Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 115

by Theodore Daniels

  - About the time of the arrival of the shuttle from the frigate, we will inform you, Jenny.

  - Who will be next to you at Rannoch, John? - Jennifer blinked looked at the green door remote VI.

  - Quarians. Their planet and they release it, retrieve, and secure. At the geth. The new true geth. His partners. Allies and friends. - Shepard said.

  - And Tuchanka? - Jenny stepped inside, turned around.

  - Krogan. It - their world. And they will fight and protect it, as the basis for their future. Future kroganskoy race. The race of warriors.

  - Then ... This might work. - She took a few steps. - Thank you, John.

  - It's my pleasure. - Shepard turned to instrumentronu, activated screen. We had to make notes on the read in Reader. We had to work. The difficulties were just beginning and is ahead by locators squadron fleet failed to appear, it is possible and we had to prepare to overcome them.

  No Gryunt or Jack Shepard did not say that the third paragraph of the plan will be the Citadel. Yes, the station after the failure of attempts to attack "Cerberus" has perfected its defense system, but rely on the fact that there will now always quiet and calm was not necessary: the problem was not outside the station, and within it. Those are the three parts of the population. The same three groups of organic countervailing reasonable, which was very hard work, and sometimes - and it was impossible to drive at all in the frame. "Cerberus," Shepard thought, was only the first step, a trial "stone" Reapers, check, have experienced a major station of the Milky Way and its inhabitants to the test. The following steps will necessarily be made. Up to attempt the destruction of the station main fleets of ships Reapers. The fact that such an attempt, and - not even one, Reapers will necessarily made, can not be doubted. For no doubt was enough reason. And it was already serious.

  Gryunt on his home planet will teach others and learn from itself, to comprehend the science kroganskuyu fight in practice, not just in theory. At the same time he will teach krogan inorasovym advanced methods, means and methods of warfare. Tuchanka, Citadel and Rannoch. These were the three companies on the problem as soon as possible. This certainty Shepard liked.

  With Jennifer it was more difficult. Yes, she had a right to be unhappy. She had every right to do, even though it is impossible to explain intelligibly, that none of the landing party did not know what lies ahead will be fighting with the "Bastion" and adjutant and by Petrovsky. It is impossible to explain intelligibly, because Jennifer has managed to fall in love with Shepard, a married man, who was waiting for the addition to the family. Referring to the station Jennifer Grissom Academy, Shepard was hoping that there she will not fall directly under the fire does not get into a fight on the front line. There, at the station, being a teacher special group, it will be able to dispose of their talents, their gifts, their preparation more effectively, intelligently and more safely for themselves. Jennifer could teach people-biotics military and peaceful use of their biotic potential. And she could learn a lot from them.

  Whatever it was, in front of detachment waited as liked to say in such cases, Stanislav Titov, "big trouble". And the first lot of trouble getting the Migrant Fleet, its people and the planet Rannoch. If these three were the only ones in trouble, maybe Shepard was slightly more satisfied than they are now. And so ... because there were more and geta patriots and geth heretics. With whom will have to deal only detachment. Quarians too weak and disunited. In the structure of the Migrant Fleet at the very beginning of its existence, when quarians only fled from the home planet, pursued the rebels geth, formed several fleets. Specialized fleet. Maybe at the beginning of the flight,

  Shepard again read into the material. For a variety of estimates in the Navy had fifty thousand ships, which remained alive only seventeen million quarians. For a variety of estimates. Exact details could not get. Now, however, accurate data had not the slightest importance. Now, one could hardly induce quarians to focus on improving demographics. What is demography?! ... They are extremely weakened. Immunity as expressed Alla Seleznyov, they did not have any. Remove the space suit - a huge risk. And now it is not just the removal of the suit, is now ahead quarians waited injured. Heavy wounded. And next there will be no Yavika nor medchelnoka.

  - John. - Proteanin stepped into the cabin quietly and quickly. - Think about the problems quarians?

  - Yes, Yaw. - Shepard turned, looked at Yavika. - Sometimes I think that love can be a great punishment. I knew it before, but now ...

  - You're doing it for Tali, John. When we do for someone - often we do it all. The vast accumulation of vehicles of different types, classes, sizes, age, technical suitability. In view of the technical advancement of the geth heretics have already started to build a completely isolated Dyson Sphere ... without our interference quarians will be very tight. Also, I recently received information. - Yavik took from stacking a few readers. - Discover, John. Reading annoying, because the Goths appeared at a heavy fleet.

  - Yes, you are right Yavik. - Shepard looked at the contents of readers. - I would not say that I did not expect. I probably did not expect it too soon. The appearance of the geth heretics dreadnought ... Complicating matters.

  - More than difficult. - Legion entered the cabin. - It is also assumed that they significantly improved their fighters. Therefore, we can not expect rapid overcoming the contradictions between the geth and quarians. As you said - seventeen million quarians. And everyone has their own needs, their needs, their desires. And all this time quarians multiplied their differences. Not trying to overcome old, they gave rise to new ones. And in the end we tried to shift the burden of responsibility for their own problems and shortcomings to us. He refused at first to improve CTR, and then - to control AI.

  - Suggests that quarians deserve? - Shepard turned to Geta.

  - We all deserve. - Said het. - We're also to blame.

  - What? - Shepard looked at geta, extinguish your torch to a minimum.

  - In what was asked. Too complex a question for those who were not ready to answer it. Because of their youth. We are - race cars. We live a long time. A very long time. Maybe for us, machines, time flows differently, but I am accustomed to perceive time as a constant, it is perceived. Quarians - young. They are compared to us live small. And, nevertheless, they did something that turned out to be completely unprepared. I stress - completely.

  - Maybe it's their choice, I lay down. - Yavik said.

  - Choice? - Het looked at proteanina. - Exactly. Select. In fact, there is no choice. There is a solution. Quarians did not choose. They made the decision. In order to make a choice, we must see the consequences of any conceivable and possible solutions. Several solutions. Effects. And not the solution. Solutions - is just the beginning, a kind of trigger.

  - We teach people to make decisions. But little attention is paid to teaching people how to be taken of their impact. - Shepard said.

  - That's why all reasonable divided into superiors and subordinates. - Yavik said.

  - And you do not have to share, and to be colleagues. - Said the captain. - Especially - in times such as we are experiencing now.

  - Then will come the time for separation. - Said Legion. - And we must do everything so that these times have come.

  - So let's do. - Yavik picked up readers. - And viewed again available to us information on quarians. All they are.

  - The main part of the fleet is traditionally Heavy Fleet. - Said Legion. - It consists of not-so-numerous cruisers and dreadnoughts. They were commanded by Admiral Han'Gerel.

  - What do we know about him? - Yavik looked at lay readers on the table.

  - One member of the Board of Admirals Flotilla. Accordingly, it is the admiral of the fleet of heavy. Ardent supporter of a new war with the geth to return home planet quarians. In his youth, he served with Rael 'Zora on the warship, whose name is "Yaksh". Then quarians faced with batarians. He proved in the course of the battle heroism earned from his superiors medal and cuffs, and then was sent to the pilgrimage before it wa
s dictated by custom. - Shepard read the memory of the data from the reader.

  - Other Admirals dislike Khan for his actions, which are often allies plunged into danger. - The Legion also took advantage of readers. - In other words, Han'Gerel believes that the main thing - to strike. Not taking care of all conceivable consequences. For example, Han'Gerel often cause trouble in turian border. Maybe it also played a role in the fact that about quarians expulsion decision was taken and implemented in the very short period of time. From the latest confirmed data, we know that Gerrel openly and repeatedly said: we quarians most numerous fleet in the galaxy, but they are just circling on available space and even a score of not doing anything. In addition, I can say - he is convinced: you first need to Daichi planet suitable for life, to be able to shelter her civilian population. In all likelihood, Gerrel is the most ardent supporter of the war with the geth and will do everything in order to win over them. I assume that he decides to fire Geth Dreadnought, not bothering with the consequences of this step. In the media he was not picky. For him the important safety quarians heavy fleet, but more than anything he is not able to understand, and I suspect that is not able to know.

  - It is possible that it will be difficult to persuade the meaninglessness of war with the geth. - Noted Yavik. - Although too much quarians died precisely because before long, almost three hundred years ago it was decided to quarians that could easily crush the geth. If Han'Gerel will use heavy fleet in the interests of the individual - the remaining part of the Migrant Fleet and their inhabitants are waiting for the very big trouble.

  - At least one thing is clear to us from the direction of our work for the Navy. - Captain put aside the stack of readers. - Now look at the patrol fleet. This is primarily auxiliary and small combat units. Commands Shala'Raan. One of the members of the Military Council of the Navy, an old friend of Tali's father and he knows his family for twenty-five years. Shala ... I do not even know how to say it, but in the medium quarians it has the status of an aunt Tali. Tali herself calls her "Aunt Raanu". There is evidence that Shala'Raan present at birth Tali. As Admiral Shala'Raan has the right to be part of the court.

  - And where does the court? - Asked Yavik. - Just to clarify.

  - If you will reach the major problems in quarians will have no other choice but to convene the court and try to solve the problems of the standard way. - Said Legion. - They have, as I have probably tried to make you understand, little experience in actual cases. They are vulnerable. Very vulnerable. Immunity - no, the suits - its weight in gold. A disagreement - a full fleet. And the first is the position of disagreement Tali as a leader quarian youth. Standard situation - two of the community against the third part. And the problem is that this only part opposed to the other two parts is the youngest part of quarian community. The part that is to be the engine of development of the entire community quarian, was under threat of liquidation.

  - Is there a contradiction here? - Yavik thought. - The youngest of the community was threatened with destruction at the hands of the other two parts of the community. All Community quarian young.

  - There is no contradiction. - Shepard looked at his companions. - Who brought the youth to the moment when the fleet returned to Tali? She returned from a pilgrimage, just by chance, not turning to her very death. Another death. As you can see, again little choice - either life or death. Tali she almost died at the hands of the same young quarian. And only not so long ago we learned that the classes conducted by Tali began to look not just young quarians, but also their parents. The process of education, the process of education, priorities change process is very rarely have instant character. For a long time it was believed that to educate, educate, teach, monitor Only older age. Perhaps, indeed, there are times when these problems have to solve the young. For the future belongs to them. And our task,

  - You sound like my father. - Yavik not looked at Shepard. - You are the father.

  - I suppose that Shepard has a chance to become the father of not only their children, but also the unity of the Goths and quarians. - Legion shifted from foot to foot. - We, getam, needed an alliance with quarians. Alone, such a world about what the captain said, quarians not be built. Maybe we, getam, in alliance with quarians be able to build it. Although ... if the senior will rest on his quest to confront us ...

  In the cabin, there was silence for a short while.

  - Civil Fleet. - Shepard continued even measured tones. - Includes all four ship-farm, where food production is carried out. In addition to them in the civil fleet includes different types civil ships. Commands that Fleet Admiral Zaal'Koris.

  - Standard question. - Yavik looked bronezaslonkoy closed window. - What do we know about this Admiral.

  - Not so much. - Cost the Legion and this time without the use of readers. - One of the members of the Military Council of the Flotilla. Commands civilian fleet mentioned above. Is the reviewer Han'Gerrel on the fate of the Goths. Believes that the geth - intelligent race, which has the same right to exist, as well as their creators. Therefore he believes that the idea of war with the geth quarians fundamentally wrong. Advocates trying to find new, habitable planet and colonize it forces the geth. He believes that even if they, too, have their own world. Although, according to some reports, he is quite able to express distrust of their fellow tribesmen.

  - It fits. Everything fits into the scheme. - Yavik said so, it was not immediately clear - it is irritated, annoyed, or impartially and calmly tells a fait accompli. - I slept for fifty thousand years, and once again found himself in a similar situation. The only difference is that now the inhabitants of the Milky Way has at least some kind, but it is quite certain, I would say - a tangible hope. - Yavik pointed to a closed bronezaslonkoy window. - Although the invasion has already begun, I sincerely hope that a hundred years will not pass before we win the Reapers.

  - We can only add that Zaal'Koris is the main opponent of the war with the geth, he said it was pointless and a waste of life quarians. Civilian support its fleet admiral. I assume - said Legion - that, if necessary, civilian fleet leaves Migrant Fleet. According to my information it is quite likely scenario, because it is - the civilian fleet, and Zaal ... he just remained in the minority, when the College voted for the war with the geth.

  - Scientific or as it is often called quarians, special fleet. - Yavik said. - It consists of predominantly civilian ships equipped as scientific. There developed military and civilian technologies. Commands that Fleet Admiral Daro'Zen. About her we know little. Full name - Daro'Zen you Moreh, a member of the Board of quarian Admirals. Concurrently - a scientist ...

  - Stop. - Shepard said. - Why are you Yavik, said, "in combination". What happened before - the oath or assignment of a doctoral degree?

  - And if it was at the same time? It was only by chance, it really became a military leader? - Said Legion. - Quarians made a mistake, have created the geth before they were ready for this step. Were expelled from the Citadel, we began to wander. Maybe not in the order it happened, in which I have listed, but now it is important that Zen itself shows great scientific interest in getam. Precisely because geta become a major problem quarians, Zen still remains at the head of the Scientific Fleet. Although I understand that she just wants to dissect each geta. If Tali on behalf of the Admiral's father collected parts and memory modules mainly from the dead the Goths, the Zen interest geta live. And she, as a scientist, relentless and ruthless in his quest to dissect it much Geth. Such as I am, for example. Respectively, she does not like politicians, do not believe instrumentrom courts of justice and is not inclined to trust individuals. As proof of his judgment I can clarify what it considers Zaal'Korisa coward and Han'Gerrel - old warrior.

  - And what's wrong with what she considers Han'Gerrel old warrior? - Asked Yavik. - Calling me that, two hundred years in a row. Protheans live long.

  - She, like every woman in this case is guided by emotions. - Said Legion. - I'm sorry, that being a machine, say so on the peculiarities of organic
reasonable. But note that being a scientist, fixated on getah she made to study them too little. If Tali was forced under pressure from his father to collect parts geth ... Even within this Pilgrimage - not a sign of the desire to deal with the geth Daro'Zen suitably acceptable manner.

  - Know if only he believes proper Daro'Zen acceptable manner. - Yavik said. - If it meant by this destruction of the Goths - is one thing. But if it meant by this subordination of the Goths - we are on the verge of a major war. Neuёmnost scientists sometimes has no limits. That is a dangerous assumption.

  - Harder and harder. - Shepard said. - As always.

  - There is something else. - Continued oLegion. - Zen thought and believed that the geth - simply machines that were created with the sole purpose - to serve their creators firs. And because its goal - to return the Goths under the control of their creators - quarians. At first, it can assume a very entertaining cooperation with us, the geth. I am not talking about getah-heretics, colleagues. I'm talking about the true getah as the only true geth will not shoot first in quarians. Shoot, I emphasize. Shoot them, and then ask to whom and why was shot and consequently hit. Because the geth do not usually miss. Neither true nor heretics. In this we are similar. And not only that. But beyond the similarities end. Since Zen is not prone to sentimentality in his quest to subdue the Goths quarians authorities, I am also not inclined to self-pity, and I will say this: because we - the community, I gave an order to all true getam. When any quarian within a radius of reach, we will also shoot unless we feel or suppose a threat to themselves and their interests. For Zen, I have only one warning. Very short. If she tries to take a step towards a true getam to their subordinate - I say "these platforms are not available for experimentation." Plans to control the geth belonging Zen are unsafe. For the simple reason that it is not willing to cooperate and trust groups. As well as all the representatives of a particular nation. As quarians and getam. If somehow we manage to unite with quarians I also assume a scenario - it's frightening to imagine her anger and even rage. She tends to trust only themselves. By nature, she is able to recognize only the sole power. His own power. And it - is unacceptable to our core mission. Victory over the reapers.


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