Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 91

by Theodore Daniels

  - I find it difficult to speak here so soon. - Began Alenko. - But perhaps I should. And I will say this. Thanks to Shepard, I became the person and the officer, what I am now. Shepard saved me from the negative influence of the implant my antiquated "El-Two." He made sure that I stayed biotic and videoconferencing became an officer, who, I hope, can and knows how to lead the people he trusted. Shepard, not you, Captain Anderson, used its capabilities to solve biotic problem with "El-Two." A-biotics such people now - many thousands. Next to Shepard, I participated in numerous landings. I saw him, and not you, captain, under fire in combat. Shepard gave me at the beginning of the people who were considered stupid cops, just cant military and police batons. And he did so, to become professional military Space Marines. Not just space marines - paratroopers. He explained to me many details and encouraged to work with their colleagues so that they are not afraid to fight, but were able to come back alive. I saw killed three of my colleagues - policemen paratroopers there, on the basis of the Collector. I saw it with my own eyes, Captain Anderson. And I never forgive myself of their death. How many will live - never. Because it is you, Captain Anderson, the representative of the old voenshkoly Alliance, was not allowed to stay these people to carry out their function in the world, remains a military cops. They were brought here on a mission, which was clearly a double bottom, which had the unnatural and illegal character. And Shepard, not you done anything to these men found on board the frigate, then still a prototype frigate "Normandie", more than the barracks and barking on any occasion on which the officer that they have found a home and a family. The three of my colleagues, but, colleagues, died with honor, because I do not believe you, Captain Anderson. They believed Shepard, to believe in them. Shepard did not get into the position of senior assistant, the second after you, Captain, the ship's officer. He is with us ventured there before the Reaper. And watching the risks he risked cops have become paratroopers. I know that Shepard would have given the last of his own money to help the families of the victims. I know that he would give not only money. And I will say this. If you go on board, "Volga" Synthetic if to leave my colleagues, and I'll go after. For what we did there, on the basis of Collectors, we made a united effort. Next to us were Space Marines Empire. Next to us were soldiers and officers of the Turian Hierarchy. Defeating the reapers and solve the problem without the application of Leviathan, we can not unified effort.

  - I'll tell the captain. - I joined in the conversation appeared in the hall a few minutes ago Jennifer. - You know that any officer of the Alliance must destroy me as a bandit, criminal, and mercenary. Order number ... - she gave a long series of numbers. - I was on the wanted list for years. And the Alliance is not even going to put me in jail, I just stopped temporarily to look for. But this time I was sitting in cryostasis in "Purgatory". Alliance did not even managed to catch. I was caught not alyansovtsy captain. Is this not an indication of the weakness of the organization that you serve. And I believe it is not the Alliance. I no longer believe in organizations, I believe in individuals, even if the person - and not the people quite well, never here no people. I believe Shepard, Captain. I believe Dr. Chakwas. I believe Svetlana. And I'm never disappointed over the decades, not regret that I have them all in different ways, of course, but believe. Because they are the same is not formally, but in reality, virtually united by staying very different, while remaining free. You all know that I ... I love Shepard, who maybe loves me. And I will say this: I love Shepard and I am not bound by this feeling on the hands and feet. Shepard - is unique. He gives him a loving man, any reasonable organics any race free. Freedom to live their lives. Own life. Build it, this life on my own. I do not know how to manage Shepard. Even I, a woman, I can not explain it in words clearly. Probably, it is impossible to explain, but I'll try. I live a free life and still love Shepard. I know that I am free, and I can fall in love and to believe any other man. I can marry any other man married and have children by him. Because Shepard does not command me. He does not prevail over my life and destiny. And I know what happened that - get up close to Shepard, and I will work and fight on his side. Because he trusts me and I trust him. Shepard gave me hope for a better life. And this hope filled a real and not ephemeral content. Thanks to him, I survived out there, based on the Collector. I saw Shepard in combat. I've seen it all. I do not know if I'm the best of humanity biotic or very mediocre. now it is for me - it does not matter. For me it is important that their children, I will bring up so that they grew like Shepard. Because it gives hope to all of us, and said over and over again only one thing: work together for the realization of the hopes and the next. At and near Captain Anderson, along and near. But not alone, not divided into ships and races and nations and to the planets and star systems. We are now more than ever need to be united, because we have to survive. Survive. I survived in gangs, I survived in groups and never felt at home. Nowhere felt her, that's completely their own. I felt her close to Shepard, next to Svetlana, next to Dr. Chakwas. I survived out there, on the basis of the collector, because the others, those who walked close to Shepard, gave me the best. They protect me, to protect me. They gave me the opportunity to not strain, do not risk it. Because understand, maybe ... I'll take a chance and strain, if I have to protect them and fight for them. And then they defended and fought for me, Captain Anderson. And I felt her. I felt at home, in his second family. AND, If I am offered a choice - I will leave behind Shepard, Captain. Because the only way I'm going to feel living a full life and not the life of the tool and weapon.

  - I will not deny, it is difficult to speak now, when almost all were in favor. - Appeared in the hall Yavik. - I stayed the whole time in the invisible, listening, watching, watching. Let me remind you, Captain Anderson, how it all began. It all started with the fact that you, the officer of the Alliance VKS stupid generals like the same Hacket and like the same Mikhailovich ordered to break the law. Yes, Captain Anderson was ordered to destroy the law, according to which every race and every nation, every state should live primarily with his mind. And always make responsible choices in their relationships with others races, peoples and nations. You agreed to keep quiet about the essence of the mission "Normandy", framed the entire crew of "Normandy", then still a prototype frigate, under attack. You videoconferencing Alliance officer, signed the documents, which were not allowed to sign. You and no one else led the flight, which had the right place, because I was not put into operation the ship was not assembled, typed, slёtan actuated full crew. You use, the captain and you're not opposed to what you use. Dirty used. Did you know about the purpose of the mission. We know that almost the same Hackett guesses: Reapers - not a myth. Consequently, Protheans, past opponents Reaper, too, can not be a myth. You led the crew, the captain, the crew, who was charged with stealing Prothean Lighthouse humanity. You gave an oath to defend humanity, the captain, to defend the country, as part of the parent of the world of humanity, to protect the people, as a part of humanity. And in fact, you have substituted humanity is under attack. Because involved in the theft. The theft of the Lighthouse, through which people can be found accurately and fully about the risks they crash, the captain of the risks they face. You almost became the first person to spectrum, Captain Anderson and I will tell them why you did not. You will not have them because they are not accustomed to strain, not used to jump over your head, are not accustomed to risk, we are not accustomed to act beyond. You believed that enough to carry out orders and this will be enough. Only the presence of the crew of the prototype frigate captain videoconferencing Shepard, who pulled on board the ship by order of a military time allowed you, Captain Anderson, avoid very large and very painful troubles and problems. How convenient, however, when the senior assistant to the commander of the frigate is both the commander of the landing party. Taken by the throat, it has no free time. Not in a position to maintain at least some privacy. How convenient that there is a person, the same drawing and performing well and work on board ship and work outside, on the same l
andings. And I want to ask you, Captain Anderson: where is your role as captain? Where is your role as the head of the crew? You never involved from start to finish in the landings, never occupied the top position in matters of ship supply everything you need. Thanks to Shepard became the prototype frigate frigate, cruiser. Thanks to Shepard and now have contact with BRP and the Corps of the spectrum and with a number of key races. Thanks to Shepard rescued two of the three Councillors Citadel, saved from death. From dishonor saved, Captain. Thanks to Shepard, we now have a team. There the crew, there is a collective. Thanks to Shepard, not you I'm alive and well, both alive and well my people, that you people just are not written off in the archive, the captain, and the scrap, into oblivion. You agreed to the unique lighthouse has been removed from the planet, transferred under the authority of the human race, Captain. You and nobody else. Who made Nihlus Kryik in place? Shepard. Who promptly made the team of halophytes and crew team? Shepard. And I note, Captain, that with all of this over the past decade, John Shepard enjoyed a rather big for its extremely high extragalactic opportunities a few times. Always using only standard tools. And you, Captain? I have not offered you nothing squadron. I knowingly did it. I tried to put you on a higher level. And you do not want to, Captain. You do not want to because even participate in the command of a detachment of only two ships, full part in the actual command for you - impossible task, Captain David Anderson. You are used to command only one ship and a crew. In normal times, under normal circumstances it is all understandable, acceptable and even, perhaps, somewhere and regulations. As usual, I emphasize. But we are no longer under normal circumstances, if you have not noticed. We are no longer locked in their own worlds, we live in a galaxy. We visited dozens of star systems, we found that we work, sensible and reasonable Synthetic organics, will last for millennia. Just for the success of this work, we have to unite and survive, survive and win. And you're trying to conditions when necessary to unite, divide squad deprive frigate, cruiser "Normandy" support the Empire. Empire Captain. Empire, very similar to the one which I have served. My Empire has allowed tens of intelligent races to fight the Reapers centuries. And you immediately agreed to rob mankind Lighthouse, Captain. Steal a warning about the dangers of passing it in secret to those who have recently Shepard was forced to save from death. You, Captain, we ought to think about that now can only be one of two extremes: either we are all organic and Synthetic Milky Way win the Reapers, united in the efforts and aspirations, or we will all perish as the deaths of dozens of races, detached coupling again Reapers . - Yavik paused, turned into a faint silhouette. - Third choice we do not have and never has been. And you are trying to divide us. You are trying to drive a wedge between us, because you are unable to supervise and squadron and detachment. In the aggregate made you yourself have made a choice, Captain. We leave a frigate-cruiser cruiser "Volga", not to serve the Russian Empire, and the interests of the inhabitants of the Milky Way. And the interests of reasonable of organic any and all races, knowing who the Captain John Shepard, and the interests of reasonable Synthetic any and all races, as well knowing that he could make Captain John Shepard during this time, while you, Captain Anderson, holed up in the commander cabin frigate and signed sculpture, never visited a real fire, from which captain Shepard does not get out for days. He, not you, Captain Anderson, giving the Galaxy hope of survival and the future of life and the future. He, not you, Captain Anderson. I say this as a representative of the Elder Race, as the commander of a warrior who knows the tens and hundreds of races now dead. I speak on their behalf, because they are constantly asking me about that their death was not in vain. And to ensure that their death was not in vain, I will do everything in my power, knowing that also make and Captain Shepard. Reapers are united in their quest to roll reasonable organics in paste. We must be united in their quest to destroy the Reapers once and for all. We must be united. - Yavik paused briefly. - We are gathered here, knowing that you will come. And we want to ask you: you will continue to share the detachment, or do anything to keep it united? Think, Captain David Anderson. Because of your decision, taken here and now depends on whether you will stay at the head of a strong and powerful and recognized professional crew, one of the two best crews of the galaxy, or you will be left alone and be put ashore faster than burn out match. - Yavik stopped and sat down.

  The hall was silent information. Few normandovtsev looked at that moment sitting in a chair on Anderson. Shepard did not doubt - almost everything here and the incident was referred to the board of "Volga", so volgovtsy saw everything in real time and is now also waiting. Wait, that says Anderson, because the decision has actually been made. Volgovtsy ready to take on board the entire crew of the frigate, cruiser and make it an integral part of his crew. And without normandovtsev Anderson will not be able to command a frigate, cruiser, even if somehow pick up a new crew. It takes a lot of time to adapt, to train, to prepare. And hardly any of the professionals would agree to such a start to the commander, who managed to destroy really one of the best crews of the ships military of the Galaxy. Many do not exclude the fact that Shepard for all his reluctance to take the place of Anderson, will have to become the commander of the frigate, cruiser. And in this case, Anderson will have to disembark on the same "Omega". And Aria try to send Captain Anderson's far away from the station, because Anderson on "Omega" will not find a place. Do not you find it. Headquarters Troop for Anderson will be closed and the station Corps, and became a "Omega" - will also be closed. Following close to Anderson headquartered in the Citadel, and then - and the Citadel itself. because Anderson on "Omega" will not find a place. Do not you find it. Headquarters Troop for Anderson will be closed and the station Corps, and became a "Omega" - will also be closed. Following close to Anderson headquartered in the Citadel, and then - and the Citadel itself. because Anderson on "Omega" will not find a place. Do not you find it. Headquarters Troop for Anderson will be closed and the station Corps, and became a "Omega" - will also be closed. Following close to Anderson headquartered in the Citadel, and then - and the Citadel itself.

  What happened in the hall is strongly reminiscent of the court. Strongly reminiscent. It is thought many of those who were present in the hall here and now. We waited for what Anderson says. We understand that he can just get up and leave. Also unique, but the answer. The real response to the action. Yavik also suggested that Anderson might try to kill himself. All those present in the Hall of Synthetic organic and were armed with pistols. All polls. And yet they know how to use them professionally enough. Yavik doubt that Anderson will deter a suicide attempt - this will only be his choice.


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