Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 82

by Theodore Daniels

  After staying in the hospital for months, she had no doubt - to anyone who is in the first few days will not be allowed. In addition to doctors and nurses with nurses. And then ... then it will be a pilgrimage. But this will happen later. And now she looked at his tribeswoman returning from the bloody repeater and experienced such a storm of feelings and sensations, which previously could not even imagine.

  When the last medtransport, unload, went in the direction of the garage, Liara told myself to go back to the ward. Slowly, very slowly, stepping carefully, she went to the body. It was something to think about.

  Nearby there was a mother. And Liara hung on her, hugged, do not hide feelings and soul sobs. Just shout feared. At this point, Liara acutely realized how fragile such a familiar world. In the eyes of female former prisoners she read something. Knowledge. Understanding. Vedaniya. Inaccessible in its entirety to anyone of reasonable. In addition to those he has experienced these moments, these watches, these days, the months, the years of bloody there ... "Omega-fourth." And thanks to the heroism normandovtsev survived, returned to his home world. Heroism - another word Liara could not consume, do not even try to pick up a replacement. Such a replacement - it was not. For her - it was not. It could not be.

  They silently reached the body. They walked slowly. Liara tried to quietly put the crutches as if afraid to break the fragile silence. The hospital stood here before ... it was very quiet, and now, when we arrived here ... Silence survivors began ringing. In the halls and corridors of the body it was deserted. Very rarely ran a nurse, took the doctor, nurses quickly and quietly wheeling gurney and cocoons, carts with equipment. And then everything sank and sank in waiting. Waiting for something to worry about. Such that only the corner of the hospital and hooked his inmates. And it causes no longer shock. Awareness.

  They entered the room. Liara sat on the bed, put at the head of the crutches, his legs thrown on a mattress, I lay down, stretched out, closed her eyes.

  - Goddess ... I'm stupid, Mom. I impassable fool. Clinical fool. As I could not see all this wealth in normandovtsah? - Young asari clenched her fists so that his fingers were white. - If not for them ... So, those whom we just met ... All of them could have been killed. Forever to stay there ... For repeaters. Location did not return any ship our modern race. And they took a chance. They risked, although I understand that, too, can not go back .... We took a chance and saved our compatriots and our tribeswoman. And not only them. - Liara opened her eyes, looked at who was standing next to the bed mom. - Mom? You...

  - Yes, Liara. - Benešov said dully. - I also knew little about the people on the earthlings. Even less - I understand them.

  - You ... - Liara's voice trembled, she covered her mouth when she saw how rapidly darken matriarch eyes.

  - Yes, Liara. We knew little about people. Three decades we number them in rank confusion. Three decades we including them in the rank of error of nature. Three decades, we believed that they were too weak, stupid, undeveloped, and therefore can not be regarded as our full-fledged, full-fledged partners. We did not know much, considering that our thousand years of life redeems, as one would say Earthlings, most sins. We believed that we all have plenty of time. And the time just was not there. Not much time is left.

  - Etita. - I whispered Liara.

  - Yes. - Benešov nodded. - Etian got information about people. Many explanatory information.

  - And ... Mom, I want to know. - Quietly but clearly and firmly said Liara.

  - I see. - Matriarch took styling with crystals. - While the hospital recovering from the shock - let's review these crystals. - Benešov checked that the door is covered tightly, a few strokes cut off a number of systems, he sat in a chair, standing next to the bed daughter. - Are you sure?

  - Yes mom. - Liara nodded. - I need it. We all need it.

  - It is necessary. - Matriarch pressed on his instrumentrone number keys, removing the protection from the crystals. - Well. Not only we, the asari, is something that we are ashamed to this day. In humans, as it turned out, it is too. When any of these records will be made publicly available, the daughter. But now - they're just for you.

  - I understand, Mom. - Liara stiffened. His eyes glared at the large wall screen, which gradually emerged the new screensaver. - I will try ... to understand.

  What she saw and heard in the next few hours ... It did not analogies in azariyskoy history. Yes, there is also enough brutality, enough sorrow, death, pain. But this film ... clearly made on the basis of dozens of other films, hundreds of documents, eyewitness ... Isolated in his small solar system, living on a single planet for centuries and millennia, the people on the brink of falling, and sometimes to such extremes that Fierce Epoch Azari and Dark Ages Tess now seemed childish horror stories.

  Before Liara held the story of concentration camps and prisons of mankind. Collectors and The Reapers like to know what to use. To beat. And how to operate that all organics Milky Way was extremely sick. And quite differently were perceived scant news stories Azariyskoy Information Service. If this show ... will be war. No Reapers do not need, for each of the races are mixed Citadel space ... such a match must offer - polyhnet obschegalakticheskim pyre.

  It has long been held the final credits. It has long gone out the big screen. Liara was silent. Silent, eyes closed, eyes shut. It did not help. Before the eye of the individual frames were just seen as well in the minds of continuous tocsin sounded a peal. Salaspils. Majdanek, Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Dachau, Ravensbruck. Many dozens of other camps and prisons. Oceans of pain. Oceans of sorrow. Oceans death. Emaciated prisoners, striped clothes, rows of bunks, rows of barracks. The smoke from the chimneys of the crematoria. Bathrobes doctors fanatics. The gas chambers. Refrigeration plants and equipment. Syringes. Electric chairs. Torture instruments.

  Benešov silent. She did not look at her or at the screen, has long been extinguished. All that she had seen, and now I understand the state of Liara. She did not show everything. Let Liara even know it. She deserves to know. If she wants to become an information broker ... She needs to know this. The mystery of the double. Select. Balance. The depth and strength of take-off or fall. Much more.

  - Mom ... - Liara opened her eyes. - If Shepard and his teammate ... If the squad and a lot of people really make your choice ... We ... we have to defeat the Reapers. We can not not win ... ... Otherwise, it will cover the entire galaxy. All inhabited worlds. We can not allow that to happen. You can not ... - she closed her eyes ... - They fight, and I'm lying here, if not just a log. What a shame! What a shame! They have made their choice ... Shepard ... left pregnant Svetlana in our space, Kaidan - left his Ashley, do everything to keep it rushed after him. And they left the cruiser, one frigate, even overloaded, went back in the Transponder. And we managed to win. And we continue to enjoy here, dally, squander money. Sit back. - Liara almost cried. - I myself lay here the formation, a log! I go ... and I can not do without crutches. - Hand of a young asari found the handle of the nearest "support". - I still can not. I ... I am ashamed ... How embarrassing ...

  - Everyone - his own war. - Softly d'Avignon.

  - What? - For the first time Liara thought I misheard.

  - Everyone - his own war. - Repeated matriarch. - So people say. So say many other races in our galaxy. And yet they say - the war never ends. She goes constantly. Do not go anywhere. She always - close. Always close. And now it is - very close. And yet, Liara. Do not think that the hospital doctors allowed the former prisoner to talk about what they experienced there, behind the relay. They were turned out as a miracle. And remember the past - it's cruel. They need to recover. AND...

  - And prepare for the Great War.

  Benešov nodded:

  - But this does not mean that your attention will be superfluous. They will be glad to your care and your ... understanding. You've also got ... combat wound. And scrambled. So ... who, if not you have a right to know something more. I know that among them there are two asari - matron and matriarch who saw Sh
epard and his team. There, in the camp of the prison. They did not speak to them. Then ... it was not up to it. But they saw him with them. And you ... at one time was close to Shepard. They will feel it for yourself, I'm sure. And I think, you talk. About many things. Not only Shepard. Everything else - as far as possible, Lee. Remember that all of them have come here to be treated and recover.

  - I see. - Liara nodded. - Well. Okay, Mom.

  - And now - for breakfast. And then - the procedure. Continues to recover.

  - Yes, Mom. - Liara sat up, swung her legs, took a pair of crutches. A few minutes later she was already included in the dining room - the military doctors recommended youngest T'Soni force yourself not to eat in the room, and in the common areas of the hospital canteen. And Liara followed this recommendation, although often like to hide in the room. I had to overcome myself.

  Benešov fulfilled his promise. Three days to the ward Liara became her doctor and together they have been in a totally closed wing of their body. Wing, in which put some of those who survived there for repeater-four.

  Younger T'Soni was shocked. What she saw and felt when the whole hospital met arrived, I did not go to any comparison with what she saw and felt now among its tribeswoman. Returning from there. Yes, they are treated, recovered, brought back to normal. And now they look much better, much stronger and calmer. In their eyes, there was no fear, there was no pain and fear. And, nevertheless, they are strikingly different from the inmates Space Azari. They - the first who actually visited the war. On a new, modern, real war. Faced with evil in his guise that unknown soldiers. Do not knows the civilian population, unless, of course, it was not in the occupied territories. Known only to those who had been captured, who stole into enemy territory and have done or tried to do slave puppet.

  Liara was very afraid that it will be ... as people say ... for loitering, for ekskursantku, an idle curiosity. Very afraid. It did not have to walk so ... This junior T'Soni was convinced.

  And I was surprised and pleased by the fact that one of the few occupants of this wing not found it so. They all knew what happened in the temple Atama. They all knew that Liara barely got out, almost died from loss of blood. From massive blood loss. And looking at her crutches on her fledgling feet with respect and understanding. Mom was right again - they felt that Liara had combat wound. Heavy wounded. And not only has the right to be here for the assistant doctors and nurses, but also to know something more.

  It does not let journalists, reporters, hacks and snimak. They were all caught on the distant approaches to such premises. Home decor, quiet, calm, earnest care and full attention of the medical staff did wonders. Good required miracles. Liara, trying not too loud, and often knock crutches, helped. She did all that she could, that allowed her condition. Helped. Without seeking to tie a long conversation, but always seeking to hear. Understand. Sympathize.

  And she believed. We believe that it is - deserves to know. Veda. And when convinced that it is - the only one who flew the "Normandy" more with Terumi - opened. Then they confessed. Doctors do not interfere, we realized that her Liara T'Soni survivors can and should tell. She understands the way it should. I will not make it out of the hospital soon. Not going to do it all public. Do not be trying to earn it.

  They told all - about their feelings, emotions, sensations. The fact that they had seen, heard, understood. We tell all - small asari maidens, matrons and matriarchs. They said when she came to him in the House, where the doctors helped. It was said in the morning, afternoon, evening. And because these stories evolved picture. Picture Feat. Feat Asari, who did not believe that doing anything special.

  Liara ... She was assigned the first time I heard ... I do not request an order, not the order - a request ... She did not believe. She repeated. Gently, quietly but firmly. Repeated request. Awarded to all survivors of awards Azari. As one who knew normandovtsev, those who saved her compatriots who survived there for Bloody repeater. As has been seriously injured and surviving combat. Who almost managed to recover. Away from The Edge. Like the one that asked for those same survivors, realizing that it helps them to enrich themselves at the expense of cheap sensationalism and stupid popularity.

  Getting styling with the awards and diplomas, Liara barely restrained. I knew she cry at this moment it is impossible, and yet could hardly contain the tears. Accompanied by physicians, nurses, aides, only those physicians who treated the survivors and in contact with them all the time, it went on all wards. Starting from childhood and ending with those which were settled matriarchs.

  I saw the eyes of small asari receiving from her hands the real, adult martial and civilian honor badges and awards. I saw tears in the eyes of virgins, is pressed against the chest boxes and folders with diplomas and stroked the metal and plastic decorations pinned to new, clean and ironed dresses civil. Dress, which would not be ashamed to go to any grand reception. I saw trembling in his fingers matrons, I saw and felt confusion matriarchs. I saw and felt many things. A lot of things.

  And then persuaded her to attend at a gala dinner. And she saw. I saw the survivors already mastered conventional and ceremonial clothing. Get used to the fact that they have come - normal, free life. Life, in which they will be full-fledged mistresses of their own destiny. Then for the first time admitted to the surviving relatives and friends. And Liara watched as they embraced, kissed, could hear them talking, interrupting each other, and not believing in the fact that the years of separation, the years of fears and worries are left behind.

  Liara tried modestly huddle somewhere near the walls of the great hall, but she repeatedly found, they seem to talk about it so much good words that she was terribly uncomfortable, because it - not the heroine, she does not have any special relationship to what happened there, for the repeater. But her timid objection, no one would listen - everyone knew that she was flying on the "Normandy", saw normandovtsev long before Zaretranslyatornogo Trek, to communicate with them.

  No one listened to her inconsistent explanations that she had been too young, stupid and little understood. Everyone already knew that she had received a combat wound, scrambled, hard for many months recovering. All that most of the guests and almost all of the survivors were looking at it ... As its ... As the one who can be trusted ... who proved his business relationship to an event. For those who survived, and is now taking its first steps in a normal, free life in the mother's world.

  And then there was something she could not quite expect. Matriarch Deborah, the same matriarch who saw Shepard there in the camp barracks, where asari detained at all Liara gave two awards Azariyskoy Republic. Civic Medal "crystal resistance" and a government order, "Ray Tess." Numbed Liara could only say one word, "Thank you", or rather not even say a squeeze, hearing her voice trembling with emotion, drowned in applause saved and physicians. She congratulated helped attach rewards to the Gown, reporters were asked to withdraw from the saved memory, with matriarch matron Deborah and Vasto, with d'Avignon. From blazing blitz a little sick eyes, but Liara suffered, realizing that all this does not need it, but it tribeswoman.

  - Mom ... You ... - said T'Soni younger, when I finally was able to sit down at a table somewhere in a corner, umostit on the table boxes with folders and drink two glasses of herbal infusion.

  - I did not do anything. - I said Benešov so that Liara believed her. I believe immediately. - This is all yours. Deserved. Rescued solicited. And Deborah Vasto - in the first place.

  - And ...

  - Normandovtsy and volgovtsy only confirmed the submission of details and support the very idea. - The matriarch said. - Congratulations, my daughter.

  - Thank you mom. - Liara clung to his mother, buried her face in her breasts. - It's so ... It's so unexpected ...

  - But - deservedly. - The matriarch said softly, hugging her daughter and ironing processes. - It is well-deserved. I - pleased and proud, Liara.

  Younger T'Soni just nodded, unable to say a word. On this day, she fell asleep peacefully and freely, without the
usual nightmares and trying to forget long. Without medicines and without hypnosis.

  View from the outside. Aria, Samara, peace

  Aria remembered before the arrival of "Normandy" to the outer road station "Omega" she said on a quarter of an hour of video with Anderson. He convinces us that it can survive a view of all that the landing party saw in the camp, which contained her tribeswoman. Anderson resisted, resisted, repeatedly finding more and more new arguments. It is also not receded. I insisted. Requested. Required. And with each passing minute I felt like falling in love with this man. In terrible, deeply and hopelessly in love with. Everything else would have given him to respond to her love for her feelings. She knew - he is responsible for her pain, aware of Lizell. Yavik much told him and even showed.

  Anderson gave her. Just a little conceded. He gave a half-hour compilation. These half-hour viewing of video, audio, documents plowed Aria. Plowed its essence, soul.

  It barely passed the final credits, abruptly ordered to allocate another whole level, she called his isolation and ordered to provide all necessary. As a matter of priority. For everyone else - there was spetsgospital. Absolutely inaccessible to the majority of inhabitants of the stations. There, at the hospital, treated survivors. Not only asari, no. There were also salarians and quarians and turians.

  Jagow had to be sent to their home planet. - The mediator is very requested. Not required - he asked for. I was not used to hear the request for better and stronger Information Broker Galaxy. Usually he ordered. And then - I asked. I understood and knew that did normandovtsy, pulled out his three fellow dungeon. He asked. And I do not consider the request to the humiliation of their status and of itself. I ordered and sent a frigate. Intermediary Agents Yagov transferred aboard the ship, and he was gone. Somewhere in one of the smaller star systems frigate will enter the inconspicuous relay will go to the planet and Jagow. The main thing - they are alive. And at home will help them recover. Help stabilize.


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