Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 100

by Theodore Daniels

  The appearance of the robot on the deck konteyneronostsa was swift. Shepard saw swarms of the creatures of darkness, clamped in the ring members landing party. The sky went volgovskih fight three shuttles with dozens of bunches of raiders.

  Jerked the lever opening the blister, Shepard helped get off the deck Svetlana jumped himself and immediately grabbed his rifle. But the fire did not take. Suddenly darkness generation began to attack each other. Goggles normandovtsy even stopped firing, for all the attackers almost instantly lost all interest in them.

  - Leviathans are. - Shepard said, looking around.

  - They do not differ from the Reapers, John. - Svetlana dropped her assault rifle. - Evacuate on ships and colleagues. - She said, including conferencing company officer. - As long as they are here mutuzyat each other - we are able to freely and quietly leave. - Switching off the speaker came up Alenko kaperang nodded. - We have agreed to. Leviathans are going to fight. For us or for themselves, loved ones - all the same. The main thing - they will fight.

  - So it's ... all these morokoporozhdёnnye - the machinations of the Reapers? Not Leviathans.

  - It was, Kaidan. - Shepard nodded. - Just the weapons of Leviathan and Reapers - about the same. Frames and so on.

  - Evacuate. - Repeated Svetlana, vsprygivaya the salon from the bottom of the shuttle commander. - About all the negotiations on the conference there on the ships.

  As reported to the driver of the shuttle, he was able to fix most of the damage, but with the shuttle "Volga" was able to throw Energy transport systems and nourish a dead battery. So the flight to the frigate was not difficult or time consuming. Yes, the problem with the handling and precision were, but the main thing - all volgovtsy normandovtsy and returned on board the squadron relatively unharmed.

  Ann Bryson ... It is difficult to say how she took the news that the Leviathans do exist and they are willing to fight against the Reapers. But she saw a lot of things that happened on the planet - Olivia showed her. Partially shown.

  Stepping off the hook on ladder platform in the hangar "Normandy" Shepard turned to the exit Saren and said:

  - Reapers, as it turns out, not always existed. Hence, they can not exist in the future. Our task - to make this variant of the future. Without the Reapers. And without their heirs.

  Saren just nodded.

  - Commander, what is the solution relatively Bryson? She asks her to return to the Citadel. Claims that should work. - Said Titov, coming in touch with the captain, when he was in his cabin starpomovskoy and could change in a light suit.

  - We return it to the Citadel. Though on passing passazhirnike but refund. Let him work. Without access to the "fragments", of course. She has enough work today. As all of us. Fragments have to leave alone. They can not move. They will provide the effect on the reapers Leviathans wherever Reapers and their henchmen have not shown themselves. Both now and in the future. - Shepard pulled up to his instrumentron. - Jeff, get out on the course to the Citadel, but in a convenient location, turn to the "Omega". playout time?

  - If so, how you say, Captain, that is not less than twenty-two hours.

  - Welcome. Everyone needs to relax, to sleep off and repaired. Let there be twenty-two hours. - Shepard interrupted communication with the cockpit and plunged into reading novopostupivshih files.

  Reapers attack on "Omega" by "Omega-4". Siege Reapers station

  - Aria. - To communicate with T'Loak late patriarch left. - I have a bad news. While this is not public information. To move the station cruisers and frigates "Cerberus". Krogan passed. There is evidence from the asari salarians and Turian, as well as quarians.

  - Time approach. - Aria sat up in bed, realizing that her sleep just will not succeed today. As well as in the coming days. - Patras, not Tom, tell the truth.

  - Fifteen-twenty hours. Not more. - Said Croghan. - I raise a part of the troops. Archangel aware, it is also activated. And yet ... Unfortunately, Ari, of the mercenaries from the defeated factions sided with the "Cerberus". My intelligence and intelligence Archangel confirmed. Some areas of the station came under their power. There ... chaos. I am sending the refined map as a period of fifteen minutes ago. We blocked the most dangerous areas. It is expected a strong and persistent opposition. I believe that the station - in the war.

  - The war on two fronts. - Hissed Aria. - Okay. - Asari stood. - Well, Patras, proceed. Consider that the war - began. Cook station to transition to a state of siege. And announced that the station has moved to a war footing.

  - Yes, Aria. - Patriarch switched channels. Aria reached, finally dropping drowsiness, went to the desktop:

  - Nayrin, raise your own. - Aria already knew that rebellious turianka-biotic is not asleep, and certainly not idle. But do not give the order to switch to battle mode could not. - Patriarch and Archangel already on edge. Some areas of the station captured mercenaries sided with the "Cerberus". We have been waiting for, do not argue. But anyway - is unpleasant. Station translated Patriarch on a war footing and is preparing to transfer to the state of siege.

  - Rise, Ari. The information received, thank you. - Turianka probably have not even gone to bed, although it was clear - she is also tired. - Expect the worst?

  - If we attack from the "Omega-fourth" ... - I started to Aria, but she interrupted signal emergency communications. - Minutes. Aria connected.

  - Aria from "Omega-fourth" climb three polutorakilometrovy Reaper. They intend to take station in the ring. Commanders and Captains of ships arriving to the "Omega" took coordinated decision to clear the road. They take away the ships away from the station. - Reported the head of the control room of the plant.

  - Clear. - Aria and she saw on the screen, like flashes in operation and how damned repeater appears first Reaper. - Give our consent to their actions. Provide withdrawal. What else?

  - According zaretranslyatornogo scan - active power at the station "Avernus". I guess landing. For us there are several frigates - the number to six and two cruisers. Scanners indicate - on board the full adjutant.

  - Accepted. Proceed according to plan, "The Siege".

  - There is. - Speaking switched channels.

  - I heard, I know. - Aria returned to communicate turianku leader. - We are in the ring, Nayrin. And now we have to fight under conditions of siege. Warn about his adjutant. And that tserberovtsy, probably, for the most part - not people, but the Huskies in spacesuits people.

  - I'll do, Ari. Before connection. - Turianka nodded and disappeared from the screen instrumentrona.

  - Before connection. - Aria sighed, turning and putting instrumentron suit with armor protection. After checking weapons, asari tucked the bed - she did not like the mess in his apartment. Habit. Maybe it will help to relax, when the station will be entirely at the mercy of war. May be.

  The screens are almost entirely occupied three of the four walls of Aria a study, it was seen as the station takes the form of a military camp. All this is not just practiced on the exercises. Three screens broadcast an image approach, "shrimp", each "shrimp" in particular. Reapers slowly, confidently took up positions near the station, taking her into the ring. Aria presented as they intensify their major emitters ...

  Ahead of the Reapers were the ones avernovskie cruisers and frigates. On their home station, "Avernus" command station "Omega" knew. Now they are active. Artfully done - Reapers scare and block station avernovtsy planted Troopers adjutant and force "Cerberus" from different parts of the Milky Way Space - complete the pattern of attack. It seems that the Reapers and their henchmen seriously decided to create a base in the Omega Nebula.

  Aria did not interfere in the work of the Patriarch, the archangel, and Nayrin. She had their duties. And she intended to carry them out. As far as it is possible in such a situation. If earlier, before it was returned from the dead, Aria could still afford to risk too much, but now she was saving this possibility only for the most extreme case. Only in the most extreme case, and nothing else. And yet - let the "Cerberus" will tr
y to take the station. Let him try to attack its own ships. Let Reapers their carcasses are threatened, putting pressure on the psyche of the inhabitants of Omega. Let. For Arias became acutely obvious that the time of peace - ended. Finally it ended.

  They began to receive reports of clashes with the minions of "Cerberus". The Enemy was not very numerous, but strong enough. In some areas, "Omega" were sluggish firefight between the Rangers and mercenary troops, awaiting the approach of ships "Cerberus" to the station. Aria knew - mercenaries awaiting landing. Hope for a landing. They are going to support it. And yet - how can harm and what can only be opponents "Cerberus". Try to weaken defenders stations. Trying to gain time and save energy for the decisive assault and capture of the most vulnerable points of stations.

  Came reports of disruptions in supply, the jump in prices for a minimum set of goods and foodstuffs. I had to stop, to clarify and punish. Punish and prevent - under martial law. With all the violence. Maybe it was cruel, but it still was cruelty.

  Miral reported to members of the Stations of the dangers of change. Sometimes - text. But more often - mental images. It was affordable, user friendly. Not require translation. Council members had studied the station. Because even the coordinates of the location where the problem occurred, determined faster than mysleoboraz scattered on the sequins.

  Began sabotage - somewhere quenched light, somewhere denied fans somewhere disappeared power supply, where a crumbling communication and information system. In the hospitals, "Omega" and in health centers went first injured, the first wounded. While it was still possible to maintain the separation of medical facilities for military and civilian, but Aria is already aware of - such a separation would not last long if the situation deteriorates further.

  It was attacked and looted "Blue luminaries" small apartment Aria. On hearing this, Asari frowned, but did not give the order to beat the apartment. There is no need to do this: what has been done - does not recover and can not be undone. The main thing that it is - and here she is alive and well. A flat ... When the whole plant can be subjected to fire - is there to think about their own, albeit small, and undress completely flat?

  No, now she is thinking about it will not. There's almost nothing left of value. All Aria was able to take out even earlier. Furniture - so this furniture stations abound - and then, if possible, re-furnish. And now ... Now she has a couch for sleeping and this abound. A lot of this and no one who was in the areas attacked by mercenaries, have sided with the "Cerberus". She at least has a cot, and they do not have and that they are forced to sleep on metal plates or rusty and old containers. And very often risk not wake up the next morning and did not wake up where asleep.

  Headquarters Troop. The complex of buildings came under the Council's control station. Now managers of the Council worked there. This zone can be defended for a long time and successfully. Aria tried not to think that the squad can rush to the aid of "Omega" and its inhabitants. If possible, of course, the squad will be, will fight the Reapers and "Cerberus". For some reason, Aria was sure that sooner or later the frigate, cruiser and cruiser will have stations. It may not appear. And yet ... So far I had to rely on themselves and their power station.

  Aria moved to Krizsny Center headquarters Troop. There's at least possible to put the couch and table. For more not count. Even eat Council managers got used almost exclusively rations. Instead of three meals a day too soon familiar in the first day getting half board, and Aria is already familiar to anticipate that it will be good, if it is possible at least once a day than a meal. In the very near future.

  Soon the table was crowded with Aria readers, plastic sheets appeared: many had to write by hand, without the support of electronic paper and readers. Time for these new-fangled things often do not remain. It was more important to quickly record information and, if the opportunity arises, it is now a lot has been written by hand. The language barrier, yes, and there took place. But the knowledge of several languages running - in the normal oral and written level, it was a mandatory requirement for managers and service personnel. Without this, it would be extremely difficult to work.

  Looking from the outside - the World

  Miral had long since slept. It was not possible to sleep. Psychosphere glowed. The appearance of the three Reapers polutorakilometrovy shrimp added complexity: information received by Shepard on Despoyne confirmed throughout ruthlessness. Now Asari-telepath trying to track as closely as possible the situation in and around "Omega" and within it. Track and manage to notify the Council of the most dangerous problems. The fact that a number of mercenary troops took the side of "Cerberus" she already knew and map them trapped sectors and areas of the station when it was created, Miralem, active participation. Create and constantly updated. Minimum - every ten minutes. By patter Miralem all operators of the Center of the Council of Communications have become accustomed,

  Rila and Falera not leave with telepathic communication channels with her older sister. Through them Miral informed about the attack on Station everyone possible, passed mental images, it allows us to prove the most disbelieving that this time things are seriously - station "Omega" - under siege. Very soon it will be under fire ships "Cerberus", and if the pripret, the Reapers, and struck it from his radiator. Let Rila and Falera yet verbally describe that here, at the station going, and then the time will come and objective information. It will be necessary - they will help others to see it prudent organics, give these mental images. Now it is possible and necessary to apply this technology. The war is not on the doorstep, it is already in the house. Reapers have taken the first step and entered into the space of the Milky Way. They went their several ships. This is not a provocation, it is no longer a mistake. This - the war.

  Miral knew squads of rangers have already started deployment. Patriarch establishes additional guns and rocket launchers. Prepare everything that you can shoot suitable ships - cruisers and frigates "Cerberus" and destroy the landing boats. Archangel exposes additional posts and cordons inside the station, check the locks and isolation gates. Prepared for the fact that the attackers will try to land on the "Omega" for landing troops and gradually cleaned Station.

  And Croghan turian Fifth Race and do not exclude the assault. The world have already decided - if the "Cerberus" will go to storm the station, on a massive assault, it will not contain himself. Forwards are destroyed mentally. All. It's hard, it's hard, it's problematic. But it will be done. Will be. Only then, when the big storm the main, not before. Earlier - let the Patriarch and the Archangel cope with his troops. They also need to practice. And it will apply their skills and abilities to the full only when the main assault. The fact that he is, the world does not doubt - this was the logic of any war.

  With advertising screens disappeared inside the station. Now there was scant information messages. "Afterlife" and similar establishments stopped showing asari dance. Once again. This has already happened. And now on the screen shows the ballrooms suitable for "Omega" frigates and cruisers "Cerberus" and three Reapers, methodically taking station in the ring. The last shuttle, the last truck, the latter hastily passazhirniki undock from the station, going as far as possible from it. Asari dancers, trying not to scream with fear, ran to their cubicles. Who they were still. And many, small rooms, but now was not - they were in the captured henchmen Cerberus station area. We had to arrange a place for temporary accommodation of staff. Maximum - couch, and even very thin bedding on the bare floor metalloplity had to be limited. Two rations - and all. This - the first day. And what will happen next?

  Miralem really wanted to use their ability Mentalist here right now, but she knew - it does not lead to anything good. Reaper will come a few more will come another two dozen frigates. Despite recently graduated from the slaughterhouse at the Citadel, the "Cerberus" has had plenty of ships, but they were scattered throughout the galaxy. For the sake of taking the station that Arius dared to name publicly Station Posse - and all reasonable organic, well, almost everyone understood wha
t the Corps, "Cerberus" will go to any costs, especially since "Omega" had no Fleets Covert, no armored cocoon leaves. And yet, just over and over again convinced of the world, inhabitants of the stations were ready to fight. Held in the last decade of the Board of peace work is not in vain. Finding that escape from the ships stations will not work - the raid was empty - the people got up stations to choose between death and resistance. Yes, there were those who chose death or captivity, but a lot, fortunately, there were those who chose resistance.

  By tracking the situation, the world is not surprised at how quickly divided into unequal parts inhabitants of "Omega". We show compassion "Cerberus", which was to be expected, show compassion to the Board Station, which is also to be expected. And show those who still waited, not knowing which of the opponents preferred. But this was to understand more tightly. And Peace decided not to sit in one place and move the station, trying to keep it under control as much as possible.

  While it was still possible to move freely and safely on the station, the world seek to use it. She learned passed, somewhere, even guarded, but she knew: favor can not now be a permanent and lasting. At some point - and it nashlyut killers. Will hunt for it, strive to bring it down, neutralize partially or completely. The world is not illusions - it is not omnipotent. And "Cerberus" and Reapers about it much is known. They know and understand how it is strong and therefore dangerous for them.

  Moving along the station, the world celebrate the first day of the war began frantically. From early "in the morning" to "Omega" almost no one slept most of the shops and stores, markets and other retail outlets have not opened. Sellers simply failed to move quickly. Prices shot up regularly, including on the most appropriate products, the most essential goods.

  Board Station responded, opened backup outlets provide the population with the most necessary minimum stations and grocery trade "rations". There were, of course, without fighting, without indignation, without attempting to select received "soldering". Rangers, who took custody of Station, accounted for almost the first time such a mass to shoot to kill. According to the laws of war.


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