Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 97

by Theodore Daniels

  - Save. - Saren said, looking around the shaft. - With a tremendous saving. More loans are clearly allocated to a PR firm. And everyone there ... "tour." Just some recruiters, not the guards.

  Shepard, ensuring that the platform can only go up - landing pad has been installed somewhere on the "equator" of the asteroid - key pressed. The platform was set in motion and crawled along the guide rails.

  - The answer is found. - Shepard first crossed the threshold of the hall. - We'll have to look for sickbay. Straight and to the right - geological, "mineral" laboratory. Left - a scientific laboratory. All three - are available for input.

  - I confirm that Commander Shepard. - Het went near the three-door, checked with his instrumentronom. - All three doors are available and can be opened by us. Access is allowed.

  - We go to the center. - Ordered the captain. Beyond the threshold was an ordinary laboratory - mountain breed, some fragments of stone, people of both sexes, frozen in remote and barely move my arms and heads. We hear a repeated negotiations.

  - It seems that time has stopped for them - Nihlus said. - They are repeated over and over again the same phrase. As repeaters.

  - Some doors are here, require a personal employee of the company code. It seems that the local inhabitants are very limited in their rights from the outset, Commander Shepard. - Said Legion, conjured two locks on the doors. - Hack?

  - No, wait. - Shepard said.

  - Commander, I looked at the record drives in the laboratory. - To communicate audio-out Olivia, taking care to hear it all the members of the landing party. - Employees are engaged in anything other than studying minerals There are records of the behavior of Turian, life salarians about asari biology. Explicit non-core.

  - The consequences of indoctrination Leviathan in all its glory. - Saren said. - He came up here one asari, so she at once - you can not be here. And as I departed, everything taldychu this phrase.

  - The first scheme of the laboratory floor, the commander. - Said one of the cops, Marines, pointing to a black and white map which occupied one of the walls. - Interactive.

  - Later. - Shepard opened the closet, his eyes immediately ran into the reader. - Since when do readers have forgotten in the closet?

  Taking the reader into the hands of the captain activated the device, scanned files, surprise noted that the last file - the system clearly. Including its reproduction, Shepard heard a computer voice, "This message was not sent because of disabling communication system", and then - a voice Garneau "I need to hide that I have not found and you need to pick me up, Bryson Here we find another like this.. the artifact. they have too much and we have found not only by us, so that we can continue to ignore them and not to the proper study. Here are the coordinates of the mine, Bryson. I'll be there. If suddenly something happens to me, or ... I'm attaching to . file access code He opens security locks securely and completely opens you ... There was something very wrong, Bryson Because -... hurry. ".

  - We have to find Medlab. - Shepard, hiding reader, came out of the closet, went up to the rest of the landing party. - I suppose that in order to enter into Medlab, we need not have the access code, but something else.

  - Medical lab found, Captain. - He said Legion, opening instrumentron. - I was already at his door. - Rem brought to the screen map. - It is - here. But they require a health card number and say immediately that it is - closed territory. I must say - I made no attempt to break. It is not known how to react to indoctrinate security. Remote security here. It is disguised as an ordinary researcher terminal and may well serve as the terminal.

  - Come on, try out this code. - Said the captain.

  Enter the code on the remote, Shepard looked at the screen lit up, drew attention to the fact that none of the staff shahtopredpriyatiya does not even look in their direction.

  - Garneau according to this video, arrived here a week ago, and according to the same video had from the beginning full access.

  - I've got access to additional private databases shahtopredpriyatiya commander. - The relationship with Shepard audio-Olivia came out again. - Send numbers health records. I guess you need as quickly as possible to go to Medlab and advance to the mines.

  - So do it. - Shepard closed remote protection, the screen turned his instrumentrona, continues to process the received files and turned to teammate. - Come on.

  Standard gateway system insulation medbloka one member of the landing party was not impressed. VI took the number of medical records, without producing even a comparison procedure, opened the gateway.

  Several dozen seconds had to wait until the beginning of the open inner airlock door.

  - Large medblok, designed for the massive influx of wounded and traumatized. - Saren said.

  - And killed. There's even a large morgue there. - Said Nihlus. - Insulating boxes. Interesting. No, I remember it all - the standard security protocol requirements for shahtopredpriyaty on asteroids, but here somehow too ... everything is licked in medbloke. Like someone previously assumed that there will be great difficulties.

  - They'll be here as soon as we are able to release these miners and support staff from the darkness. - Kaidan said. - Will, I'm sure.

  - They already have, Captain. - Saren stood in front of one of the insulators. - This man is my instrumentronom identified as Dr. Garneau. It is quite normal. It is, I emphasize, not completely. And he claims that he was engaged in research here until such time as there was a accident. It normally took the fact that we met with Dr. Bryson. I did not specify the details known to you, Shepard, but it seems to be too good indoctrination hurt. There is also an indication that Dr. Garneau is influenced. When I mentioned the Reapers and Leviathan, he said that it is - a fairy tale, a dead end. And he denied that left some hints in the reports.

  Seeing approached Shepard, a man who really looked like Dr. Garneau, suddenly changed countenance. His fist with all his strength to hit the glass windows of the insulator.

  - Why do you persecute me? - I asked Garneau altered voice.

  - I'll bet you a hundred loans, that it is not Garneau. - Nihlus said.

  - It - Leviathan. And now he is trying to talk to us directly, using Garneau as a mediator. - Saren said.

  Meanwhile, Dr. Garneau second hit now with both hands on the glass:

  - Forget about the artifact. You it - do not get. He is mine. - Almost growled Garneau. Leviathan was clearly furious. Shepard suspected that a little more - and Dr. Garneau quite able to escape from the detention center - its impacts felt superhuman strength.

  - You've already killed one Reaper. And we need your help in the fight and in the war with the rest of the Reapers. - Shepard said.

  - You are carrying only death. - Said Garneau and again hit the window glass. Glass collapsed, Shepard jumped to splinters do not damage the suit and helmet, Garneau took the opportunity and jumped out of the detention center, intending to escape.

  - In the chase! - I ordered Shepard, feeling shards continued to drum on armor - he was standing closest to the window glass insulator and Garneau unthinkable tricks managed to bypass it and go immediately to a low start to escape through the corridors of sickbay. Razognuvshis and overcoming some wraith - Leviathan still managed to touch it - Garneau ran literally a meter away from the captain - Shepard ran after the fleeing scientists.

  In the hallway, clapped shut and locks the door. Shepard knew - Leviathan will do everything to obey him Garneau did not get into the hands of members of the landing party frigate, cruiser. The lights went out and immediately flashed a searchlight on the spacesuits normandovtsev. Overcoming the inevitable ten-second delay in opening the door, the group continued to pursue scoot Garneau.

  - The door is useless to use. This is too long. - Shepard saw a ladder. - Follow for emergency transfers. It will be faster. Forward!

  - I got a instrumentrona Garneau coordinates artifact Shepard. Leviathan did not have time to destroy them. But I'm still not sure that the person with whom you spoke and which now gets
away from you - this is Dr. Garneau. Many symptoms do not agree with pre-fixed.

  - Modified. - Shepard said, climbing the stairs higher and higher. - A little more - and we have to come to the surface of the metal lumps.

  Shepard was right - they were on the surface of the asteroid. In the distance, among the metal structures was seen to flee Garneau and meet normandovtsam already raced sobakotvari and raiders.

  - Shoot to kill. They let us. They clearly sent down Leviathan. Do not let them come near close! - He commanded Alenko. - Haskolyudy, whom we saw in the half-dead Reapers. - Said the lieutenant. - So, Leviathan has already begun a complete transformation of the local staff.

  Further fighting took place almost on some reflexes. Consciousness in it almost did not participate. Shepard, firing another humanoid Husky, had time to think about what exactly Leviathan overloaded psyche reasonable organic, feeling a limit beyond which control and, therefore protecting the integrity of extremely weaken, given the failure and allow Leviathan to master a new victim in full. Cut through waves of enemies, landing group approached the door of the next lift. Track Mark clearly indicated - Garneau left here. Other ways to mines nearby was not observed. Find other ways - the cause of more and new enemies, delay, delay. Realizing this, Shepard looked remote lift, stepped back, reloaded his rifle:

  - Legion, is brought to life VI of the lift. On drone repairman no hope there. And yet we arrange cover. - I ordered Shepard, making sure that the enemy has concentrated power for a new, decisive blow.

  - Yes, Commander Shepard. - Het stepped to lift the control panel.

  Several waves of enemies. Haskolyudy, sobakotvari, raiders. Combining Morochno and real opponents kept the mind and the brain in the highest voltage.

  - Ready, Commander Shepard. - Het stepped aside, clearing a passage to a platform lift. - Healthy. Relatively, of course. We must go at least Morochno creature here is hardly will get. A haskolyudy ... they are too stupid.

  - Georgia. - Shepard nodded teammate. - Forward.

  The first thing that you saw normandovtsy, when they entered the pit room, a ball artifact eight-meter diameter, half-soldered in a few stone fragments.

  Leviathan's voice sounded, announcing that "Darkness impregnable" none of normandovtsev has not properly impressed - Nihlus Garrus and immediately began to shoot zakoposhivshihsya around artifact haskolyudov, others, including Shepard, Alenko and the Legion began destroy sobakotvarey and raiders. The battle raged with renewed vigor and Shepard occasionally glanced back, realizing that haskolyudy may well leak through the shaft and hoist.

  - There - Garneau in his hands - the activator fuse. - Said Alenka, hiding behind the rubble. - He presses a key. All down, fall! Now explode.

  Garneau, who was sitting with his back to the artifact really slowly, but surely enough to press keys. Shepard saw how slowly and steadily, literally millimeter by millimeter out of stock in the activator button cylinder.

  Leviathan made a last attempt to reason with the persecutors:

  - Stay! - He roared in handsfree speaker, hidden in the walls of the mine floor. - Darkness impregnable! Stay!

  The explosion caused a few moments of Shepard, and, quite possibly, most normandovtsev, lose all orientation. When the Wraith cleared, while the artifact, he was, as it turned out, especially dense, Shepard, rising to his feet, he saw that the artifact does not exist, but instead Garneau near the debris lies the body of a completely different person. In his hand was clamped the included reader.

  - Recognition is not made. - I heard in the voice of the speaker helmet Olivia. - Commander, it was from the beginning not Garneau. Anyone who has been in prison, the one you chased through waves of enemies - it was not originally Garneau. Wraith ... or improved simply Leviathan shows us the present, the real level of their obedience techniques, manipulation, control, and stupefying.

  - Since the artifact destroyed - said Legion - it is expected that the colonists is about to wake up from its impact. Wake up.

  - Who you are? What are you doing here? - Normandovtsam came to the girl-miner.

  - Captain Shepard, videoconferencing Alliance. - Introduction of the captain. - Are you okay?

  - Yes. - A few tired girl replied. - Just ... I feel oddly. - She wiped them with her forehead with his sleeve. - But ... I'm definitely more or less in order.

  The group approached more and more people - and the miners, and a technology and cleaners.

  - You know this person? - Nihlus asked, pointing to the corpse of a man, taken normandovtsami for Garneau.

  - Do it before here I have not seen. - Azarov said technician.

  - What the hell happened here? What do you remember? - Saren asked, realizing that waking from confusion people will respond better to different ask, than the same - for them it would be more natural look.

  - Nothing special. Only darkness and cold. Very dark and cold. - Almost in one voice said a few earthlings-miners. Azari technician supported them, noting that the darkness and cold were some enveloping. And because not resemble any ordinary darkness or the common cold.

  - In this room I was a spherical artifact. - Alenko said. - Do you remember anything about him?

  - Yes - confirmed the male technician. - He was found somewhere deep in the third shafts. They picked up here and left. Because management had to send some wiseacre ... ... This is all that I remember.

  - Captain, me and my canoe here had tried to attack your opponents. Got sea dubious pleasure, I spent a quarter of ammunition. A few minutes ago ... they hastily retreated. For the first time I saw that they were all able to fall back on their own. - I reported to the driver of the shuttle. - I'm ready to take you, Captain. I somehow think that you have it ... a big improvement in the situation.

  - You're right, Shepard confirmed. - Haskolyudov and raiders with sobakotvaryami we also do not see in a radius of scanners.

  - This is good, Captain. Can you pick up from where you say. - The driver said.

  - Haskolyudy? Raiders? Sobakotvari? - Rained from all sides of the issue waking miners and technicians. - Who are they? In general, what happens?

  Shepard knew straight answer is harmful. So he decided to ask another question, enabling inhabitants shahtopredpriyatiya themselves to come to the desired initial conclusions:

  - What is the year now?

  - Of course ... - asari technician named year.

  - Called you a year was ten years ago. - Shepard said. - Who - Captain named the exact figure of the year.

  The reaction of the miners, technicians, cleaners were quite predictable: surprise, surprise, misunderstanding, doubt, lack of confidence.

  - We'll have to call here medfloty. At least - medical units and asari-Terran medics. We ourselves are not cope. Legion pass Olivia all we had to shoot there and ask to inform the relevant units. Our divisions caused by us - let them return to their original positions. Their help is needed here is not. We were able to resolve the situation with less. - Said the captain.

  - Achieved Shepard - Commander. - I reported in a few tens of seconds het. - All the inhabitants of the asteroid will be placed in quarantine. They will be the rehabilitation program.

  - All we are formally and actually do nothing more. The rest is not in our power and competence. - Shepard saw sinking canoe. - All - on board. Go back to the frigate. We must now solve the problem on Namakli.

  The shuttle going to the frigate, Shepard held a short meeting poslepolёtnoe:

  - So, colleagues. I do not know if you can call it in the full investigation, but we managed to make something clear. For example, the fact that Leviathan had every opportunity to control the actions of Derek Hadley, forced him to erase all data on the drives of the Leviathan, and forced him to kill Dr. Bryson. Bryson also himself was on the right track. It is clear that the staff on a miner Magavide Leviathans was enslaved about ten years ago. Garneau himself came under exactly the same effect Leviathans, as miners. We chased a man who can be served once physically Dr. Garneau, but has long ceas
ed to be him - because ten years ago. You and I have observed that the inhabitants of Magavida caught in a kind of time loop - they are either retained complete immobility or repeatedly commit the same movement, They said the same phrase, a set of both was very poor - it is clear that the Leviathans will not ship it necessary to provide an acceptable outer diversity. Pursued by our people could once be Dr. Garneau, though, as proven telemetry transmitted to us a little earlier frigate, the identity of Dr. Garneau he was already dead. And she died a few days ago. That man, whom we pursued, was already full puppet Leviathans, he was killed in the blast, which he himself had arranged to destroy the "splinter". The same fragment with which Leviathans controlled settlers Magavide. We are convinced that through these "fragments", "balls", "sphere", no matter how we call these artifacts, Leviathan or passively watching what is happening in our own galaxy, or actively and effectively enough to interfere in the course of events, turning them into a pleasing yourself directions. It is clear that with this time to finish. We are now heading to the planet Namakli. There refine the latest data and to follow Despoyne.

  Namakli. Portrait of Leviathan. The liberation of the camp of archaeologists from the influence of "splinter"

  Once through the repeater chain in Pylos Nebula, detachment moved to Zaerin system where almost at the local luminary was Namakli planet. Presley, reporting on the results of a preliminary assessment of the situation, said that Namakli displayed is not at all the cards, and Zaerin system is not among the most visited.

  Coming into orbit Namakli, the frigate took a few turns to scan the planet. The scan results are not pleased - the archaeological camp was subjected to the invasion of hundreds morokoporozhdёnnyh creatures, among which excelled morokosobaki and raiders. Occasionally slipped signals the presence haskoloyudov. Now it becomes clear why the camp of archaeologists there was no connection. Persuading Ann Bryson to stay on board the "Volga", Shepard has decided to participate in the usual landing, believing that he or commander commander, but as a spectrum, it does not have to sit on the boat, and immediately solve the problem.


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