Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 84

by Theodore Daniels

  Svetlana clearly felt how tired, John, as he tired and want to relax. But he did not want to break the tradition. Their family tradition. One of the very few traditions. And now, hiding the brokenness and weakness, he was preparing a meal. I prepared to reinforce it, too, to feel what it is - a protection that she - not alone. What does she have someone to lean on.

  Finally he turned off all the kitchen equipment, cleaned tables, flatware, dishes, took the trays quickly suffered them on the table, behind which sat Svetlana. Dec, removed the trays, sat down, opened the bottle with a slight, very slight, almost non-alcoholic wine. Grape wine. Pour into glasses.

  He took a box of matches, took a match out of the box, handed it to her, holding two fingers over the middle, a wooden stick matches. Five centimeters of ordinary wood. Ancient, reliable conventional match. Svetlana took the match beyond the tip. Carefully and gently. John Framed boxes, it struck, there was a flame. Immediately Shepard conjoint movement took out his box of a match, lit it and at the same time, as always, the lit candles.

  Soffits ceiling tempered its glow. The polished sides furniture reflected the warm, familiar to the human eye flashes tongues of living flame.

  Shepard remained standing, only took a glass in his hand, hesitated, waiting until she, too, would take a glass of fine leg. Svetlana felt on his hand holding the glass, his gentle caressing glance. He often broke the rules and traditions when they were alone. I violated, because he believed - no such breach is not dangerous for her, his favorite. And now he stood and Svetlana knew - he pronounces the first toast for her. Behind her, his wife, his wife and favorite. She knew it as anybody. And still waiting. She waited, hugging his face and figure in his soft, beckoning, slightly embarrassed and very affectionate gaze. But look, she lay in store for him alone.

  Silent John's voice touched her ears and Svetlana felt relaxed. He spoke briefly. Evenly, calmly. But every word imprinted in my heart like a diamond cutter Strel'tsova - on the granite slab.

  He paused and leaned forward glass. She sat up, paying tribute to his eloquence, thanking him for the words and the feelings and emotions behind them, it converts only one. Only for him, Captain John Shepard. For her, he was already a legend. Legend, which has always been close. Who returned to her from the hardest hike there in space Zaretranslyatornoe "Fourth Omega". Legend, which is recognized over an only her, Svetlana, absolute power.

  She sipped her drink and admired. John guessed again. The same bouquet. The very delicate aroma. And no alcohol, dangerous for the children and for her the most. The wine is drunk, just a little bit drunk. Or maybe it is drunk the whole situation, the whole atmosphere of unity.

  Shepard sat down, his eyes appeared in front of the eyes of Svetlana. Between them - only the flame of the two candles illuminating their faces splashes. The tabs bent quite a bit hesitant breath of two people. Two loving each other, trusting each other people. Svetlana put a glass on the table, picked up her fork. Start there. How delicious ... And nothing would be unprofitable for it. Grateful favorite look all said Shepard. The captain also picked up his fork and began to eat. Light knock instruments of the dishes is not strained his ears.

  She did not even remember who was the first to speak. For her, it did not matter. She listened to John, she said, had time to nod or shake his head negatively barely noticeable. They are together again. Again alone. Again together.

  Svetlana knew a lot about John problems. On what injury he got there on the basis of the Collector. Alla surrendered and much, much told her. Not as a commander and senior officer of the cruiser is not as the supreme chief on board the warship. As a friend. Streltsov understood - dishes Hippocratic oath, Alla volumes maintained silence. Yes, she looked around the Shepherd, who came to her in her little room at the headquarters on Omega. Seleznev was true to herself - she had any room combined the personal cabin and doctor's office.

  John came to the alley, because it asked for, and can be demanded Chakwas. Karin, who knew his capabilities. Wordly, superhuman capabilities. Which he used so rarely. Not wanting to pass the Inhumans, a demon, the devil incarnate. Svetlana understood: it is quite possible, saves these options for future fights with the Reapers and their henchmen. With those armies, which, no doubt, will rush into dozens of worlds and key common races Space Citadel. Saves, knowing that they will have to apply only in the most critical moments. To know just where and when these moments will be really critical. To know.

  Svetlana read in the eyes of John fatigue and emptiness. Camp-prison block level Base Collectors left in the soul and heart of Shepard unhealed deep, bruised wound. He not only had to see a lot with my own eyes, feel and hear it, but then again - mountain view video, read the pack reader is referred to it, the senior assistant to the commander of the frigate both turians. Mordin, Mota by the chambers arranged in the halls of the captive cruiser collectors. Many other teammate. Skip this horror and hell by themselves, their perception.

  John kept. Only Svetlana knew what it's worth. What he should not give the order to destroy those fourteen Generals collectors. Do not send them into oblivion after their tribesman. What he should not be ordered to destroy the few scientists who discovered a deep bunker outside the territory of the camp-prison level. Hides. Thought to be found. Not notice. Poluhaski, obedient executors of the will of the Reapers and Generals. Former men who were asari, the former turians that were salarians.

  Svetlana knew how Mordin shaking, the doctor and at the same time - the legendary commando MOUNTAINS. I was trembling and did not budge, knowing that if you give up the slack - from five-salarians poluhaskov not remain, and the ash.

  Only he, her John turians Nihlus Saren and showed full footage of what they found in the camp, where prisoners were held and turians turianki. Children. Old men. Women. Girls. Craik and Arterius know and believe - John stand. He really broke down. Through three-hour preview of this nightmare. I sustain, because Saren and Nihlus been there yourself and not just see it all live, but felt much sharper. It is much sharper than it was able to transfer any video. He then understood and turians-Spectra is felt that he would have vomited on the part of wise men, poluhaskov. Scoff at women and girls turiankami. Humiliates men Turian.

  Svetlana as no one else knew how to suffer when her John. Suffered, growing up in the perception of Saren and Nihlus to the size and power of the monolithic monument. Not everyone and not everyone turian could stay sane, you will see it all this even in the recording. A Arterius Craik and knew that for their XO, for Shepard, human spectrum is doubly difficult. First Contact War. Turians against people. People against the Turian.

  And then - a camp with open lab on the tables naked bodies and Turian turianok. Bright light shadowless lamp. Predatory sting surgical lasers. Strips of steel and metals that can be cut, and if need - and shred the skin and the flesh. Breaking plates.

  Small turians turianochki and trapped dozens in glass cubes. Trembling, frightened. But carefully, albeit clumsily, but hide the fear, remembering that they - turians that they - the soldiers. Regardless of age and gender. No matter what. They - a proud race.

  Prison cells. Crowded, stinking. All for the humiliation, all in order to break down. Intimidate. Trampled. Corridors with floors which are not washed off the blood line. Many, many dragged to these tiles after interrogation, after being tortured, after the experiments, after bullying.

  Mordin went everywhere. I walked all the cameras, all the laboratories, all blocks, all the barracks. And no one gave that filmed there. Nobody. Only part of a small portion of copied and transferred. And this part was enough to blow up the Extranet. Copies of these materials in no time exceed one billion. These videos were broadcast almost continuously. In various embodiments, but - continuously. On most channels. No sensation. Naked, brutal reality. The reality of the enemy, ready to come to the limits of the Milky Way. Ready to destroy anyone who has the audacity to be organics, be reasonable. Destroy all who do not wish to give up, will fight, will fight. And then - to destroy all the oth

  The only ones who have seen much of Mordina records were Anderson and Shepard. And Svetlana everything sharper understand why John so clearly, so definitely and so brutally it left here in the familiar space of the Milky Way. He left, knowing that it will still be removed from the watches, freed from the heap of responsibilities. Only for it to fulfill its basic, key mission - carried and gave birth to children. At the time of forgotten what it is - an officer, commander and leader.

  She did not notice that with John was on the couch. Candles continued to burn, and they sat there and watched ... looked at each other. And then ... Then she found herself in the arms of John. She was crying, and not always, not every minute was aware that it was for tears - of joy or sorrow. All mixed up. She was crying, knowing that the only way at the moment will be able to show her to John as she loved him, she is afraid of him, and she is glad to see him there. Yes. She cried. And I know that John is - understandable and natural reaction to the end of a long and difficult separation.

  He stood up, sat down in front of her, sitting on the couch, on your knees. And carefully and gently kissed her belly. Svetlana both hands gently held John's head, put his ear to her belly. Hug with their hands her waist. What a waist there ... It will, necessarily. Then, when she gives birth. John Parental children. His and her children. Now Svetlana melted John said quietly with their children. Soft, barely audible whisper. He said, and felt that they meet him. Let that be his personal secret that they meet him. As well as what he told them. This and his children. Just him and her children. Firstborn.

  Then he will certainly be others. They are sure to be a big family - Svetlana Now this was absolutely sure. Children's laughter, the clatter of children's feet, children's voices will be accompanied by a very long time both of them. Him and her. Throughout their lives. And ... the Reapers Reapers are destroyed. Do not expelled - destroyed. To never had no cycles, no harvest.

  Shepard grabbed Svetlana in her arms and gently, slowly carried her into the bedroom. She drew him to her, he obeyed. And the world around them has ceased to exist. She kissed him, bedspreads John's face with kisses as she wanted and always dreamed of - without leaving any space Never Been Kissed. Even the smallest. And thrilled, feeling he can kiss her. As he hugs and cuddle her, over and over again to prove it without a word, that he still loves her, that she was for him - the most important, the most valuable and best.

  Looking from the outside - Kaidan

  Kaidan stood at the window. Again in his hands - a mug with hot vitamin drink. And again before our eyes is the juvenile asari. With the eyes, full of fire Darkness. If it was not Jennifer ... he would not be standing here now. Biotichka, bandit, a criminal. And now - it Kaidan Alenko, savior.

  He owed her life. More than life - his personal integrity. The world have already contacted him. He explained a lot. Ashley managed to calm her. She felt that moment when he, Kaiden, was on the brink. And now, no doubt, waiting for when he Kaidan, he will come to her on video.

  Alenko knew felt that Ashley will not accept his desire to speak only on audio. Do not agree to communicate with him text terminals. Video Only. He himself was very important to see Ashley personally. The only way. No audio and text. Just to see.

  Yet he was afraid. I was afraid that by looking at him, Ashley remembers that moment. Faces Moment. The moment she felt that he could lose it forever - your favorite. Father of her children.

  Could he assume that Jennifer has time? He himself got into the lab. I climbed out of stupidity. I decided to show the valiant prowess. As, five minutes to the detachment commander of the amphibious assault landing an elite group of legendary frigate "Normandy" squadron. Then it would be enough for five milliseconds, to become husky. Forever.

  If it was not Jennifer. Sverhlyubopytnaya and superfast. The last such training, in front of which he was a lieutenant-biotic - pupil of junior nursery kindergarten, not a professional officer. Cayden knew it, Jenny Shepard loves. I knew that she loved all normandovtsev, including him, Kaidan Alenko. But Shepard, undoubtedly highlights. What sorcery owned Mate frigate - Kaidan did not even try to understand. For him, it was in principle unknowable.

  Minute by minute flowed, and Kaidan stood at the window, othlёbyvat sip a drink and try, try, seek to prepare for the conversation with Ashley.

  Finally he decided, dialed a number, and drowned input sensor ...

  When he saw his face and eyes Ashley, he realized all at once. She loves him and waits. And she was glad that he called her first, as befits a man. They were silent, looking at each other. We talked not only looks. They said the soul. In his special language. She was convinced that he, though injured, but alive and well. Not injured. And I was pleased and proud that her husband - the hero that he is - one of those of whom now, here at this moment say almost all Extranet channels. All girlfriends - both civil and opogonennye - faint with envy, and she felt happy.

  And no one knew how shaky this happiness in the face of granite. Mertsnuvshey before it Kaidan his cold line. So she stared at Kaidan, giving the opportunity to speak with him his soul and essence. No more sharp-tongued and impregnable as a fortress turian, Sergeant Williams. It was just a woman. A loving and fearful for their favorite woman man. Wore at the heart of his children and who knew, understood, was in charge - this man will not leave her, do not leave, do not betray, do not cause her pain or her children. Because it is - true, true. In front of her. Before her one.

  A few hours Kaidan spoke with Ashley on video. And I feel, feel how it settles down. So we can calm down and to him. She and the children - safe. At the Citadel. She told him that while the "Normandie" went for "Omega-fourth," she really helped Svetlana Streltsov. Kaidan realized. I understand that it was available. And he nodded, causing sparkle in the eyes of his beloved. Good, soft sheen of joyful "bunnies".

  After the sharing session Kaidan brewed myself a few more servings of beverage. And now he was calm. Ashley loves him. He - loves Ashley and their children. No future - present. For him, they - already a reality. So, you can now rest. While the rest possible. The residential wing of the headquarters was quiet - the inhabitants blyuli quiet and order, understanding - many are tired and need a rest.

  A few minutes later he was asleep, almost hiding behind the veil. I slept soundly and peacefully, without dreams.

  View from the outside. David Anderson

  David Anderson is located in the seat of its large rooms in the residential sector headquarters at the station. Aria did not want to listen, and his objections - she said, loud and clear, as soon as he tried not to agree with her choice, that the commander of the frigate legends ought not to live in a room worthy of a traveling salesman. Him - said asari matriarch - I need a break. Good rest. And this is best suitable large and bright room, rather than a bachelor doghouse. And manage the ship and the crew, he can control the Squadron, and from here - for this it all the necessary conditions will be created. And it really is created. All terms and conditions. And more than anything. David felt her eyes, knew what he was called. But no answer. Keep calm and detachment. Though ... What there is calm.

  On the frigate were routine maintenance, the ship acquired a normal appearance, outside and inside disappeared signs of congestion. The team and the crew almost entirely moved to the station, the ship remained only on duty and security changes. Most of the necessary has been done before the entrance to the external station raid now remained small, but important stuff and could sit back, relax, shut down.

  Previously, it would be possible. Up Base Collector. Now, alas, no. And Anderson, barely frigate entrenched in the outer roads near the "Volga", hastened to plunge into work. Hurried in the insulation level to make more and more precisely in the fact that for the saved was made all the necessary and sufficient. Once again, make sure that nothing has been overlooked, ignored.

  It was hard to stay on board the frigate, when most of the crew and the ship's crew stormed the base, overcame the resistance and protection of combat units Collector, f
reed prisoners took control of engines and reactors of the rock-metal island. More difficult was to remain on board when the fight went to the humanoid Reaper. I would love to smash his head to himself, the fifteenth to General Collector. Really like. But it was necessary to manage, organize, manage, provide. To do what I had to do the commander of the ship, even in non-standard conditions. Moreau still managed to join the frigate to trim bases. And to ensure reliable communication with the ship's "island."

  And when I went to the information from the landing party ... it was not enough time. Catastrophically it was not enough. Avalanches information, hours of recordings, texts, diagrams, tables, graphs. So many new things. And - two new ship seized at the docks Base. Two cruisers and did not have time to be activated and hit the "Normandy". Then came the third dock cruiser. I came already resigned to their new owners.

  Yavik ... He first explained to him, Anderson, extremely easy to understand that these ships - not that other, as marginally transformed Prothean cruiser. What power they had Protheans if possessed such monsters. A Yavik explained that these cruisers Protheans the Empire there were hundreds and thousands ... And Anderson quite differently began to perceive the extent of future confrontation with the reapers. Quite differently.

  Everything was much more serious and more painful. The chances of success had to scratch out now ... And then it will be harder. Do not underestimate the enemy, the enemy opponent. Moreover, such that for some time, perhaps - a few tens of times we clean the galaxy of intelligent life at the root, leaving only too underdeveloped race, in principle, incapable to resist and to attack.


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