Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 75

by Theodore Daniels

  - Hos ...

  - Captain. I will not stay. There's enough power to evacuate the injured and liberated from storage in the side we captured cruiser. If Jennifer weaken, I can support it.

  - Interrupt the senior officer, Lieutenant, very good. - Shepard said. - Yavik go with us. He - biotic. And you, lieutenant, led a group that distract forces Collectors, will not allow them to put in front of an insurmountable barrier for us. You have plenty of baggage, to cut through the Collector system. And we continue to break through and will understand, that there is a Reaper sculpt these beetles under the leadership of the Reapers and their leaders. So you and Jenkins again at the point of attack. You and all your men, Lieutenant. We need to get you distracted enough guards for themselves, giving us the opportunity to deal with this Reaper.

  - Yes, Captain. We'll - we'll do. - In the lieutenant's voice was heard quiet confidence.

  - Perform. - I ordered Shepard. - We will also go out. We coordinate time. - He ran his fingers over the keyboard instrumentrona. - Done. Forward.

  Jennifer lighted dome as soon as they approached the gate, to open access to the next part of the station.

  - Stay close to each other. - Said the girl. - And let's not collectors approach - the dome is impervious only to Roy, and the usual bugs will be very even. I can and stop them, but I will not last long. And the way I saw it on the map chart Olivia, long enough.

  - I do not know why such a lot here, but the main thing - what the Reaper in this canyon. We ... - Nihlus said.

  - Must break through the ring. - Said Saren. - I understand that this part - a kind of cordon. Then there are inaccessible to the captives of the Collector. Insulating ring.

  - Okay. Come on. - He said Number One, holding in front of Jennifer. Turians prepared sniper rifles and pistols, covering biotic sides. Yavik took their weapons. Olivia happily instrumentron removed and reloaded the rifle. - The second group has already entered into its tunnel. Moving.

  The tortuous course of half black. Blink dome, blue-white sphere cast more and more Roi bloodhounds, not allowing them to cross the border clearly visible. Down, up, down-up. Twenty meters and forty meters and fifty meters. Discussions were silent, heard only the steps, everything else was drowned in the usual compulsive sound background inhabited iron-stone islands.

  The generals first drone arrived to intercept Shepard's group turned in Harbinger, tried to land a few meters in front of the dome of the border. Short barking sniper rifles - and drone showered handfuls of ashes. The corridor ended by withdrawing group in the hall. There was a report about the successful promotion of a lieutenant. Jenkins took over command of the cops-paratroopers, allowing the lieutenant concentrate on maintaining biotic protective dome. The bead speaker PHONES Speaker heard queue assault rifles - Alenko group has already entered the fray.

  - Arrived first barrier, captain. - Nihlus reported.

  - Clear. Everyone - the fire just for effect. Jenny - the shelter.

  She quietly slipped behind polupodnyatuyu wall. Turians covered its sides, Yavik took up a position just behind the opening for the arriving collectors withering fire from his rifle-emitter. Shepard moved forward, moving from cover to cover and firing on all new and fresh approach to the dome drones.

  Collectors still pinned their hopes on the fact that more and more Roi bloodhounds break through biotic dome. But the beetles themselves became less - two sniper-Turian did not give them the slightest chance of survival. Generals-Collectors had tried to activate several Harbingers, hoping that their increased power will burst protection dome on the landing band. In vain. Chandeliers shone beetles became perfectly visible in the dim light of the hall targets. And living the bare minimum time necessary to regular chandelier extinguished snayperok accurate shots and grenade launchers. It helps neither reinforced barriers, no armor.

  - Dome really permeable to their charges. - Confirmed Nihlus. - If we had not changed positions constantly ...

  - Would have been dead long ago. - Shepard retreated to the container, followed by Jennifer sat. - Take and eat. - He handed the girl opened and already warm diet tiles. - Olivia, how come we have these barriers?

  - Two or three at least, Captain. - She replied kiborgessa leading killer accurate fire on the drones arrive. - Jenny, eat. We need you full of energy, not tired.

  - Thank you, Olivia. - Jennifer lowered one hand, took the tile, Shepard nodded gratefully, took a bite, chewed. - Just what I need. Thanks, John.

  - Is reinforced. And do not put out. Olivier them we quickly calmed down. And Let's go further. With your great help, Jenny. - The captain got up, raised his rifle, firing at the drone landed. - Another one.

  The fight was over in a few minutes. Collectors obviously exhausted or just concentrated power closer to the room-canyon where probably was fastened being built Reaper. Olivia shook her head, caught the questioning glance Exec. She still could not break through the defense, exposed Collector Generals.

  - There's something terrible, Shepard. Something that even earlier, we have not seen. I'm afraid to even suggest that. - Said kiborgessa without stopping to fire his rifle. - These bugs will not impressive at all, but there ... If they hide it - there is something very serious. It can not be that it is something we are all familiar.

  Eighth Harbinger collapsed heaps of ashes on the deck of the hall. Shepard led the fire from a sniper rifle, assault rifle saving charges. Three to five charges laid Harbinger to ashes. According to the Speaker heard Alenko team. His group also was fighting. But there overrule Mark and Legion. The two of them were worth an average rifle company kosmopehoty. And Collectors were swept. They do not know where to send more forces. Everywhere they were met by concentrated fire aliens. Harbingers Generals activated one after the other, but now this tactic did not bring the desired result.

  - Captain. I'm ready. And I feel that the more enemies in this room does not appear. They are waiting for us ahead. - I heard the dynamics PHONES Speaker exec Jennifer's voice. - I'm ready to move on, Captain. I recovered.

  - Do not go out from the center of the group, Jenny. - Shepard said. - Yavik, Olivia, we are three of us - to come. Nye and Jennie Sar will cover the sides. I look back, there can also be surprises, colleagues.

  - The edge of the hole, Captain. - Nihlus said.

  - Absolutely. - Shepard confirmed, making the first steps out of the room for the next winding passages.

  Lieutenant Alenko reported that he entered into another fight with collectors. Yes, it is biotic, covered. But he thought it necessary, hold the dome with one hand, hold the tile is not another diet, and a gun. Jenkins was next to the lieutenant, cut pieces of tile bayonet and gave the lieutenant. Right in the mouth. A legion and Mark covered the rest of the cops paratroopers surrounding the lieutenant and corporal continuous ring.

  Group Alenko moved forward, collectors are increasingly nervous. None of prefabricated tactics did not give the expected positive results - the aliens, who managed to immobilize the base, seize the ship, cruiser, two edges hacked Collectors defense, neutralizing one barrier after another. It was difficult to come to terms with this reality. Collector Generals are almost continuously activated more and more new Harbingers, but under the charges of the two rifles Synthetic, clearly possessed superhuman precision and speed, these chandeliers collapsed almost faster than regular drones. Crumbled into ashes.

  - Husky on the platforms. Humanoid. - Olivia abruptly reported, raising his rifle. - Collectors switched to attempts to penetrate beneath the dome, Captain. These will be included only in the melee.

  - Fire only heads colleagues. - Quietly ordered the XO, opening fire single from his assault rifle. - Do not let these lupoglazikov to the barrier. Do not keep away. - Peripheral vision captain noted the arrival of newer and newer platforms. - Looks like they're desperately trying to crush us amount.

  - Captain. - I heard the voice of the Legion. - We also humanlike Huskies. We are conducting battle.

  - Accepted. - Shepard laid a couple
haskolyudov, and without touching the barrier. - Jenny, do not put out, and do not try to pulyat biotics. Only the dome.

  - Captain. - In the girl's voice sounded hurt.

  - I said - only the dome. Please, Jenny.

  - Yes, Captain. - Jennifer disappeared behind another container, already got myself a diet tile bit off. Shepard again it does not start the fight. It is clear that if it hurt, it will not be able to hold bloodhounds Roi. Will suffer all at once. But it can not only defend but also to attack. But she did not give this possibility. Cherish. Limit. Right and left frozen turians leading almost continuous fire from their snayperok. Behind is proteanin, green beam emitter his head rises haskolyudam fries with a precision that only by robotic guidance system. She sits crouched and holding with one hand dome eats the tenth diet tiles. And she enclose more and more. Emptied their inventories, supply it.

  The gangs and groups where she was ... so do not. There she was united in five to eight persons. And the defenders and attackers, and bandaging, and imposed medigel and reinforced by poor diet. Not by what she needed as the biotics. Everyone. Just to support the force. Only not faint. For their same shoot. They do not need problems.

  And here ... Here it is not allowed to the front cover with the best hands-snipers regularly fed their army rations ... Where there rations, which battered mercenaries after another robbery - warriors furiously defended their warehouses and army rations were uncommon for criminals, among which she spent several years. And then she needed only army rations, she had spent so much effort and energy ... incredible rarity. We had to eat almost no garbage is almost continuously. Just to survive, and not faint.

  Exploding Spawn stopped appearing. But there are new drones collector, comes on its own wings. Immediately drones almost always appealed to the Harbingers, but the barking of sniper rifles, did not give misfires - that means professional technology and weapons hand-built, unique specimens - cast their ashes even before Harbingers chandelier fell on the deck of the hall.

  Drones have become biotic use billboards, light yellow and red. Pick out bugs because these discs has not been easy: he had to shoot bursts only to destroy the shield, and only then start to reduce the health of the drone. Shepard knew that it was necessary to collect ammunition - Yavik was right Collectors enjoyed abandoned weapons and abandoned the charges. Nothing new, they did not create. Reasonable, almost guerrilla tactics, reduces the cost of military operations very significantly.

  Roy attacked biotic dome almost continuously, from different directions, drones started throwing black cobwebs that can immobilize organic and deprive him of the possibility to resist. Again began to grow indicators of damage to the small screen instrumentrona - teammate was repeatedly wounded - in the group of XO, and the lieutenant Alenko group.

  - Everything is clean in this room, Shepard. You can move. - I heard a report XO kiborgessy in bead PHONES Speaker.

  - Collect weapons charges. - Ordered the captain. - Carefully move forward.

  - I note the presence of husks, Captain. - Olivia reported. - In front, to the left twenty. Haskolyudy. Number twenty heads ... at least.

  - Stand by. Jennifer - the shelter as soon as the closer.

  - Yes, Captain. - This time she did not try to argue with the commander of the detachment.

  Cut off his head came up against the barrier of the former person, Shepard looked around. By approaching the dome more serious opponent, capable of throwing charges the cold - the offspring. Exploding light reddish glow Huskies did not pose a problem, but they are becoming more and more. Coming more and more ordinary haskolyudy. Lai sniper rifles merged into a continuous hum. Trёhzaryadnye queue assault rifles have added sound snayperok their clicks. Otryadovtsam had to dodge, more often change position, make sure that no one who could fit seamlessly haskolyudov not gone back.

  Collapsed scion, who had to spend two rounds and store virtually admit this slow-moving monster inside of the dome, his death marked the end of the regular collectors attacks.

  - You can move forward and captain. - Jennifer finished chewing a piece of diet tiles, swallowed, clenched her teeth tube - drank a little water. - There is to be quiet.

  Teammate XO have themselves picked up weapons and ammunition left over from the dead collectors. If the beetles have mastered the disintegration of all this stuff after the death of the owner - normandovtsam would have to be very tight. In the meantime, you can make up for the decline and prepare for new clashes. Recharge shops, check and, if necessary, replace rifles and shotguns.

  All this had to be done, without leaving the dome - Roi bloodhounds attacked hemisphere with the same force and tenacity. Jennifer's mind many times thanked their new partners for the fact that she now does not weaken, not forced to eat the first thing that came from edible arm. She was very scared to see new and new hordes of small drones, effervescing with persistence doomed against the wall exhibited its dome. They continued to attack continuously. And if she is gone ... Nobody would not have lived from normandovtsev and extra second. Stasis ... and then - the deprivation of a person. Anonymity. The personal death. Now Jennifer walked again protected from the sides turians snipers, and behind - Yavikom. He shot like a god. Its emitter - it is something ... And each shot, each pulse hit the target. Elder Race. Ancient Race.

  From Jennifer thought distracted exclamation Olivia: "Enemies Haskolyudy!". All. I had to urgently go to the shelter. Shepard will not tolerate that she risked. Not only is - the whole detachment, because swarms of bloodhounds increased the pressure apparently felt reinforcement. In the face of the former people who have become husky. Those who can not be saved by any contrivance physicians. Again he heard the shots shotguns, clicks assault rifles, sniper alive in the hands of the Turian. Haskolyudy tried to break into the barrier, some succeeded. While there were only blue and white, but will soon have to be tightened and red. Jennifer kept barrier-dome with one hand, already accustomed kept diet tile. When and who she podolzhil in laying new bricks - she had not noticed. But it was nice. And forces to enhance the scope of the dome-strength even more. Do not let the gods, will break at least one drone bloodhound. It can immobilize so many. One.

  First past the barrier inside the red suicide cut heavy Saren shot gun. Olivia had cut the second. Both krasnosvetyaschihsya did not have time to explode. Fallen ash. And all around there were more and more white and red haskolyudy. Roy zverel eyes, Jenny felt varies barrier film. And thanks to all the gods, known and not known her personally, because she meets this attack has not weakened, not exhausted. Meets fully finished. From it did not need to shoot a gun or rifle. From it wanted only one thing - to keep the "umbrella" of the dome over the normandovtsami.

  - We go to the gym, the captain. - I reported Alenko, going to communicate through the speaker PHONES Speaker Exec. - We see you here, in this hall snoopers drones do not fly. Probably do not have such an order. We are ready to cover you fire, the withdrawal of the group on the ramp that goes down to the gate.

  -. Sar, Nye, Yaw, cover with Jenny. We burst open the gates, there is already ours. - Shepard said, standing next to Olivia and opening fire on the arriving haskolyudam who tried to cut off the group from the ramp. - Forward!

  Slightly opened the gates to see all teammate Exec. However, the sides of the ramp have got the Huskies, and behind the back ... there are new drones collectors. And opened fire.

  - Close the ring! Yaw, we will go forward with Olivia, you cover the rear, do not let them hurt Jenny. - Shepard said.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. - Proteanin went into aregard.

  As they reached the gate as went for the sash, started to go, barely crossed the threshold proteanin, Shepard did not remember. He only saw the overwhelming fire and Mark Legion paratroopers forced the cops attacking drones Collectors retreat, leaving the ramp a few tens of decaying corpses. As the leaf, the leaf heavy gate shut, cutting off teammate Collectors of brutal guards.

  Jennifer dramatically imploded dome, then nearly fell, but Saren supported
her, averted to the side sat, took a flask of water from the approached Richard, opened, gave to drink, then took the transmitted Jenkins briquette already uncovered and heated, forced to bite off and chew , swallow and drink.

  - Then there is the pedestrian path - Canyon begins. Hall Canyon. - He explained Jennifer stood up from behind cover and looking around. - Yes. Now only on the platform. I know you have already flown on this.

  - Summer. - Confirmed the XO. - Impressions ... ambiguous. Georgia. - Ordered the captain, passing teammate forward and reloading weapons. - Jennifer - in the center of the platform, closer to the console. And strengthened. While flying - can be recharged. It is necessary to recharge. Properly eat. We may not be left alone. Do not leave - sure.

  The platform moved slowly forward, breaking away from the cliff edge. Towards the neck, which left the cables and pipes. Jennifer sat with his back to a metal and a side absorbed a third tile diet, gut feeling, really, they were too lightly. And now they are still able to intercept, and even try to destroy.

  Platform - too unreliable. Below - forty meters of emptiness, falling - hurt and quickly. Below ... Who cares what's down there. I would have to fall without a net. So ... So you should try to stay on the platform. And for this purpose should be to eat. If there will be offspring, as they appear - in this there was no doubt - they can not live without these Collectors medium tanks, as Praetorian, though heavy tank, but it is rare and expensive. But the offspring - a frequent phenomenon and a good, powerful weapons. Remembering how hugging suit from the cold shot son, Jennifer shivered.

  Omega-4. Display and loading former prisoners captured in the cruiser. Complete deactivation of the reactors and propulsion plant

  - Attention on the ship. - Anderson got up from the desktop, straightened his suit. - Prepare for the reception of victims of the prison-camp Base unit. Dr. Chakwas.


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