Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 157

by Theodore Daniels

  Officers executed a wish kiborgessy and soon she was kept in the hands of the reader, flipping through files:

  - That's what I thought. He was going to play on the feelings and emotions of the audience, both on harpsichord completely deranged.

  - Allow me, Olivia? - Shepard took kiborgessy reader got a grasp. - And where is the inspirational stories? Who and what are you going to inspire? - The captain looked around, to understand the situation. - As we say in the world - proydёmte.

  Indoors post BRP salarian sat in the chair he indicated. Shepard sat in front of the table, still holding the reader with the script.

  - I understand you - independent director, and at the same time the operator? - Said the spectrum.

  - Yes. - Confirmed salarian. - To me...

  - You light a punishment for violating the rules of conduct on the Citadel. - Shepard checked the instrumentronom. - The thing you have brought, so it is unlikely you will soon have to return to the Citadel free reasonable - under martial law you will be sent to forced labor. An administrative penalty, alas.

  - I...

  - Do not "yakayte" you forever. - Shepard eyed salarian hostile look. - You are not familiar with the rules and found that creativity will save you from liability? In vain. It's not ... you would turn up at the docks in the bay, which come primarily from a variety of earthlings attacked colonies. You do not even turned into a cultural center of the solar system, was not asked for advice, was not asked to escort and immediately tried to climb to where you explicitly asked not to go? Why did you do it so well?

  - I find it hard ... - Solik zamyamlil and Shepard is immediately felt.

  - What do you find it difficult, Solik? It was difficult to refuse to take the refugees when they are at a memorial wall docks want to be alone with their dead and missing relatives? It was hard to leave the wounded alone, traumatized victims who tsitadeltsy provide real help in the cargo compartment "B", where you try to get there, creeping along the air ducts? It was hard to understand that gambling - not a subject for admiration, adoration, and even more so - to follow? All this - your desire, Solik, but who told you that it will pass unnoticed by the earthlings? We, the people, are not going to tolerate this insult, Vass. About salarians can shoot everything that your heart desires to be, but where in your scripts and you captured scene is not only salarians, you ought to be much more careful ...

  - Shepard. - In doprosnuyu entered Mordin. - If he rests - can contribute to unleash his tongue. ... Singing is like you, people often put it in such cases ... like ...

  - Canary or nightingale. - I threw the captain. - I personally, even too lazy to summarize all your transgressions, Vass. Within a few hours of your stay at the Citadel you have managed to get to the stop-lists most of its services and is - quite a positive indicator for you. So what administrative punishment you shine a steady light. - Spectrum stood. - Do not, Mordin. He gradually realizes his guilt, and maybe even try to fix.

  - Shepard ... - breathed detained. - You ... you show me a sample ... So I did not make more mistakes ... ... I feel like I can not confine only to show grief and pain salarians .... This war is concerned, it is more accurate ... has touched not only my compatriots and fellow ... It is ... I can not even pick up the right definition ...

  - We, the people often call the war of this scale domestic ... - Shepard said, turning to Vassa. - And you're not so gone, as I first thought. Good. You will find our, human documentaries. The second and third world war ...

  - World ... But ...

  - We're not all that far from everything allowed in open access. You partially show what we show is not all ... - Captain saw the entrance to the younger doprosnuyu kiborgessu. - Alix, asking him to arrange a viewing.

  - Okay, captain. - Kiborgessa nodded. - Here nearby there is a lounge with a big screen. Take. - Synthetic nodded the two entered the room BRP agents. Those salarian silently picked up from the chair and led him out into the corridor. - John, in order Svetlana, Alla already convinced of this.

  - Good. - Shepard sighed. - This mutt tried to shoot her ... I do not like this when just like that, without permission. Reflex, or something ...

  - I am convinced that if this reflex, John, this is - a good reflex. Needless to everyone to see Svetlana when she does not want. I will go.

  - Thanks Ali.

  - Once finished watching - I'll tell you about the results. - With these words kiborgessa first left doprosnuyu.

  At headquarters, Shepard primarily took place in the room to Svetlana and just making sure that it's all right, went to the Hall of the Crisis Center. A few hours he had worked together with other staff at headquarters over the current and future problems and issues. There also he was taken to the reader with a report written by Alix as a result of viewing the Earth documentary Vass. Skim it, Shepard put the reader in the stacking and again bent over the map, tracing symbols.

  - Captain. - To communicate with the spectrum, who sat at the Wirth tablet and rearrange designations came on duty on the case. - There salarian eager to you. According to Vass surname.

  - Carry out the room for negotiation. I'll be right there. - I ordered Shepard. Hearing the answer on duty, he got up. - I'll move for a few minutes, then I go back. - It is one of the experts said. He nodded.

  - Captain. - Salarian jumped up from his chair as if stung, as soon Shepard crossed the threshold of the room for negotiation. - I ... I'm sorry, that just does not availed me opportunities ... These few hours of viewing ... I do not know how it is possible to define in words, but it's ... It's for me ... I unattainable sample I will strive to do so, but I ... I did not know that you, the people, this documentary, military documentary ... I realized that I was still very much to learn and I will learn ... I beg you, captain...

  - Do not, Vass. - Shepard slowly walked over to the table, leaned on the table top with both hands, looked at the obviously nervous salarian. - Do not assume that everything can be solved razrulit simple copying or imitation. Then there was another time and we humans have tried to understand how this could happen to us. Now in front of you, Vass, is another task - to try to understand how this could happen with all sentient organics Galaxy.

  - I apologize for their behavior and their attitude. I ask you, Captain, forgive me. And please convey my apologies to your wife. - Salarian said.

  Shepard did not say anything, just stared up salarian heavy look. Entered Cop-paratrooper from defense group headquarters.

  - Carry out the exit. - Said spectrum.

  - For it has arrived mobility BRP. He will go into the chamber, and there - to work, sir. - I reported entered. - The decision has already been made and approved by the Corps of the spectrum.

  - So be it. - Shepard walked out of the meeting room and immediately returned to the Crisis Center, throwing from memory almost everything that was associated with this salarians. In the evening he gave an apology to Svetlana, but she also did not in any way respond to, just nodded.

  - I'm not interested in it, John. And I know that you, too, it is not interesting. So let's not think more about it and remember. We have other problems to be solved. Let's have dinner and then take some rest. Tomorrow is a new day, zavta will need to do other things and perform other tasks. - She hugged Shepard's shoulders, let hug. - Do not cheat yourself, Joe. I - okay, Alla confirmed this. I had to give up Chakwas, but she also found no abnormalities.

  John said nothing, just stared into the eyes of his beloved. She knew him very deeply and he was happy to be next to him a wife, a friend, the mother of his children.

  Priority - Palaven. New Primarch

  The work and worry the days passed. Headquartered operated. Metropolitan Station Galaxy continued to combine race Milky Way space. Every day something happened somewhere. Crisis Center headquarters have long switched to clock mode. From reports of casualties cramping muscles, occasional news of the victory over the forces of the Galactic Fleets Reapers and their accomplices were tested as if it was a deliberate lie. All reaso
nable fear to be deceived, to believe unrealizable. All reasonable were ready to fight a few more years. The needs and demands curtailed to a minimum. Now, in the corridors and halls of the headquarters could often see a reasonable, dozing at the table, and sometimes - and that on the floor. Snooze - for more on the deeper sleep nor the ability nor the time was often not.

  Demanding signals multitonov disrupted member contingent headquarters and places, in command of them, without any delay, decelerations, reflection. There was no difference between otryadovtsami and those who are constantly working on the Citadel.

  Nihlus Saren and went to work in the headquarters of the Corps Spectres, believing that they would be needed there. By their absence in the perimeter of the headquarters of all we have become accustomed to, and because of their sudden appearance in the lobby of the main building was a complete surprise.

  Ignoring understandable amazement employees the slightest attention, both Spectrum marched to the wing, the entrance to which is guarded by a door with a short inscription "Corps Command". There were cabinets Anderson, Shepard Strel'tsova and Titov. This time, the wing was just Shepard and, in all probability, and Saren and Nihlus knew about it in advance.

  - John, we have a big problem. - Saren went into the captain's office, when he put on a virtual plate-date information about the situation in the Galaxy - This, of course, is also important. - Turian went up to the plate, stopped, stared, - but ...

  - Troop raised on combat alert. From here the ships directed all shuttles, preparing for loading mode sortie, Sar. - He said, not looking up from his work, Shepard. - Svetlana has flown on the "Volga", cruiser comes first. We - followed. On combat alert to Palaven pulled three back-up of the Empire fleet. According to our faith and trust completely. Therefore allocated power. - Shepard graduated arrangement of icons, critically looked at the picture. - Today - this is the biggest problem and we zaymёmsya it fully. - He turned off the plate, picked up styling. - I'm waiting for you aboard the flier, colleagues. Departure from the Citadel Docks in fifteen minutes. - With these words the captain promptly left the office and went to the door of the enclosure.

  - He knows. He knows everything. And not only him. - Said Nihlus, wires coming Shepard's watchful gaze. - I'm afraid it is assumed that ...

  - We all expected it, but did not believe that it can happen really. - Said Arterius. - Forward. It really will not wait. And I want to Nayrin was far back.

  - I also. And not only Nayrin must return to their home system, free from the enemy. - Nihlus followed striding senior spectrum. - It seems that in time. - He said, sitting down in a chair and nodding spetsflayera Shepard.

  Troop ships departed from the Citadel quickly and easily. First he went to the outer road "Volga", taking on board the shuttle with Strel'tsova and its protection group. Svetlana from the hangar immediately went to the Central Post, where a brief meeting of the commanders of the ship. While it lasted, the cruiser departed from the outer road station, exchanging controllers Citadel only the most essential information. Accustomed to the sudden appearance and disappearance of at least sudden warships managers are not particularly surprised what is happening. The war taught fast and thorough.

  Shepard arrived on board the frigate, cruiser, and immediately went into the CIC. This time the meeting was held here, and not in the commander's cabin - needed support craft specialists. And CIC suited for this as well as possible. A few hours - and Citadel disappeared far behind, melted in the mist and fog.

  Repeaters took Squad pilots reconciled course and speed, so as not to delay the arrival of the frigates and cruisers to the point of concentration of the fleets of the Empire.

  - Palaven - on fire. - Saren said, studying the situation on the map, derived on a large wall screen in the CIC. - I never thought that someday I see a sea of fire on the home planet. Reapers, already knowing the reputation of Turian, Palaven led to a huge army, and immediately began the bombing of cities that had a fierce resistance to the invaders.

  The pain in his voice sounded legendary Spectrum. Under the blows of the Reapers was virtually the entire planet. Rare photos and video footage obtained by courageous journalists, showed what was going on Palaven. The wind carried the ashes of the burnt down towns, rare survivors become sources of energy and water. However, turians fought to the death, each occurrence of a step, each new assault on the planet was given Reapers dearly.

  - Our fortress are crumbling under the blows of the Reapers, but stood in the tens and hundreds of other conflicts. - Nihlus said. A more open and more emotional than Arterius, he did not hide his resentment and indignation.

  - This conflict. - Saren said dully. - The history of the Hierarchy is not yet known. And I very much hope that will never know, because the Reapers will become history. - He paused. - The war affected not only Palaven. Our moon is also involved.

  - We just head to Mena, one of the moons of Palaven. From there begins the offensive, whose purpose - to throw the Reapers of Space Hierarchy. - Approached the screen, Anderson was dry and brief. - We need to have time before the Reapers will organize a full-scale attack on these two moons - Mena and Nanus.

  Saren nodded. He remembered that, and Mena and Nanus were shrouded in deep mystery since the release of the Turian into space, but during kroganskih uprisings Hierarchy closed generally any information about names and Nanus, fearing that krogan can use these two moons as a weapon, cut them to the surface Palaven. Yes, there were plenty of military bases, there are underground cities and infrastructure, also includes powerful generators of mass effect fields, are strong enough to keep warm and the atmosphere over large areas of the surface.

  Now the Reapers just tried to bomb the base Mena and Nanusa, but any bombing met fierce resistance ships turian military security of the fleet and fierce fire guns space defense from the surface. Quick wins from the Reapers certainly did not, but all reasonable organic galaxy know how hard are these shrimp in his quest to destroy organic life. Therefore, these two moons began two centers of concentration of the reserve forces of the fleets of the Empire, who came to the aid of the Turian at a critical moment of confrontation.

  Svetlana from his cabin maintained constant contact with the commanders of all three Reserve Fleet Empire. Titov is carried out ship management and crew, and she shake down the strategic and tactical aspects of the work. The ships of the Imperial Navy moved to the two moons. The two fleets were to take control of both the moon, and the third - to be ready to attack the forces of the Reapers have Palaven and most of the capital planet. Then there was to be followed by the United attack surviving ships videoconferencing Turian Hierarchy and Imperial fleets, whose purpose was to be a complete cleaning of the space around Palaven.

  Once upon a time three decades ago turians were willing to wipe the dust in the planet of people, and now people have come to the aid of the Turian. They came really: the promotion of the fleets of the Empire to Palaven not hidden from ordinary Turian, information about it can not be a secret - move this armada of ships hide was impossible in principle. Fleets were not going to watch the death of the parent population Turian star system, and to fight for the liberation of the capital of the planet and the space around it from uninvited invaders.

  Upon learning of the approaching fleets of the Empire, like turians gained a second wind: the protection of databases Palaven, Mena, Nanusa increased due to civil Turian. Now even war children, teenagers, regardless of gender and age. The war took on the character of the Turian World, Universal. Often led militia units turian rose Collectors former prisoners. Those who knew firsthand that such Reapers and that they are the races of the galaxy, they were forced, motivated and urged his compatriots to fight until victory, until the last, made not by words, not slogans - by example. It was already known about the childhood and teenage avengers turian detachments that terrified even synthetic husks, and they somehow, it seemed, could not be getting through anything.

  Older turians went to battle hundreds and thousands, forgetting in
firmities and diseases, and doing nothing about the rest. Those who are left in the rear, began to work on two, and sometimes and three shifts in a row, fearing to admit the marriage or any flaw in their work and its results.

  - Old primarch Palaven - Fedorian issued a decree that transferred a significant part of its current status authority primarch - Viktusu - Saren said, entering the exec cabin a few hours after leaving the Citadel Corps. - We tend to understand it as a transition to the position of the old Primarch Advisor. - He said, handing the captain reader. - It seems that this is not the last change at the top of the power pyramid Hierarchy. - Having said that, it was intended to go, but Shepard gesture stopped him by offering to sit down in a chair. Arterius agreed and placed in the desktop exec.

  Shepard looked through the information reader, walked over to the table, but sat in a chair, stood next to the chair, where he began the legendary Spectrum:

  - I know a lot about the Hierarchy, Sar, but I need your opinion. Tell me about Fedoriane.

  - It is more a diplomat than a warrior, John. Yes, he had a chance to hold the position of Primarch Turian Hierarchy in the beginning of the war against the Reapers, and I think he was going for a long time to the decision to give up some of their powers in combat status General Viktusu. Not everyone who is top of the hierarchy agree with this decision of his, but the discipline and the order does not allow them to destabilize the situation, and with the transfer of power, we like anything but regulatory cope. Anyway, I would very much like to believe it. Fedoriana respected and loved in the Hierarchy, he even tried to convene a meeting of the leaders of a number of races of the galaxy space, long before the Reapers attack, but, unfortunately, did not believe him. He did not believe, because he talked about the need to intensify the military components of each of the systems currently known races and fight with us, as it turned out, do not like. - Arterius clenched his fists so that the nails creaked. - We turians, too, unfortunately, unaccustomed to fight at full strength for years and centuries of doing nothing. But okay, we, and after all the other races did not believe Fedorianu, the head of our race. Yes, we are in the galaxy including the military race and we always had it. But do not believe us when it was the military had dramatically intensified ... We blame that did not see its place in the military structure of the galaxy ... And now ... I have to admit that our advantage is, before the intervention of the Imperial fleets, is no more than temporary. Reapers patient and until that time the situation and work on them. They shake on most items and fronts, making us, Turian, retreat. - He paused. - We have never met with the enemy ... We are used to prepare the army for a war with the same organic matter, yes, to the war with the same as we are, reasonable organics and forget that we also have a common home base ... If on the moons will be captured ... At least the Reapers take away Turian another place where you can refuel and repair the ship. - He again paused briefly. - Now Fedorian - in the army, eager to the front, commanding the battle for Palaven. According to recent reports. - Saren consulted instrumentronom. - He was on the MENA. I received a request Sparatusa advisor for help in rescuing the primarch. Apparently, there is at all bad ... Mena presence of old Primarch at Mena reveals that his decision to transfer the majority of office General Adrienne Viktusu is a deeply thought-out and not at all spontaneous. I'm sure Fedorian would not do differently. Even as a diplomat, he will try to organize resistance. Even as a diplomat, - He repeated Saren and Shepard saw clearly felt that turian keep back a lot. - But there need not a diplomat, we need a military, and Adrien Viktus ... How do you humans say the generals are always preparing for the last war ...


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