Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 110

by Theodore Daniels

  - Bypass the protection door. - Kaidan reported, rising to the console. - I open the elevator. Everything can go. Aria, where the press?

  - Down. The reactor - at the bottom. And there set fields - Radiation at too much. - Azarov said.

  - There is. - Kaidan pressed the correct sensor, making sure everything is submerged in the ground. - I wonder why adjutant killed soldiers "Cerberus", but did not turn them into their own kind?

  - Coincidence? - Suggested Jenkins, looking around the dark trunk of the elevator shaft.

  - I do not think. There should be everything is subordinated to a certain rhythm, and these dead soldiers "Cerberus" surrounded avernskih creatures ... No, something here does not add up. - Lieutenant said it quietly and thoughtfully.

  View from the outside. Razvedkreyser "Volga". Svetlana Streltsov

  Getting up from the chair and intending to walk around the ship, Svetlana stopped. The heart is not in a good sharp stab, his feet and hands were cold automatically clung to the countertop. This has happened before, but not on such a scale. And always this feeling with all certainty pointed - John narrowly escaped the big problems. Moved to memory in a matter of seconds all the danger, what could its main friend and her husband encountered on "Omega" Svetlana easily, almost automatically allocated one - adjutant. She did not know exactly how John encountered this creature, but something prompted her - he miraculously escaped the huge and heavy problems.

  And do not sit or stand was incredibly difficult, so Svetlana spent a few more seconds, the final decision - she stood up and walked to the door, followed by Zordom and Gray. Zirda stayed in a cabin, it has recently preferred to sit there like a main home of the hostess insured by their presence on even greater trouble.

  Mechanically nodding counter and overtake it volgovtsam Svetlana committed bypassing cruisers, listened to a brief, succinct reports, poring over lines of text on the screen consoles, considered schemes. Her heart grew stronger commitment in the near future to get to the "Omega". When John went there - she will go after him. And it will be next to him. It is necessary. it should be him.

  Maybe someone considers it reasonable whim or folly, but she Svetlana Streltsov, does not think so. This is her life and she has to build it myself on my own. If she believes that there needs to John and in the near future - so it will do everything in order to get to the station in the shortest terms personally. It does not meet the on-screen forms of communication, it does not meet the e-mail. It meets one - private dialogue in the eye, and so to be able to touch John live and not on the screen.

  She was sick of iron mark "Normandy" on the map screen cabins. She understands that it is - a weakness. And if this is a weakness, it is her personal weakness, is that permissible. John sees her weakness and appreciate it for what Svetlana before it does not build a rock and hard to get, do not build a reinforced concrete bossy, roaring for volgovtsev from height of the superior posts. He understands like no one understands that Svetlana vulnerable. She lives for three - for two children, and for him, John.

  Volgovtsy and "Volga" for not too important. But they are still in second place in importance. After the children and John. Children it is in any case brings and will give birth. And John - try to protect. It is not for nothing it is so acutely aware of his condition and how and what it does. She does not need explanations and clarifications, it does not need the full picture - it just feels for itself the most important. And understand that it - too real, true love. If she did not feel John, it would be considered once it has become a lot less than you need, to love him. After all, when you love - then dissolve in the other person. And John ... John gives it to dissolve in itself and at the same time gives it the opportunity and the right to live their own, separate from his life to the fullest.

  Svetlana did not always understand fully and accurately, how he manages to, but felt that if he succeeds - it will appreciate and understand it and do everything in its turn, to her company for John was not a burden, it was not the weight. She wants to help him and to love him, but give him freedom, because he believes it. He believes that he remain faithful to her everywhere.

  Now John is busy this man's work, it protects not only her, his wife and a girlfriend and their children, it protects many reasonable out of trouble, from death, from depersonalization. Adjutant strong, but John - stronger. Because he is strong not physically, but spiritually. Physically, as befits a man-warrior, he is also strong, but even more it is his mental strength. And Svetlana wanted to support these forces of John, knowing that he has the physical strength to support himself.

  Getting off the elevator platform, the group appeared on the bridge leading to the large square in front of the technical level.

  - "Cerberus" has noticed our presence in the factory, Captain. - Alenko reported. - He has already sent soldiers to meet us. Here - Laboratory testing of the zero element. - Lieutenant pointed to bright flashes with an inscription prohibiting passage transparency. - Safety blyudut, but workers there have long been living and normal there. The area is large, uniformly furnished. If not for the signs - you can get lost in the moment.

  - Can. But we'll be careful. - Shepard said near the bridge, a small technical linkage. Something flashed.

  - The Avengers! - I heard a cry of one of the policemen paratroopers. - I saw at least two!

  - Shoot to kill! Keep away. - Ordered the captain, raising his rifle and catching sight in the falling figure. The line broke Hasco-tserberovtsa half and fell to the ground body separately and apart - legs. About suit nobody normandovtsev of thought - the main body torn in half, and whether it was obrjazhaja in the suit or not - is not so important. - All - go ahead, do not stand! Guided - on billboards or blue glow element zero! Here, such a source of illumination is only one - to him and let's go!

  Firing from the pursuing from the rear and the flanks of the infantry and attack aircraft "Cerberus", the group moved to the reactor. Shepard has repeatedly thought about what should not have to destroy all the adjutant, perhaps now these creatures would find troops tserberovtsev more dignified purpose for themselves and prey than a relatively small group of landing a frigate, cruiser.

  - We got to the service area. - Alenko reported tserberovtsev when most of the group pursuing normandovtsev and Aria, were already dead.

  - Moving to the conveyor. - Aria said. - There is a passage. And I see that "Cerberus" mercilessly exploit the local technique.

  - There's another group. It - Lieutenant consulted instrumentronom, adopted the reports of its people - "Ramparts" - at least five, one Avenger, an engineer with the turret and attack with a shield. Overlapping the way to the stairs.

  - Go down under the conveyor. - Said the captain. - Construction we will cover part of the charges. We destroy this group and move on. Our goal is the same - the reactor.

  tserberovtsev attack was initially successful: the engineer managed to install and activate the turret even, try to fill the deadly fan charges almost the entire stavosmidesyatigradusny arc of fire. Three grenades forced automatic turret zaglyuchit and two more grenades tripod smashed to smithereens. Engineer, not had time to pull back, rested, received two short bursts of charges in the cervical joint suit and a control shot in the head from a sniper rifle.

  A short break, another ascent on the vertical ladder and again clash with tserberovtsami, including, oddly enough, it was dominated by "Ramparts". Shepard barely managed to rebuild the order of battle group to from either side of the robots met the agreed counter-attacks: it was very easy to get into the environment - the plant configuration is clearly not anticipated conduct of any active combat operations in its perimeter, so uncomfortable for the soldiers seats was enough.

  - Lift - the far right of the stairs leading to the platform. - I came into the speaker's voice Alenko, had time to spend exploring the surrounding area. - I heard the engineer talks to someone from the local command. It seems to prepare the next trap.

  Golf, transition bridge is another area, and finally -
the rise on the very "distant" ladder. The platform lift slightly subsided under the weight of the members of the group normandovtsev, Aria elbow drowned stroke sensor and the elevator finally came in motion. Through the web of twigs fence Shepard saw the characteristic color of Engineering suit and almost without taking aim shot - except here tserberovtsev other reasonable was not, and it is quite likely was the same engineer, who spoke with his superiors and had heard the lieutenant. Technician ass on the floor, perhaps - was severely wounded. Side sounded trёhzaryadnaya place - one of the troopers shot tserberovtsa. Now - tight.

  - Through this entrance the soldiers "Cerberus" could penetrate the plant. - Aria said, pointing the barrel of the rifle on the half-open gate. - It is necessary to block them. And then - to try to put the squeeze on tserberovtsev caught here.

  - Kai, dispose. - Shepard called on Us lieutenant. He reported that the job is realized and until the group turns right into a narrow passage, three normandovtsev led by Jenkins managed to close the gate and lock the sash tightly. - It is, thank you.

  - Gallery, bridges destroyed and will have to jump, and then see the lift in the mining complex. Corpse tserberovskogo soldier infantryman. - Alenko reported. - Soldier "Cerberus" in an accessible area of the radar do not watch factory. This is alarming.

  - Accepted. - Shepard checked with an updated card, looked at Aria tensed. - So, what is next?

  - Next, we might well make a warm welcome from the reactor itself. We're close enough. - Asari ran on plant attic look. - I'm ready to jump and shoot, too. It is necessary to clean the space from tserberovtsev and then - understand that they perpetrated in my club.

  Shepard felt that she already realizes Aria or assumes - that is where Peter is preparing her main problem. Maybe that's where he'll try to kill Aria, giving it superior strength tserberovtsev, strapped to where it was only possible, but can - try to capture the asari prisoner. In any case, on this background, the Battle of the reactor plant, mine is no longer looked decisive, but remained difficult and malopredskazuemy both on the go and on the consequences.

  - We have passed so many valuable things that little bit more - and I wean pay attention to them. - Richard said, a few minutes catching up with step by gallery captain.

  - As long as we are here - now on the things you can not ignore. We can not all drag on itself. Ammunition with corpses and so we gather, first aid kit and Avtodoktor can not be trusted - may be another meanness and value ... one less, one more - now it is clearly not playing the same role, Richard. - Said the captain.

  Gallery was over, breaking jumps dilapidated, ziyavshie different-torn dips in the floor and handrail bridges, normandovtsev group came to the stairs, and finally saw the elevator going to the level of the mining complex.

  - The reactor is already very close. - Confirmed the assumption of Captain Aria by consulting with the plan in its instrumentrone. - A little more - and the next time I will go there on any road with closed eyes and a scarf tied.

  Shepard did not respond once aloud. Especially because Alenko already said, barely elevator doors opened:

  - Reactor - in the line of sight! Before him - a few tens of meters!

  - Fields are activated. We'll have to break with grenades! - I cried Richard, seeing shoots up The illuminated orange-red translucent plate. - I see a drone comes to us.

  "Warning! You are surrounded! Resistance is futile! We offer you to pass the difficult and hard way all the usual creature comforts you! Surrender!" - Boomed from the speakers of a flying beast voice Oleg Petrovsky. Hearing the voice of General, Aria spat directly on the catwalk, which did not almost never. Shepard saw in the asari boiling rage. The next step Arias he hardly anticipated. Assessing the situation, the matriarch jumped to one of the plates of fields and attempted to tear the field almost bare hands - except as to such fields sufficient protection standard armored spacesuit gloves. The most amazing thing that asari prodelyvat began to receive greater and greater the size of the gap in the field.

  "Bastion!" - Shut the reactor approaches! Shut off all approaches to the reactor cash robots! - Booming from the speakers departing somewhere in the ceiling plant drone voice General "Cerberus".

  - Protect the Aria! Destroy the robots! They will try to close up the gap in the field! - Ordered the captain, a gut feeling that in this case, walkers will be guided not by the asari, but on him, because Aria is inactive due to the need to hold the pass in the box, and he is free in his movements. - See on the flanks and rears, to prevent attempts to surround the group!

  Pomegranates methodically doing their job, a dozen robots had already collapsed on the floor slabs, when Aria said that the opening in the field is sufficient to pass the group.

  - Protect the Aria! - Shepard took place in front of the reveal, stepping to the side and stopped. - Next, the reactor! Ari, as the last pass - collapses!

  - I'll do, Captain. - Asari throw overcome the threshold of the opening, relieved by removing the hand. Field imploded, skrezhetnulo and buzzed evenly - insert recovered. - Let's move! And to answer your unspoken question, Shepard. - Asari drew level with a man more comfortable grabbing a few fingers zadubevshey rifle. - I did not know that I will succeed. But some techniques to render me familiar, it is better not to use ... for nothing. It is only when really necessary. This is - just one of those cases, and I am glad that we managed to escape along the shortest path. reactor control room. - In the course of an average asari opened instrumentrona screen. - here. - Aria finger have the desired point on the plane. - Information forwarded to all.

  - Follow, run! - Shepard had seen another ladder. There crowded "Ramparts" and tserberovskie stormtroopers, who was clearly the order to stop normandovtsev. Shelter as captain realized, here was a little, but also enemies shoot diligently did not have time.

  - In a breakthrough! - I ordered the spectrum. - The shortest way! Golf, bridge, stairs! Forward! In a breakthrough!

  - Remote control the reactor - in the right-hand wall of the room. - Aria said, under the cover of fire snarls shturmvintovki Shepard cat soaring vertical ladder. - Cover your commander! - She sat down for container, moving the barrel of his rifle. - Clean! Run!

  - Accepted. - Shepard overcame high vertical ladder in seconds. - Follow on!

  - Follow. - Confirmed the Aria. - We - under attack "Bastion". Peter did not lie - he really threw here almost all the available robots, which they were able to smuggle fighters and shuttles to the station. At least the rest of the "Omega" they are now much smaller. Though the rest of the way can help the defenders.

  - Reallocates power, because we can not turn off the life-support systems in many sectors of the station. - Shepard leaned over the panel hearing the fierce firefight. - A few minutes will have to tinker.

  - Faster, Shepard! - Aria has released yet another black robot almost a full magazine, drove in a new rifle, shrugged gate slider. - They continue to climb!

  Suddenly obscheotryadnom channel manifested Petrovsky, get started right away by weighing demoralizing, in his opinion, comments.

  - Rebuilt from interference. Private company officer channel! - Ordered the captain, will drive a new command queue console and watching the indicators. - Do not let General on communication channels!

  - I - Legion. Communication channels Squad covered the additional encryption of floating. - I heard a barely audible voice whispering geta. - Commander Shepard, you have a few minutes.

  - It is, lay down, thank you. - Captain activated his instrumentron by connecting it through the connector to the panel. - Accelerates.

  - Fields fell, remained without power, Captain. - Reported Alenko, crouched behind one of the containers made ahead. - This is a complicated situation soldier "Cerberus" in almost all stations. The population, even civilian mass attack tserberovtsev. Almost all sectors are fights. Minute. - Alenka received several reports. - General Petrovsky went for broke. I suspect a large meanness - he barricaded himself in "Afterlife", blew up the central load-bearing columns. His command ce
nter where he has ... So ...

  - He has mined several reactors and is now trying to blackmail the population of the station they threatened immediate detonation. - I croaked blue with rage aria. - Nayrin, I could hear her in person, she heads offensive "militias" in the key areas of concentration of forces "Cerberus". There - shaped natural chopper. Tserberovtsy hope that Peter realizes his plan and de-energize "Omega". I can not let that happen!

  - Commander Shepard, the reactor and the other - completely under our control. You can be nominated to the central column station, and from there - through the tunnels - in the rear of the Petrovsky. - To communicate with the landing of the group left the Legion again. - "Cerberus" will not be able to reconfigure the reactors. We took care of it. Soon there and each reactor "Omega" will militias in sufficient quantity to organize their protection and defense. All information is sent and received. The plan - in action.

  - The first units have already been observed. Aria, where the output here? - Shepard got up from the container, looked at the calm light control. - Where do we go closer?

  - In the tunnels! - Aria thrown like a catapult. - I said that Peter I pay? So now he just pay! I said!

  - Hmm. - Alenko said, standing next to Shepard. - The basic rule of "Omega" - in action. "Do not argue with Aria!"

  - But - in a good impress. - Shepard spotted where it is heading Aria, checked his card instrumentrona. - The group Attention! We will try hard and quickly slow down and destroy. So - be careful and alert. First shoot - then figure out where to shoot and where to hit.

  Freight elevator landing party and delivered to the Aria militia positions. Next came turian reported to Aria that his party will block access demolitions "Cerberus" to the reactor zone. Ahead of their data - two dozen "Bastion" supporting tserberovskih centurions and attack aircraft. Tserberovtsy to reactors do not climb, waiting for something, but also to pass through its orders militia clearly do not want.


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