Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 71

by Theodore Daniels

  - Everything is worse and worse. - Nihlus said. - So far we have seen only the asari, but rather a bad impression ... is made.

  Saren was silent, staring at the corpse studied asari-psionic.

  - Always believed that the Archangel of the world - the highest value. - Said a senior Spectrum turian. - And then ... her complete opposite. Well, what it is - a corpse. Confirms the doctor?

  - What it is - guaranteed corpse - confirm. - Salarian nodded. - No sign of activity.

  - And if it is - kibmen? More precisely - kibvumen? - Said Jenkins.

  - Such miniaturization not. Nowhere in her body. She - organic. Let twenty percent are already implanted, but still - it is organic. For now. And it looks like the Reapers and Collectors were not going to make of it Synthet. Although ... I do not exclude. If implantation would reach sixty percent ... It would be polusintet-poluorganik. I do not know how to define it more precisely.

  - Doc. - Appeared in the doorway, Jennifer. - There's a nearby lab ... Two doors away - live asari. I do not know how to say it more precisely. People look so bodybuilders, and she ... cyber. Muscles are clearly synthetic. Enclosed in a glass cube it, but there's not going to get out. Moves like on the podium, takes a different posture. I do not say anything. Anyway - with me.

  - Good. Well, the first live. Even if it is relative. - Mordin jumped up and escorted by two policemen, commandos slipped out of the room.

  Shepard Group almost entirely visited the small room with bathroom. Everyone wanted to see firsthand the enemy, which may well soon have shlestnutsya in real battles. The fact that all the information about the progress and results of the experiment already in the possession of the Reapers - no one doubted. Shepard left little room last. And last I entered the room, a laboratory, where in the middle stood a transparent cube.

  - Bulletproof glass, Shepard. - I threw Mordin, looking at the screen of his instrumentrona. - It is - indeed cyber. And of decency and chastity is no longer a clue. - Salarian pointed in a completely naked asari that ... slow dancing. Jennifer, his arms crossed under the breasts, stood behind all normandovtsev and no longer looked at the cube occupant.

  - Brain? - I asked the captain, coming closer to the cube.

  - Reprogrammed. I have no idea, as a collector was able to do, but - alas. In your human culture, it could be an analogue of Robocop. But for now - analogue dancer. Although muscle strength in her, according to measurements - just amazing. Arrow of the tower crane is able to tie a knot. Alone, I note. So that the person she died completely. And muscle replaced by synthetic analogues. Very close analogues, but - synthetic. Leather note on his face stretched like a string. The body - a little less. - Mordin waited cyber-Asari will turn sideways and raise his hands, bent at the elbows. - He clenched his fists. Strange ... She retained the ability to have children.

  - So she can dance for hours. - Said Jenkins, broke through the crowd teammate.

  - Days and months, Richard. - Mordin said. - The power supply system at it - the best of what I could learn or even see.

  - Throwing such valuable items ... - Alenko said. - Something here does not add up.

  - It - cyber, Kaidan. - Abruptly I noticed Mordin, slamming instrumentron. - It means that all the technological, technical, biological and other secrets, know-how, etc. - already at the disposal of the Reapers. And it is - only a prototype. I am sure that the Reapers in the laboratories of the Dark Cosmos already have a terrible instances.

  - Energy? - Asked Yavik.

  - The batteries are located here - enough for three years, the most intense dance. - Mordin said. - Power supply is also provided. It will last for two years. I've said it data. But I do not venture to inform the relatives of something else, except that she died. I will not have the words to say that I know how she died. And the rest ... even in their presence, even in writing, I can not utter. - Salarian moved away from the cube, leaving the laboratory.

  - Showcase Left - Justiciary and its enemy. - Nick said Clemens. - And Justiciary - is weak and subject to his enemy. Completely.

  - It's - the first almost unaltered asari, Captain. - Mordin said, approaching the half black display case with which the two troopers, cops have pulled off the black plastic cover. - Bracelet Neck Justiciary - genuine. Although everything can be faked, but these things - in the strict accounting. - He stared at the screen. - Hmm. Samara can kill me for this information, but it seems one of the secrets of our Corps of Justiciary, the captain, is now revealed. Before you - one of the strongest-yakshas Ardath. Lost along with the persecuted her matriarch Justiciar-six hundred years ago. Samara then and know did not know about this: Justiciary - extremely closed organization, but about Ardath Asari do not like to propagate.

  - This ... in the lilac Ardath? - Said Alenka, made their way to the window. - But ...

  - Azari too, are different. Genetic diversity does not mean that all of them - normostenichki. Yes, this is closer to Ardath giperstenichkam, but that it needs in order to successfully confront the strong Justiciary. But Justiciary - normostenichka true and it is not allowed her to defeat this Ardath. Here are just a they are frozen in the moment when Ardath Justiciary took full control. Note weapons on Justiciary gone, hands clasped at the back, open hand Ardath lies on the neck of Justiciary. One movement - and Ardath break Justiciary cervical vertebrae. Guaranteed death.

  - Frozen? - Nick Clemens surprised, looking at the figures of two asari. - I used to think that it's Samara that we have such avant-garde with the neckline, I'm sorry, to the navel. And then something like a uniform protocol in an embrace.

  - See a honeycomb structure on both asari bodies. This is not the structure of the skin, it is not the structure of the fabric of their costumes. - He said Mordin openly teaching voice. - It's - the structure of frozen stasis. Showcase. And they can be here for years. In this state, power them, stored up in the bodies, enough for a few years at least. And they do not change the appearance too much.

  - Information ... - Shepard said.

  - We'll have to filter. - I caught Mordin. - We still have only begun acquaintance with a block-prison camp, and has dug up several hundred exposures. Well - and everything else.

  - So they're ... alive? - Alenka came closer to the window. - I never would have thought.

  - Technology, unfortunately, allows you to make with organic bodies such things against which neither morality nor morality, nor the written law existing at reasonable organics, there is no antidote, Kaidan. - Mordin instrumentron closed by clicking the lock. - I have noted the coordinates of all of these places. Fearfully. But it will have to deal with this place very subject. Olivi?

  - I gathered all the information you could. Not looking, just checked the integrity and security. - Said kiborgessa. - Jennifer ran forward again. She plucked ever to much trouble.

  - It can be very large for almost any nuisance. - Yavik said, moving away from windows and toward the aisle. - And it seems our contingency scout again dug something.

  - You're right, Yavik. I dig. - Jennifer stepped closer, pulled reader. - Take a look. Forty meters away - the camera is in the thick bronepoyasa base.

  - Azari. Young. Do not over two hundred years. By type - from a very wealthy family. - Olivia said. - Option hostage or variant captive for ransom or to put pressure? As the old world and how it is monotonous. I thought, a collector will be more fiction.

  - What sort of fiction. - Jennifer said. - I do not know many details, colleague, but she - she pointed at the screen reader, which is held in the hands of Mordin - raped dozens of times. She danced in front of the collector, sorry, in the buff. I serve them completely naked. She was, without a doubt, paw hundreds and thousands of times in all places. Throughout the body. I still saw it dozens of times, when I was in gangs. And now she stands still and I suspect that it is already broken, colleagues. It is broken almost completely. Such indifference ... I rarely from whom this level of indifference felt.

  - I need to examine it, colleagues. If I'm not mistaken, i
t is normal. It is unlikely that it would be able to exchange, whether it is "broken." - Mordin did not apologize out loud for the next bout of professional cynicism and almost ran after striding Jennifer. - I - forward approach, colleagues. If she could talk ... At least we learn something valuable. - Turning, the doctor said.

  - If she's here in this cage spent several years ... It is unlikely that we will learn something valuable. - Nick said Clemens. - But we must go, I agree. Although ... I do not understand. Yes, I know that this is - a laboratory area, something like a research institute. Specifically, the truth, but no prisoners riot or brawl with security ... all either dead or inhibited to the limit. After all, they can not know anything about what's going on on the basis of that already have strangers that strangers have entered the limits of their prison-camp.

  - Nick, it's - obsolete standards. Collectors do not want any trouble - they warn them. The rest - not so important. The important thing is that we need to go further. - Alenko said. - Come on, colleagues.

  Go to the hatch leading to an underground chamber, the cell did not take long. Finally, almost all of the landing group gathered in the dressing room before the powerful rods large cells.

  Stood still young asari have examined Mordin. Unfolding the girl back to the audience teammate in the dressing room, the doctor conducted a survey and darkened. She did not resist, do not say anything, did not react. From the clothes she was wearing only a robe likeness that had short sleeves, but there was no buckles or belts. Bathrobe was not enough to cover the nakedness of her breasts, abdomen and the rest of the body. Small bauble hanging on Neck thin and visibly fragile chain.

  In the cell where the prisoner was, there was no bed, no beds, no bunks, no other furniture. There were only sanitary equipment - toilet and vanity - metal, vandal-resistant.

  Finally Solus finished examination of the patient, and not hiding the mood has deteriorated sharply, stepped out of the cage in the waiting room. Covering screen instrumentrona, he stopped in front of Shepard.

  - I'm afraid that in this state to return to her family ... it is impossible. - He singled out the word pronounced accent. - Olivia, I know, has already established who she is and what kind of a family member. - Mordin caught nod kiborgessy. - She needs a deep rehabilitation. She almost lost the habit to speak out loud, can not or, more accurately, barely able to move freely. Her state is close to the state of the puppets. Yes, it fed, yes, she was given the opportunity to maintain the purity of body, but - according to the hard minimum. It will be able to reach in a cell in the former regime still a maximum week. But then ... her body go racing. And it seems that her captors had already written off in consumption, because it left us. Left and live relatively normal. - Solus noted on the small screen of your instrumentrona several positions. - I understand, what to take it now with you - pure madness, but it needs to be a priority of evacuation. I passed the information to the frigate. There are already thinking about it. And, colleagues, although she is weak, but let's quickly leave her alone. She was not used to such crowds. It is not known how she would react to our continued presence here. She was accustomed to that it consider and strip views, but we have something else. And she should understand. So - let's output. And she should understand. So - let's output. And she should understand. So - let's output.

  Going "on the surface", normandovtsy brief exchange of views, then moved to the next compartment.

  Shepard, striding far ahead of the group, but somewhere closer to the center felt his teammate change. What they have seen here, we felt, experienced, learned - beaten out far beyond the usual. The nearby bay was a corridor with several doors. He pushed one of the doors, walking in front Kaidan saw a small waiting room, a huge glass wall, behind which was a small room. With his back to him in the room was a young asari - not more than sixty years.

  Hearing probably creaking doors lab, small asari sharply and quickly turned her face and looked up at Kaidan. If it were not marching after sverhlyubopytnaya and always ready for battle, Jennifer, Kaidan would already be dead. In the eyes of a small asari splashed darkness. Only once exhibited a full biotic shield generated by Jennifer stopped asari attempt to connect your mind with the mind of Kaidan. Pushing the lieutenant behind him and pushing him biotic wave in the corridor, Jennifer put forth his hand, and hiding behind the shield of the biotic dome, he approached the girl who was standing motionless asari, gradually taking her in a cocoon. Azari resisted, and now trying to take control of the mind, Jennifer, but she could not do it. - Jenny skillfully and powerfully blocked all attempts. Finally, weaving a cocoon,

  - Mordin, do not approach. - Jennifer's voice sounded clear alarm. - Do not know what this did to her, but she, apparently, is not able to look normal. Where it only takes so much energy, so small. - Best biotic humanity touched the wall panel. Fell mesh barrier, the pressure of darkness immediately weakened. - Shielding ... included. - Jennifer lowered her hand, but to extinguish the dome and did not cocoon. - It is dangerous, colleagues. Mordin, I told you ... - Jennifer is not turning around, clearly felt walking toward the glass wall salarian.

  - I - Doctor, Jennie. And it is - the patient. Yes, it is something done, but it just means that we need to understand - what and how to help her calm down. - Mordin almost came to the dome, the exposed Jennifer, raised his hand with instrumentronom. - Interesting. Very interesting. It is able to look normal, but she needs help. If they have thought through the protection of its darkness, and the blockers should be. - Salarian quickly learned consoles. - Yeah, I found. - Solus finger pressed multiple sensors and a small asari eyes returned to normal. - For two hours it would be enough. Then ... Then it will return to its former state, and will once again be able to blind ... Again will only blaze Fire Darkness. - Mordin instrumentron raised again, coming out from under the dome. - Jenny, not be spent. At two o'clock it is quite normal.

  - Normal ?! - The glass approached Shepard - She almost killed Kaidan, so that normality, Mordin, tell someone else, but not me.

  - What do you want from it, John? She's sitting here for years and only require from her the darkness. Nothing else. None of the local wise men do not care who she is and what she did as a person is what he wants, what he lives and to aspire to. For the local wise men, it has long been only a working tool. Something like introscope. Or the torture device - that's how someone from those who lead it here, you're lucky. You see here these fastening to the floor? Here, we set the chair in which prisoners seated. She then worked with them. He performs the whim of his tormentors. For us, they - the torturers, and for her - gentlemen and owners. Who are the visitors went away poluhaskom, but someone - even carried feet forward or in full prostration. It - Collectors, John. A completely different, extremely modified race. Durable and exactly related to the Reapers,

  - Does not matter. - Shepard looked at the girl lying on his back spelёnutuyu asari. - Mordin you want to do, but it must be either dead or - safe.

  - Such creatures, John, is not safe there. We ourselves - not angels. - Said salarian. - And it is even more so to the angels almost has no conceivable way.

  - Pointlessness dispute colleagues. - I entered the room Yavik. - We have a little time and work - more than enough. While you're here arguing, we visited all the rooms in this compartment. And, I tell you, this is indeed the sector fully dedicated to research on the representatives of asari race. - Yavik looked at spelёnutuyu girl asari. - It is safe. Till. Jennifer guarantees and I believe her. So we can go further. Information on the frigate passed, it will not be able to wake up, and for those hours it'll take us to the captured cruiser collectors, placed in the capsule. There she would sleep, still spelёnutaya.

  - It is reasonable and logical. - Shepard said. - Okay. Go ahead, colleagues. - He left the lab and went to the next door.

  - Do not be surprised, John, but it seems that on the orders of the Reapers Collectors conducted in-depth studies on race asari. We have deprived the race of men, and the Reapers have decided to bring them back. In
this laboratory - some alive and relatively healthy males asari. Yes, it's mutants, but you can see and the individual phases of the process. - With these words Yavik Shepard opened the door and stepped into the lab.

  For strong armored glass was male asari.

  - Do not be surprised, John. It transforms. He converted from "it" - Thoroughbred asari, so that the birth mark on his face kept from her. Almost completely ready for life outside, but I have to sit here. Loincloth he did, but he probably used to the full nudity.

  - Look at it quite reasonable. - Shepard said in a whisper.

  - Thinking and identity preserved but transformed male pattern. Work carried out a huge, John.

  - No doubt.

  - He can not see us. With his hand - is a mirror. And hears - complete soundproofing.

  - We can determine who was the basis for it?

  - John ... - Yavik paused. - I understand, but the appearance of asari men, most of them - Transform - and as a big blow to the whole race today asari. And you want to put more information. As the saying goes, if something someone asari know - and do not need the Reapers. Their role is happy to fulfill all current race Azari. - Proteanin summed Shepard to the next cell. - Bodybuilder asari, and besides, and biotic. See those white markings on the face - generators biotic energy centers. clean body, but if they include - little nobody seems. Also, one-sided visible and tangible. - Said Yavik. - Information on bases there, but it is cut from three dozen captives asari. So it is better is not to advertise his presence in the world of the living. By the way, I suggest to my feelings, it is also ready for the usual outer life. It is perfectly adequate and developed both physically and intellectually. That degree of Doctor of Science, which gave Liara, he would get more in the second year of the University.


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