our air defense systems to approach them closely to the desired distance to the hull of the frigate. They can not start as usual to open and penetrate the armor. It confuses them astray. Sooner or later, they will try to call for help. I assume that this will be our acquaintances - Collectors cruiser.

  - You're right, Olivia. They are not designed to fight at a distance from the body of the alien ship. - Presley said. - Evasive, Jeff.

  - I perform. These insects become more and they are trying to reach us with ruby rays. - Moreau ran his fingers over the sensitive sensors consoles. Frigate evaded a number of strokes rays, but a few still shots paneling words.

  - While our lining keeps. - Mark said.

  - I know. - Said Moro - Not for long. I started to snap. Olivi?

  - Activate the system mode "destroy multiple targets." - Kiborgessa reported. - Successfully. Eight "eye" put out, there are still five. But these are kept at a distance. I pass on the concentrated fire. - She switched sensors on three consoles. - Done. On the way - five more. I am preparing the meeting. - New chord for several remotes sensors. - Three cut when reaching is one damaged and one left.

  - Want one more round? The stubborn. - He threw a chief pilot, bringing the frigate in a steep "cobra". - Arrange, why not arrange.

  - Guidance systems intercepted fifth "eye" just at the side. Drone activated the laser cutting of the ship hulls. Neighborhood cutting marked on the map. Destroyed drone system was only three rays SEARCH. - Olivia reported. - As you say, Jeff - too close.

  - It seems that they have stolen the modernization of the drawings. - Said Presley, check the information on the screens.

  - Needless to say, the impact would be terrible. And effectively, despite the internal pickup group. - Mark said.

  - It is necessary to go beyond this junk ring to break away from them. - Moreau switch modes on the main panel, the frigate banked and climbed higher. - It looks like a success. We have kept the trim intact. This is a little, but happy. It is necessary to squeeze a little hide, wait. Slow down to go. Olivi, district?

  - While clean, no signature other than garbage there. We'll pass the third field of debris. - Report kiborgessy sounded in complete silence, established in the cockpit.

  - I do not believe. Too easy. - Presley said, after waiting a minute. - Too easy.

  - Base Collector - straight ahead. Similar to their cruiser delivered vertically, but much larger in size. - Mark said. - Scanners provide information.

  - If it is not about three cruisers collector, leaving us to intercept, Mark, then you can hold it. We've got a real battle. And we need to break through to the base of the monsters. This will make it easy. There's a readiness - even two takih.- Moreau performed on keyboards consoles difficult passage. - Olivi?

  - All frigate protection system activated in full combat mode. We will attack and break. - Kiborgessa reported. - Ready for the ultimate loads.

  - Support is provided. - I heard a report of the dynamics of the Legion. - The channel is activated, Olivia.

  - I feel, thank you, lay down.

  - The channel is activated, Olivia. - Kiborgesse turned to Mark.

  - Thank you, March. - Olivi barely noticeable smile. - I feel. Now - we wrestle. Uploading information on research performed on Martian stocks on the captives cruiser. - Kiborgessa said. - Yavik that can be done as long as the three of us up on their own is not reached?

  - Need a blow to the generals, the impact on systems of ships - navigation and control, the impact on the crew and command. - Responded proteanin. - It is important to understand that as a result we are going to get? The elimination of the ships or their captivity?

  - Colleagues, think faster, the three rushing us paraded. Like a psychic attack. 'said Jeff. - I am ready to carry out reasonable instructions, but would like to get them quickly.

  - If we podorvёm the trio, the remaining two poosteregutsya start. - Mark said. - Their commanders, generals, even under the pressure of the Reapers can not take the risk. Is that a rush on their cobs in a suicide attack. We have something that we can hit and again and again.

  - Not really. - Olivia froze, throwing the data streams from scanners and radars. - We have difficulty, colleagues. There, on the basis of - the prisoners. Live. Many races. Huge populous concentration camp. The factory of death. Research Institute, working in collaboration with the Reapers. - Was seen as iron kiborgesse is difficult to voice. - The camp covers the "glass" with the main engines. We can, of course, to duck, to do "the cobra" and hit the nozzles, but it still will lead to casualties among the prisoners. There is evidence - Olivia hesitated - that prisoners are processed. In a paste. And out of it ... build some Reaper.

  - I thought that we had difficulty ... - Presley said. - And it turns out they are just beginning. Olivi, so you are on the landing?

  - We can shoot the station, but it will bring the prisoners to the guaranteed death navigator. - Kiborgessa not even turn her head to his standing at the console navigator. - We are not so bloodthirsty and cruel. And we need information about the Reapers. So I do not see except for the landing of another exit. If there are only five cruisers, and there is no other protection systems, which we could not handle ... That landing is necessary. In the meantime, we can either force the surrender or destroy this three cruisers.

  - I bet Olivia, did you think about the evacuation of prisoners. - Presley said.

  - No need to bet. Our capabilities frigate opportunities for the export of all the saved will not be enough anyway. On the way back we have to fight the hordes of "eyes". So grab one or two cruisers - the most it. - Kiborgessa said, running his right hand on the remote sensors.

  - Decision Olivi. - Jeff turned his head to kiborgesse. - They're coming to the range limit.

sp; - On the screen. Mark Yavik Legion. I need your help. And yours, Jeff. You can kill one or two, but the third is to give up. There will be no surrender - destroy. Anywhere they from now we will not get to. Themselves go forward.

  - Olivia, you did not offer admiral's epaulets? - Jeff asked, reading the calculations kiborgessy, appears on the screen.

  - I Do not need them, Jeff. - Cut kiborgessa, fingers which scurried across the keyboard. - I have everything ready.

  - Okay, let's start to the destruction. System protection - activation. "Taniksy" - to fight. - Ordered Anderson.

  - Protection systems frigate - activated. - Reported on the speakerphone through the speaker on the wall of the cockpit is one of the experts CIC. - "Taniksy" extended and imposed. To combat ready.

  - Podtverzhdayu.- Anderson's voice was heard. - Fregat is ready for battle. Proceed Jeff, Olivia, Marc, Yavik.

  - Explore the Collector base for landing. - Olivia said, without reducing the pace of chords on the sensors. - There are three places on the skin of ...

  - Cruiser crossed the coverage area of fire. - Metrist reported. - Activate the main guns. Not melochatsya.

  - Objective number one. Removing the distance ... ... approaching ... Rate ... Rate ... Deleting ... Distance ... weapons Activation completed. Ready to fire. - Experts reported BMD. - Issued a volley. Ray goes to us.

  - It's time to show the general that his colleague was not in vain destroyed. - Jeff ran his fingers of his right hand on the keyboard have nominated. - "Taniksy" Targeting - take. Fire!

  Beat eight guns was terrible. Especially when the volley was oriented to the main gun of the cruiser, the first to open fire on the frigate.


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