Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 112

by Theodore Daniels

  Next to the captain at a table took place Alenko and Jenkins, and two Turian. Discussion of the incident at the station took just over an hour and was interrupted by the appearance of the hall Svetlana Strel'tsova:

  - John! - Svetlana tried to merge with the favorite in a whole, embracing him and hugged her. - John! - With excitement and fear in her breath and did not have neither the strength nor the ability to say anything else. Shepard felt that nothing else to tell her he did not have. The very appearance of the here and now Svetlana told him everything. He gently put his arm around her friend, standing up and giving her the opportunity to hug even tighter.

  Nihlus framed chair and Svetlana, nodding appreciatively turian, sank into it, not taking his eyes from Shepard.

  - Commander Shepard. - The captain approached the Legion. - Reapers for forty minutes as a thing of the relay, and now ... See for yourself. - Het included a large screen on the wall of the hall.

  - Rings "Omega-fourth" stop. - Breathed Nayrin, came up to greet Svetlana. - So, you can turn off the relay and so ... We can definitely be a respite. Now I believe it.

  "Omega". Before leaving to the Troop fleet quarian

  The following hours were held in the affairs and concerns. Residents stations back in liberated from tserberovtsev and their henchmen areas, and the "Omega". In some places, shots rang out: shot those who sided with the "Cerberus" or contributed to its activities. Civil reasonable corpses removed and cleaned of debris corridors, passageways, tunnels and street stations resulted buildings and structures in relative order. Military experts were engaged in mine clearance and verification of areas and neighborhoods unsafe for "goodies" and other "little presents".

  Shepard tried several times to take part in these studies, but Aria said firmly that the landing group put complete rest after such a forced march on the station and about any participation normandovtsev these routine jobs can be no question. In its order of the Crisis Center - the only place where agreed to move from the "afterlife" all normandovtsy, delivered the best army rations and Shepard and his colleagues were forced to very tight dinner - hardly a volume has been familiar for breakfast or for dinner. Svetlana personally saw to it that John did not shirk the need to swallow regular rations.

  - Svetlana, I fall asleep at the table. - Shepard said, drinking regular rations herbal extract from the jar.

  - So you sleep next to me. Anywhere I let you go after such a forced march. - Svetlana unpacked on a tray next "cube" and began to open the wrapper.

  - Light, it's already in the past, I am quite normal and is ready to ... - Shepard grabbed a glass of herbal infusion.

  - To work and defense? It's funny, John. You are not alone. And you have to understand that the other members of the group also have the right to rest. So be there with me to rest. Few hours. And it is - at least. Please, John. - Svetlana put her hand on the cheek bent to her captain. - Do not drive the horses. Have a rest.

  - Next to you here, in a crisis - easily, Svetlana. - Spectrum leaned his head back against the headrest, closing his eyes. - Only ...

  - I will not go anywhere. - Svetlana exchanged views with the commander of his group protection, they are located on a nearby chair, also backed rations - war is war, and dinner must be on time. - Relax, John.

  - Where Kaiden? - Shepard briefly brightened, looked for Lieutenant. - That a moment ago was sitting at the next table.

  - Out in the communication office, he soothes Ashley by ABAC. - Streltsov said. - Go to sleep.

  - Ugum. - Shepard bowed his head to the right, where Svetlana sat and closed his eyes tighter already falling asleep.

  Svetlana looked at him and silently thanking a higher power for the fact that he managed to survive the first real big armed clash with such a strong opponent, what was the "Cerberus", supported by the Reapers. She already knew that the next point plan will quarian Fleet, then - Rannoch. And there she was, too, John will not sit in the rear. In the meantime, he should rest. Good rest. Fully relax. Relax after work with her, his wife and their children.

  She felt John looking towards Aria, Vera and the world, know that they, too, sincerely thank him and his normandovtsev for what they were able to weaken the "Cerberus", to force him to withdraw from the station. In this time to retreat. Start small, but very important victory over the Reapers and their henchmen. The first victory. Ahead will be a lot of victories, this is sure. And these victories will be a significant part of the work of her John. Oh, he is. The irrepressible and indomitable in his quest to punish the evil.

  "Says the press-center of the station," Omega ". Today ... was foiled an attempt to capture the station troops" Cerberus ". The reflection of the attack was attended by Special Forces, Rangers and Militia" Omega ". At present the cleaning station from the remnants of the landing" Cerberus " and restore the normal operation of the infrastructure. " - Tatry asari voice was calm and confident, although in the soul of a young asari, one of the best students Very still bubbled with emotion. - "The residents are also grateful to all stations and normandovtsam otryadovtsam, whose active and professional part in repelling the attack on the station will avoid significant casualties and destruction That -. Our first military victory over henchmen and Reapers - our contribution to the victory over the Reapers.".

  Message Press Center "Omega", which passed on a military schedule allowed the inhabitants of the station to make sure that the situation is normalized at the station and is under control. Press the center of the faith and the word of its speakers valued dearly. Tatra continued newscast, reading came to address the press center reports of attacks on troops Reapers star systems, clusters and nebulae. While it was still possible to start a news release from the station posts, although press tsentrovtsy were willing to change the procedure and skip to the first position obschegalakticheskie news or reports from the hardest-hit star systems, if necessary. The fight against the Reapers acquired vsegalaktichesky character.

  Listening to the press center, Svetlana remembered how recently accompanied the "Normandy" in flight in the damn repeater in the "Omega-fourth," then how many hours did not find rest, pacing cruiser corridors, answering greetings volgovtsev not clearly seeing nothing around, only one eager - to John and others normandovtsy and their assistants return all alive and healthy. Yes, now parade uniform jacket decorated with the highest orders of John the Systems Alliance, Turian Hierarchy of Azari and Salarian Union, but Shepard, she knew Svetlana, did not think that this - his personal awards. He was convinced that it is - a reward belonging to all its normandovtsam. Everyone. For that he was now the commander, although he tried to be always only XO,

  Shepard sleeping and Svetlana caressing gaze touched his face. Sleep - the best remedy for deep relaxation. He - the healing of the set of drugs. John slept like a man worthy of fulfilling the hard work. He risked, he fought, he fought, he overcame. He helped his normandovtsam his presence, his will to win, his belief that the enemy will be defeated. Certainly defeated.

  Tatra has a conventional news release summary okolostantsionnoy navigation situation. The Crisis Centre was a normal job. Those who came to the Hall of the Patriarch and the Archangel quietly approached the chair in which Shepard sat politely and respectfully bowed to Svetlana and returned to consoles - they were waiting for the numerous problems. Group landing frigate-cruiser completed its work and the Council of stations could return to carry out its functions fully. It was necessary to strengthen the defense stations, restore infrastructure, repair the damage and prepare the "Omega" to new clashes. How to stop the cursed ring repeater, so they can come to life again and again twist, so - we can not relax.

  Hour after hour passed in the hall gave way to night shifts specialists and Shepard went to sleep. And no one who came to the Hall of the Center for Crisis Management did not bother sitting in a chair man and a woman. Everyone was well aware of who they are and what are doing here.

  Opening her eyes at nine pm, Shepard touched the hands of Svetlana. She roused herself, glanced
at Shepard squeezed fingers wrist of his hand.

  - I'm sorry, John. I dozed off.

  - Not surprising. - Shepard nodded came up technique. - Bring soldering. Five sets. You are welcome.

  - Yes captain. - Techniques departed, soon returned, and laid on the table kits. - Water and infusions will now be brought.

  - Good. - Shepard quickly unpacked kits, opened the package waiting for them to warm as the contents. - Come on, light singing. I morila himself to death a few hours. You need to have enough for three. Because - go ahead, full.

  - Close to you - with pleasure, John. - Svetlana began to eat without taking a careful look to Shepard, obtёrshego face with a damp cloth. - You do not sleep.

  - On the other hand, I slept very well and always felt your presence, which gave me the opportunity to relax better. - Shepard put his arm around his wife. - Eat, eat. And then let's go to him.

  - It does not, John. - Svetlana put away the packaging of the first set, took up the second. - You promised Vere concert. We'll have to fulfill a promise. While it is still possible.

  - I promised her chamber concert, not vsestantsionnoe action, Light. The difference though. - Shepard said, opening the packaging of the third set. - And to think the program does not stop on it.

  - Said too. Program. - Svetlana drank a few sips of the infusion, gently rinse your mouth. - Just a few sing military songs, maybe - dispense melodies.

  - Any suggestions? - Shepard's voice flashed interest.

  - Of course. - Streltsov filed reader John. - Here, read it.

  - Light, it's ... it's very ... - View the contents of files, Shepard looked up at his wife. - Powerfully.

  - What is required and is now. Raise your confidence, improve conviction, energize the power of the spirit. - Svetlana did not smile, finishing broth and thankfully came up nodding technique. - Thank you. - She looked at instrumentron, convinced that its commandos as tightly lunch and even dinner, quieting quietly closed the lid of the device and looked at Shepard. - Go?

  - Come on. We will not interfere with busy useful things reasonable. - Shepard stood up, helped her up Svetlana and they embraced, got out of the Hall of the Center for Crisis Management. On the way to the location of the headquarters of the Quarter Shepard again read reader files.

  - Vere Just do not say anything and do not send John. It is only our own initiative. And it should not be universal. This should volgovtsam and normandovtsam. It is necessary for people. Maybe our spirits understand, and maybe not. It is not necessary to inform about anything.

  - Okay, Light. If you want so. - Shepard crossed the threshold behind his wife, closed flap door, turned the latch, lit muted light. - Now you lie down in bed and you will sleep soundly until morning. Today we will not do anything - omegovtsy should come to his senses, and tomorrow - will decide on a fresh mind.

  - Only one condition, John. - Svetlana turned around, stopping in the middle of the hall.

  - And I even know what it is. - Shepard said, walking and priobnimaya girlfriend.

  - If you know what to perform. - Pulled away gently, Svetlana disappeared in the toilet.

  Fifteen minutes later, Shepard looked drowsy Svetlana confidently clung to him and put his arm around the torso with his hand. Streltsov calm - her dream was badly needed, and it is exhausting themselves with work and experiences of the crew of the cruiser, and for him, her husband and another chief. It was her life and abandon her she did not want under any circumstances. Making sure that Svetlana is fast asleep, Shepard told himself to forget until seven o'clock in the morning.

  At eight o'clock they crossed the threshold of the Crisis Center. It started regular commander's job. The events of the past days have become history, "Omega" and its inhabitants heal wounds, preparing for new battles and a new confrontation. The first half normandovtsy and volgovtsy dedicated problem-solving stations, and the second - Planning gang work. Svetlana looked relaxed and calm down.

  The Galaxy entered the war. Wherever reasonable living, they were marked by the appearance of certain "shrimp" and entire fleets of different-Reaper. Posts Thousands lined pattern invasions. And the appearance of the frames of the fleet and individual ships Reapers on a variety of colonized worlds impressed, repeating with alarming regularity.

  Invasion was developed by the Reapers plan usual plan, but it immediately ran up against fierce resistance. Hundreds of videos that have passed along the lines of deep space communications, communicates the footage shelling "shrimp" giant guns space defense systems, personnel failures landings landings husks. Ships videoconferencing key races in Citadel space out attacks against ships Reapers back then, when the enemy broke through only in the star system of the Milky Way. The largest colony dome protected by force fields and orbital bombardment and attempts Reapers ships to land on the planet.

  With Fleet came conflicting information. For quarians selection problem suddenly and very seriously, and is full of complicated - while empty discussions and negotiations ended, it is time decisions and actions. But they were not.

  The fleet was split inconsistency admirals and confrontation between young people and the elderly. Reading messages intelligence agents, Shepard knew how to cool and tasteless cocktail otryadovtsam have to face, as soon as the "Volga" and "Normandy" nearer to the place of Fleet drift. Does not exclude the possibility of protecting the fleet from attacks by advancing to the inhabited worlds of the galaxy units Reapers and their minions - in dozens of messages was about the seizure of colonies slabozaschischёnnyh many races Space Milky Way, which clearly indicated - soon should expect to see thousands of husks.

  Repeaters work - apparently Reapers yet did not believe that the combined efforts the present inhabitants of the Galaxy are now able to create for them a large formidable problems.

  Looking at work behind the central plate card Svetlana John mutely marveled at her endurance and detachment. She knew that thousands of worlds are at this moment under the attacks of the Reapers and their henchmen, but continued to work to ensure that the Reapers have not moved on, too deeply into the space of the Milky Way. She continued to work, feeling and understanding the full horror of the Invasion, the whole burden fell down on her, commander razvedreydera responsibility. Responsibility is not peace, but war. Svetlana calming calm voice acted on the staff of the Crisis Centre.

  Recovering from the effects of the siege and the consequences of the attacks, "Cerberus", "Omega" was involved in one of the Resistance Network, not pronouncing themselves for some exemptions and concessions. The inhabitants of Terminus and Traverse also came under attack, and the shrimp fleet maintenance, not all were able to withstand the first blows. There is also enough problems. Aria received in its Center thousands of messages, trying to maneuver fleets, groups and resources.

  The first shock of the unexpected and such a massive invasion, gradually weakened, it was time to return the spectrum of reactions - sometimes positive, somewhere very negative. Every was. And it is now necessary to organize all sorts of real, not virtual resistance to the aggressor, stopping its attack on the inhabited worlds and in the colonies.

  loss figures soared, growing much faster than the casualty figures from the Reapers servants. To many it might seem reasonable that the invasion is about to be crowned the ultimate success of the Reapers. In some places we have already started to dominate the panic. They had to overcome. Do not turn off, not to drive inside, leaving without adequate response, namely to overcome. To prove in plain language understandable actions that the Reapers is not omnipotent, that they and their minions - are not immune from the devil incarnate.

  Next will be harder. Next will be even more difficult. The emotional background is stabilized and almost all intelligent, remaining at that time alive, have to understand that the war - it's just hard, difficult, often - a thankless and very tedious but necessary work, one of the means to continue doing politics by other, much more violent means . Now you had to pay the bills, the dimensions of which were impressive and prescript
ion volumes. Pay for forty thousand of inactivity, for forty thousand years of laziness. Forty thousand years of doing nothing. Now, at this hour, every minute is equal to a month of peace. Scale Selection ranged somewhere trembled, and somewhere quickly changed the location and height of their bowls.

  - John, I thought. - Shepard, bent over the screen side panel came Svetlana. - There will be no concert. Neither chamber, no. I've already ordered - we are preparing for departure. At nine in the evening we take a course on the squadron. More can not be delayed - quarians here now will be under attack. If Reaper is on Rannoch, and it is there, then Rannoch will be the break point. And there - perish the last wavering in their choice geth heretics and under attack by the Reapers and their minions will Migrant Fleet. This is - almost guaranteed death quarian race. We can not let that happen. And because our intervention and our presence there is essential.

  - Maybe you're right. - Thinking, said the captain. - We did once hold gatherings with songs. Maybe later, when we can return to the Citadel.

  - May be. I'm glad you understand me, John. - Svetlana returned to the table-plate.

  Quarian fleet. regular difficulty

  - Commander - Shepard entered the cabin Anderson. - We have overcome the almost half-way to the place of the current deployment of most of the Migrant Fleet quarian. - He sat in a chair at desktop commander. - And I have a mountain of written requests frigate crew members, demanding to allow them to participate in the landing on Rannoch.

  - Let's work to validate the lists, John. - Anderson, not looking up from his typing, took from the hands of Shepard hill readers. - This should be expected. Otryadovtsy dissatisfied with their inaction near the "Omega". - He looked readers, has made a correction. - Look, John. - He brought a stack of Shepard. He looked up, drew the attention of the commander on several lists of items. Short discussion - and fixed points. - That's it. Jeff. - Anderson named the chief pilot, not even looking up to the ceiling. - How long before the publication of the drift region?


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